Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @author
 *   Alexandre Perrin <*****@*****.**>
// define a constant for local path
define('PROJECTDIR', dirname(__FILE__));
define('APPDIR', PROJECTDIR . '/app');
define('WEBDIR', PROJECTDIR . '/web');
// self-explanatory
require_once PROJECTDIR . '/compat/all.inc.php';
// load Composer stuff
require_once PROJECTDIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// initialize no2 framework.
require_once PROJECTDIR . '/no2/no2.inc.php';
// get the config stuff
require_once APPDIR . '/config.class.php';
AppConfig::parse(PROJECTDIR . '/config/config.yml', array('{{APPDIR}}' => APPDIR, '{{PROJECTDIR}}' => PROJECTDIR, '{{WEBDIR}}' => WEBDIR));
// load the application's models.
require_once APPDIR . '/models/user.class.php';
// load the application's helpers.
require_once APPDIR . '/help.inc.php';
// set the timezone
// set the locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, AppConfig::get('l10n.default_locale'));
// start the logger
if (!No2_Logger::setup(AppConfig::get('logger'))) {
    error_log('unable to setup Logger');
// connect to the database.
// try our best to hide the fact that we still use PHP in the 21th century.