Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $key = Input::get('key');
     $user = \Apiauth::user($key);
     $type = \Assettype::get();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($type); $i++) {
         $type[$i]->extId = $type[$i]->_id;
         $type[$i]->createdDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $type[$i]->createdDate->sec);
         $type[$i]->lastUpdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $type[$i]->lastUpdate->sec);
     $actor = $user->fullname . ' : ' . $user->email;
     \Event::fire('log.api', array($this->controller_name, 'get', $actor, 'rack list'));
     return $type;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function postFiles()
     $key = Input::get('key');
     $user = \Apiauth::user($key);
     $parent_id = Input::get('parid');
     $parent_class = Input::get('parclass');
     $image_id = Input::get('img');
     $ns = Input::get('ns');
     $rstring = str_random(15);
     $result = '';
     $destinationPath = realpath('storage/media') . '/' . $rstring;
     if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
         $file = $_FILES['file'];
         $filename = $file['name'];
         $filemime = $file['type'];
         $filesize = $file['size'];
         $extension = '.jpg';
         //if you need extension of the file
         $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
         $filename = str_replace(\Config::get('kickstart.invalidchars'), '-', $filename);
         //$uploadSuccess = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);
         @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $destinationPath . '/' . $filename);
         $is_image = true;
         $is_audio = false;
         $is_video = false;
         $is_pdf = false;
         $is_doc = false;
         $is_image = $this->isImage($filemime);
         $is_audio = $this->isAudio($filemime);
         $is_video = $this->isVideo($filemime);
         $is_pdf = $this->isPdf($filemime);
         if (!($is_image || $is_audio || $is_video || $is_pdf)) {
             $is_doc = true;
         } else {
             $is_doc = false;
         if ($is_image) {
             $ps = \Config::get('picture.sizes');
             $thumbnail = \Image::make($destinationPath . '/' . $filename)->fit($ps['thumbnail']['width'], $ps['thumbnail']['height'])->save($destinationPath . '/th_' . $filename);
             $medium = \Image::make($destinationPath . '/' . $filename)->fit($ps['medium']['width'], $ps['medium']['height'])->save($destinationPath . '/med_' . $filename);
             $large = \Image::make($destinationPath . '/' . $filename)->fit($ps['large']['width'], $ps['large']['height'])->save($destinationPath . '/lrg_' . $filename);
             $full = \Image::make($destinationPath . '/' . $filename)->save($destinationPath . '/full_' . $filename);
             $image_size_array = array('thumbnail_url' => \URL::to('storage/media/' . $rstring . '/' . $ps['thumbnail']['prefix'] . $filename), 'large_url' => \URL::to('storage/media/' . $rstring . '/' . $ps['large']['prefix'] . $filename), 'medium_url' => \URL::to('storage/media/' . $rstring . '/' . $ps['medium']['prefix'] . $filename), 'full_url' => \URL::to('storage/media/' . $rstring . '/' . $ps['full']['prefix'] . $filename));
         } else {
             if ($is_audio) {
                 $thumbnail_url = \URL::to('images/audio.png');
             } elseif ($is_video) {
                 $thumbnail_url = \URL::to('images/video.png');
             } else {
                 $thumbnail_url = \URL::to('images/media.png');
             $image_size_array = array('thumbnail_url' => $thumbnail_url, 'large_url' => '', 'medium_url' => '', 'full_url' => '');
         $item = array('ns' => $ns, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'parent_class' => $parent_class, 'url' => \URL::to('storage/media/' . $rstring . '/' . $filename), 'temp_dir' => $destinationPath, 'file_id' => $rstring, 'is_image' => $is_image, 'is_audio' => $is_audio, 'is_video' => $is_video, 'is_pdf' => $is_pdf, 'is_doc' => $is_doc, 'name' => $filename, 'type' => $filemime, 'size' => $filesize, 'deleted' => 0, 'createdDate' => new \MongoDate(), 'lastUpdate' => new \MongoDate());
         foreach ($image_size_array as $k => $v) {
             $item[$k] = $v;
         $item['_id'] = new \MongoId($image_id);
         $im = \Uploaded::find($image_id);
         if ($im) {
         } else {
         $actor = $user->fullname . ' : ' . $user->email;
         \Event::fire('log.api', array($this->controller_name, 'post', $actor, 'upload image'));
         return \Response::json(array('status' => 'OK', 'timestamp' => time(), 'message' => $image_id));
     $actor = $user->fullname . ' : ' . $user->email;
     \Event::fire('log.api', array($this->controller_name, 'post', $actor, 'upload image failed'));
     return \Response::json(array('status' => 'ERR:NOFILE', 'timestamp' => time(), 'message' => $image_id));