Ejemplo n.º 1
                 $quick_updates_count['master_categories_id'][$products_id] = $products_id;
                 $db->Execute("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " SET master_categories_id='" . (int) $new_value . "', products_last_modified=now() WHERE products_id=" . (int) $products_id);
                 zen_update_products_price_sorter((int) $products_id);
                 // needed?
             $quick_updates_count['categories_id'][$products_id] = $products_id;
             //$db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " SET categories_id='" . (int)$new_value . "', products_id=" . (int)$products_id . " WHERE products_id=" . (int)$products_id) . " AND categories_id=" . (int)$_POST['quick_updates_old']['categories_id'][$products_id]);
             // changed INSERT INTO to UPDATE to prevent conflicts
             $db->Execute("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " SET categories_id='" . (int) $new_value . "', products_id=" . (int) $products_id . " WHERE products_id=" . (int) $products_id . " AND categories_id=" . (int) $_POST['quick_updates_old']['categories_id'][$products_id]);
 if ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['master_categories_id']) {
     foreach ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['master_categories_id'] as $products_id => $new_value) {
         if ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['master_categories_id'][$products_id] != $_POST['quick_updates_old']['master_categories_id'][$products_id]) {
             if (zen_childs_in_category_count($new_value)) {
                 $messageStack->add(TEXT_CATEGORY_WITH_CHILDS . ' ' . zen_get_category_name($new_value, (int) $_SESSION["languages_id"]) . ' [' . $new_value . ']', 'error');
             // add invalid warning here?? (if the new master_cat is not linked)
             $quick_updates_count['master_categories_id'][$products_id] = $products_id;
             $db->Execute("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " SET master_categories_id='" . (int) $new_value . "', products_last_modified=now() WHERE products_id=" . (int) $products_id);
             zen_update_products_price_sorter((int) $products_id);
             // needed?
 // added for products_purchase_price and margin
 if ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['products_purchase_price']) {
     foreach ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['products_purchase_price'] as $products_id => $new_value) {
         if ($_POST['quick_updates_new']['products_purchase_price'][$products_id] != $_POST['quick_updates_old']['products_purchase_price'][$products_id]) {
 if ($copy_from_linked == $copy_to_linked) {
     $messageStack->add_session(WARNING_DUPLICATE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORY_LINKED, 'warning');
     zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES, 'products_filter=' . $products_filter . '&current_category_id=' . $current_category_id));
 $check_category_from = $db->Execute("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where categories_id='" . $copy_from_linked . "' limit 1");
 $check_category_to = $db->Execute("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where categories_id='" . $copy_to_linked . "' limit 1");
 // check if from is valid category
 if ($check_category_from->RecordCount() < 1) {
     $zv_invalid_copy_linked = 'true';
     $zv_complete_message_linked .= WARNING_COPY_ALL_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORY_FROM_LINKED . $copy_from_linked . '&nbsp;';
 } else {
     $zv_complete_message_linked .= SUCCESS_COPY_ALL_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORY_FROM_LINKED . $copy_from_linked . '&nbsp;';
 // check if to is valid category
 if ($check_category_to->RecordCount() < 1) {
     if (zen_childs_in_category_count($copy_to_linked) > 0) {
         $zv_invalid_copy_linked = 'true';
         $zv_complete_message_linked .= WARNING_COPY_ALL_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORY_TO_LINKED . $copy_to_linked . '&nbsp;';
 } else {
     $zv_complete_message_linked .= SUCCESS_COPY_ALL_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORY_TO_LINKED . $copy_to_linked . '&nbsp;';
 if ($zv_invalid_copy_linked == 'true') {
     $messageStack->add_session($zv_complete_message_linked, 'warning');
     zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES, 'products_filter=' . $products_filter . '&current_category_id=' . $current_category_id));
 // if either category was invalid nothing processes below
 // get products to be linked from
 $products_to_categories_from_linked = $db->Execute("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where categories_id='" . $copy_from_linked . "'");
Ejemplo n.º 3
function zen_childs_in_category_count($categories_id)
    global $gBitDb;
    $categories_count = 0;
    $categories = $gBitDb->Execute("SELECT `categories_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `parent_id` = '" . (int) $categories_id . "'");
    while (!$categories->EOF) {
        $categories_count += zen_childs_in_category_count($categories->fields['categories_id']);
    return $categories_count;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function zen_childs_in_category_count($categories_id)
    global $db;
    $categories_count = 0;
    $categories = $db->Execute("select categories_id\n                                from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . "\n                                where parent_id = '" . (int) $categories_id . "'");
    while (!$categories->EOF) {
        $categories_count += zen_childs_in_category_count($categories->fields['categories_id']);
    return $categories_count;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function importCategory($data, $format)
     // prepare data
     $validate = true;
     $ignore_column = $this->getFormatColumnIgnore($format['csv_format_type_id']);
     $ignore_id = $ignore_column['csv_column_id'];
     $delete_column = $this->getFormatColumnDelete($format['csv_format_type_id']);
     $delete_id = $delete_column['csv_column_id'];
     $category_name_flag = 0;
     $extra_depth = 0;
     // validate
     foreach ($format['columns'] as $key => $val) {
         if (!empty($val['csv_column_validate_function'])) {
             $validate_function = $val['csv_column_validate_function'];
             if ($this->{$validate_function}($data[$key], $val['csv_column_name']) === true) {
                 $validate = $validate && true;
             } else {
                 $validate = $validate && false;
         if ($val['csv_column_id'] == $delete_id) {
             if ($data[$key] == 1) {
                 $delete_flag = true;
             } else {
                 $delete_flag = false;
         // store category name
         if ($val['number'] > 0 && $val['language_id'] > 0) {
             $category_name[$val['number']][$val['language_id']] = $data[$key];
             if ($val['language_id'] == MODULE_PRODUCT_CSV_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE_ID && $data[$key] != '') {
                 $category_name_flag += pow(2, $val['number'] - 1);
             } elseif ($data[$key] != '') {
                 $extra_depth = $extra_depth > $val['number'] ? $extra_depth : $val['number'];
     // check if category is sequential
     switch ($category_name_flag) {
         case 1:
             $depth = 1;
         case 3:
             $depth = 2;
         case 7:
             $depth = 3;
         case 15:
             $depth = 4;
         case 31:
             $depth = 5;
         case 63:
             $depth = 6;
         case 127:
             $depth = 7;
         case 255:
             $depth = 8;
         case 511:
             $depth = 9;
         case 1023:
             $depth = 10;
             // check top level category
             if (($category_name_flag & 1) != 1) {
                 $validate = $validate && false;
                 $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_NO_TOPLEVEL_CATEGORY, 'caution');
             } else {
                 $validate = $validate && false;
                 $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_NOT_SEQUENTIAL, 'caution');
     if (is_numeric($depth) && $extra_depth > $depth) {
         $validate = $vaidate && false;
         $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_NO_CATEGORY_NAME, 'caution');
     // return if validate is false
     if ($validate === false) {
         return false;
     // check and insert category name
     $parent_id = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $depth; $i++) {
         $sql = 'SELECT c.categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' c LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' cd ON c.categories_id=cd.categories_id
           AND categories_name=\'' . zen_db_input($category_name[$i][MODULE_PRODUCT_CSV_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE_ID]) . '\'
           AND parent_id=' . $parent_id . '';
         $category_record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
         if ($category_record->RecordCount() >= 1) {
             $category_id = $category_record->fields['categories_id'];
             foreach ($category_name[$i] as $language_id => $name) {
                 if ($language_id == MODULE_PRODUCT_CSV_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE_ID) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . '
               WHERE language_id=' . $language_id . ' AND categories_name=\'' . zen_db_input($name) . '\' AND categories_id=' . $category_id . '';
                 $category_record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
                 if ($category_record->RecordCount() == 0) {
                     $this->messageStack->add(sprintf(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_NOT_MATCH, $name), 'caution');
                     return false;
         } else {
             // check child products
             $sql = 'SELECT categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE categories_id=' . $parent_id . '';
             $category_record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
             if ($category_record->RecordCount() == 0) {
                 // insert new category
                 $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' (date_added, last_modified, parent_id) VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), \'' . $parent_id . '\')';
                 $category_id = $this->db->Insert_ID();
                 foreach ($category_name[$i] as $language_id => $name) {
                     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' (categories_id, language_id, categories_name) VALUES (\'' . $category_id . '\', \'' . $language_id . '\', \'' . zen_db_input($name) . '\')';
                     $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_CREATE_CATEGORY, 'success');
             } else {
                 $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_CANNOT_ADD_CATEGORY, 'caution');
                 return false;
         $parent_id = $category_id;
     foreach ($format['columns'] as $key => $val) {
         if ($val['csv_column_id'] == $ignore_id) {
         if ($val['csv_columns_dbtable'] == 'categories') {
             if ($val['csv_columns_dbcolumn'] == 'categories_status' && $data[$key] == '') {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . $val['csv_columns_dbtable'] . ' SET ' . $val['csv_columns_dbcolumn'] . '=\'' . zen_db_input($data[$key]) . '\' WHERE categories_id=' . $category_id . '';
         } elseif ($val['csv_columns_dbtable'] == 'categories_description' && $val['csv_columns_dbcolumn'] == 'categories_description') {
             if (isset($val['language_id'])) {
                 $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . $val['csv_columns_dbtable'] . ' SET ' . $val['csv_columns_dbcolumn'] . '=\'' . zen_db_input($data[$key]) . '\' WHERE categories_id=' . $category_id . ' AND language_id=' . $language_id . '';
         } elseif ($val['csv_columns_dbtable'] == 'products' && $data[$key] != '') {
             if (zen_childs_in_category_count($category_id) > 0) {
                 // category has sub category
                 $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_CANNOT_ADD_PRODUCT, 'caution');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // category doesnt have sub category
                 $sql = 'SELECT products_id, master_categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' WHERE products_model=\'' . zen_db_input($data[$key]) . '\'';
                 $product_record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
                 // check products_model
                 if ($product_record->RecordCount() == 1) {
                     $products_id = $product_record->fields['products_id'];
                     $master_categories_id = $product_record->fields['master_categories_id'];
                     if ($delete_flag !== true) {
                         if ($master_categories_id == 0) {
                             // update master_categories_id
                             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' SET master_categories_id=' . $category_id . ' WHERE products_id=' . $products_id . '';
                         $sql = 'SELECT products_id, categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE products_id=' . $products_id . ' AND categories_id=' . $category_id . '';
                         $record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
                         if ($record->RecordCount() == 0) {
                             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . ' (products_id, categories_id) VALUES (\'' . $products_id . '\', \'' . $category_id . '\')';
                     } else {
                         // delete
                         $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE products_id=' . $products_id . ' AND categories_id=' . $category_id . '';
                         if ($master_categories_id == $category_id) {
                             $sql = 'SELECT categories_id FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE products_id=' . $products_id . '';
                             $record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
                             if ($record->RecordCount() == 0) {
                                 $categories_id = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $categories_id = $record->fields['categories_id'];
                             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' SET master_categories_id=\'' . $categories_id . '\' WHERE products_id=' . $products_id . '';
                         $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_DELETE_CATEGORY, 'success');
                 } else {
                     $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_NO_MODEL, 'caution');
                     return false;
         } elseif ($val['csv_columns_dbtable'] == 'meta_tags_categories_description') {
             if (isset($val['language_id'])) {
                 $meta_tags[$val['language_id']][$val['csv_columns_db_column']] = $data[$key];
     if (isset($meta_tags)) {
         foreach ($meta_tags as $key => $val) {
             if (!empty($val['metatags_title']) || !empty($val['metatags_keywords']) || !empty($val['metatags_description'])) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_METATAGS_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' WHERE categories_id=' . $category_id . ' AND language_id=' . $key . '';
                 $meta_tags_record = $this->db->Execute($sql);
                 if ($meta_tags_record->RecordCount() == 0) {
                     $sql = 'INSERT INT ' . TABLE_METATAGS_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' (categories_id, language_id) VALUES (\'' . $category_id . '\',\'' . $key . '\')';
                 $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_METATAGS_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' SET metatags_title=\'' . zen_db_input($val['metatags_title']) . '\', metatags_keywords=\'' . zen_db_input($val['metatags_keywords']) . '\', metatags_description=\'' . zen_db_input($val['metatags_description']) . '\' WHERE categories_id=' . $category_id . ' AND language_id=' . $key . '';
             } else {
                 // delete meta tags
                 $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_METATAGS_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' WHERE categories_id=' . $category_id . ' AND language_id=' . $key . '';
     $this->messageStack->add(PRODUCT_CSV_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, 'success');
     return true;