  * Sets up hooks.
 public function setUp()
     if ($this->_isInThePage()) {
         $this->sCustomNonce = uniqid();
         AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient('AAL_Nonce_' . $this->sCustomNonce, $this->sCustomNonce, 60 * 10);
         // unit listing table columns
         add_filter('columns_' . AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::$aPostTypes['auto_insert'], array($this, 'replyToModifyColumnHeader'));
  * @remark      Will redirect the user to the next page and exits the script.
 private function _goToNextPage($aInput)
     // Format the submitted data.
     $aInput['transient_id'] = isset($_GET['transient_id']) ? $_GET['transient_id'] : uniqid();
     $aInput['bounce_url'] = add_query_arg(array('transient_id' => $aInput['transient_id'], 'aal_action' => 'select_category', 'page' => $this->sPageSlug, 'tab' => $this->sTabSlug) + $_GET, admin_url($GLOBALS['pagenow']));
     return $aInput;
     // Save the data in a temporary area of the databse.
     $_bSucceed = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient(AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::TRANSIENT_PREFIX . '_CreateUnit_' . $aInput['transient_id'], $aInput, 60 * 10 * 6 * 24);
     // Go to the next page.
     exit(wp_safe_redirect(add_query_arg(array('transient_id' => $aInput['transient_id'], 'aal_action' => 'select_category', 'tab' => 'second') + $_GET, admin_url($GLOBALS['pagenow']))));
  * A wrapper method for the set_transient() function.
  * @since       unknown
  * @since       3           Changed the name from `setTransient()`.
 public function setCache($sTransientKey, $vData, $iDuration = 0, $sRequestURI = '')
     $sLockTransient = AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::TRANSIENT_PREFIX . '_' . md5("Lock_{$sTransientKey}");
     // Check if the transient is locked
     if (AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::getTransient($sLockTransient) !== false) {
         // it means the cache is being modified right now in a different process.
     // Set a lock flag transient that indicates the transient is being renewed.
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($sLockTransient, time(), AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime(30, 30));
     // Save the cache
     if ($this->bUseCacheTable) {
         $_oCacheTable = new AmazonAutoLinks_DatabaseTable_request_cache(AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::$aDatabaseTables['request_cache']);
         $_aData = $_oCacheTable->setCache($sTransientKey, array('mod' => time(), 'data' => $vData), (int) $iDuration, array('request_uri' => $sRequestURI, 'type' => 'api'));
     } else {
         AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($sTransientKey, array('mod' => time(), 'data' => $this->oEncrypt->encode($vData)), 9999999);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * A callback for the accessSiteAtShutDown() method.
  * @since            1.0.0
 public static function _replyToAccessSite()
     // Retrieve the plugin scheduled tasks array.
     $_sTransientName = md5(get_class());
     $_aTasks = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::getTransient($_sTransientName);
     $_aTasks = $_aTasks ? $_aTasks : array();
     $_nNow = microtime(true);
     // Check the excessive background call protection interval
     if (!self::$_fIgnoreLock) {
         $_nCalled = isset($_aTasks['called']) ? $_aTasks['called'] : 0;
         if ($_nCalled + self::$_iLockBackgroundCallInterval > $_nNow) {
             // if it's called within 10 seconds from the last time of calling this method, do nothing to avoid excessive calls.
     // Renew the called time.
     $_aFlagKeys = array('called' => $_nNow);
     // set a locked key so it prevents duplicated function calls due to too many calls caused by simultaneous accesses.
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($_sTransientName, $_aFlagKeys + $_aTasks, self::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime());
     // Compose a GET query array
     $_aGet = self::$_aGet;
     if (defined('WP_DEBUG')) {
         $_aGet['debug'] = WP_DEBUG;
     // Load the site in the background.
     wp_remote_get(site_url('?' . http_build_query($_aGet)), array('timeout' => 0.1, 'sslverify' => false, 'cookies' => $_aFlagKeys + array($_sTransientName => true)));
 public function save($data)
     if (is_a($data, 'SimplePie')) {
         $data = $data->data;
     $GLOBALS['aSimplePieCacheModTimestamps'][$this->sPluginKey][$this->sFileID] = time();
     // make it 100 times longer so that it barely gets expires by itself
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($this->sTransientName, $data, $this->iLifetime * $this->iExpand);
     return true;