Ejemplo n.º 1
if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled) && $user->rights->banque->lire && !$user->societe_id) {
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/bank/class/account.class.php';
    $board = new Account($db);
    $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user);
// Number of cheque to send
if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled) && $user->rights->banque->lire && !$user->societe_id) {
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/paiement/cheque/class/remisecheque.class.php';
    $board = new RemiseCheque($db);
    $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user);
// Number of foundation members
if (!empty($conf->adherent->enabled) && $user->rights->adherent->lire && !$user->societe_id) {
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/adherents/class/adherent.class.php';
    $board = new Adherent($db);
    $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user);
// Number of expense reports to pay
if (!empty($conf->expensereport->enabled) && $user->rights->expensereport->lire) {
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/expensereport/class/expensereport.class.php';
    $board = new ExpenseReport($db);
    $dashboardlines[] = $board->load_board($user);
// Calculate total nb of late
$totallate = 0;
$var = true;
//Remove any invalid response
//load_board can return an integer if failed or WorkboardResponse if OK
$valid_dashboardlines = array();
foreach ($dashboardlines as $tmp) {
    if ($tmp instanceof WorkboardResponse) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/paiement/cheque/class/remisecheque.class.php';
    $board = new RemiseCheque($db);
    $board->warning_delay = $conf->bank->cheque->warning_delay / 60 / 60 / 24;
    $board->label = $langs->trans("BankChecksToReceipt");
    $board->url = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/compta/paiement/cheque/index.php?leftmenu=checks&mainmenu=accountancy';
    $board->img = img_object($langs->trans("BankChecksToReceipt"), "payment");
    $dashboardlines[] = $board;
// Number of foundation members
if (!empty($conf->adherent->enabled) && $user->rights->adherent->lire && !$user->societe_id) {
    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/adherents/class/adherent.class.php';
    $board = new Adherent($db);
    $board->warning_delay = $conf->adherent->cotisation->warning_delay / 60 / 60 / 24;
    $board->label = $langs->trans("MembersWithSubscriptionToReceive");
    $board->url = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/adherents/list.php?mainmenu=members&statut=1';
    $board->img = img_object($langs->trans("Members"), "user");
    $dashboardlines[] = $board;
// Calculate total nb of late
$totallate = 0;
foreach ($dashboardlines as $key => $board) {
    if ($board->nbtodolate > 0) {
        $totallate += $board->nbtodolate;
// Show dashboard