Ejemplo n.º 1
    // we posted . characters, but something converts them to _ (HTTP 1.1 standard)
    $r = array();
    foreach ($_REQUEST as $i => $v) {
        $r[join('.', explode('_', $i))] = $v;
        //convert _ back to .
    $file = @$r['0'];
    $operatie = @$r['1'];
    $compiled = @$r['2'];
    if (@$r['3'] != '') {
        $error = @$r['3'];
    } else {
        $error = null;
    $Actie = new Actie($ID, $file, $operatie, $compiled, $error);
    if ($Actie->save() !== false) {
        die('ok:' . serviceref($_REQUEST['content']) . '&Actie=' . urlencode($Actie->getId()));
    } else {
        die('Please fix errors!');
    // do not show the interface
$buttons = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['new'])) {
    $new = true;
} else {
    $new = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['edit']) || $new) {
    $edit = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//  function shutdown ($running,$compileurl,$op) {
//     if($running){
//        if ($compileurl=='NULL'){
//           echo ('ok:<small><A href="JavaScript:compile(\''.$op.'\');">TIMEOUT ERROR. Nogmaals proberen?</A></small>');
//        } else {
//           echo ('ok:<A HREF="'.$compileurl.'">TIMEOUT WARNING: Resultaat achter link is niet gegarandeerd. <IMG SRC="'.IMGPATH.'warning.png" /></A>');
//	}
//     }
//   echo ('hold:op='.$op);
//  }
//  register_shutdown_function('shutdown',$running,$compileurl,$op);
if (!is_dir($target)) {
    mkdir($target) or exit('error:could not create directory ' . $target);
$act = new Actie(null, $file->getId(), $op, false);
if ($act->save() !== false) {
    // in linux:
    // exec(sprintf($opr->get_call(),$target,$source,$file->getId()).';touch '.COMPILATIONS_PATH.$op.'/done');
    // but this has to be run on a windows machine, so:
    // |sort| is used as ;
    // type nul > is used as touch
    // (both methods work in linux as well)
    $str = '' . sprintf($opr->get_call(), $target, $source, $file->getId(), USER);
    //.' |sort| type nul > "'.$target.'done"';
    $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("file", $target . "verbose.txt", "a"), 2 => array("file", $target . "error.txt", "a"));
    $process = proc_open($str, $descriptorspec, $pipes, getcwd());
    if (is_resource($process)) {
        //$perr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
        //$pout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);