function extractLinkedData($link, $origin) { global $ep; // Wenn es die URL im Graph schon gibt, nichts machen, TODO besser updaten? if (graphContainsUrl($link)) { $res = new Response(null, "URL {$link} already visited, skip indexing"); return res; } else { $parser = ARC2::getTurtleParser(); //$data = $_POST['turtle']; $parser->parse($link); $triples = $parser->getTriples(); // print_r($triples); // Wenn keine Tripel gefunden wurden if (count($triples) < 1) { $res = new Response(null, "URL {$link} contains no triples"); } else { // in Datenbank einfügen $ep->insert($triples, $origin); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($triples); //echo "</pre>"; $res = new Response(null, "URL {$link}: added " . count($triples) . " triples"); } return $res; } }
function parse($q, $src = '', $iso_fallback = 'ignore') { $this->setDefaultPrefixes(); $this->base = $src ? $this->calcBase($src) : ARC2::getRequestURI(); $this->r = array('base' => '', 'vars' => array(), 'prefixes' => array()); $this->unparsed_code = $q; list($r, $v) = $this->xQuery($q); if ($r) { $this->r['query'] = $r; $this->unparsed_code = trim($v); } elseif (!$this->getErrors() && !$this->unparsed_code) { $this->addError('Query not properly closed'); } $this->r['prefixes'] = $this->prefixes; $this->r['base'] = $this->base; /* remove trailing comments */ while (preg_match('/^\\s*(\\#[^\\xd\\xa]*)(.*)$/si', $this->unparsed_code, $m)) { $this->unparsed_code = $m[2]; } if ($this->unparsed_code && !$this->getErrors()) { $rest = preg_replace('/[\\x0a|\\x0d]/i', ' ', substr($this->unparsed_code, 0, 30)); $msg = trim($rest) ? 'Could not properly handle "' . $rest . '"' : 'Syntax error, probably an incomplete pattern'; $this->addError($msg); } }
/** * Perform the load. * * @param EasyRdf_Graph $chunk * @return void */ public function execute(&$chunk) { if (!$chunk->isEmpty()) { // Don't use EasyRdf's ntriple serializer, as something might be wrong with its unicode byte characters // After serializing with semsol/arc and easyrdf, the output looks the same (with unicode characters), but after a // binary utf-8 conversion (see $this->serialize()) the outcome is very different, leaving easyrdf's encoding completely different // from the original utf-8 characters, and the semsol/arc encoding correct as the original. $ttl = $chunk->serialise('turtle'); $arc_parser = \ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $ser = \ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer(); $arc_parser->parse('', $ttl); $triples = $ser->getSerializedTriples($arc_parser->getTriples()); preg_match_all("/(<.*\\.)/", $triples, $matches); if ($matches[0]) { $this->buffer = array_merge($this->buffer, $matches[0]); } $triple_count = count($matches[0]); $this->log("Added {$triple_count} triples to the load buffer."); while (count($this->buffer) >= $this->loader->buffer_size) { // Log the time it takes to load the triples into the store $start = microtime(true); $buffer_size = $this->loader->buffer_size; $triples_to_send = array_slice($this->buffer, 0, $buffer_size); $this->addTriples($triples_to_send); $this->buffer = array_slice($this->buffer, $buffer_size); $duration = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2); $this->log("Took {$buffer_size} triples from the load buffer, loading them took {$duration} ms."); } } }
/** * Connexion au store * @return bool */ private function connect() { $this->store = ARC2::getStore($this->config); if (!@$this->store->getDBCon()) { //On regarde si l'on peut se connecter avec les informations fournies $this->errors[] = "Error connexion"; return false; } else { if (!$this->store->isSetUp()) { //Si les tables du store n'existent pas $this->store->setUp(); //On crée les tables if ($erreurs = $this->store->getErrors()) { //Si la création à échouée foreach ($erreurs as $value) { $this->errors[] = $value; } return false; $this->store->closeDBCon(); } else { //Si on vient de faire la création pour pouvoir faire autre chose on doit se déconnecter et se reconnecter $this->store->closeDBCon(); $this->store = ARC2::getStore($this->config); } } } return true; }
function parse($path, $data = '') { $this->state = 0; /* reader */ if (!$this->v('reader')) { ARC2::inc('Reader'); $this->reader =& new ARC2_Reader($this->a, $this); } $this->reader->setAcceptHeader('Accept: sparql-results+xml; q=0.9, */*; q=0.1'); $this->reader->activate($path, $data); $this->x_base = isset($this->a['base']) && $this->a['base'] ? $this->a['base'] : $this->reader->base; /* xml parser */ $this->initXMLParser(); /* parse */ $first = true; while ($d = $this->reader->readStream()) { if (!xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $d, false)) { $error_str = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->xml_parser)); $line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->xml_parser); $this->tmp_error = 'XML error: "' . $error_str . '" at line ' . $line . ' (parsing as ' . $this->getEncoding() . ')'; return $this->addError($this->tmp_error); } } $this->target_encoding = xml_parser_get_option($this->xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING); xml_parser_free($this->xml_parser); $this->reader->closeStream(); return $this->done(); }
function extractRDF() { $tc = 0; $t = ''; $t_vals = array(); foreach ($this->nodes as $n) { if ($n['tag'] != 'a') { continue; } if (!($href = $this->v('href uri', '', $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($rels = $this->v('rel m', array(), $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($vals = array_intersect($this->terms, $rels))) { continue; } $parts = preg_match('/^(.*\\/)([^\\/]+)\\/?$/', $href, $m) ? array('space' => $m[1], 'tag' => rawurldecode($m[2])) : array('space' => '', 'tag' => ''); if ($tag = $parts['tag']) { $t_vals['s_' . $tc] = $this->getContainerResIDByClass($n, $this->containers); $t_vals['concept_' . $tc] = $this->createBnodeID() . '_concept'; $t_vals['tag_' . $tc] = $tag; $t_vals['space_' . $tc] = $parts['space']; $t .= '?s_' . $tc . ' skos:subject [skos:prefLabel ?tag_' . $tc . ' ; skos:inScheme ?space_' . $tc . '] . '; $tc++; } } $doc = $this->getFilledTemplate($t, $t_vals, $n['doc_base']); $this->addTs(ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($doc)); }
function extractRDF() { foreach ($this->nodes as $n) { if ($n['tag'] != 'a') { continue; } if (!($href = $this->v('href iri', '', $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($rels = $this->v('rel m', array(), $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($vals = array_intersect($this->terms, $rels))) { continue; } $t_vals = array('s' => $this->getDocOwnerID($n), 's_page' => $this->getDocID($n), 'o' => $this->getPersonID($n), 'o_label' => $this->getResLabel($n), 'o_page' => $href); $t = ''; foreach ($vals as $val) { $t .= '?s xfn:' . $val . ' ?o . '; $t .= $val == 'me' ? '?s foaf:homepage ?o_page . ' : ''; } if ($t) { $t .= '?s a foaf:Person ; foaf:homepage ?s_page . '; $t .= '?o a foaf:Person ; foaf:homepage ?o_page '; $t .= $t_vals['o_label'] ? '; foaf:name ?o_label . ' : '. '; $doc = $this->getFilledTemplate($t, $t_vals, $n['doc_base']); $this->addTs(ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($doc)); } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $smwgARC2StoreConfig; /* instantiation */ $this->arc2store = ARC2::getStore( $smwgARC2StoreConfig ); }
function extractRDF() { foreach ($this->nodes as $n) { if (!($vals = $this->v('class m', array(), $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!in_array('adr', $vals)) { continue; } /* node */ $t_vals = array('s' => $this->getResID($n, 'adr')); $t = ''; /* context */ list($t_vals, $t) = $this->extractContext($n, $t_vals, $t); /* properties */ foreach ($this->terms as $term) { $m = 'extract' . $this->camelCase($term); if (method_exists($this, $m)) { list($t_vals, $t) = $this->{$m}($n, $t_vals, $t); } } /* result */ $doc = $this->getFilledTemplate($t, $t_vals, $n['doc_base']); $this->addTs(ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($doc)); } }
function test_set_comment_add_rdfs_comment_triple() { $fpmap = new QueryProfile(""); $fpmap->set_comment('my qp is kewl'); $index = ARC2::getSimpleIndex($fpmap->get_triples(), true); $this->assertEquals("my qp is kewl", $index[$fpmap->uri][''][0]); }
public function testSelectSerializeAndDelete() { global $EndPoint4store, $modeDebug, $prefixSparql, $prefixTurtle, $graph1, $graph2; $s = new Endpoint($EndPoint4store, false, $modeDebug); $this->checkIfInitialState($s); $r = $s->set($graph1, $prefixTurtle . "\n@prefix xsd: <> .\n\t\t\t\t\ta:A b:Name \"Test2\"@en.\n\t\t\t\t\ta:A b:Name \"Test3\"@fr.\n\t\t\t\t\ta:A b:Name \"Test4\".\n\t\t\t\t\ta:A b:date \"2010-03-09T22:30:00Z\"^^xsd:dateTime .\n\t\t\t\t\t"); $q = $prefixSparql . "\n select * where {GRAPH <" . $graph1 . "> {a:A ?p ?o.}} "; $triples = $s->query($q, 'rows'); $err = $s->getErrors(); if ($err) { print_r($err); $this->assertTrue(false); } for ($i = 0, $i_max = count($triples); $i < $i_max; $i++) { $triples[$i]['s'] = ""; $triples[$i]['s type'] = "uri"; } //print_r($triples); /* Serializer instantiation */ $ser = ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer(); /* Serialize a triples array */ $docd = $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples, 1); $q = "DELETE DATA { \n\t\t\t\tGRAPH <" . $graph1 . "> { \n\t\t\t\t{$docd} \n \t\t}}"; //print_r($q); $res = $s->query($q, 'raw'); $err = $s->getErrors(); if ($err) { print_r($err); $this->assertTrue(false); } $this->assertTrue($res); $this->checkIfInitialState($s); }
public function testBlockUpdateWithoutGraph() { global $prefixSparql, $graph1; $q = $prefixSparql . " \n\t\t\tINSERT DATA { \n\t\t\t\ta:A b:Name \"Test2\" . \n \t\t}"; $p = ARC2::getSPARQLPlusParser(); $p->parse($q); $infos = $p->getQueryInfos(); $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); $err = $p->getErrors(); if ($err) { print_r($err); $this->assertTrue(true); } else { $this->assertTrue(false); } $q = $prefixSparql . " \n\t\t\tDELETE DATA { \n\t\t\t\ta:A b:Name \"Test2\" . \n \t\t}"; $p = ARC2::getSPARQLPlusParser(); $p->parse($q); $infos = $p->getQueryInfos(); $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); $err = $p->getErrors(); if ($err) { print_r($err); $this->assertTrue(true); } else { $this->assertTrue(false); } }
public function __construct($contextURI) { global $config; $this->store = ARC2::getStore($config); $this->contextURI = $contextURI; $this->query = "\n\nSELECT DISTINCT ?rName ?pURL ?pTitle ?lvDesc ?lvScore \nWHERE {\n\t<{$this->contextURI}> r:hasRubric ?rubric ; \nr:hasRubric ?rubric ; \n\t r:hasRecording ?rec .\n ?rubric sioc:name ?rName . \n\t?rec r:hasLineValue ?lv ;\n\t\tr:hasPage ?pURL ; \n\t\t sioc:has_creator ?recCreator . \n\t?lv r:score ?lvScore ;\n\t\tr:description ?lvDesc . \nOPTIONAL {\n\t?pURL dc:title ?pTitle . \n}\t\n}\n\n\t"; }
public function testAddGraphToStore() { $storeConf = array('db_host' => 'localhost', 'db_name' => 'negtest', 'db_user' => 'negtest', 'db_pwd' => 'negtest'); $store = ARC2::getStore($storeConf); $store->reset(); if (!$store->isSetUp()) { $store->setUp(); } $docNeg = $this->getDOMDocNeg(); $docNeg->setStore($store); $docNeg->process(); $docNeg->gatherSubnegotiatorGraphs(false); $docNeg->addGraphToStore(); $q = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'; $rs = $store->query($q); if (!$store->getErrors()) { $rows = $rs['result']['rows']; $this->assertEquals('', $rows[0]['s']); } $q = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } }'; $rs = $store->query($q); if (!$store->getErrors()) { $rows = $rs['result']['rows']; $this->assertEquals('', $rows[0]['s']); $this->assertEquals(2, count($rows)); } $q = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } }'; $rs = $store->query($q); if (!$store->getErrors()) { $rows = $rs['result']['rows']; $this->assertEquals(0, count($rows)); } }
function extractRDF() { $tc = 0; $t = ''; $t_vals = array(); foreach ($this->nodes as $n) { if ($n['tag'] != 'a') { continue; } if (!($href = $this->v('href uri', '', $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($rels = $this->v('rel m', array(), $n['a']))) { continue; } if (!($vals = array_intersect($this->terms, $rels))) { continue; } if (in_array('category', $this->v('class m', array(), $n['a']))) { continue; } /* hcard/hcalendar categories */ $parts = preg_match('/^(.*\\/)([^\\/]+)\\/?$/', $href, $m) ? array('space' => $m[1], 'tag' => rawurldecode($m[2])) : array('space' => '', 'tag' => ''); if ($tag = $parts['tag']) { $t_vals['s_' . $tc] = $this->getContainerResIDByClass($n, $this->containers); $t_vals['tag_' . $tc] = $tag; $t .= '?s_' . $tc . ' dc:subject ?tag_' . $tc . ' . '; $tc++; } } $doc = $this->getFilledTemplate($t, $t_vals, $n['doc_base']); $this->addTs(ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($doc)); }
public function testGetFormatWithNTriples() { $data = file_get_contents('../data/nt/test.nt'); $actual = ARC2::getFormat($data); $this->assertEquals('ntriples', $actual); $actual = ARC2::getFormat($data, '', 'nt'); $this->assertEquals('ntriples', $actual); }
public function __construct($contextURIs) { global $config; global $graphConfig; $this->store = ARC2::getStore($config); $this->uris = $contextURIs; $this->graph = ARC2::getComponent('PMJ_ResourceGraphPlugin', $graphConfig); }
public function getResourcePredicates($subject) { $resource = ARC2::getResource(); $resource->setStore($this->getStore()); $resource->setURI($subject); $properties = $resource->getProps(); return $properties; }
/** * function mergeResource * @param PMJ_ResourcePlus $res */ public function mergeResource($res) { if ($res - uri != $this->uri) { $this->addError('Resource uris must match'); return false; } $this->index = ARC2::getMergedIndex($res->index, $this->index); }
public static function query($query) { $dbpconfig = array("remote_store_endpoint" => "http://localhost:8000/sparql/"); $store = ARC2::getRemoteStore($dbpconfig); $query = $query; $rows = $store->query($query, 'rows'); /* execute the query */ return $rows; }
function runQuery($infos, $keep_bnode_ids = 0) { $this->infos = $infos; $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); ARC2::inc('StoreDumper'); $d = new ARC2_StoreDumper($this->a, $this->store); $d->dumpSPOG(); return 1; }
public function getNegotiators($val, $nArray = false) { $retArray = array(); $nArray = $nArray ? $nArray : $this->negotiators; foreach ($this->negotiators as $n) { if ($this->applyTestOnNegotiator($n, $val)) { $retArray[] = ARC2::getComponent($n); } } }
public function printGraph() { /* Serializer instantiation */ $ser = \ARC2::getRDFJSONSerializer(); foreach ($this->objectToPrint as $class => $prop) { $triples = $prop->getTriples(); } /* Serialize a triples array */ echo $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); }
/** * Executes endpoint action * */ public function executeEndpoint() { require_once SF_ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SF_APP . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'arc_config.php'; /* instantiation */ $ep = ARC2::getStoreEndpoint($arc_config); /* request handling */ $ep->go(); $this->ep = $ep; return sfView::NONE; }
function parse_to_simple_index($rdfxml) { $triples = array(); if (strlen($rdfxml) > 0) { $parser = ARC2::getRDFXMLParser(); $parser->parse(null, $rdfxml); $triples = $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } return $triples; }
function get_openlink_acct($acct) { $parser = ARC2::getRDFParser(); $parser->parse($acct); $triples = $parser->getTriples(); foreach ($triples as $row) { if (strcmp($row[p], "") == 0) { return convert_to_rss($row[o]); } } }
public function __construct() { $this->store = ARC2::getStore($this->config); if (!$this->store->isSetUp()) { $this->store->setUp(); } //$this->store->reset(); //$this->store->query('LOAD <person.rdf>'); //$this->store->query('LOAD <>'); $this->ns = array('rdf' => '', 'foaf' => '', 's' => '', 'view' => '', 'tal' => ''); }
function parse($path, $data = '', $iso_fallback = false) { /* reader */ if (!$this->v('reader')) { ARC2::inc('Reader'); $this->reader = new ARC2_Reader($this->a, $this); } $this->reader->setAcceptHeader('Accept: application/rdf+xml; q=0.9, */*; q=0.1'); $this->reader->activate($path, $data); $this->x_base = isset($this->a['base']) && $this->a['base'] ? $this->a['base'] : $this->reader->base; /* xml parser */ $this->initXMLParser(); /* parse */ $first = true; while ($d = $this->reader->readStream()) { if (!$this->keep_time_limit) { @set_time_limit($this->v('time_limit', 60, $this->a)); } if ($iso_fallback && $first) { $d = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . "\n" . preg_replace('/^\\<\\?xml [^\\>]+\\?\\>\\s*/s', '', $d); $first = false; } preg_match_all('/<<<(.+?\\s*?)*?>>>/', $d, $res); if (isset($res)) { foreach ($res[0] as $templ) { $key = 'template_' . count($this->templates); $this->templates[$key] = str_replace('<<<', '', str_replace('>>>', '', $templ)); $d = str_replace($templ, $key, $d); } } if (!xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $d, false)) { $error_str = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->xml_parser)); $line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->xml_parser); $this->tmp_error = 'XML error: "' . $error_str . '" at line ' . $line . ' (parsing as ' . $this->getEncoding() . ')'; if (!$iso_fallback && preg_match("/Invalid character/i", $error_str)) { xml_parser_free($this->xml_parser); unset($this->xml_parser); $this->reader->closeStream(); $this->__init(); $this->encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; unset($this->xml_parser); unset($this->reader); return $this->parse($path, $data, true); } else { return $this->addError($this->tmp_error); } } } $this->target_encoding = xml_parser_get_option($this->xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING); xml_parser_free($this->xml_parser); $this->reader->closeStream(); unset($this->reader); return $this->done(); }
public function setNegotiators() { if ($handle = opendir('./')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($file, 0, 12) == 'negotiators_' && $file != 'negotiators_DataNegotiatorPlugin' && substr($file, -1) != '~') { ARC2::inc(rtrim($file, '.php')); $this->negotiators[] = rtrim($file, '.php'); } } closedir($handle); } }
function render($context, $stream) { global $dbh; global $class_path; $query_stream = new StreamWriter(); $this->sparql_query->render($context, $query_stream); $query = $query_stream->close(); require_once "{$class_path}/rdf/arc2/ARC2.php"; $config = array('remote_store_endpoint' => $this->endpoint, 'remote_store_timeout' => 10); $store = ARC2::getRemoteStore($config); $context->set($this->struct_name, $store->query($query, 'rows')); }