Ejemplo n.º 1
 function __construct()
     $connection = new \AMQPConnection();
     if (!$connection->isConnected()) {
         throw new \AMQPConnectionException('Rabbit is not connected');
     $this->channel = new \AMQPChannel($connection);
     $this->exchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function Run()
     // Declare a new exchange
     $ex = new AMQPExchange($this->cnn);
     $ex->declare('game', AMQP_EX_TYPE_FANOUT);
     // Create a new queue
     $q1 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $q2 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     // Bind it on the exchange to routing.key
     //$ex->bind('queue1', 'broadcast=true,target=queue1,x-match=any');
     $ex->bind('queue1', '');
     $ex->bind('queue2', '');
     $msgBody = 'hello';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $ex->publish($msgBody, 'foo');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q1->consume();
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 1);
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgBody, 'message not equal');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q2->consume();
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 1);
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgBody, 'message not equal');
     $this->AddMessage(var_export($msg[0], true));
 public function Run()
     // Declare a new exchange
     $ex = new AMQPExchange($this->cnn);
     $ex->declare('game', AMQP_EX_TYPE_TOPIC);
     // Create a new queue
     $q1 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $q2 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $q3 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $options = array('min' => 0, 'max' => 10, 'ack' => true);
     // Bind it on the exchange to routing.key
     $ex->bind('queue1', 'game1.#');
     $ex->bind('queue2', 'game1.#');
     $ex->bind('queue3', 'game1.#');
     $ex->bind('queue3', 'queue3.#');
     $msgbody1 = 'hello';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody1, 'game1.msg');
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     $msgbody2 = 'world';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody2, 'game1.msg');
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     $msgbody3 = 'hello player3';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody3, 'queue3.command');
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q1->consume($options);
     $this->AddMessage(var_export($msg, true));
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 2);
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q2->consume($options);
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 2);
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q3->consume($options);
     $this->AddMessage(var_export($msg, true));
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 3);
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     $this->AssertEquals($msg[2]['message_body'], $msgbody3, 'message not equal');
     $msg = $q3->consume($options);
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 0);
 public function Run()
     // Declare a new exchange
     $ex = new AMQPExchange($this->cnn);
     $ex->declare('game', AMQP_EX_TYPE_HEADER);
     // Create a new queue
     $q1 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $q2 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $q3 = new AMQPQueue($this->cnn);
     $options = array('min' => 0, 'max' => 10, 'ack' => true);
     // Bind it on the exchange to routing.key
     $ex->bind('queue1', 'broadcast=1,target=1,x-match=any');
     $ex->bind('queue2', 'broadcast=1,target=2,x-match=any');
     $ex->bind('queue3', 'broadcast=1,target=3,x-match=any');
     $msgbody1 = 'hello';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody1, NULL, AMQP_IMMEDIATE, array('headers' => array('broadcast' => 1)));
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     $msgbody2 = 'world';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody2, NULL, AMQP_IMMEDIATE, array('headers' => array('broadcast' => 1)));
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     $msgbody3 = 'queue3';
     // Publish a message to the exchange with a routing key
     $result = $ex->publish($msgbody1, NULL, AMQP_IMMEDIATE, array('headers' => array('target' => 3)));
     $this->AssertEquals($result, TRUE, 'publish message failed');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q1->consume($options);
     $this->AddMessage(var_export($msg, true));
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 2);
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q2->consume($options);
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 2);
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     // Read from the queue
     $msg = $q3->consume($options);
     $this->AssertEquals(count($msg), 3);
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[0]['message_body'], $msgbody1, 'message not equal');
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[1]['message_body'], $msgbody2, 'message not equal');
     //$this->AssertEquals($msg[2]['message_body'], $msgbody3, 'message not equal');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct($AMQPConfiguration, $exchangeName = '')
     if (!class_exists('AMQPConnection')) {
         throw new \LogicException("Can't find AMQP lib");
     $ampq = new \AMQPConnection($AMQPConfiguration);
     if ($ampq->connect()) {
         $channel = new \AMQPChannel($ampq);
         $exchange = new \AMQPExchange($channel);
         $this->channel = $channel;
         $this->exchange = $exchange;
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Can't connect to AMQP server");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * 批量打入v3work_seo_pdrec数据,用于预热本企业推荐产品
function writeRMQ($exchangeName = 'v3www', $router, $data = '')
    $cfg = array('host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'v3work', 'password' => 'gc7232275', 'vhost' => '/');
    if (empty($exchangeName) || empty($data) || empty($cfg)) {
        return false;
    $reTryNum = 3;
    $errMsg = array();
    do {
        try {
            $connection = new AMQPConnection($cfg);
            $channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
            $exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
            $routingKey = $router;
            $ret = $exchange->publish($data, $routingKey, AMQP_NOPARAM, array('delivery_mode' => '2'));
            return $ret;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $errMsg[] = $e->getMessage();
            $reTryNum -= 1;
    } while ($reTryNum);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7

require 'config.php';
$connection = new AMQPConnection($connect);
$channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
$queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
$queue->bind($exname, $routekey);
$message = json_encode(array('Hello World! 测试消息!', 'TOPIC'));
$exchange->publish($message, $routekey);
Ejemplo n.º 8
$q_name = 'q_test5';
$r_key = 'key_test1';
$message = json_encode(array("HelloWorld"));
$channel = new AMQPChannel($conn);
//注:队列跟exchange 都需要基于channel channel基于connection
$ex = new AMQPExchange($channel);
//TPYE DIRECT 添加进绑定key的所有的队列,FANOUT 添加进绑定的所有队列 TOPIC 自定义的规则 . 连接多个队列 #为通配符
echo "exchange status:" . $ex->declare();
echo "\n";
$q = new AMQPQueue($channel);
//设置队列的名字 如果不存在则自动添加
//添加属性 DURABLE持久的 AUTODELEETE没有连接自动删除
echo "queue status:" . $q->declare();
echo "\n";
echo 'queue bind:' . $q->bind($e_name, $r_key);
echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected function getAMQPExchange()
     if (is_null(self::$_AMQPExchange)) {
         $channel = new AMQPChannel($this->getAMQPConnection());
         $exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
         $queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
         $queue->setArgument('x-ha-policy', 'all');
         $queue->bind($this->getExchangeName(), $this->getRoutingKey());
         self::$_AMQPExchange = $exchange;
     return self::$_AMQPExchange;
Ejemplo n.º 10
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
if (!$res) {
    die("connection false\n");
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
$testChannel = new AMQPChannel($rabbit);
printf("--------- %d  ---- Queue-----\n", __LINE__);
$q2 = new AMQPQueue($testChannel);
printf("--------- %d  ---- Exchange -----\n", __LINE__);
$testExchange = new AMQPExchange($testChannel);
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
// $testExchange->delete();
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
// unset($testChannel);
// printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
// $testChannel = new AMQPChannel($rabbit);
printf("--------- %d  ---- Queue-----\n", __LINE__);
$q = new AMQPQueue($testChannel);
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
$q->bind('test_e', 'scan');
printf("--------- %d  ---------\n", __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * 批量打入v3work_seo_pdrec数据,用于预热本企业推荐产品
function writeRMQ($exchangeName = 'v3cb', $routingKey, $data = '')
    global $cfg;
    if (empty($exchangeName) || empty($data) || empty($cfg)) {
        return false;
    $reTryNum = 3;
    $errMsg = array();
    do {
        try {
            $connection = new AMQPConnection($cfg);
            $channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);
            $exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
            $ret = $exchange->publish($data, $routingKey, AMQP_NOPARAM, array('delivery_mode' => '2'));
            return $ret;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $errMsg[] = $e->getMessage();
            $reTryNum -= 1;
    } while ($reTryNum);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12

// print_r( get_loaded_extensions() );
$cnn = new AMQPConnection();
echo "------  connect ...  --------\n";
$ret = $cnn->connect();
echo "------  connect Ok  --------\n";
$ch = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
$ex = new AMQPExchange($ch);
$q = new AMQPQueue($ch);
echo "------  exchange Ok  --------\n";
// $cnn->disconnect(AMQP_NOPARAM);
echo "------  declare Ok  --------\n";
$res = $ex->bind("test_q", "kkk");
echo "------  binding Ok  --------\n";
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Declares an exchange on the broker
  * available options:
  * - type: string
  * - passive: boolean
  * - durable: boolean
  * - auto_delete: boolean
  * - internal: boolean
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $options
  * @return CakeAmqpBase
 public function declareExchange($name, $options = array())
     if (!$this->connected()) {
         throw new CakeException(__d('cake_amqp', 'Not connected to broker'));
     if (isset($this->_exchanges[$name])) {
         throw new CakeException(__d('cake_amqp', 'Exchange already exists: %s', $name));
     $defaults = array('type' => 'direct', 'passive' => false, 'durable' => false, 'auto_delete' => true, 'internal' => false);
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
     if (!array_key_exists($options['type'], $this->_exchangeTypes)) {
         throw new CakeException(__d('cake_amqp', 'Exchange type not supported: %s', $options['type']));
     $exchange = new AMQPExchange($this->_channel);
     $this->_exchanges[$name] = $exchange;
     return $this;