Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function test_should_generate_controller_and_auxiliary_files()
     $files = array(AkConfig::getDir('controllers') . DS . 'credit_card_controller.php', AkConfig::getDir('helpers') . DS . 'credit_card_helper.php', AkConfig::getDir('test') . DS . 'functional' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'credit_card_controller_test.php', AkConfig::getDir('test') . DS . 'unit' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'credit_card_helper_test.php', AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'open.html.tpl', AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'debit.html.tpl', AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'credit.html.tpl', AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'close.html.tpl');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         file_exists($file) && unlink($file);
     AkFileSystem::file_put_contents(AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'credit.html.tpl', 'foo', array('base_path' => AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR));
     $this->assertPattern('/collisions/', $this->runGeneratorCommand('controller CreditCard open debit credit close'));
     AkFileSystem::file_delete(AkConfig::getDir('views') . DS . 'credit_card' . DS . 'credit.html.tpl', array('base_path' => AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
     $this->assertPattern('/ files have been created/', $this->runGeneratorCommand('controller CreditCard open debit credit close'));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function _run_from_file($file_name, $all_in_one_test = true)
     $multiple_expected_php = $multiple_sintags = '';
     $tests = explode('===================================', file_get_contents(AkConfig::getDir('fixtures') . DS . $file_name));
     foreach ($tests as $test) {
         list($sintags, $php) = explode('-----------------------------------', $test);
         $sintags = trim($sintags);
         $expected_php = trim($php);
         if (empty($sintags)) {
         } else {
             $multiple_sintags .= $sintags;
             $multiple_expected_php .= $expected_php;
         $AkSintags = new AkSintagsParser();
         $php = $AkSintags->parse($sintags);
         if ($php != $expected_php) {
             AkDebug::trace("GENERATED: \n" . $php);
             AkDebug::trace("EXPECTED: \n" . $expected_php);
             AkDebug::trace("SINTAGS: \n" . $sintags);
         $this->assertEqual($php, $expected_php);
     if ($all_in_one_test) {
         $AkSintags = new AkSintagsParser();
         $php = $AkSintags->parse($multiple_sintags);
         if ($php != $multiple_expected_php) {
             AkDebug::trace("GENERATED: \n" . $php);
             AkDebug::trace("EXPECTED: \n" . $expected_php);
             AkDebug::trace("SINTAGS: \n" . $sintags);
         $this->assertEqual($php, $multiple_expected_php);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function index()
     $this->base_dir = AK_BASE_DIR;
     $this->akelos_dir = AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR;
     $this->tasks_dir = AK_TASKS_DIR;
     $this->has_configuration = file_exists(AkConfig::getDir('config') . DS . 'config.php');
     $this->has_routes = file_exists(AkConfig::getDir('config') . DS . 'routes.php');
     $this->has_database = file_exists(AkConfig::getDir('config') . DS . 'database.yml');
     $this->using_root_path = $this->Request->getPath() == '/';
     $this->new_install = !$this->has_configuration || !$this->has_routes || $this->using_root_path;
     $this->environment = AK_ENVIRONMENT;
     $this->memcached_on = AkMemcache::isServerUp();
     $this->constants = AkDebug::get_constants();
     $this->langs = Ak::langs();
     $this->database_settings = Ak::getSettings('database', false);
     $this->server_user = trim(AK_WIN ? `ECHO %USERNAME%` : `whoami`);
     $this->local_ips = AkConfig::getOption('local_ips', array('localhost', '', '::1'));
     $paths = array(AK_APP_DIR . DS . 'locales');
     $this->invalid_permissions = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (is_dir($path) && !@file_put_contents($path . DS . '__test_file')) {
             $this->invalid_permissions[] = $path;
         } else {
             @unlink($path . DS . '__test_file');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function log_memory($reset = false, $vervose = false)
     if ($reset || empty($this->initial)) {
         $this->initial = memory_get_usage();
     $this->current = memory_get_usage();
     $this->difference = $this->current - $this->initial;
     $this->difference && $vervose && AkDebug::trace($this->difference / 1048576 . ' MB increased');
     return $this->difference;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Defines the column name for use with single table inheritance. Can be overridden in subclasses.
 public function setInheritanceColumn($column_name)
     if (!$this->_ActiveRecord->hasColumn($column_name)) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not set "%column_name" as the inheritance column as this column is not available on the database.', array('%column_name' => $column_name)) . ' ' . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_NOTICE);
         return false;
     } elseif ($this->_ActiveRecord->getColumnType($column_name) != 'string') {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not set %column_name as the inheritance column as this column type is "%column_type" instead of "string".', array('%column_name' => $column_name, '%column_type' => $this->_ActiveRecord->getColumnType($column_name))) . ' ' . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_NOTICE);
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->_ActiveRecord->_inheritanceColumn = $column_name;
         return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function dispatchAppServer($context)
     $_ENV = $_SERVER = $context['env'];
     @parse_str($_ENV['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
     $_GET['ak'] = $_ENV['PATH_INFO'];
     AkConfig::setOption('Request.remote_ip', '');
     try {
         $time_start = microtime(true);
         AK_ENABLE_PROFILER && AkDebug::profile(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() call');
         $this->Request = AkRequest::getInstance();
         $this->Response = new AkResponse();
         $path = ltrim(str_replace('..', '.', $context['env']['REQUEST_URI']), '/. ');
         if (empty($path) && file_exists(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'index.html')) {
             $Controller = new AkActionController();
             $Controller->Response = $this->Response;
             $Controller->renderText(file_get_contents(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'index.html'));
             return $Controller->Response;
         } elseif (!empty($path) && file_exists(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $path)) {
             $Controller = new AkActionController();
             $Controller->Response = $this->Response;
             $Controller->sendFile(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $path, array('stream' => false));
             return $Controller->Response;
         } else {
             if ($this->Controller = $this->Request->recognize()) {
                 $this->Controller->ak_time_start = $time_start;
                 AK_ENABLE_PROFILER && AkDebug::profile('Request::recognize() completed');
                 $this->Controller->process($this->Request, $this->Response);
             return $this->Response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (isset($this->Controller) && method_exists($this->Controller, 'render_error')) {
         } else {
             $ExceptionDispatcher = new AkExceptionDispatcher();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function init($options = array())
     $default_options = array('servers' => array('localhost:11211'), 'lifeTime' => 0);
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
     $this->_lifeTime = $options['lifeTime'];
     if (empty($options['servers'])) {
         trigger_error('Need to provide at least 1 server', E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
     $this->_memcache = new MemCachedClient(is_array($options['servers']) ? $options['servers'] : array($options['servers']));
     $ping = $this->_memcache->get('ping');
     if (!$ping) {
         if ($this->_memcache->errno == ERR_NO_SOCKET) {
             if (empty($options['silent_mode'])) {
                 trigger_error("Could not connect to MemCache daemon. " . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_WARNING);
             return false;
         $this->_memcache->set('ping', 1);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected function _validateCalculationOptions($options = array())
     $invalid_options = array_diff(array_keys($options), $this->_calculation_options);
     if (!empty($invalid_options)) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('%options are not valid calculation options.', array('%options' => join(', ', $invalid_options))) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Finder methods must instantiate through this method to work with the single-table inheritance model and
  * eager loading associations.
  * That makes it possible to create objects of different types from the same table.
 public function &instantiate($record, $set_as_new = true, $call_after_instantiate = true)
     $inheritance_column = $this->_ActiveRecord->getInheritanceColumn();
     if (!empty($record[$inheritance_column])) {
         $inheritance_column = $record[$inheritance_column];
         $inheritance_model_name = AkInflector::camelize($inheritance_column);
         @(require_once AkInflector::toModelFilename($inheritance_model_name));
         if (!class_exists($inheritance_model_name)) {
             trigger_error($this->_ActiveRecord->t("The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: '%class_name'. " . "This error is raised because the column '%column' is reserved for storing the class in case of inheritance. " . "Please rename this column if you didn't intend it to be used for storing the inheritance class " . "or overwrite #{self.to_s}.inheritance_column to use another column for that information.", array('%class_name' => $inheritance_model_name, '%column' => $this->_ActiveRecord->getInheritanceColumn())) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
     $model_name = isset($inheritance_model_name) ? $inheritance_model_name : $this->_ActiveRecord->getModelName();
     $object = new $model_name(array('init' => false));
     $object->_newRecord = $set_as_new;
     $object->init(array('attributes', $record));
     if ($call_after_instantiate) {
     return $object;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function performActionWithFilters($method = '')
     if ($this->beforeAction($method) !== false && !empty($this->_FilteredObject) && method_exists($this->_FilteredObject, 'hasPerformed') && !$this->_FilteredObject->hasPerformed()) {
         if (AK_ENABLE_PROFILER) {
             AkDebug::profile("Called {$method}  before filters");
         if (AK_ENABLE_PROFILER) {
             AkDebug::profile("Performed {$method}  action");
         if (AK_ENABLE_PROFILER) {
             AkDebug::profile("Called {$method}  after filters");
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function &_getActAsInstance($class_name, $options)
     if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
         if (substr($class_name, 0, 2) == 'Ak') {
             include_once AK_ACTIVE_RECORD_DIR . DS . 'behaviours' . DS . AkInflector::underscore(substr($class_name, 2)) . '.php';
         } else {
             include_once AK_APP_PLUGINS_DIR . DS . AkInflector::underscore($class_name) . DS . 'lib' . DS . $class_name . '.php';
     if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('The class %class used for handling an "act_as %class" does not exist', array('%class' => $class_name)) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
         $false = false;
         return $false;
     } else {
         $ActAsInstance = new $class_name($this, $options);
         return $ActAsInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public function writeCache($config, $namespace, $environment = AK_ENVIRONMENT, $force = false)
        if (!$force && !$this->_useWriteCache($environment)) {
            return false;
        $key = $this->_getCacheKey($namespace, $environment);
        Ak::setStaticVar($key, $config);
        $var_export = var_export($config, true);
        $cache = <<<CACHE
 * Auto-generated config cache from {$namespace} in environment {$environment}
\$config = {$var_export};
return \$config;

        $cache_file_name = $this->getCacheFileName($namespace, $environment);
        if (!AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($cache_file_name, $cache, array('base_path' => AkConfig::getCacheBasePath()))) {
            trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not create config cache file %file', array('%file' => $cache_file_name)) . ' ' . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function debug($data = 'active_record_class', $_functions = 0)
     if (!AK_DEBUG && !AK_DEV_MODE) {
     $data = $data == 'active_record_class' ? clone $this->_Model : $data;
     if ($_functions != 0) {
         $sf = 1;
     } else {
         $sf = 0;
     if (isset($data)) {
         if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) {
             if (count($data)) {
                 echo AK_CLI ? "/--\n" : "<ol>\n";
                 while (list($key, $value) = each($data)) {
                     if ($key[0] == '_') {
                     $type = gettype($value);
                     if ($type == "array") {
                         AK_CLI ? printf("\t* (%s) %s:\n", $type, $key) : printf("<li>(%s) <b>%s</b>:\n", $type, $key);
                         AkDebug::debug($value, $sf);
                         $lines = explode("\n", ob_get_clean() . "\n");
                         foreach ($lines as $line) {
                             echo "\t" . $line . "\n";
                     } elseif ($type == "object") {
                         if (method_exists($value, 'hasColumn') && $value->hasColumn($key)) {
                             AK_CLI ? printf("\t* (%s) %s:\n", $type, $key) : printf("<li>(%s) <b>%s</b>:\n", $type, $key);
                             AkDebug::debug($value, $sf);
                             $lines = explode("\n", ob_get_clean() . "\n");
                             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                                 echo "\t" . $line . "\n";
                     } elseif (stristr($type, "function")) {
                         if ($sf) {
                             AK_CLI ? printf("\t* (%s) %s:\n", $type, $key, $value) : printf("<li>(%s) <b>%s</b> </li>\n", $type, $key, $value);
                     } else {
                         if (!$value) {
                             $value = "(none)";
                         AK_CLI ? printf("\t* (%s) %s = %s\n", $type, $key, $value) : printf("<li>(%s) <b>%s</b> = %s</li>\n", $type, $key, $value);
                 echo AK_CLI ? "\n--/\n" : "</ol>fin.\n";
             } else {
                 echo "(empty)";
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function handleDisplayMessage($error_level, $message, $parameters = array())
     if (AkConfig::getOption('logger.display_message', true)) {
         if (!empty($this->options['print'])) {
             list($file, $line, $method) = AkDebug::getLastFileAndLineAndMethod(false, 3);
             AkDebug::trace("<strong>[{$error_level}]</strong> - " . AkTextHelper::html_escape($message), $line, $file, $method, false);
             if (!empty($parameters)) {
                 AkDebug::trace($parameters, $line, $file, $method);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Validates that the specified attribute matches the length restrictions supplied. Only one option can be used at a time:
  * class Person extends ActiveRecord
  * {
  *     public function validate()
  *     {
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('first_name', array('maximum'=>30));
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('last_name', array('maximum'=>30,'message'=> "less than %d if you don't mind"));
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('last_name', array('within'=>array(7, 32)));
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('last_name', array('in'=>array(6, 20), 'too_long' => "pick a shorter name", 'too_short' => "pick a longer name"));
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('fav_bra_size', array('minimum'=>1, 'too_short'=>"please enter at least %d character"));
  *         $this->validatesLengthOf('smurf_leader', array('is'=>4, 'message'=>"papa is spelled with %d characters... don't play me."));
  *     }
  * }
  * NOTE: Be aware that $this->validatesLengthOf('field', array('is'=>5)); Will match a string containing 5 characters (Ie. "Spain"), an integer 5, and an array with 5 elements. You must supply additional checking to check for appropriate types.
  * Configuration options:
  * <tt>minimum</tt> - The minimum size of the attribute
  * <tt>maximum</tt> - The maximum size of the attribute
  * <tt>is</tt> - The exact size of the attribute
  * <tt>within</tt> - A range specifying the minimum and maximum size of the attribute
  * <tt>in</tt> - A synonym(or alias) for :within
  * <tt>allow_null</tt> - Attribute may be null; skip validation.
  * <tt>too_long</tt> - The error message if the attribute goes over the maximum (default "is" "is too long (max is %d characters)")
  * <tt>too_short</tt> - The error message if the attribute goes under the minimum (default "is" "is too short (min is %d characters)")
  * <tt>wrong_length</tt> - The error message if using the "is" method and the attribute is the wrong size (default "is" "is the wrong length (should be %d characters)")
  * <tt>message</tt> - The error message to use for a "minimum", "maximum", or "is" violation.  An alias of the appropriate too_long/too_short/wrong_length message
 public function validatesLengthOf($attribute_names, $options = array())
     // Merge given options with defaults.
     $default_options = array('too_long' => $this->_Model->getDefaultErrorMessageFor('too_long'), 'too_short' => $this->_Model->getDefaultErrorMessageFor('too_short'), 'wrong_length' => $this->_Model->getDefaultErrorMessageFor('wrong_length'), 'allow_null' => false);
     $range_options = array();
     foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, array('minimum', 'maximum', 'is', 'in', 'within'))) {
             $range_options[$k] = $v;
             $option = $k;
             $option_value = $v;
     // Ensure that one and only one range option is specified.
     switch (count($range_options)) {
         case 0:
             trigger_error(Ak::t('Range unspecified.  Specify the "within", "maximum", "minimum, or "is" option.') . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
             return false;
         case 1:
             $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
             trigger_error(Ak::t('Too many range options specified.  Choose only one.') . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
             return false;
     switch ($option) {
         case 'within':
         case 'in':
             if (empty($option_value) || !is_array($option_value) || count($option_value) != 2 || !is_numeric($option_value[0]) || !is_numeric($option_value[1])) {
                 trigger_error(Ak::t('%option must be a Range (array(min, max))', array('%option', $option)) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
                 return false;
             $attribute_names = Ak::toArray($attribute_names);
             foreach ($attribute_names as $attribute_name) {
                 $value = @$this->_Model->{$attribute_name};
                 if (!empty($option['allow_null']) && is_null($value) || Ak::size($value) < $option_value[0]) {
                     $this->_Model->addError($attribute_name, sprintf($options['too_short'], $option_value[0]));
                 } elseif (!empty($option['allow_null']) && is_null($value) || Ak::size($value) > $option_value[1]) {
                     $this->_Model->addError($attribute_name, sprintf($options['too_long'], $option_value[1]));
         case 'is':
         case 'minimum':
         case 'maximum':
             if (empty($option_value) || !is_numeric($option_value) || $option_value <= 0) {
                 trigger_error(Ak::t('%option must be a nonnegative Integer', array('%option', $option_value)) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // Declare different validations per option.
             $validity_checks = array('is' => '==', 'minimum' => '>=', 'maximum' => '<=');
             $message_options = array('is' => 'wrong_length', 'minimum' => 'too_short', 'maximum' => 'too_long');
             $message = sprintf(!empty($options['message']) ? $options['message'] : $options[$message_options[$option]], $option_value);
             $attribute_names = Ak::toArray($attribute_names);
             foreach ($attribute_names as $attribute_name) {
                 $value = @$this->_Model->{$attribute_name};
                 if (!$options['allow_null'] && is_null($value) || eval('return !(' . Ak::size($value) . " {$validity_checks[$option]} {$option_value});")) {
                     $this->_Model->addError($attribute_name, $message);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function process(&$Request, &$Response, $options = array())
         AkDebug::profile('AkActionController::process() start');
     $this->setRequestAndResponse($Request, $Response);
     if (AK_LOG_EVENTS) {
         AkDebug::profile('Got request paramenters');
     $actionExists = $this->_ensureActionExists();
     if (!$actionExists) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_high_load_mode !== true) {
         if (!empty($this->_auto_instantiate_models)) {
             if (AK_ENABLE_PROFILER) {
                 AkDebug::profile('Instantiated models');
         if (!empty($this->_enable_plugins)) {
             if (AK_ENABLE_PROFILER) {
                 AkDebug::profile('Instantiated plugins');
     $this->_lazy_loading_options = $options;
     // After filters
     //$this->isFilteringActive() && $this->afterFilter('_handleFlashAttribute');
     if (isset($this->api)) {
         $this->aroundFilter(new AkActionWebService($this));
     if ($this->isFilteringActive()) {
     } else {
     return $this->handleResponse();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function Test_get_this_object_attributes()
     $expected_attributes = array('child_var' => null, 'child_var_null' => null, 'child_var_string' => 'abc', 'child_var_int' => 123);
     $resulting_attributes = AkDebug::get_this_object_attributes($this->AkTestingObjectInspectionChildInstance);
     $this->assertEqual($expected_attributes, $resulting_attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function failTransaction()
     if (AK_DEBUG && !empty($this->connection->debug) && function_exists('ak_backtrace')) {
         AkDebug::trace(ak_backtrace(), null, null, null, false);
     return $this->connection->FailTrans();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function addCombinedAttributeConfiguration($attribute)
     $args = is_array($attribute) ? $attribute : func_get_args();
     $columns = array_slice($args, 2);
     $invalid_columns = array();
     foreach ($columns as $colum) {
         if (!$this->_ActiveRecord->hasAttribute($colum)) {
             $invalid_columns[] = $colum;
     if (!empty($invalid_columns)) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('There was an error while setting the composed field "%field_name", the following mapping column/s "%columns" do not exist', array('%field_name' => $args[0], '%columns' => join(', ', $invalid_columns))) . AkDebug::getFileAndNumberTextForError(1), E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         $attribute = array_shift($args);
         $this->_ActiveRecord->_combinedAttributes[$attribute] = $args;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @deprecated
  * @uses AkDebug::profile
 static function profile($message = '')
     Ak::deprecateMethod(__METHOD__, 'AkConfig::profile()');
     return AkDebug::profile($message);