  * @param null|false|string $search
  * @return array|null|object
 public function getDataItemList($search = null)
     global $wpdb;
     // ensure created in multisite
     $table = $this->plugin->getTableName();
     $orderby = $this->config->getOrderby();
     $asc = $this->config->isAsc() ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     $numPerPage = $this->config->getNumberPerPage();
     $limit = sprintf('%d,%d', ($this->config->getPage() - 1) * $numPerPage, $numPerPage);
     $sql = "select id, enabled, shortcode, name, capability, description from {$table}";
     if ($search) {
         $param = "%{$search}%";
         $sql .= $wpdb->prepare(' where name like %s or description like %s', $param, $param);
     $sql .= " order by {$orderby} {$asc} limit {$limit}";
     return $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
  * Handle the URL request for the WP dashboard admin page.
  * Handle any actions indicated in the URL GET parameters
 function handleAdminPageUrl()
     // set-screen-option callback - does not work
     // this is the work-around
     if (isset($_REQUEST['wp_screen_options']) && is_array($_REQUEST['wp_screen_options'])) {
         AddActionsAndFilters_ViewAdminPage::setScreenOptionCallback($_REQUEST['wp_screen_options']['option'], $_REQUEST['wp_screen_options']['value']);
     require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_DataModelConfig.php';
     require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel.php';
     // Look for Sorting, ordering and searching
     $config = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModelConfig();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby'])) {
     if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) {
         $config->setAsc($_REQUEST['order'] != 'desc');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) {
     // Init DataModel and Table
     $dataModel = new AddActionsAndFilters_DataModel($this->plugin, $config);
     require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_CodeListTable.php';
     $table = new AddActionsAndFilters_CodeListTable($dataModel);
     // May be changed if a different page is to be displayed
     $showAdminPage = true;
     // Look for actions to be performed
     $action = $table->current_action();
     if ($action && $action != -1) {
         require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_AdminPageActions.php';
         $actions = new AddActionsAndFilters_AdminPageActions();
         $ids = null;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['cb']) && is_array($_REQUEST['cb'])) {
             // check nonce which is on the bulk action form only
             if ($table->verifyBulkNonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'])) {
                 $ids = $_REQUEST['cb'];
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
                 $ids = array($_REQUEST['id']);
             } else {
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['ids'])) {
                     $ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['ids']);
         // Perform Actions
         if ($action == $actions->getEditKey()) {
             $item = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $dataModel->getDataItem($_REQUEST['id']) : array();
             $showAdminPage = false;
             // show edit page instead
         } else {
             if ($ids) {
                 switch ($action) {
                     case $actions->getActivateKey():
                         $dataModel->activate($ids, true);
                     case $actions->getDeactivateKey():
                         $dataModel->activate($ids, false);
                     case $actions->getDeleteKey():
                     case $actions->getExportKey():
                         if (!empty($ids)) {
                             require_once 'AddActionsAndFilters_ViewImportExport.php';
                             $view = new AddActionsAndFilters_ViewImportExport($this->plugin);
     // Display Admin Page
     if ($showAdminPage) {