public function setImage($image_path) { $this->Image = new AkImage($image_path); $this->Image->transform('resize', array('size' => '24x24')); $this->_tmp_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . '__AkImageColorScheme_' . Ak::randomString(32) . '.jpg'; $this->Image->save($this->_tmp_file); }
public function Test_of_encrypt_decrypt() { $original = "Este es el texto que quiero encriptar"; $this->assertEqual(Ak::decrypt(Ak::encrypt($original)), $original); $key = Ak::randomString(20); $file = file_get_contents(__FILE__); $ecripted = Ak::encrypt($file, $key); $this->assertEqual(Ak::decrypt($ecripted, $key), $file); }
/** * Trace helper function for development purposes * * @access public * @static * @param string $text Helper text * @param string $line Helper line * @param string $file Helper file * @return echoes result to screen */ static function trace($text = null, $line = null, $file = null, $method = null, $escape_html_entities = true) { static $counter = 0; if (AK_PRODUCTION_MODE) { return; } $html_entities_function = $escape_html_entities ? 'htmlentities' : 'trim'; list($default_file, $default_line, $default_method) = self::getLastFileAndLineAndMethod(); $default_method = is_bool($text) || empty($text) ? 'var_dump' : $default_method; $line = is_null($line) ? $default_line : $line; $file = is_null($file) ? $default_file : $file; $method = is_null($method) ? $default_method : $method; if (AK_CLI) { $text = self::dump($text, 'print_r'); } elseif (!empty($text) && !is_scalar($text)) { $rand = Ak::randomString(); $formatted = ''; $methods = array('print_r', 'var_dump', 'var_export'); foreach ($methods as $method) { $pre_style = 'display:none;'; if (defined('AK_TRACE_DUMP_METHOD')) { if (AK_TRACE_DUMP_METHOD == $method) { $pre_style = ''; } } elseif ($method == 'print_r') { $pre_style = ''; } $element_id = $method . '_' . $rand; $formatted .= "<div style='margin:10px;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='e_{$element_id} = document.getElementById(\"{$element_id}\"); e_{$element_id}.style.display = (e_{$element_id}.style.display == \"none\"?\"block\":\"none\");' title='Set the constant AK_TRACE_DUMP_METHOD to your favourite default method'>{$method}</a><br />" . '<pre style="' . $pre_style . '" id="' . $element_id . '">' . $html_entities_function(self::dump($text, $method)) . '</pre></div>'; } $text = $formatted; } elseif (is_bool($text) || empty($text)) { $text = '<pre style="margin:10px;">' . $html_entities_function(self::dump($text, $default_method)) . '</pre>'; } elseif (is_scalar($text)) { $text = '<pre style="margin:10px;">' . $html_entities_function($text) . '</pre>'; } if (!isset($text)) { $counter++; $text = ''; } else { $text = AK_CLI ? '---> ' . $text : $text; } $include_file_and_line = strlen(trim($file . $line)) > 0; if ($include_file_and_line) { echo AK_CLI ? "----------------\n{$file} ({$line}):\n {$text}\n----------------\n" : "<div style='background-color:#fff;margin:10px;color:#000;font-family:sans-serif;border:3px solid #fc0;font-size:12px;'><div style='background-color:#ffc;padding:10px;color:#000;font-family:sans-serif;'>{$file} <span style='font-weight:bold'>{$line}</span></div>" . $text . "</div>\n"; } else { echo AK_CLI ? "----------------\n {$text}\n----------------\n" : "<div style='background-color:#fff;margin:10px;color:#000;font-family:sans-serif;border:1px solid #ccc;font-size:12px;'>" . $text . "</div>\n"; } }
function init() { $this->ext = empty($this->ext) ? 'doc' : strtolower(trim($this->ext, '.')); $this->tmp_name = Ak::randomString(); if (empty($this->source_file)) { $this->source_file = AK_CACHE_DIR . DS . $this->tmp_name . '.' . $this->ext; Ak::file_put_contents($this->source_file, $this->source); $this->delete_source_file = true; $this->keep_destination_file = empty($this->keep_destination_file) ? empty($this->destination_file) ? false : true : $this->keep_destination_file; } else { $this->delete_source_file = false; $this->keep_destination_file = true; } $this->convert_to = 'txt'; $this->destination_file_name = empty($this->destination_file_name) ? $this->tmp_name . '.' . $this->convert_to : $this->destination_file_name . (strstr($this->destination_file_name, '.') ? '' : '.' . $this->convert_to); $this->destination_file = empty($this->destination_file) ? AK_CACHE_DIR . DS . $this->destination_file_name : $this->destination_file; }
public function init() { $this->ext = empty($this->ext) ? 'xls' : strtolower(trim($this->ext, '.')); $this->tmp_name = Ak::randomString(); if (empty($this->source_file)) { $this->source_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . $this->tmp_name . '.' . $this->ext; Ak::file_put_contents($this->source_file, $this->source); $this->delete_source_file = true; $this->keep_destination_file = empty($this->keep_destination_file) ? empty($this->destination_file) ? false : true : $this->keep_destination_file; } else { $this->delete_source_file = false; $this->keep_destination_file = true; } $this->convert_to = !empty($this->convert_to) && empty($this->_file_type_codes[$this->convert_to]) ? 'csv' : (empty($this->convert_to) ? 'csv' : $this->convert_to); $this->destination_file_name = empty($this->destination_file_name) ? $this->tmp_name . '.' . $this->convert_to : $this->destination_file_name . (strstr($this->destination_file_name, '.') ? '' : '.' . $this->convert_to); $this->destination_file = empty($this->destination_file) ? AK_TMP_DIR . DS . $this->destination_file_name : $this->destination_file; }
function init() { if (empty($this->handler)) { require_once AK_VENDOR_DIR . DS . 'Excel' . DS . 'reader.php'; $this->handler = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $this->handler->setRowColOffset(empty($this->first_column) ? 0 : $this->first_column); } $this->tmp_name = Ak::randomString(); if (empty($this->source_file)) { $this->source_file = AK_CACHE_DIR . DS . $this->tmp_name . '.xls'; Ak::file_put_contents($this->source_file, $this->source); $this->delete_source_file = true; $this->keep_destination_file = empty($this->keep_destination_file) ? empty($this->destination_file) ? false : true : $this->keep_destination_file; } else { $this->delete_source_file = false; $this->keep_destination_file = true; } }
public function _setAssociatedMemberId(&$Member) { if (empty($Member->__hasAndBelongsToManyMemberId)) { $Member->__hasAndBelongsToManyMemberId = Ak::randomString(); } $object_id = $Member->getId(); if (!empty($object_id)) { $this->associated_ids[$object_id] = $Member->__hasAndBelongsToManyMemberId; } }
public function _setAssociatedMemberId(&$Member) { if (empty($Member->__hasManyMemberId)) { $Member->__hasManyMemberId = Ak::randomString(); } $object_id = method_exists($Member, 'getId') ? $Member->getId() : null; if (!empty($object_id)) { $this->associated_ids[$object_id] = $Member->__hasManyMemberId; } }
function uncompress($compressed_data, $format = 'gzip') { $key = Ak::randomString(15); $compressed_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . 's' . $key; $uncompressed_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . 'd' . $key; if (Ak::file_put_contents($compressed_file, $compressed_data, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR))) { $compressed = gzopen($compressed_file, "r"); $uncompressed = fopen($uncompressed_file, "w"); while (!gzeof($compressed)) { $string = gzread($compressed, 4096); fwrite($uncompressed, $string, strlen($string)); } gzclose($compressed); fclose($uncompressed); } else { trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not write to temporary directory for generating uncompressing file using Ak::uncompress(). Please provide write access to %dirname', array('%dirname' => AK_TMP_DIR)), E_USER_ERROR); } $result = Ak::file_get_contents($uncompressed_file, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR)); return $result; }
public static function form_authenticity_token() { if (!isset($_SESSION['_csrf_token'])) { $_SESSION['_csrf_token'] = sha1(Ak::uuid() . Ak::randomString()); } return $_SESSION['_csrf_token']; }
public function test_should_create_base_path_ticket_148() { $tmp_dir = AkConfig::getDir('tmp') . DS . Ak::randomString(); $base_path = AkConfig::getDir('tmp') . 'new_dir_' . time(); AkFileSystem::make_dir($base_path, array('base_path' => $base_path)); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($base_path), 'Could base_path directory ' . $base_path); clearstatcache(); }
/** * Creates a file for streaming from a file. * This way you might free memory usage is file is too large */ function sendDataAsStream($data, $options) { $temp_file_name = tempnam(AK_TMP_DIR, Ak::randomString()); $fp = fopen($temp_file_name, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); $this->sendFile($temp_file_name, $options); }
function test_framework_config_locale_update() { $langs=Ak::langs(); $translation_key=Ak::randomString(8); $this->assertEqual(Ak::t($translation_key),$translation_key); AkLocaleManager::updateLocaleFiles(); list($locales,$core_dictionary) = AkLocaleManager::getCoreDictionary(AK_FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE); $this->assertTrue(isset($core_dictionary[$translation_key])); foreach($langs as $lang) { list($locales,$core_dictionary) = AkLocaleManager::getCoreDictionary($lang); $this->assertTrue(isset($core_dictionary[$translation_key])); } }
function test_should_delete_nested_directories_when_include_hidden_files() { $dir_name = AK_TMP_DIR . Ak::randomString(); Ak::make_dir($dir_name); Ak::make_dir($dir_name . DS . '.hidden'); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dir_name), 'Could not create test directory ' . $dir_name); $this->assertTrue(Ak::directory_delete($dir_name)); clearstatcache(); $this->assertFalse(is_dir($dir_name)); }
public function getBoundaryString() { return md5(Ak::randomString(10) . time()); }
public function test_should_delete_nested_directories_when_include_hidden_files() { $tmp_dir = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . Ak::randomString(); $hidden_tmp_dir = $tmp_dir . DS . '.hidden'; Ak::make_dir($tmp_dir, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR)); Ak::make_dir($tmp_dir . DS . '.hidden', array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR)); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($hidden_tmp_dir), 'Could not create test directory ' . $hidden_tmp_dir); $this->assertTrue(Ak::directory_delete($tmp_dir, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR))); clearstatcache(); $this->assertFalse(is_dir($tmp_dir)); }
/** * Creates a file for streaming from a file. * This way you might free memory usage is file is too large */ public function sendDataAsStream($data, $options) { $temp_file_name = tempnam(AkConfig::getDir('tmp'), Ak::randomString()); $fp = fopen($temp_file_name, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); $this->sendFile($temp_file_name, $options); }
public function partialMock($class_name, $methods, $returns = array()) { $name = 'Mock' . time() . Ak::randomString() . $class_name; Mock::generatePartial($class_name, $name, Ak::toArray($methods)); $Mock = new $name($this); foreach ($returns as $method => $value) { if ($value instanceof Exception) { $Mock->throwOn($method, $value); } else { $Mock->returnsByValue($method, $value); } } return $Mock; }
function sha1($phrase, $use_original_login = false) { $login = $use_original_login ? $this->getPreviousValueForAttribute('login') : $this->get('login'); empty($this->password_salt) ? $this->set('password_salt', Ak::randomString(16)) : null; return sha1($this->get('password_salt') . $phrase . $login); }
function getDefaultOptions() { return array( 'production_database_type'=> $this->getDatabaseType('production'), 'production_database_host'=> $this->getDatabaseHost('production'), 'production_database_name'=> $this->getDatabaseName('production'), 'production_database_user'=> $this->getDatabaseUser('production'), 'production_database_password'=> '', 'development_database_type'=> $this->getDatabaseType('development'), 'development_database_host'=> $this->getDatabaseHost('development'), 'development_database_name'=> $this->getDatabaseName('development'), 'development_database_user'=> $this->getDatabaseUser('development'), 'development_database_password'=> '', 'testing_database_type'=> $this->getDatabaseType('testing'), 'testing_database_host'=> $this->getDatabaseHost('testing'), 'testing_database_name'=> $this->getDatabaseName('testing'), 'testing_database_user'=> $this->getDatabaseUser('testing'), 'testing_database_password'=> '', 'admin_database_user' => $this->getDatabaseAdminUser(), 'admin_database_password' => $this->getDatabaseAdminPassword(), 'url_suffix'=> trim(AK_SITE_URL_SUFFIX, '/'), 'locales'=> join(',',$this->suggestLocales()), 'ftp_user' => $this->getFtpUser(), 'ftp_host' => $this->getFtpHost(), 'ftp_path' => $this->getFtpPath(), 'random' => Ak::randomString(), ); }