public function postUpdatemannualtelecasttime() { $asm_id = Input::get('asm_id'); $telecast = Adschedule::find($asm_id); $telecast->telecast_time = Input::get('tc_time_mannual'); $telecast->remark = Input::get('remark'); //$telecast->status = 0; $telecast->save(); return Response::json($telecast); }
public function postSavetelecasttime() { $tc_details = json_decode(Input::get('tc_details')); $tc_date = Input::get('tc_date'); $data = array(); $affected = DB::table('telecasttime_log')->where('tc_date', '=', $tc_date)->delete(); $total_spots = 0; $schedule_update_id = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tc_details); $i++) { $ad_id = $tc_details[$i][0]; $tc_time = $tc_details[$i][1]; $deal_id = $tc_details[$i][2]; $telecasttimelog = array(); $telecasttimelog['tc_date'] = $tc_date; $telecasttimelog['ad_id'] = substr($ad_id, 2); $telecasttimelog['tc_time'] = $tc_time; $telecasttimelog['deal_id'] = $deal_id; // $this->tctimeslot(6); $total_spots = $total_spots + 1; array_push($data, $telecasttimelog); } $products; $rowsPerChunk = 100; $productChunks = array_chunk($data, $rowsPerChunk); foreach ($productChunks as $chunk) { DB::table('telecasttime_log')->insert($chunk); } $schedule_array = DB::table('ad_schedule_master')->where('schedule_date', '=', $tc_date)->get(); $telecast_array = array(); $tc_time = '00:00:00'; $schedule_update = array(); foreach ($schedule_array as $row) { $ad_id = $row->ad_id; $deal_id = $row->deal_id; $asm_id = $row->id; for ($index = 0; $index < count($data); $index++) { // print_r($data[$index]['ad_id']); $tc_ad_id = $data[$index]['ad_id']; $tc_deal_id = $data[$index]['deal_id']; if ($ad_id == $tc_ad_id && $deal_id == $tc_deal_id) { $tc_time = $data[$index]['tc_time']; $update_row = array(); $update_row['asm_id'] = $asm_id; $update_row['tc_time'] = $tc_time; array_push($schedule_update, $update_row); unset($data[$index]); $data = array_values($data); break; } } } foreach ($schedule_update as $row) { $asm_id = $row['asm_id']; $tc_time = $row['tc_time']; $adschedule = Adschedule::find($asm_id); $adschedule->telecast_time = $tc_time; $adschedule->status = 1; $adschedule->save(); } foreach ($data as $row) { $tc_date = $row['tc_date']; $tc_time = $row['tc_time']; $ad_id = $row['ad_id']; $deal_id = $row['deal_id']; $query = "UPDATE telecasttime_log SET schedule_status = 0 WHERE tc_time ='{$tc_time}' and tc_date='{$tc_date}' and ad_id='{$ad_id}' and deal_id='{$deal_id}';"; DB::select(DB::raw($query)); } return Response::json($schedule_update); }