Ejemplo n.º 1
 function aggregate($type, $options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('featured' => false), $options);
     $shared_params = array();
     if ($type === 'tag') {
         $shared_params['tags'] = $options['tag_slug'];
     } else {
         if ($type === 'category') {
             $shared_params['category'] = $options['category'];
     $album_params = $shared_params;
     $date_marker = false;
     if ($type === 'date') {
         $s = new Setting();
         $s->where('name', 'site_timezone')->get();
         $tz = new DateTimeZone($s->value);
         $offset = $tz->getOffset(new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')));
         if ($offset === 0) {
             $shift = '';
         } else {
             $shift = ($offset < 0 ? '-' : '+') . abs($offset);
         // Need to - the offset here, as we need to shift this timestamp by the inverse of the offset to match DB UTC time.
         // For example. Midnight in user's time (say, CT -5) is UTC+5.
         $album_params['before'] = $date_marker = strtotime("{$options['year']}-{$options['month']}-{$options['day']} 23:59:59") - $offset;
     $aggregate = $essay_ids = $album_ids = $content_ids = $updated_album_ids = $exclude_albums = $exclude_content = $sets = $range = array();
     $t = new Text();
     $t->select('id, featured, featured_image_id, published_on')->where('page_type', 0)->where('published', 1);
     if ($type === 'date') {
         $t->where("YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME({$t->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['year'])->where("MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME({$t->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['month'])->where("DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME({$t->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['day']);
     } else {
         if ($type === 'tag') {
             $t->where_related('tag', 'id', $options['tag']);
         } else {
             $t->where_related('category', 'id', $options['category']);
     if ($options['featured']) {
         $t->where('featured', 1);
     $t->include_related('album', 'id')->order_by($t->table . '.published_on DESC')->get_iterated();
     foreach ($t as $essay) {
         $essay_ids[$essay->id] = $essay->published_on;
         $aggregate[] = array('type' => 'essay', 'id' => $essay->id, 'date' => $essay->published_on, 'featured' => $essay->featured);
         if ($essay->album_id) {
             $exclude_albums[] = $essay->album_id;
         if (is_numeric($essay->featured_image_id)) {
             $exclude_content[] = $essay->featured_image_id;
     $a = new Album();
     $a->select('id, featured, published_on, left_id, right_id, level')->where('visibility', 0)->where('deleted', 0)->where('total_count >', 0);
     if ($type === 'date') {
         $a->where("YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME({$a->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['year'])->where("MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME({$a->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['month'])->where("DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME({$a->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['day']);
     } else {
         if ($type === 'tag') {
             $a->where_related('tag', 'id', $options['tag']);
         } else {
             $a->where_related('category', 'id', $options['category']);
     if ($options['featured']) {
         $a->where('featured', 1);
     $a->include_related('content', 'id')->order_by($a->table . '.published_on DESC')->get_iterated();
     foreach ($a as $album) {
         if (is_numeric($album->content_id)) {
             $exclude_content[] = $album->content_id;
         if (!array_key_exists($album->id, $album_ids) && !in_array($album->id, $exclude_albums)) {
             $album_ids[$album->id] = $album->published_on;
             $aggregate[] = array('type' => 'album', 'id' => $album->id, 'date' => $album->published_on, 'featured' => $album->featured);
         if ($album->level < 2) {
             $range = array_merge($range, range($album->left_id, $album->right_id));
         if ($album->level > 1) {
             $sets[$album->id] = $album->left_id;
     foreach ($sets as $id => $left) {
         if (in_array($left, $range)) {
             foreach ($aggregate as $i => $info) {
                 if ($info['type'] === 'album' && $info['id'] == $id) {
     $c = new Content();
     $c->select('id, published_on, featured');
     if (!empty($exclude_content)) {
         $c->where_not_in('id', $exclude_content);
     $c->where('visibility', 0)->where('deleted', 0);
     if ($type === 'date') {
         $c->include_related('album')->where("YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME({$c->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['year'])->where("MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME({$c->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['month'])->where("DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME({$c->table}.published_on{$shift}))", $options['day'])->group_start()->where($a->table . '.id', null)->or_where($a->table . '.deleted', 0)->group_end();
     } else {
         if ($type === 'tag') {
             $c->where_related('tag', 'id', $options['tag']);
         } else {
             $c->where_related('category', 'id', $options['category']);
     if ($options['featured']) {
         $c->where('featured', 1);
     $c->order_by($c->table . '.published_on DESC')->get_iterated();
     foreach ($c as $content) {
         if ($content->album_id && $content->album_visibility < 1 && $content->album_published_on <= $date_marker) {
             if (!isset($updated_album_ids[$content->album_id])) {
                 $updated_album_ids[$content->album_id] = array('items' => array($content->id), 'date' => $content->published_on, 'featured' => $content->album_featured);
             } else {
                 $updated_album_ids[$content->album_id]['items'][] = $content->id;
                 $updated_album_ids[$content->album_id]['date'] = max($content->published_on, $updated_album_ids[$content->album_id]['date']);
         } else {
             if (!$content->album_id) {
                 $content_ids[$content->id] = $content->published_on;
                 $aggregate[] = array('type' => 'content', 'id' => $content->id, 'date' => $content->published_on, 'featured' => $content->featured);
     foreach ($updated_album_ids as $id => $a) {
         $aggregate[] = array('type' => 'updated_album', 'id' => $id, 'date' => $a['date'], 'featured' => $a['featured']);
     $total = count($aggregate);
     if (!function_exists('_sort')) {
         function _sort($one, $two)
             if ($one['featured'] && !$two['featured']) {
                 return -1;
             } else {
                 if ($one['featured'] && $two['featured']) {
                     return $one['date'] < $two['date'] ? 1 : -1;
             return $two['featured'] || $one['date'] < $two['date'] || $one['date'] === $two['date'] && $two['id'] > $one['id'] ? 1 : -1;
     usort($aggregate, '_sort');
     $stream = array('page' => (int) isset($options['page']) ? (int) $options['page'] : 1, 'pages' => (int) ceil($total / $options['limit']), 'per_page' => (int) min($options['limit'], $total), 'total' => (int) $total);
     $load = array_slice($aggregate, ($stream['page'] - 1) * $options['limit'], $options['limit']);
     $counts = array('essays' => count($essay_ids), 'albums' => count($album_ids), 'content' => count($content_ids));
     $counts['total'] = $counts['essays'] + $counts['albums'] + $counts['content'];
     $updated_album_ids_arr = $updated_album_ids;
     $essay_ids = $album_ids = $content_ids = $updated_album_ids = $final = $index = array();
     foreach ($load as $i => $item) {
         $index[$item['type'] . '-' . $item['id']] = $i;
         ${$item['type'] . '_ids'}[] = $item['id'];
     if (!empty($essay_ids)) {
         $e = new Text();
         $e->where_in('id', $essay_ids)->get_iterated();
         foreach ($e as $essay) {
             $final[$index['essay-' . $essay->id]] = $essay->to_array($shared_params);
     if (!empty($album_ids)) {
         $a = new Album();
         $a->where_in('id', $album_ids)->get_iterated();
         foreach ($a as $album) {
             $final[$index['album-' . $album->id]] = $album->to_array($album_params);
     if (!empty($content_ids)) {
         $c = new Content();
         $c->where_in('id', $content_ids)->get_iterated();
         foreach ($c as $content) {
             $final[$index['content-' . $content->id]] = $content->to_array(array_merge($shared_params, array('order_by' => 'published_on')));
     if (!empty($updated_album_ids)) {
         $a = new Album();
         $a->where_in('id', $updated_album_ids)->get_iterated();
         foreach ($a as $album) {
             $arr = $album->to_array();
             $arr['event_type'] = 'album_update';
             $arr['content'] = array();
             $info = $updated_album_ids_arr[$album->id];
             $c = new Content();
             $c->where_in('id', $info['items'])->order_by('published_on DESC')->get_iterated();
             foreach ($c as $i => $content) {
                 $carr = $content->to_array(array('order_by' => 'published_on', 'in_album' => $album));
                 if ($i === 0) {
                     $arr['date'] = $carr['date'];
                 $arr['content'][] = $carr;
             $final[$index['updated_album-' . $album->id]] = $arr;
     $stream['items'] = array_values($final);
     return array($stream, $counts);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function _order($order, $album = false)
     $ids = explode(',', $order);
     $new_order_map = array();
     foreach ($ids as $key => $val) {
         $pos = $key + 1;
         $new_order_map[$val] = $pos;
     $contents = new Album();
     $contents->where_in('id', $ids);
     $sql = $contents->get_sql() . ' ORDER BY FIELD(id, ' . join(',', $ids) . ')';
     $next_slot = $album ? $album->left_id + 1 : 1;
     $start = strtotime(gmdate("M d Y H:i:s", time()));
     foreach ($contents as $sub_album) {
         $size = $sub_album->right_id - $sub_album->left_id + 1;
         if ($sub_album->left_id != $next_slot) {
             $delta = $sub_album->left_id - $next_slot;
             $delta = $delta >= 0 ? '- ' . $delta : '+ ' . abs($delta);
             $_a = new Album();
             $_a->where('left_id >=', $sub_album->left_id)->where('right_id <=', $sub_album->right_id)->where('level >=', $sub_album->level)->where('modified_on <', $start)->update(array('left_id' => "left_id {$delta}", 'right_id' => "right_id {$delta}", 'modified_on' => $start), false);
         $next_slot += $size;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function topics()
     list($params, $id) = $this->parse_params(func_get_args());
     if ($this->method === 'get') {
         $a = new Album();
         $params['auth'] = $this->auth;
         $params['flat'] = true;
         $final = $a->where_related('text', 'id', $id)->listing($params);
     } else {
         list($text_id, $album_id) = $id;
         $text = new Text();
         $t = $text->get_by_id($text_id);
         if (is_numeric($album_id)) {
             $album_id = array($album_id);
         } else {
             $album_id = explode(',', $album_id);
         $album = new Album();
         $albums = $album->where_in('id', $album_id)->get_iterated();
         foreach ($albums as $a) {
             if ($this->method === 'post') {
             } else {