GetAliases() public static method

Get all the aliases that match the given criteria.
public static GetAliases ( integer $p_id = null, integer $p_publicationId = null, string $p_name = null ) : array
$p_id integer
$p_publicationId integer
$p_name string
return array
Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Check if the alias given is already in use.  If so, a user error message
 * is created.
 * @param mixed $p_alias
 * 		Can be a string or an int.
 * @return void
function camp_is_alias_conflicting($p_alias)
	global $ADMIN;

	if (!is_numeric($p_alias)) {
		// The alias given is a name, which means it doesnt exist yet.
		// Check if the name conflicts with any existing alias names.
		$aliases = Alias::GetAliases(null, null, $p_alias);
		$alias = array_pop($aliases);
		if ($alias) {
			$pubId = $alias->getPublicationId();
			$pubObj = new Publication($pubId);
			$pubLink = "<A HREF=\"/$ADMIN/pub/edit.php?Pub=$pubId\">". $pubObj->getName() ."</A>";
			$msg = getGS("The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication '$1'.", $pubLink);
	} else {
		// The alias given is a number, which means it already exists.
		// Check if the alias ID is already in use by another publication.
		$aliases = Alias::GetAliases($p_alias);
		$alias = array_pop($aliases);
		if ($alias) {
			$pubs = Publication::GetPublications(null, $alias->getId());
			if (count($pubs) > 0) {
				$pubObj = array_pop($pubs);
				$pubLink = "<A HREF=\"/$ADMIN/pub/edit.php?Pub=".$pubObj->getPublicationId().'">'. $pubObj->getName() ."</A>";
				$msg = getGS("The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication '$1'.", $pubLink);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Check if the alias given is already in use.  If so, a user error message
 * is created.
 * @param mixed $p_alias
 * 		Can be a string or an int.
 * @return void
function camp_is_alias_conflicting($p_alias)
    global $ADMIN;
    $translator = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('translator');
    if (!is_numeric($p_alias)) {
        // The alias given is a name, which means it doesnt exist yet.
        // Check if the name conflicts with any existing alias names.
        $aliases = Alias::GetAliases(null, null, $p_alias);
        $alias = array_pop($aliases);
        if ($alias) {
            $pubId = $alias->getPublicationId();
            $pubObj = new Publication($pubId);
            $pubLink = "<A HREF=\"/{$ADMIN}/pub/edit.php?Pub={$pubId}\">" . $pubObj->getName() . "</A>";
            $msg = $translator->trans("The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication '\$1'.", array('$1' => $pubLink), 'pub');
    } else {
        // The alias given is a number, which means it already exists.
        // Check if the alias ID is already in use by another publication.
        $aliases = Alias::GetAliases($p_alias);
        $alias = array_pop($aliases);
        if ($alias) {
            $pubs = Publication::GetPublications(null, $alias->getId());
            if (count($pubs) > 0) {
                $pubObj = array_pop($pubs);
                $pubLink = "<A HREF=\"/{$ADMIN}/pub/edit.php?Pub=" . $pubObj->getPublicationId() . '">' . $pubObj->getName() . "</A>";
                $msg = $translator->trans("The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication '\$1'.", array('$1' => $pubLink), 'pub');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Delete the publication and all of its aliases.
  * @return boolean
 public function delete()
     $aliases = Alias::GetAliases(null, $this->m_data['Id']);
     if ($aliases && count($aliases) > 0) {
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
     $tmpData = $this->m_data;
     $deleted = parent::delete();
     return $deleted;
Ejemplo n.º 4

$publicationObj = new Publication($cPub);
$backLink = "/$ADMIN/pub/add_alias.php?Pub=$cPub";

$correct = true;
$created = false;
$errorMsgs = array();
if (empty($cName)) {
	$correct = false;
	$errorMsgs[] = getGS('You must fill in the $1 field.', '<B>Name</B>');

$aliases = 0;
if ($correct) {
	$aliasDups = count(Alias::GetAliases(null, null, $cName));
	if ($aliasDups <= 0) {
		$newAlias = new Alias();
		$created = $newAlias->create(array('Name' => "$cName", "IdPublication" => "$cPub"));
		if ($created) {
			$logtext = getGS('The site alias "$1" has been added to publication "$2".',
						$cName, $publicationObj->getName());
			Log::Message($logtext, $g_user->getUserId(), 151);
	else {
		$errorMsgs[] = getGS('Another alias with the same name exists already.');
Ejemplo n.º 5


$Pub = Input::Get('Pub', 'int');

if (!Input::IsValid()) {
	camp_html_display_error(getGS('Invalid input: $1', Input::GetErrorString()), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

$publicationObj = new Publication($Pub);
$aliases = Alias::GetAliases(null, $Pub);

camp_html_content_top(getGS("Publication Aliases"), array("Pub" => $publicationObj));

if ($g_user->hasPermission("ManagePub")) { ?>
<TABLE class="action_buttons">
	<TD><A HREF="add_alias.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>" ><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/add.png" BORDER="0"></A></TD>
	<TD><A HREF="add_alias.php?Pub=<?php  p($Pub); ?>" ><B><?php  putGS("Add new alias"); ?></B></A></TD>
<?php } ?>

$color = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6

$f_publication_id = Input::Get('Pub', 'int');
$TOL_Language = camp_session_get('TOL_Language', 'en');

if (!Input::IsValid()) {
	camp_html_display_error(getGS('Invalid input: $1', Input::GetErrorString()), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

$languages = Language::GetLanguages(null, null, null, array(), array(), true);
$urlTypes = UrlType::GetUrlTypes();
$allTemplates = Template::GetAllTemplates(null, true, true, true);
$timeUnits = TimeUnit::GetTimeUnits($TOL_Language);
$publicationObj = new Publication($f_publication_id);
$aliases = Alias::GetAliases(null, $f_publication_id);
$forum = new Phorum_forum($publicationObj->getForumId());

$pubTimeUnit = new TimeUnit($publicationObj->getTimeUnit(), $publicationObj->getLanguageId());
if (!$pubTimeUnit->exists()) {
	$pubTimeUnit = new TimeUnit($publicationObj->getTimeUnit(), 1);


echo camp_html_content_top(getGS("Configure publication"), array("Pub" => $publicationObj));

<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" class="action_buttons" style="padding-top: 5px;">
	<TD><A HREF="/<?php echo $ADMIN; ?>/pub/"><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/left_arrow.png" BORDER="0"></A></TD>