function onAuthCheckUser(Am_Event $event) { /* @var $user User */ $user = $event->getUser(); $recs = $this->getDi()->loginSessionTable->findBy(array('user_id' => $user->pk(), 'session_id' => '<>' . Zend_Session::getId(), 'modified' => '>' . sqlTime(sprintf('-%d minutes', $this->getConfig('timeout', 5))), 'need_logout' => 0)); if ($recs) { switch ($this->getConfig('action', self::ACTION_LOGIN_REJECT)) { case self::ACTION_LOGIN_REJECT: $event->setReturn(new Am_Auth_Result(-100, $this->getConfig('error', 'There is already exits active login session for your account. Simultaneous login from different computers is not allowed.'))); $event->stop(); break; case self::ACTION_LOGOUT_OTHER: foreach ($recs as $rec) { $rec->updateQuick('need_logout', 1); } break; case self::ACTION_NOTHING: break; } if ($this->getConfig('notify_admin') && !$this->getDi()->store->get('single-login-session-detected-' . $user->pk())) { $this->getDi()->store->set('single-login-session-detected-' . $user->pk(), 1, '+20 minutes'); if ($et = Am_Mail_Template::load('misc.single-login-session.notify_admin')) { $et->setUser($user); $et->sendAdmin(); } } } }
function onSignupUserAdded(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); // validate if user is logged-in to Facebook $api = $this->getApi(); if ($api->getSignedRequest() && ($fbuid = $api->getUser())) { $user->data()->set(self::FACEBOOK_UID, $fbuid)->update(); } }
function onGetMemberLinks(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); if ($user->status == User::STATUS_PENDING) { return; } // @todo fixme make it without loading of all of plugins foreach ($this->getPlugins() as $pl) { if ($pl->storesCcInfo() && $this->getDi()->ccRecordTable->findFirstByUserId($user->user_id)) { $event->addReturn(___("Update Credit Card Info"), ROOT_SURL . "/payment/" . $pl->getId() . "/update"); } } }
function onBuildDemo(Am_Event $event) { $subjects = array('Please help', 'Urgent question', 'I have a problem', 'Important question', 'Pre-sale inquiry'); $questions = array("My website is now working. Can you help?", "I have a problem with website script.\nWhere can I find documentation?", "I am unable to place an order, my credit card is not accepted."); $answers = array("Please call us to phone# 1-800-222-3334", "We are looking to your problem, and it will be resolved within 4 hours"); $user = $event->getUser(); /* @var $user User */ while (rand(0, 10) < 4) { $ticket = $this->getDi()->helpdeskTicketRecord; $ticket->status = HelpdeskTicket::STATUS_AWAITING_ADMIN_RESPONSE; $ticket->subject = $subjects[rand(0, count($subjects) - 1)]; $ticket->user_id = $user->pk(); $ticket->created = sqlTime('now'); $ticket->insert(); // $msg = $this->getDi()->helpdeskMessageRecord; $msg->content = $questions[rand(0, count($questions) - 1)]; $msg->type = 'message'; $msg->ticket_id = $ticket->pk(); $msg->dattm = $tm = sqlTime(time() - rand(3600, 3600 * 24 * 180)); $msg->insert(); // if (rand(0, 10) < 6) { $msg = $this->getDi()->helpdeskMessageRecord; $msg->content = $answers[rand(0, count($answers) - 1)]; $msg->type = 'message'; $msg->ticket_id = $ticket->pk(); $msg->dattm = sqlTime(strtotime($tm) + rand(180, 3600 * 24)); $msg->admin_id = $this->getDi()->adminTable->findFirstBy()->pk(); $msg->insert(); if (rand(0, 10) < 6) { $ticket->status = HelpdeskTicket::STATUS_AWAITING_USER_RESPONSE; } else { $ticket->status = HelpdeskTicket::STATUS_CLOSED; } $ticket->update(); } } }
public function deleted(Am_Event $event) { $st = $event->getUser()->status; // change it to trick update function $event->getUser()->status = User::STATUS_EXPIRED; $this->updated($event); // change it back $event->getUser()->status = $st; }
public function triggerEvent(Am_Event $e) { $oldUser = $e->getOldUser(); $user = $e->getUser(); if ($oldUser->unsubscribed != $user->unsubscribed) { Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->call(Am_Event::USER_UNSUBSCRIBED_CHANGED, array('user' => $user, 'unsubscribed' => $user->unsubscribed)); } }
public function handlePayment(Am_Event $e) { if ($this->getConfig('unsubscribe_after_signup') != self::UNSUBSCRIBE_AFTER_PAID) { return; } $user = $e->getUser(); if ($user->data()->get('unsubscribe_after_signup')) { return; } $user->data()->set('unsubscribe_after_signup', self::UNSUBSCRIBE_AFTER_PAID)->update(); if (!($lists = $this->getConfig('unsubscribe_after_signup_lists'))) { return; } try { $this->changeSubscription($e->getUser(), array(), $lists); } catch (Exception $e) { //just log $this->getDi()->errorLogTable->logException($e); } }
function onUserUnsubscribedChanged(Am_Event $event) { $this->getDi()->newsletterUserSubscriptionTable->checkSubscriptions($event->getUser()); }
function onBuildDemo(Am_Event $event) { $referrers = array('', '', '', '', ''); static $banners = null; if (is_null($banners)) { $banners = $this->getDi()->affBannerTable->findBy(); array_push($banners, null); } $user = $event->getUser(); $user->is_affiliate = 1; $user->aff_payout_type = 'check'; if (rand(0, 10) < 4) { $aff_id = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT `id`\n FROM ?_data\n WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='demo-id' AND `value`=?\n LIMIT ?d, 1", $event->getDemoId(), rand(0, $event->getUsersCreated())); if ($aff_id) { $aff = $this->getDi()->userTable->load($aff_id); $banner = $banners[array_rand($banners)]; $banner_id = $banner ? $banner->pk() : null; $user->aff_id = $aff_id; $user->aff_added = $user->added; $user->data()->set('aff-source', 'cookie'); $server = $_SERVER; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $user->remote_addr; $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = $referrers[array_rand($referrers)]; $this->getDi()->setService('time', amstrtotime($user->added) - rand(5 * 60, 3600)); $aff_click_id = $this->getDi()->affClickTable->log($aff, $banner); $this->getDi()->setService('time', amstrtotime($user->added)); $this->getDi()->affLeadTable->log($aff_id, $banner_id, $user->pk(), $aff_click_id); $_SERVER = $server; $this->getDi()->setService('time', time()); } } }
function onSignupUserAdded(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); // validate if user is logged-in to Facebook if ($fbuid = $this->getFbUid()) { $user->data()->set(self::FACEBOOK_UID, $fbuid)->update(); } }
function onGetMemberLinks(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); if ($user->status == User::STATUS_PENDING) { return; } foreach ($this->getPlugins() as $pl) { if ($pl instanceof Am_Paysystem_CreditCard && ($link = $pl->getUpdateCcLink($user))) { $event->addReturn(___("Update Credit Card Info"), $link); } elseif ($pl instanceof Am_Paysystem_Echeck && ($link = $pl->getUpdateEcheckLink($user))) { $event->addReturn(___("Update Echeck Info"), $link); } } }
function onUserAfterDelete(Am_Event $event) { $id = $event->getUser()->pk(); $this->getDi()->subusersSubscriptionTable->deleteBy(array('user_id' => $id)); }
function onBuildDemo(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); $user->is_affiliate = 1; $user->aff_payout_type = 'check'; if (rand(0, 10) < 4) { $user->aff_id = $this->getDi()->db->selectCell("SELECT `id` \n FROM ?_data \n WHERE `table`='user' AND `key`='demo-id' AND `value`=?\n LIMIT ?d, 1", $event->getDemoId(), rand(0, $event->getUsersCreated())); } }
public function onUserBeforeDelete(Am_Event $event) { $user = $event->getUser(); $products = $user->getActiveProductIds(); if (!empty($products)) { return; } $list_ids = $this->getDi()->newsletterUserSubscriptionTable->getSubscribedIds($user->pk()); $lists = array(); foreach ($this->getDi()->newsletterListTable->loadIds($list_ids) as $list) { if ($list->plugin_id != $this->getId()) { continue; } $lists[] = $list->plugin_list_id; } if (empty($lists)) { return; } require_once 'lib/csrest_subscribers.php'; foreach ($lists as $listId) { $wrap = new CS_REST_Subscribers($listId, array('api_key' => $this->getConfig('api_key'))); $result = $wrap->get($user->email); if (!$result->was_successful()) { continue; } $result = $wrap->unsubscribe($user->email); if (!$result->was_successful()) { throw new Am_Exception_InternalError("Cannot unsubscribe user {$user->email} by reason: {$result->http_status_code}"); } } $this->debugLog("onUserBeforeDelete: user #{$user->pk()} was unsubscribed from lists (" . json_encode($lists) . ")"); }
function onUserBeforeInsert(Am_Event $e) { $this->setSelfValidationCountry($e->getUser()); }