Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Handles GET requests of the publish page.
 public function get_publish($template = 'publish')
     $extract = $this->handler_vars->filter_keys('id', 'content_type_name');
     foreach ($extract as $key => $value) {
         ${$key} = $value;
     $content_type = Post::type($content_type_name);
     // 0 is what's assigned to new posts
     if (isset($id) && $id != 0) {
         $post = Post::get(array('id' => $id, 'status' => Post::status('any')));
         Plugins::act('admin_publish_post', $post);
         if (!$post) {
             Session::error(_t("You don't have permission to edit that post"));
         if (!ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
             Session::error(_t("You don't have permission to edit that post"));
         $this->theme->post = $post;
     } else {
         $post = new Post();
         Plugins::act('admin_publish_post', $post);
         $this->theme->post = $post;
         $post->content_type = Post::type(isset($content_type) ? $content_type : 'entry');
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $user = User::identify();
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($post->content_type);
         if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
             Session::error(_t('Access to create posts of type %s is denied', array(Post::type_name($post->content_type))));
     $this->theme->admin_page = _t('Publish %s', array(Plugins::filter('post_type_display', Post::type_name($post->content_type), 'singular')));
     $this->theme->admin_title = _t('Publish %s', array(Plugins::filter('post_type_display', Post::type_name($post->content_type), 'singular')));
     $statuses = Post::list_post_statuses(false);
     $this->theme->statuses = $statuses;
     $form = $post->get_form('admin');
     $this->theme->form = $form;
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
Ejemplo n.º 2
	public function form_publish_success( FormUI $form )
		$post_id = 0;
		if ( isset( $this->handler_vars['id'] ) ) {
			$post_id = intval( $this->handler_vars['id'] );
		// If an id has been passed in, we're updating an existing post, otherwise we're creating one
		if ( 0 !== $post_id ) {
			$post = Post::get( array( 'id' => $post_id, 'status' => Post::status( 'any' ) ) );

			// Verify that the post hasn't already been updated since the form was loaded
			if ( $post->modified != $form->modified->value ) {
				Session::notice( _t( 'The post %1$s was updated since you made changes.  Please review those changes before overwriting them.', array( sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $post->permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars( $post->title ) ) ) ) );
				Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id ) );

			// REFACTOR: this is duplicated in the insert code below, move it outside of the conditions
			// Don't try to update form values that have been removed by plugins
			$expected = array('title', 'tags', 'content');

			foreach ( $expected as $field ) {
				if ( isset( $form->$field ) ) {
					$post->$field = $form->$field->value;
			if ( $form->newslug->value == '' && $post->status == Post::status( 'published' ) ) {
				Session::notice( _t( 'A post slug cannot be empty. Keeping old slug.' ) );
			elseif ( $form->newslug->value != $form->slug->value ) {
				$post->slug = $form->newslug->value;

			// REFACTOR: the permissions checks should go before any of this other logic

			// sorry, we just don't allow changing posts you don't have rights to
			if ( ! ACL::access_check( $post->get_access(), 'edit' ) ) {
				Session::error( _t( 'You don\'t have permission to edit that post' ) );
			// sorry, we just don't allow changing content types to types you don't have rights to
			$user = User::identify();
			$type = 'post_' . Post::type_name( $form->content_type->value );
			if ( $form->content_type->value != $post->content_type && ( $user->cannot( $type ) || ! $user->can_any( array( 'own_posts' => 'edit', 'post_any' => 'edit', $type => 'edit' ) ) ) ) {
				Session::error( _t( 'Changing content types is not allowed' ) );
			$post->content_type = $form->content_type->value;

			// if not previously published and the user wants to publish now, change the pubdate to the current date/time unless a date has been explicitly set
			if ( ( $post->status != Post::status( 'published' ) )
				&& ( $form->status->value == Post::status( 'published' ) )
				&& ( HabariDateTime::date_create( $form->pubdate->value )->int == $form->updated->value )
				) {
				$post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create();
			// else let the user change the publication date.
			//  If previously published and the new date is in the future, the post will be unpublished and scheduled. Any other status, and the post will just get the new pubdate.
			// This will result in the post being scheduled for future publication if the date/time is in the future and the new status is published.
			else {
				$post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create( $form->pubdate->value );
			$minor = $form->minor_edit->value && ( $post->status != Post::status( 'draft' ) );
			$post->status = $form->status->value;
		else {
			// REFACTOR: don't do this here, it's duplicated in Post::create()
			$post = new Post();

			// check the user can create new posts of the set type.
			$user = User::identify();
			$type = 'post_'  . Post::type_name( $form->content_type->value );
			if ( ACL::user_cannot( $user, $type ) || ( ! ACL::user_can( $user, 'post_any', 'create' ) && ! ACL::user_can( $user, $type, 'create' ) ) ) {
				Session::error( _t( 'Creating that post type is denied' ) );

			// REFACTOR: why is this on_success here? We don't even display a form
			$form->on_success( array( $this, 'form_publish_success' ) );
			if ( HabariDateTime::date_create( $form->pubdate->value )->int != $form->updated->value ) {
				$post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create( $form->pubdate->value );

			$postdata = array(
				'slug' => $form->newslug->value,
				'user_id' => User::identify()->id,
				'pubdate' => $post->pubdate,
				'status' => $form->status->value,
				'content_type' => $form->content_type->value,

			// Don't try to add form values that have been removed by plugins
			$expected = array( 'title', 'tags', 'content' );

			foreach ( $expected as $field ) {
				if ( isset( $form->$field ) ) {
					$postdata[$field] = $form->$field->value;

			$minor = false;

			// REFACTOR: consider using new Post( $postdata ) instead and call ->insert() manually
			$post = Post::create( $postdata );

		$post->info->comments_disabled = !$form->comments_enabled->value;

		// REFACTOR: admin should absolutely not have a hook for this here
		Plugins::act( 'publish_post', $post, $form );

		// REFACTOR: we should not have to update a post we just created, this should be moved to the post-update functionality above and only called if changes have been made
		// alternately, perhaps call ->update() or ->insert() as appropriate here, so things that apply to each operation (like comments_disabled) can still be included once outside the conditions above
		$post->update( $minor );

		$permalink = ( $post->status != Post::status( 'published' ) ) ? $post->permalink . '?preview=1' : $post->permalink;
		Session::notice( sprintf( _t( 'The post %1$s has been saved as %2$s.' ), sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars( $post->title ) ), Post::status_name( $post->status ) ) );
		Utils::redirect( URL::get( 'admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id ) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function form_publish_success(FormUI $form)
     // var_dump( $form->post->storage);
     $user = User::identify();
     // Get the Post object from the hidden 'post' control on the form
     /** @var Post $post */
     $post = $form->post->storage;
     // Do some permission checks
     // @todo REFACTOR: These probably don't work and should be refactored to use validators on the form fields instead
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing posts you don't have rights to
     if ($post->id != 0 && !ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
         Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to edit that post'));
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing content types to types you don't have rights to
     $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
     if ($form->content_type->value != $post->content_type && ($user->cannot($type) || !$user->can_any(array('own_posts' => 'edit', 'post_any' => 'edit', $type => 'edit')))) {
         Session::error(_t('Changing content types is not allowed'));
         // @todo This isn't ideal at all, since it loses all of the changes...
         Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
     // If we're creating a new post...
     if ($post->id == 0) {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
             Session::error(_t('Creating that post type is denied'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Only the original author is associated with a new post
         $post->user_id = $user->id;
     } else {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (!ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
             Session::error(_t('Editing that post type is denied'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Verify that the post hasn't already been updated since the form was loaded
         if ($post->modified != $form->modified->value) {
             Session::notice(_t('The post %1$s was updated since you made changes.  Please review those changes before overwriting them.', array(sprintf('<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $post->permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars($post->title)))));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Prevent a published post from having its slug zeroed
         if ($form->newslug->value == '' && $post->status == Post::status('published')) {
             Session::notice(_t('A post slug cannot be empty. Keeping old slug.'));
             $form->newslug->value = $form->slug->value;
     // if not previously published and the user wants to publish now, change the pubdate to the current date/time unless a date has been explicitly set
     if ($post->status != Post::status('published') && $form->status->value == Post::status('published') && HabariDateTime::date_create($form->pubdate->value)->int == $form->updated->value) {
         $post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create();
     } else {
         $post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create($form->pubdate->value);
     // Minor updates are when the user has checked the minor update box and the post isn't in draft or new
     $minor = $form->minor_edit->value && $post->status != Post::status('draft') && $post->id != 0;
     // Don't try to update form values that have been removed by plugins,
     // look for these fields before committing their values to the post
     $expected = array('title' => 'title', 'tags' => 'tags', 'content' => 'content', 'slug' => 'newslug', 'content_type' => 'content_type', 'status' => 'status');
     // var_dump($form->$field);
     // exit;
     foreach ($expected as $field => $control) {
         if (isset($form->{$field})) {
             //var_dump( $form->$control->value);
             // exit;
             //echo $field."----------".$control;
             $post->{$field} = $form->{$control}->value;
             // $post->title = '新的的標題1111';
             // $post->tags = '標籤1111';
             // $post->content = '我的文章內容測試';
             // $post->slug = '我的文章內容測試-1';
             // // $post->content_type = 'kkk-2';
             // $post->status = 2;
             // print_r($post);
             // echo  "<br/>";
             // print_r($post->$field);
             // echo  "<br/>";
             // exit;
     // $post->insert();
     // exit;
     // This seems cheesy
     $post->info->comments_disabled = !$form->comments_enabled->value;
     // var_dump($post->info->comments_disabled);
     // var_dump($form->comments_enabled->value);
     // exit;
     // This plugin hook allows changes to be made to the post object prior to its save to the database
     Plugins::act('publish_post', $post, $form);
     // Insert or Update
     if ($post->id == 0) {
     } else {
     // Calling $form->save() calls ->save() on any controls that might have been added to the form by plugins
     $permalink = $post->status != Post::status('published') ? $post->permalink . '?preview=1' : $post->permalink;
     Session::notice(_t('The post %1$s has been saved as %2$s.', array(sprintf('<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars($post->title)), Post::status_name($post->status))));
     Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Determine if a user has a specific token permission
  * @param string $token The name of the token for which to check permission
  * @param string $access The type of access to check for (read, write, full, etc.)
  * @return boolean True if this user has the requested access, false if not
 public function can($token, $access = 'any')
     return ACL::user_can($this, $token, $access);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Helper to handle permissions
 public static function has_permission($action, $object = NULL)
     $user = User::identify();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'create_thread':
             $type = 'post_thread';
             if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
                 return false;
             return true;
         case 'reply':
             $type = 'post_reply';
             if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
                 return false;
             return true;
         case 'edit_thread':
             $type = 'post_thread';
             if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'edit') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'edit')) {
                 return false;
             return true;
         case 'edit_reply':
             $type = 'post_reply';
             if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'edit') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'edit')) {
                 return false;
             return true;
         case 'view_private_threads':
             return $user->can('forum_see_private');
         case 'close_thread':
         case 'open_thread':
             return $user->can('forum_close_thread');
             return false;
     // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
     // $type = 'post_thread';
     // if ( ACL::user_cannot( $user, $type ) || ( ! ACL::user_can( $user, 'post_any', 'create' ) && ! ACL::user_can( $user, $type, 'create') ) ) {
     // 	Session::error( _t( 'Creating that post type is denied' ) );
     // 	return _t('<p>You are not authorized to create threads.</p>');
     // }
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Called when the publish form is successfully submitted
  * @param FormUI $form
 public function form_publish_success(FormUI $form)
     $user = User::identify();
     // Get the Post object from the hidden 'post' control on the form
     /** @var Post $post */
     $post = $form->post->value;
     // Do some permission checks
     // @todo REFACTOR: These probably don't work and should be refactored to use validators on the form fields instead
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing posts you don't have rights to
     if ($post->id != 0 && !ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
         Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to edit that post'));
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing content types to types you don't have rights to
     $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
     if ($form->content_type->value != $post->content_type && ($user->cannot($type) || !$user->can_any(array('own_posts' => 'edit', 'post_any' => 'edit', $type => 'edit')))) {
         Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to change to that content type'));
         // @todo This isn't ideal at all, since it loses all of the changes...
         Utils::redirect(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false));
     // If we're creating a new post...
     if ($post->id == 0) {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
             Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to create posts of that type'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false));
         // Only the original author is associated with a new post
         $post->user_id = $user->id;
     } else {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (!ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
             Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to edit posts of that type'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false));
         // Verify that the post hasn't already been updated since the form was loaded
         if ($post->modified != $form->modified->value) {
             Session::notice(_t('The post %1$s was updated since you made changes.  Please review those changes before overwriting them.', array(sprintf('<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $post->permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars($post->title)))));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false));
         // Prevent a published post from having its slug zeroed
         if ($form->newslug->value == '' && $post->status == Post::status('published')) {
             Session::notice(_t('A post slug cannot be empty. Keeping old slug.'));
             $form->newslug->value = $form->slug->value;
     // sometimes we want to overwrite the published date with the current date, if:
     //		1) the post was not previously published
     //		2) the post is now supposed to be published
     //		3) the user has not entered a specific publish date already -- that is, the one on the form that was submitted is the same as the currently saved one
     //		AND
     //		4) the published date is NOT in the future -- if it were, we would reset the date on scheduled posts if we edit them again before they are published
     if ($post->status != Post::status('published') && $form->status->value == Post::status('published') && ($post->pubdate == DateTime::create($form->pubdate->value) && $post->pubdate <= DateTime::create())) {
         $post->pubdate = DateTime::create();
     } else {
         $post->pubdate = DateTime::create($form->pubdate->value);
     // Minor updates are when the user has checked the minor update box and the post isn't in draft or new
     $minor = $form->minor_edit->value && $post->status != Post::status('draft') && $post->id != 0;
     // Don't try to update form values that have been removed by plugins,
     // look for these fields before committing their values to the post
     $expected = array('title' => 'title', 'tags' => 'tags', 'content' => 'content', 'slug' => 'newslug', 'content_type' => 'content_type', 'status' => 'status');
     foreach ($expected as $field => $control) {
         if (isset($form->{$field})) {
             $post->{$field} = $form->{$control}->value;
     // This seems cheesy
     $post->info->comments_disabled = !$form->comments_enabled->value;
     // This plugin hook allows changes to be made to the post object prior to its save to the database
     Plugins::act('publish_post', $post, $form);
     // Insert or Update
     if ($post->id == 0) {
     } else {
     // Calling $form->save() calls ->save() on any controls that might have been added to the form by plugins
     $permalink = $post->status != Post::status('published') ? $post->permalink . '?preview=1' : $post->permalink;
     $postname = sprintf('<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars($post->title));
     $status = Post::status_name($post->status);
     Session::notice(_t('The post !postname has been saved as !status.', array('!postname' => $postname, '!status' => $status)));
     Utils::redirect(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false));