  * Decomposes an 'exact_date' parameter into month, day, year components based
  * on date pattern defined in settings (assumed to be in local time zone),
  * then returns a timestamp in GMT.
  * @param  string     $exact_date 'exact_date' parameter passed to a view
  * @return bool|int               false if argument not provided or invalid,
  *                                else UNIX timestamp in GMT
 private function return_gmtime_from_exact_date($exact_date)
     global $ai1ec_settings;
     $bits = Ai1ec_Validation_Utility::validate_date_and_return_parsed_date($exact_date, $ai1ec_settings->input_date_format);
     if (false === $bits) {
         $exact_date = false;
     } else {
         $exact_date = Ai1ec_Time_Utility::local_to_gmt(gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $bits['month'], $bits['day'], $bits['year']));
     return $exact_date;
  * Returns a non-associative array of four links for the day view of the
  * calendar:
  *    previous day, and next day.
  * Each element is an associative array containing the link's enabled status
  * ['enabled'], CSS class ['class'], text ['text'] and value to assign to
  * link's href ['href'].
  * @param array $args	Current request arguments
  * @return array      Array of links
 function get_oneday_pagination_links($args)
     $links = array();
     $orig_date = $args['exact_date'];
     $local_date = Ai1ec_Time_Utility::gmt_to_local($args['exact_date']);
     $bits = Ai1ec_Time_Utility::gmgetdate($local_date);
     // ================
     // = Previous day =
     // ================
     $local_date = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $bits['mon'], $bits['mday'] + $args['oneday_offset'] - 1, $bits['year']);
     $args['exact_date'] = Ai1ec_Time_Utility::local_to_gmt($local_date);
     $href = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_href_helper_instance($args);
     $links[] = array('enabled' => true, 'class' => 'ai1ec-prev-day', 'text' => '<i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>', 'href' => $href->generate_href());
     // ======================
     // = Minical datepicker =
     // ======================
     $args['exact_date'] = $orig_date;
     $links[] = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_datepicker_link($args, $args['exact_date']);
     // =============
     // = Next week =
     // =============
     $local_date = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $bits['mon'], $bits['mday'] + $args['oneday_offset'] + 1, $bits['year']);
     $args['exact_date'] = Ai1ec_Time_Utility::local_to_gmt($local_date);
     $href = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_href_helper_instance($args);
     $links[] = array('enabled' => true, 'class' => 'ai1ec-next-day', 'text' => '<i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>', 'href' => $href->generate_href());
     return $links;
  * local_to_gmt function
  * Returns the UNIX timestamp adjusted from the local timezone to GMT.
  * @param int $timestamp
  * @return int
 function local_to_gmt($timestamp)
     return Ai1ec_Time_Utility::local_to_gmt($timestamp);