  * Remove a Facebook graph object that the user had subscribed to. This also deletes the orphaned (not referred to by other subscribed users) events if the user choose to do so.
 public function remove_subscribed_ajax()
     // Create the object that will be returned.
     $response = array("errors" => FALSE, "id" => $_POST['ai1ec_post_id'], "logged" => $_POST['ai1ec_logged_user'], "type" => $_POST['type']);
     if (isset($_POST['ai1ec_post_id'])) {
         try {
             $fgoc = Ai1ec_Facebook_Factory::get_facebook_graph_object_collection((array) $_POST['ai1ec_post_id']);
             $remove_events = $_POST['ai1ec_remove_events'] === 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE;
             // Try to unsubscribe.
             $how_many = $fgoc->update_subscription_status(FALSE, $remove_events);
             // Get an object
             $fgo = Ai1ec_Facebook_Factory::get_facebook_graph_object($_POST['ai1ec_post_id']);
             // No exception, prepare the message to return
             $user_name = $fgo->get_user_name();
             $response['message'] = sprintf(__("You unsubscribed from %s. ", AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), $user_name);
             if ($how_many > 0) {
                 $response['message'] .= sprintf(_n("%d event was deleted", "%d events were deleted.", $how_many, AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), $how_many);
             // IF we are removing the logged user, update the session variable.
             if ($_POST['ai1ec_logged_user'] === 'true') {
                 $current_user = $this->get_current_facebook_user_from_cache();
             // Get the data for the update of the multiselect
             $response['html'] = $this->refresh_multiselect($_POST['type']);
         } catch (Ai1ec_Facebook_Db_Exception $e) {
             $response['errors'] = TRUE;
             $error_messages = $e->get_error_messages();
             $response['error_message'] = $error_messages[0];
     echo json_encode($response);
  * Convert a Facebook event into a Ai1ec Event.
  * @param array $facebook_event The event to convert
  * @param int $user_timezone the timezone of the user which is used to convert time
  * @param int $post_id the id of the wp_post if we are updating
  * @return Ai1ec_Event|array an Ai1ec object if we are performing an insert or an array if we ar updating
 private function convert_facebook_event_to_ai1ec_event(array $facebook_event, $user_timezone, $post_id = NULL)
     global $ai1ec_events_helper;
     // Create a new calendar event.
     $event = new Ai1ec_Event();
     // Set start time and end time after converting it to GMT
     if (isset($facebook_event['start_time'])) {
         $event->start = Ai1ec_Facebook_Event::convert_facebook_time_to_gmt_timestamp($facebook_event['start_time'], $user_timezone);
     if (isset($facebook_event['end_time']) && $facebook_event['end_time'] !== NULL) {
         $event->end = Ai1ec_Facebook_Event::convert_facebook_time_to_gmt_timestamp($facebook_event['end_time'], $user_timezone);
     // Check if the coordinates are set.
     $coordinates_set = isset($facebook_event['venue']['longitude']) && isset($facebook_event['venue']['latitude']);
     // Save location details, defaulting to empty strings if unset.
     $event->venue = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event, 'location');
     $event->address = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event['venue'], 'street');
     $event->city = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event['venue'], 'city');
     $event->province = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event['venue'], 'state');
     $event->postal_code = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event['venue'], 'zip');
     $event->country = Ai1ec_Facebook_Data_Converter::return_empty_or_value_if_set($facebook_event['venue'], 'country');
     // If location is not a proper Facebook venue, address information will
     // not be provided by the above fields. Instead, "location" stores the
     // address, likely with commas separating components. If there are no commas
     // then we keep it as the venue name.
     if (!$event->address) {
         if (false !== strpos($event->venue, ',')) {
             $event->address = $event->venue;
             $event->venue = '';
     } else {
         // In Ai1ec, "address" property always stores the combination of all
         // address details, so concatenate them now. (City, province, postal code,
         // country are used only for data collection & their indexing potential.)
         $address = array($event->address, $event->city, $event->province, $event->postal_code, $event->country);
         $event->address = implode(', ', array_filter($address));
     // We show the map if we have a valid address or we have coordinates. This is arbitrary.
     $event->show_map = $coordinates_set || $event->address;
     $data = Ai1ec_Facebook_Factory::get_facebook_graph_object($facebook_event['facebook_user'])->get_category_and_tag();
     if (!$data['map_display_enabled']) {
         $event->show_map = false;
     $event->show_coordinates = $coordinates_set ? 1 : 0;
     if ($coordinates_set) {
         $event->longitude = $facebook_event['venue']['longitude'];
         $event->latitude = $facebook_event['venue']['latitude'];
     // We save the user and eid.
     $event->facebook_user = $facebook_event['facebook_user'];
     $event->facebook_eid = $facebook_event['eid'];
     $event->facebook_status = Ai1ecFacebookConnectorPlugin::FB_IMPORTED_EVENT;
     // We create the post array. This will create / update the wp_post.
     $post = array();
     $post['post_content'] = $facebook_event['description'];
     // Prepend profile picture, left-floated, to post body.
     if ($facebook_event['has_profile_pic']) {
         list(, , , $attr) = getimagesize($facebook_event['pic_big']);
         $post['post_content'] = '<div class="ai1ec-event-avatar alignleft"><img src="' . esc_attr($facebook_event['pic_big']) . '" ' . $attr . ' /></div>' . $post['post_content'];
     $post['post_title'] = $facebook_event['name'];
     $post['post_status'] = 'publish';
     $post['post_type'] = AI1EC_POST_TYPE;
     // Set categories, tags, and comment status.
     $fgo = Ai1ec_Facebook_Factory::get_facebook_graph_object($facebook_event['facebook_user']);
     $data = $fgo->get_category_and_tag();
     $event->categories = $data['category'];
     $event->tags = $data['tag'];
     $post['comment_status'] = $data['comments_enabled'] ? 'open' : 'closed';
     // If we are saving a new event, fill out event object and return it alone.
     if ($post_id === NULL) {
         $event->post = $post;
         return $event;
     } else {
         $post['ID'] = $post_id;
         $event->post_id = $post_id;
         $return_array = array("post" => $post, "event" => $event);
         return $return_array;