function jQueryUploadHandler_admin_tabs($tabs) { $me = sprintf(gettext('images (%s)'), 'jQuery'); $mylink = 'admin-upload.php?page=upload&tab=jQuery&type=' . gettext('images'); if (is_null($tabs['upload'])) { $tabs['upload'] = array('text' => gettext("upload"), 'link' => WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-upload.php', 'subtabs' => NULL); } $tabs['upload']['subtabs'][$me] = $mylink; if (zp_getcookie('uploadtype') == 'jQuery') { $tabs['upload']['link'] = $mylink; } return $tabs; }
function elFinder_admin_tabs($tabs) { $me = sprintf(gettext('files (%s)'), 'elFinder'); $mylink = PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/' . 'elFinder/filemanager.php?page=upload&tab=elFinder&type=' . gettext('files'); if (is_null($tabs['upload'])) { $tabs['upload'] = array('text' => gettext("upload"), 'link' => WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-upload.php', 'subtabs' => NULL); } $tabs['upload']['subtabs'][$me] = $mylink; if (zp_getcookie('uploadtype') == 'elFinder') { $tabs['upload']['link'] = $mylink; } return $tabs; }
function httpUploadHandler_admin_tabs($tabs) { if (zp_loggedin(UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) { $me = sprintf(gettext('images (%s)'), 'http'); $mylink = 'admin-upload.php?page=upload&tab=http&type=' . gettext('images'); if (is_null($tabs['upload'])) { $tabs['upload'] = array('text' => gettext("upload"), 'link' => WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-upload.php', 'subtabs' => NULL); } $tabs['upload']['subtabs'][$me] = $mylink; if (zp_getcookie('uploadtype') == 'http') { $tabs['upload']['link'] = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $mylink; } } return $tabs; }
if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = sanitize($_GET['page']); } else { $link = $zenphoto_tabs['upload']['link']; if (strpos($link, 'admin-upload.php') == false) { header('location: ' . $link); exitZP(); } $page = "upload"; $_GET['page'] = 'upload'; } if (isset($_GET['type'])) { $uploadtype = sanitize($_GET['tab']); zp_setCookie('uploadtype', $uploadtype); } else { $uploadtype = zp_getcookie('uploadtype'); $_GET['tab'] = $uploadtype; } $handlers = array_keys($uploadHandlers = zp_apply_filter('upload_handlers', array())); if (!zp_loggedin(UPLOAD_RIGHTS) || empty($handlers)) { // redirect to the files page if present if (isset($zenphoto_tabs['upload']['subtabs'])) { header('location: ' . array_shift($zenphoto_tabs['upload']['subtabs'])); exitZP(); } $handlers = array(); } if (count($handlers) > 0) { if (!isset($uploadHandlers[$uploadtype]) || !file_exists($uploadHandlers[$uploadtype] . '/upload_form.php')) { $uploadtype = array_shift($handlers); }
function uploadLimiterHeaderMessage($default) { if (zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) { return $default; } $warn = ""; $uploadtype = zp_getcookie('uploadtype'); if ($uploadtype == "httpupload") { $warn = '<p style="color:red;">' . gettext('HTTP single file uploading is disabled because upload limitations are in effect. Please use the <a href="javascript:switchUploader(\'admin-upload.php?uploadtype=multifile\');" >multi file upload</a>') . '</p>'; } else { $uploadlimit = getOption('imageuploadlimit'); $warn = '<p style="color: green">' . sprintf(gettext("<strong>Note:</strong> You can upload a maximum of %s images to each album."), $uploadlimit) . '</p>'; } return $warn; }