Ejemplo n.º 1
function CT_Start_Default($target)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $blogURL = $context->getProperty('uri.blog');
    $blogid = $context->getProperty('blog.id');
    $target .= '<ul>';
    $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/post">' . _t('새 글을 씁니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    $latestEntryId = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), 0);
    if ($latestEntryId !== 0) {
        $latestEntry = CT_Start_Default_getEntry($blogid, $latestEntryId);
        if ($latestEntry != false) {
            $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/edit/' . $latestEntry['id'] . '">' . _f('최근글(%1) 수정', htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($latestEntry['title'], 10))) . '</a></li>';
    if (Acl::check('group.administrators')) {
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin">' . _t('스킨을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/sidebar">' . _t('사이드바 구성을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/setting">' . _t('블로그에 표시되는 값들을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/category">' . _t('카테고리를 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/plugin">' . _t('플러그인을 켜거나 끕니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    if ($context->getProperty('service.reader', false) != false) {
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/network/reader">' . _t('RSS 리더를 봅니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    $target .= '</ul>';
    return $target;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function CT_Start_Default($target)
    global $blogid, $blogURL, $database, $service;
    $target .= '<ul>';
    $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/post">' . _t('새 글을 씁니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    $latestEntryId = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), 0);
    if ($latestEntryId !== 0) {
        $latestEntry = CT_Start_Default_getEntry($blogid, $latestEntryId);
        if ($latestEntry != false) {
            $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/edit/' . $latestEntry['id'] . '">' . _f('최근글(%1) 수정', htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($latestEntry['title'], 10))) . '</a></li>';
    if (Acl::check('group.administrators')) {
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin">' . _t('스킨을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/sidebar">' . _t('사이드바 구성을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/setting">' . _t('블로그에 표시되는 값들을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/category">' . _t('카테고리를 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/plugin">' . _t('플러그인을 켜거나 끕니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    if ($service['reader'] != false) {
        $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/network/reader">' . _t('RSS 리더를 봅니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF;
    $target .= '</ul>';
    return $target;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function post_reorder()
     if (!Acl::check('parts.reorder')) {
     $ids = $this->param('ids', array());
Ejemplo n.º 4
function getEntriesCountByCategory($blogid, $id)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    if ($context->getProperty('category.raw') === null) {
        getCategories($blogid, 'raw');
    //To cache category information.
    $result = MMCache::queryRow($context->getProperty('category.raw'), 'id', $id);
    if ($id === 0 || $result == '' || $id === null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        if (doesHaveOwnership() && Acl::check('group.editors')) {
            return $result['entriesinlogin'];
        } else {
            return $result['entries'];
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function _edit(ORM $role)
     $data = $this->request->post('role');
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     try {
         $role = $role->values($data)->update();
         if (Acl::check('roles.change_permissions') and !empty($data['permissions'])) {
         Messages::success(__('Role has been saved!'));
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
     if ($this->request->post('commit') !== NULL) {
     } else {
         $this->go(array('action' => 'edit', 'id' => $role->id));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    } else {
        if ($blogVisibility == 0) {
        } else {
            if ($blogVisibility == 1) {
if (in_array($context->getProperty('uri.interfaceType'), array('owner', 'reader'))) {
    // Check access control list
    if (!empty($_SESSION['acl'])) {
        $requiredPriv = Aco::getRequiredPrivFromUrl($context->getProperty('suri.directive'));
        if (!empty($requiredPriv) && !Acl::check($requiredPriv)) {
            if (in_array('group.administrators', $requiredPriv)) {
                header("location:" . $context->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/owner/center/dashboard");
            } else {
                header("location:" . $context->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/owner/entry");
/** INITIALIZE : Cookie prefix
 * -----------------------------------
 * Determines cookie prefix.
if ($context->getProperty('service.cookie_prefix', '') == '') {
Ejemplo n.º 7
function getRecentComments($blogid, $count = false, $isGuestbook = false, $guestShip = false)
    global $skinSetting, $database;
    $comments = array();
    if (!$isGuestbook && !Acl::check("group.editors")) {
        $userLimit = ' AND e.userid = ' . getUserId();
    } else {
        $userLimit = '';
    $sql = doesHaveOwnership() && !$guestShip ? "SELECT r.*, e.title, e.slogan\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t{$database['prefix']}Comments r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$database['prefix']}Entries e ON r.blogid = e.blogid AND r.entry = e.id AND e.draft = 0{$userLimit}\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tr.blogid = {$blogid}" . ($isGuestbook != false ? " AND r.entry=0" : " AND r.entry>0") . " AND r.isfiltered = 0\n\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\tr.written\n\t\tDESC LIMIT " . ($count != false ? $count : $skinSetting['commentsOnRecent']) : "SELECT r.*, e.title, e.slogan\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t{$database['prefix']}Comments r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$database['prefix']}Entries e ON r.blogid = e.blogid AND r.entry = e.id AND e.draft = 0\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN {$database['prefix']}Categories c ON e.blogid = c.blogid AND e.category = c.id\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tr.blogid = {$blogid} AND e.draft = 0 AND e.visibility >= 2" . getPrivateCategoryExclusionQuery($blogid) . ($isGuestbook != false ? " AND r.entry = 0" : " AND r.entry > 0") . " AND r.isfiltered = 0\n\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\tr.written\n\t\tDESC LIMIT " . ($count != false ? $count : $skinSetting['commentsOnRecent']);
    if ($result = POD::queryAllWithDBCache($sql, 'comment')) {
        foreach ($result as $comment) {
            if ($comment['secret'] == 1 && !doesHaveOwnership()) {
                if (!doesHaveOpenIDPriv($comment)) {
                    $comment['name'] = _text('비밀방문자');
                    $comment['homepage'] = '';
                    $comment['comment'] = _text('관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.');
            array_push($comments, $comment);
    return $comments;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function getDefaultCenterPanel($mapping)
    $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $blogid = $ctx->getProperty('blog.id');
									<div id="<?php 
    echo $mapping['plugin'];
" class="section">
									<h3 class="caption<?php 
    echo isset($_REQUEST['edit']) ? ' visible' : ' invisible';
    echo _t('알림판');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
											<a id="<?php 
        echo $mapping['plugin'];
widgetup" href="<?php 
        echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
        echo $positionCounter;
        echo _t('위로');
											<a id="<?php 
        echo $mapping['plugin'];
widgetdown" href="<?php 
        echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
        echo $positionCounter;
        echo _t('아래로');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
        return true;
    } else {
        // Get default data
        $stats = Statistics::getStatistics($blogid);
        $latestEntryId = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), 0);
        $comments = getRecentComments($blogid, 10);
        $guestbooks = getRecentGuestbook($blogid, 10);
        list($commentNotifies, $paging) = getCommentsNotifiedWithPagingForOwner($blogid, 0, null, null, null, 1, 10);
        $trackbacks = getRecentTrackbacks($blogid, 10);
        $recents = array();
        // title, date, link, category
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            array_push($recents, array('title' => $comment['comment'], 'date' => $comment['written'], 'link' => $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/" . $comment['entry'] . "#comment" . $comment['id'], 'category' => 'comment'));
        foreach ($commentNotifies as $comment) {
            array_push($recents, array('title' => $comment['comment'], 'date' => $comment['written'], 'link' => $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/owner/communication/notify", 'category' => 'commentNotify'));
        foreach ($guestbooks as $guestbook) {
            array_push($recents, array('title' => $guestbook['comment'], 'date' => $guestbook['written'], 'link' => $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/guestbook/" . $guestbook['id'] . "#guestbook" . $guestbook['id'], 'category' => 'guestbook'));
        foreach ($trackbacks as $trackback) {
            array_push($recents, array('title' => $trackback['subject'], 'date' => $trackback['written'], 'link' => $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/" . $trackback['entry'] . "#trackback" . $trackback['id'], 'category' => 'trackback'));
        $sort_array = array();
        foreach ($recents as $uniqid => $row) {
            // Sorting.
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                if (!array_key_exists($key, $sort_array)) {
                    $sort_array[$key] = array();
                $sort_array[$key][$uniqid] = $value;
        if (!empty($sort_array)) {
            array_multisort($sort_array['date'], SORT_DESC, $recents);
        $recents = array_slice($recents, 0, 14);
										<div id="shortcut-collection">
											<h4 class="caption"><span><?php 
        echo _t('바로가기');

												<li class="newPost"><a class="newPost" href="<?php 
        echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
        echo _t('새 글 쓰기');
        if ($latestEntryId !== 0) {
            $latestEntry = getEntry($blogid, $latestEntryId);
            if (!is_null($latestEntry)) {
												<li class="modifyPost"><a href="<?php 
                echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
                echo $latestEntry['id'];
                echo _f('최근글(%1) 수정', htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($latestEntry['title'], 10)));
        if ($ctx->getProperty('service.reader') == true) {
												<li class="rssReader"><a href="<?php 
            echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
            echo _t('RSS로 등록한 이웃 글 보기');
        if (Acl::check("group.administrators")) {
												<li class="deleteCache"><a href="<?php 
            echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
/owner/center/dashboard/cleanup" onclick="cleanupCache();return false;"><?php 
            echo _t('캐시 지우기');
            if (Acl::check("group.creators")) {
												<li class="optimizeStorage"><a href="<?php 
                echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog');
/owner/data" onclick="optimizeData();return false;"><?php 
                echo _t('저장소 최적화');
												<li class="clear"></li>

										<div id="total-information">
											<h4 class="caption"><span><?php 
        echo _t('요약');

											<table class="posts-line">
        echo _t('글');
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('글');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format(getEntriesTotalCount($blogid));
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('댓글');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format(getCommentCount($blogid));
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('방명록');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format(getGuestbookCount($blogid));
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('걸린 글');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format(getTrackbackCount($blogid));
											<table class="visitors-line">
        echo _t('방문자');
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('오늘');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format($stats['today']);
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('어제');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format($stats['yesterday']);
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('7일 평균');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        $weekly = Statistics::getWeeklyStatistics();
        $weeklycount = 0;
        foreach ($weekly as $day) {
            $weeklycount += $day['visits'];
        echo number_format($weeklycount / 7);
														<td class="type"><?php 
        echo _t('총방문자');
														<td class="sum"><?php 
        echo number_format($stats['total']);

										<div id="myBlogInfo">
											<h4 class="caption"><span><a href="<?php 
        echo $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . '/owner/communication/comment';
        echo _t('알림판');
											<table class="recent">
														<th scope="col" class="date"><?php 
        echo _t('날짜');
														<th scope="col" class="category"><?php 
        echo _t('종류');
														<th scope="col"><?php 
        echo _t('내용');
        foreach ($recents as $item) {
													<tr class="<?php 
            echo $item['category'];
														<td class="date"><?php 
            echo Timestamp::format('%m/%d', $item['date']);
														<td class="category">
            switch ($item['category']) {
                case 'trackback':
                    echo '<a href="' . $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . '/owner/communication/trackback?status=received">' . _t('걸린글') . '</a>';
                case 'comment':
                    echo '<a href="' . $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . '/owner/communication/comment?status=comment">' . _t('댓글') . '</a>';
                case 'commentNotify':
                    echo '<a href="' . $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . '/owner/communication/notify">' . _t('알리미') . '</a>';
                case 'guestbook':
                    echo '<a href="' . $ctx->getProperty('uri.blog') . '/owner/communication/comment?status=guestbook">' . _t('방명록') . '</a>';
														<td class="title"><a href="<?php 
            echo $item['link'];
            echo htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($item['title'], 20));

        $noticeURL = TEXTCUBE_NOTICE_URL;
        $noticeURLRSS = $noticeURL . ($ctx->getProperty('blog.language') ? $ctx->getProperty('blog.language') : "ko") . "/rss";
        $noticeEntries = array();
        if (!is_null(Setting::getServiceSetting('TextcubeNotice' . $ctx->getProperty('blog.language')))) {
            $noticeEntries = unserialize(Setting::getServiceSetting('TextcubeNotice' . $ctx->getProperty('blog.language')));
        } else {
            list($result, $feed, $xml) = getRemoteFeed($noticeURLRSS);
            if ($result == 0) {
                $xmls = new XMLStruct();
                $noticeEntries = array();
                if ($xmls->open($xml, $ctx->getProperty('service.encoding'))) {
                    if ($xmls->getAttribute('/rss', 'version')) {
                        for ($i = 1; $link = $xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/link"); $i++) {
                            $item = array('permalink' => rawurldecode($link));
                            $item['title'] = $xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/title");
                            if ($xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/pubDate")) {
                                $item['written'] = parseDate($xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/pubDate"));
                            } else {
                                if ($xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/dc:date")) {
                                    $item['written'] = parseDate($xmls->getValue("/rss/channel/item[{$i}]/dc:date"));
                                } else {
                                    $item['written'] = 0;
                            array_push($noticeEntries, $item);
                Setting::setServiceSetting('TextcubeNotice' . $ctx->getProperty('blog.language'), serialize($noticeEntries));
										<div id="textcube-notice">
											<h4 class="caption"><span><a href="<?php 
        echo $noticeURL . ($ctx->getProperty('blog.language') ? $ctx->getProperty('blog.language') : "ko");
        echo _t('공지사항');
        if (count($noticeEntries) > 0) {
            array_splice($noticeEntries, 3, count($noticeEntries) - 3);
            foreach ($noticeEntries as $item) {
														<td class="date"><?php 
                echo Timestamp::format2($item['written']);
														<td class="title"><a href="<?php 
                echo $item['permalink'];
" onclick="return openLinkInNewWindow(this);" ><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($item['title'], 35));

        } else {
											<div id="fail-notice">
            echo _t('공지사항을 가져올 수 없습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도해 주십시오.');
Ejemplo n.º 9
function setDefaultBlog($blogid)
    if (!Acl::check("group.creators")) {
        return false;
    $result = Setting::setServiceSettingGlobal("defaultBlogId", $_GET['blogid']);
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 10

	<div class="profile-row">
		<div class="left-col">
			<div class="profile-block">
				<div class="panel profile-photo">
echo HTML::anchor('http://gravatar.com/emails/', $user->gravatar(100, NULL), array('target' => '_blank'));

				<br />

if (Acl::check('users.edit') or $user->id == Auth::get_id()) {
    echo HTML::anchor(Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $user->id)), __('Edit profile'), array('class' => 'btn btn-success btn-sm', 'data-icon' => 'user'));
		<div class="right-col">
			<hr class="profile-content-hr no-grid-gutter-h">

			<div class="profile-content tabbable">

Ejemplo n.º 11
function getEntryWithPagingBySlogan($blogid, $slogan, $isNotice = false, $categoryId = false)
    global $database;
    global $blogURL;
    $entries = array();
    $paging = $isNotice ? Paging::init("{$blogURL}/notice", '/') : Paging::init("{$blogURL}/entry", '/');
    $visibility = doesHaveOwnership() ? '' : 'AND e.visibility > 0';
    $visibility .= $isNotice || doesHaveOwnership() ? '' : getPrivateCategoryExclusionQuery($blogid);
    $visibility .= doesHaveOwnership() && !Acl::check('group.editors') ? ' AND (e.userid = ' . getUserId() . ' OR e.visibility > 0)' : '';
    $category = $isNotice ? 'e.category = -2' : 'e.category >= 0';
    if ($categoryId !== false) {
        if (!$categoryId == 0) {
            // Not a 'total' category.
            $childCategories = getChildCategoryId($blogid, $categoryId);
            if (!empty($childCategories)) {
                $category = 'e.category IN (' . $categoryId . ',' . implode(",", $childCategories) . ')';
            } else {
                $category = 'e.category = ' . $categoryId;
    $currentEntry = POD::queryRow("SELECT e.*, c.label AS categoryLabel \n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries e \n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}Categories c ON e.blogid = c.blogid AND e.category = c.id \n\t\tWHERE e.blogid = {$blogid} \n\t\t\tAND e.slogan = '" . POD::escapeString($slogan) . "' \n\t\t\tAND e.draft = 0 {$visibility} AND {$category}");
    $result = POD::query("SELECT e.id, e.slogan \n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries e \n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}Categories c ON e.blogid = c.blogid AND e.category = c.id \n\t\tWHERE e.blogid = {$blogid} \n\t\t\tAND e.draft = 0 {$visibility} AND {$category} \n\t\tORDER BY e.published DESC");
    if (!$result || !$currentEntry) {
        return array($entries, $paging);
    if ($categoryId !== false) {
        $paging['pages'] = $categoryId == 0 ? getEntriesTotalCount($blogid) : getEntriesCountByCategory($blogid, $categoryId);
        $paging['postfix'] = '?category=' . $categoryId;
    } else {
        $paging['pages'] = $isNotice ? getNoticesTotalCount($blogid) : getEntriesTotalCount($blogid);
    for ($i = 1; $entry = POD::fetch($result); $i++) {
        if ($entry['slogan'] != $slogan) {
            if (array_push($paging['before'], $entry['slogan']) > 4) {
                if ($i == 5) {
                    $paging['first'] = array_shift($paging['before']);
                } else {
        $paging['page'] = $i;
        array_push($entries, $currentEntry);
        $paging['after'] = array();
        for ($i++; count($paging['after']) < 4 && ($entry = POD::fetch($result)); $i++) {
            array_push($paging['after'], $entry['slogan']);
        if ($i < $paging['pages']) {
            while ($entry = POD::fetch($result)) {
                $paging['last'] = $entry['slogan'];
        if (count($paging['before']) > 0) {
            $paging['prev'] = $paging['before'][count($paging['before']) - 1];
        if (isset($paging['after'][0])) {
            $paging['next'] = $paging['after'][0];
        return array($entries, $paging);
    $paging['page'] = $paging['pages'] + 1;
    return array($entries, $paging);
Ejemplo n.º 12
function getEntriesCountByCategory($blogid, $id)
    global $__gCacheCategoryRaw;
    if (empty($__gCacheCategoryRaw)) {
        getCategories($blogid, 'raw');
    //To cache category information.
    $result = MMCache::queryRow($__gCacheCategoryRaw, 'id', $id);
    if ($id === 0 || $result == '' || $id === null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        if (doesHaveOwnership() && Acl::check('group.editors')) {
            return $result['entriesinlogin'];
        } else {
            return $result['entries'];
Ejemplo n.º 13
function recurse_pages($pages, $spaces = 0, $layouts_blocks = array(), $page_widgets = array(), $pages_widgets = array())
    $data = '';
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        // Блок
        $current_block = Arr::path($page_widgets, $page['id'] . '.0');
        $current_position = Arr::path($page_widgets, $page['id'] . '.1');
        $data .= '<tr data-id="' . $page['id'] . '" data-parent-id="' . $page['parent_id'] . '">';
        $data .= '<td>';
        if (!empty($page['childs'])) {
            $data .= '<div class="input-group">';
        $data .= Form::hidden('blocks[' . $page['id'] . '][name]', $current_block, array('class' => 'widget-blocks form-control', 'data-layout' => $page['layout_file']));
        if (!empty($page['childs'])) {
            $data .= "<div class=\"input-group-btn\">" . Form::button(NULL, UI::icon('level-down'), array('class' => 'set_to_inner_pages btn', 'title' => __('Select to child pages'))) . '</div></div>';
        $data .= '</td><td>';
        $data .= Form::input('blocks[' . $page['id'] . '][position]', (int) $current_position, array('maxlength' => 4, 'size' => 4, 'class' => 'form-control text-right widget-position'));
        $data .= '</td><td></td>';
        if (Acl::check('page.edit')) {
            $data .= '<th>' . str_repeat("-&nbsp;", $spaces) . HTML::anchor(Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $page['id'])), $page['title']) . '</th>';
        } else {
            $data .= '<th>' . str_repeat("-&nbsp;", $spaces) . $page['title'] . '</th>';
        $data .= '</tr>';
        if (!empty($page['childs'])) {
            $data .= recurse_pages($page['childs'], $spaces + 5, $layouts_blocks, $page_widgets, $pages_widgets);
    return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 14
echo __('Actions');
foreach ($roles as $role) {
			<tr class="item">
				<td class="name">
    if (Acl::check('roles.edit')) {
        echo HTML::anchor(Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'roles', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $role->id)), $role->name, array('data-icon' => 'unlock'));
    } else {
        echo UI::icon('lock');
        echo $role->name;
Ejemplo n.º 15

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
$IV = array('GET' => array('visibility' => array('int', 0, 3, 'default' => 0), 'command' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false)), 'POST' => array('visibility' => array('int', 0, 3, 'default' => 0), 'command' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false)));
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
// TeamBlog ACL check whether or not current user can edit this post.
if (Acl::check('group.writers') === false && !empty($suri['id'])) {
    if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) {
        @header("location:" . $context->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/owner/entry");
//$isAjaxRequest = checkAjaxRequest();
if (!isset($_GET['command'])) {
    $temp = setEntryVisibility($suri['id'], isset($_GET['visibility']) ? $_GET['visibility'] : 0) == true ? 0 : 1;
    $countResult = POD::queryExistence("SELECT id \n\t\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries \n\t\t\tWHERE blogid = " . getBlogId() . " AND visibility = 3");
    if ($countResult == false) {
        $countResult = 0;
    } else {
        $countResult = 1;
    Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => $temp, 'countSyndicated' => $countResult), false);
} else {
    switch ($_GET['command']) {
        case "protect":
            $_GET['command'] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
function requirePrivilege($AC)
    if (Acl::check($AC)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not found');
Ejemplo n.º 17
/owner/data/correct" target="blackhole"></form>
							<div id="correctingDataDialog" class="system-dialog" style="position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 110;">
								<h3 id="correctingDataDialogTitle"></h3>
								<div class="message-sub">
									<span id="correctingText"></span>
									<span id="correctingTextSub"></span>
								<div id="correctingIndicator" class="progressBar" style="width: 0%; height: 18px; margin-top: 5px; background-color: #66DDFF;"></div>
						<hr class="hidden" />
if (Acl::check("group.creators")) {
						<div id="part-data-optimize" class="part">
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
    echo _t('데이터베이스를 최적화합니다');
							<div class="data-inbox main-explain-box">
								<div class="image" onclick="optimizeData()">
									<img src="<?php 
    echo $context->getProperty('service.path') . $context->getProperty('panel.skin');
/image/dbOptimize.png" alt="<?php 
    echo _t('데이터베이스 최적화 이미지');
Ejemplo n.º 18
} else {
    echo HTML::anchor($page->get_url(), $page->title, array('data-icon' => 'home fa-lg fa-fw'));

echo $page->get_public_anchor();
				<div class="actions col-xs-offset-4 col-xs-1 text-right">
if (Acl::check('page.add')) {
    echo UI::button(NULL, array('icon' => UI::icon('plus'), 'href' => Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'add')), 'class' => 'btn-default btn-xs'));
				<div class="clearfix"></div>
echo $content_children;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function setOpenIDLogoDisplay($mode)
     if (!Acl::check(array("group.administrators"))) {
         return false;
     return Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal("OpenIDLogoDisplay", $mode);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private function _edit($user)
     $data = $this->request->post('user');
     $profile = $this->request->post('profile');
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     if (ACL::check('users.change_password') or $user->id == Auth::get_id()) {
         if (strlen($data['password']) == 0) {
             unset($data['password'], $data['password_confirm']);
     } else {
     if (empty($profile['notice'])) {
         $profile['notice'] = 0;
     try {
         if ($user->update_user($data, array('email', 'username', 'password'))) {
             $profile['user_id'] = $user->id;
             if (Acl::check('users.change_roles') and $user->id > 1) {
                 // now we need to add permissions
                 $user_roles = $this->request->post('user_roles');
                 if (!empty($user_roles)) {
                     $user->update_related_ids('roles', explode(',', $user_roles));
             Messages::success(__('User has been saved!'));
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
     // save and quit or save and continue editing?
     if ($this->request->post('commit') !== NULL) {
     } else {
         $this->go(array('action' => 'edit', 'id' => $user->id));
Ejemplo n.º 21
echo _t('삭제합니다.');
										<option value="delete"><?php 
echo _t('삭제합니다.');
								<input type="button" id="apply-button-top" class="apply-button input-button" value="<?php 
echo _t('적용');
" onclick="processBatch(document.getElementById('commandBoxTop'));" />

if (Acl::check('group.administrators')) {
    if (isset($teamblog_users) && count($teamblog_users) > 1) {
        echo _t('또는');
								<select name="author-to-entry" id="author-to-entry">
									<option value=""><?php 
        echo _t('글 작성자를 변경합니다.');
        foreach ($teamblog_users as $teamblog_user) {
            $tmpstr = '';
            if ($teamblog_user['acl'] & BITWISE_ADMINISTRATOR) {
                $tmpstr .= _t('관리자');
Ejemplo n.º 22
if (is_null($entry)) {
    Respond::ErrorPage(_t('포스트 정보가 존재하지 않습니다.'));
    $isKeyword = $entry['category'] == -1;
if (defined('__TEXTCUBE_POST__') && isset($_GET['category'])) {
    $entry['category'] = $_GET['category'];
if (isset($_POST['slogan'])) {
    $_GET['slogan'] = $_POST['slogan'];
if (defined('__TEXTCUBE_POST__') && isset($_GET['slogan'])) {
    $entry['slogan'] = $_GET['slogan'];
    $entry['title'] = $_GET['slogan'];
// Check whether or not user has permission to edit.
if (Acl::check('group.editors') === false && !empty($suri['id'])) {
    if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) {
        @header("location:" . $context->getProperty('uri.blog') . "/owner/entry");
$editors = getAllEditors();
if (isset($_GET['editor']) && in_array($_GET['editor'], array_keys($editors))) {
    $entry['contenteditor'] = $_GET['editor'];
$context->setProperty('editor.key', $entry['contenteditor']);
if (isset($_GET['popupEditor'])) {
    require ROOT . '/interface/common/owner/headerForPopupEditor.php';
} else {
    require ROOT . '/interface/common/owner/header.php';
Ejemplo n.º 23
function moblog_manage()
    global $blogURL;
    if (Acl::check('group.administrators') && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Email', $_POST['pop3email']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Host', $_POST['pop3host']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Port', $_POST['pop3port']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Ssl', !empty($_POST['pop3ssl']) ? 1 : 0);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Username', $_POST['pop3username']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Password', $_POST['pop3password']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Visibility', $_POST['pop3visibility']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Category', $_POST['pop3category']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Fallbackuserid', getUserId());
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3MinSize', 0);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3AllowOnly', !empty($_POST['pop3allowonly']) ? 1 : 0);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Allow', $_POST['pop3allow']);
        Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Subject', $_POST['pop3subject']);
    $pop3email = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Email', '');
    $pop3host = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Host', 'localhost');
    $pop3port = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Port', 110);
    $pop3ssl = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Ssl', 0) ? " checked=1 " : "";
    $pop3username = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Username', '');
    $pop3password = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Password', '');
    $pop3minsize = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3MinSize', 0);
    $pop3category = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Category', 0);
    $pop3fallheadercharset = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Fallbackcharset', 'euc-kr');
    $pop3visibility = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Visibility', '2');
    $pop3mmsallowonly = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3AllowOnly', '0');
    $pop3mmsallow = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Allow', '');
    $pop3subject = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('MmsPop3Subject', '%Y-%M-%D');
						<hr class="hidden" />
						<div id="part-setting-editor" class="part">
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
    echo _t('MMS 메시지 확인용 메일 환경 설정');
    if (!Acl::check("group.administrators")) {
								<div id="editor-section" class="section">
										<dl id="formatter-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('MMS 수신 이메일');
        if (empty($pop3email)) {
            echo _t('비공개');
        } else {
            echo $pop3email;
        if (empty($pop3email)) {
            echo _t('이동전화에서 보내는 이메일을 수신할 주소가 공개되지 않았습니다');
        } else {
            echo _t('이동전화를 이용하여 위 메일로 이메일을 보내면 블로그에 게시됩니다');
    } else {
							<script type="text/javascript">
							function changehost(packedhost)
								var h = packedhost.split( ':' );
								document.forms['editor-form']['pop3host'].value = h[0];
								document.forms['editor-form']['pop3port'].value = h[1];
								document.forms['editor-form']['pop3ssl'].checked = !!parseInt(h[2]);
							function renderhosts()
								var hosts = "<?php 
        echo _t('PREDEFINED POP3 HOSTS');
								if( hosts == 'PREDEFINED POP3 HOSTS' ) {
									hosts = "gmail:pop.gmail.com:995:1/hanmail:pop.hanmail.net:995:1/naver:pop.naver.com:110:0/nate:mail.nate.com:110:0";
								hosts = "Localhost:localhost:110:0/" + hosts;
								hosts = hosts.split('/');
								for( var i=0; i<hosts.length; i++ ) {
									var h = hosts[i];
									var n = h.split(':')[0];
									var v = h.substr(n.length+1);
									document.write( "<option value=\""+v+"\">"+n+"</option>" );
							<form id="editor-form" class="data-inbox" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $blogURL;
								<div id="editor-section" class="section">
									<fieldset class="container">
        echo _t('MMS 환경을 설정합니다');
										<dl id="formatter-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('MMS용 이메일');
												<input type="text" style="width:14em" class="input-text" name="pop3email" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3email;
" /> 
        echo _t('(필진에 공개 됩니다. 사진을 찍어 이메일로 보내면 포스팅이 됩니다)');
										<dl id="formatter-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('POP3 호스트');
												<input type="text" style="width:14em" class="input-text" name="pop3host" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3host;
" />
												<select onchange="changehost(this.value)">
												<option value=""><?php 
        echo _t('선택하세요');
												<script type="text/javascript">renderhosts()</script>
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('POP3 포트');
												<input type="text" style="width:14em" class="input-text" name="pop3port" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3port;
" />
												<input type="checkbox" name="pop3ssl" value="1" <?php 
        echo $pop3ssl;
 /> SSL
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('POP3 아이디');
												<input type="text" style="width:14em" class="input-text" name="pop3username" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3username;
" />
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('POP3 비밀번호');
												<input type="password" style="width:14em" class="input-text" name="pop3password" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3password;
" />
									<div class="button-box">
										<input type="submit" class="save-button input-button wide-button" value="<?php 
        echo _t('저장하기');
"  />
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
        echo _t('글 쓰기 환경 설정');
								<div id="editor-section" class="section">
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('제목');
												<input type="text" style="width:24em" class="input-text" id="pop3subject" name="pop3subject" value="<?php 
        echo $pop3subject;
" />
        echo _t('%Y:년, %M:월, %D:일');
) <input type="button" value="<?php 
        echo _t("초기화");
" onclick="document.getElementById('pop3subject').value='%Y-%M-%D';return false;" />
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('공개여부');
													<span id="status-private" class="status-private"><input type="radio" id="visibility_private" class="radio" name="pop3visibility" value="0"<?php 
        echo $pop3visibility == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /><label for="visibility_private"><?php 
        echo _t('비공개');
													<span id="status-protected" class="status-protected"><input type="radio" id="visibility_protected" class="radio" name="pop3visibility" value="1"<?php 
        echo $pop3visibility == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /><label for="visibility_protected"><?php 
        echo _t('보호');
													<span id="status-public" class="status-public"><input type="radio" id="visibility_public" class="radio" name="pop3visibility" value="2"<?php 
        echo $pop3visibility == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /><label for="visibility_public"><?php 
        echo _t('공개');
													<span id="status-syndicated" class="status-syndicated"><input type="radio" id="visibility_syndicated" class="radio" name="pop3visibility" value="3"<?php 
        echo $pop3visibility == 3 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /><label for="visibility_syndicated"><?php 
        echo _t('발행');
										<dl id="editor-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('분류');
												<select id="category" name="pop3category">
													<optgroup class="category" label="<?php 
        echo _t('분류');
        foreach (getCategories(getBlogId()) as $category) {
            if ($category['id'] != 0) {
														<option value="<?php 
                echo $category['id'];
" <?php 
                echo $category['id'] == $pop3category ? 'selected' : '';
                echo ($category['visibility'] > 1 ? '' : _t('(비공개)')) . htmlspecialchars($category['name']);
            foreach ($category['children'] as $child) {
                if ($category['id'] != 0) {
														<option value="<?php 
                    echo $child['id'];
" <?php 
                    echo $child['id'] == $pop3category ? 'selected' : '';
 >&nbsp;― <?php 
                    echo ($category['visibility'] > 1 && $child['visibility'] > 1 ? '' : _t('(비공개)')) . htmlspecialchars($child['name']);
									<div class="button-box">
										<input type="submit" class="save-button input-button wide-button" value="<?php 
        echo _t('저장하기');
"  />
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
        echo _t('메일 필터링 설정');
								<div id="editor-section" class="section">
										<dl id="formatter-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('허용 목록');
												<input type="radio" id="pop3allowonly" name="pop3allowonly" value="1" <?php 
        echo $pop3mmsallowonly ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
												<label for="pop3allowonly"><?php 
        echo _t('다음 송신자로부터 전송된 메일만 MMS로 인식하여 처리합니다');
												<input type="radio" id="pop3allowlist" name="pop3allowonly" value="0" <?php 
        echo $pop3mmsallowonly ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
												<label for="pop3allowlist"><?php 
        echo _t('다음 송신자로부터 전송된 메일도 MMS로 인식하여 처리합니다');
												<input type="text" maxlength="128" name="pop3allow" value="<?php 
        echo htmlentities($pop3mmsallow);
" style="width:90%" />
        echo _t('여러 개인 경우 전화번호 혹은 이메일 주소를 쉼표나 공백으로 구별하여 나열합니다');
									<div class="button-box">
										<input type="submit" class="save-button input-button wide-button" value="<?php 
        echo _t('저장하기');
"  />
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
        echo _t('MMS 메시지 테스트');
								<div id="editor-section" class="section">
									<dl id="formatter-line" class="line">
										<dt><span class="label"><?php 
        echo _t('명령');
											<input type="button" class="save-button input-button wide-button" value="<?php 
        echo _t('로그보기');
        echo $blogURL;
/plugin/moblog/check?check=1&rnd='+((new Date()).getTime())" />
											<input type="button" class="save-button input-button wide-button" value="<?php 
        echo _t('시험하기');
        echo $blogURL;
/plugin/moblog/check?rnd='+((new Date()).getTime())" />
								<iframe src="about:blank" class="debug_message" id="pop3_debug" style="width:100%; height:400px">
Ejemplo n.º 24

/// Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Needlworks  / Tatter Network Foundation
/// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL.
/// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT)
require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php';
require ROOT . '/interface/common/owner/header.php';
if (Acl::check('group.creators')) {
						<script type="text/javascript">
								function deletePluginTable(name, type) {
    echo _t('해당 테이블을 정말 삭제하시겠습니까? 사용중인 플러그인은 자동으로 해제됩니다.');
									var queryURL = "<?php 
    echo $context->getProperty('uri.blog');
									queryURL += '?name=' + encodeURI(name);
									queryURL += '&type=' + type;
									var request = new HTTPRequest("POST", queryURL);
									request.onSuccess = function() {
    echo _t('테이블이 삭제되었습니다.');
Ejemplo n.º 25
function PN_Visitor_Default()
    global $pluginMenuURL, $pluginHandlerURL;
    $blogid = getBlogId();
    $stats = Statistics::getStatistics($blogid);
    $date = isset($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : date('Ym', strtotime("now"));
<!-- This tab space below this line is inserted for the indentation of original admin page -->
						<script type="text/javascript">
    if (Acl::check('group.owners')) {
								function setTotalStatistics() {
									if (confirm("방문자의 수를 초기화하면 방문객의 수가 0이 됩니다.\n정말 초기화하시겠습니까?")) {
										var request = new HTTPRequest("GET", "<?php 
        echo $pluginHandlerURL;
										request.onSuccess = function() {
											//document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = 0;
											window.location = '<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
											return true;
										request.onError = function() {
											alert("저장하지 못했습니다.");
											return false;
								function addCommas(nStr) {
									nStr += '';
									x = nStr.split('.');
									x1 = x[0];
									x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
									var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
									while (rgx.test(x1)) {
										x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
									return x1 + x2;
								window.addEventListener("load", execLoadFunction, false);
								function execLoadFunction() {
									tempDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
									tempDiv.style.clear = "both";
					 	<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $pluginHandlerURL;
					 		<div id="part-statistics-visitor" class="part">
					 			<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text">방문자 통계정보를 보여줍니다</span></h2>
						 		<div id="statistics-counter-inbox" class="data-inbox">
									<div class="title">
										<span class="label"><span class="text">현재까지의 방문자 수</span></span>
										<span class="divider"> : </span>
										<span id="total"><?php 
    echo number_format($stats['total']);
    if (Acl::check('group.owners')) {
									<a class="init-button button" href="<?php 
        echo $pluginHandlerURL;
/PN_Visitor_Default_set" onclick="setTotalStatistics(); return false;"><span class="text">초기화</span></a>
								<hr class="hidden" />
								<table id="statistics-month-inbox" class="data-inbox" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
											<th colspan="2"><span class="text">월별 방문자 수</span></th>
    $temp = Statistics::getMonthlyStatistics($blogid);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp); $i++) {
        $record = $temp[$i];
        $className = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'even-line' : 'odd-line';
        $className .= $i == sizeof($temp) - 1 ? ' last-line' : '';
										<tr class="<?php 
        echo $className;
 inactive-class" onmouseover="rolloverClass(this, 'over')" onmouseout="rolloverClass(this, 'out')" onclick="window.location.href='<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
											<td class="date"><a href="<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
        echo Timestamp::formatDate2(Utils_Misc::getTimeFromPeriod($record['datemark']));
											<td class="count"><a href="<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
        echo $record['visits'];
								<hr class="hidden" />
								<table id="statistics-day-inbox" class="data-inbox" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
											<th colspan="2"><span class="text">일별 방문자 수</span></th>
    if (isset($date)) {
        $temp = Statistics::getDailyStatistics($date);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp); $i++) {
            $record = $temp[$i];
            $className = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'even-line' : 'odd-line';
            $className .= $i == sizeof($temp) - 1 ? ' last-line' : '';
										<tr class="<?php 
            echo $className;
											<td class="date"><?php 
            echo Timestamp::formatDate(Utils_Misc::getTimeFromPeriod($record['datemark']));
											<td class="count"><?php 
            echo $record['visits'];
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Список прав пользователя
  * @return array
 public function permissions_list()
     $permissions = array();
     foreach (Acl::get_permissions() as $section_title => $actions) {
         foreach ($actions as $action => $title) {
             if (Acl::check($action, $this)) {
                 $permissions[$section_title][$action] = $title;
     return $permissions;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        echo $child->get_status();
			<div class="actions col-xs-1 text-right">
				<div class="btn-group">
        if (Acl::check('page.add')) {
            echo UI::button(NULL, array('href' => Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'add', 'id' => $child->id)), 'icon' => UI::icon('plus'), 'class' => 'btn-default btn-xs'));
        if (Acl::check('page.delete')) {
            echo UI::button(NULL, array('href' => Route::get('backend')->uri(array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'delete', 'id' => $child->id)), 'icon' => UI::icon('times fa-inverse'), 'class' => 'btn-xs btn-confirm btn-danger'));
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
        if ($child->is_expanded) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
if (Acl::check('group.owners')) {
    $urlRule = getBlogURLRule();
						<div id="part-setting-invite" class="part">
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
    echo _t('새로운 사람을 블로그의 필진으로 초대합니다');
    if (!function_exists('mail') && !getServiceSetting('useCustomSMTP', 0)) {
							<div class="main-explain-box">
								<p class="explain"><?php 
        echo _t('시스템에 자체에서 메일을 보낼 수가 없습니다. 외부 메일 서버를 지정해주세요.');
Ejemplo n.º 29
    if (!Acl::check("group.editors")) {
        if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) {
    if ($isAjaxRequest) {
        if (deleteEntry($blogid, $suri['id']) === true) {
        } else {
    } else {
        deleteEntry($blogid, $suri['id']);
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} else {
    foreach (explode(',', $_POST['targets']) as $target) {
        // TeamBlog check
        if (!Acl::check('group.writers', 'entry.delete.' . $target)) {
            if (getUserIdOfEntry(getBlogId(), $suri['id']) != getUserId()) {
        if (!deleteEntry($blogid, $target)) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
function getRecentComments($blogid, $count = false, $isGuestbook = false, $guestShip = false)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $pool = DBModel::getInstance();
    $comments = array();
    if (!(doesHaveOwnership() && !$guestShip)) {
        $pool = getPrivateCategoryExclusionQualifier($pool, $blogid);
    $pool->setAlias("Comments", "r");
    $pool->setAlias("Entries", "e");
    $joint = array(array("r.blogid", "eq", "e.blogid"), array("r.entry", "eq", "e.id"), array("e.draft", "eq", 0));
    if (doesHaveOwnership() && !$guestShip) {
        if (!$isGuestbook && !Acl::check("group.editors")) {
            array_push($joint, array("e.userid", "eq", getUserId()));
        $pool->join("Entries", "inner", $joint);
        $pool->setQualifier("r.blogid", "eq", $blogid);
    } else {
        $pool->setAlias("Categories", "c");
        $pool->join("Entries", "inner", $joint);
        $pool->join("Categories", "left outer", array(array("e.blogid", "eq", "c.blogid"), array("e.category", "eq", "c.id")));
        $pool->setQualifier("r.blogid", "eq", $blogid);
        $pool->setQualifier("e.draft", "eq", 0);
        $pool->setQualifier("e.visibility", ">=", 2);
    if ($isGuestbook != false) {
        $pool->setQualifier("r.entry", "eq", 0);
    } else {
        $pool->setQualifier("r.entry", ">", 0);
    $pool->setQualifier("r.isfiltered", "eq", 0);
    $pool->setOrder("r.written", "desc");
    $pool->setLimit($count != false ? $count : $context->getProperty('skin.commentsOnRecent'));
    if ($result = $pool->getAll("r.*, e.title, e.slogan", array("usedbcache" => true, "dbprefix" => 'comment'))) {
        foreach ($result as $comment) {
            if ($comment['secret'] == 1 && !doesHaveOwnership()) {
                if (!doesHaveOpenIDPriv($comment)) {
                    $comment['name'] = _text('비밀방문자');
                    $comment['homepage'] = '';
                    $comment['comment'] = _text('관리자만 볼 수 있는 댓글입니다.');
            array_push($comments, $comment);
    return $comments;