Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function search($modelCode, $query = null, $filters = null, $order = null, $group = null, $page = null, $pageSize = null)
     // Store the search
     $searchId = $this->storeSearch(func_get_args());
     // http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/php-api/current/_search_operations.html
     // http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.x/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
     // Fix arguments
     $query = \z\service('helper/index')->fixQuery($modelCode, $query);
     $order = \z\service('helper/index')->fixOrder($modelCode, $order);
     // Fix the page size
     if ($pageSize <= 0) {
         $pageSize = \z\pref('page/size');
     // Build the search input
     $input = ['index' => $modelCode, 'body' => ['query' => ['query_string' => ['default_operator' => 'and', 'query' => $query]], 'sort' => $order], 'from' => $page * $pageSize, 'size' => $pageSize];
     // Perform the search
     $output = \z\service('driver/db/es')->search($input);
     // Parse hits to build data
     $data = [];
     foreach ($output['hits']['hits'] as $hit) {
         $data[$hit['_id']] = $hit['_source'];
     // Build the result
     $result = ['id' => $searchId, 'size' => $output['hits']['total'], 'range' => [$input['from'], $input['size']], 'data' => $data];
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function initialize()
     // Define locale (first from session, then from HTTP header)
     $this->_localeCode = \z\request()->session('culture/locale');
     if (empty($this->_localeCode) === true) {
         $this->_localeCode = locale_accept_from_http(\z\request()->header('Accept-Language'));
     if (empty($this->_localeCode) === true) {
         $this->_localeCode = \z\pref('culture/locale');
     // Define fallback
     $this->_fallbackCode = \z\pref('culture/fallback');
     // Canonicalize locales
     $this->_localeCode = locale_canonicalize($this->_localeCode);
     $this->_fallbackCode = locale_canonicalize($this->_fallbackCode);
     // List locales available
     $locales = \z\service('helper/file')->listFiles(PATH_APP . '/Config/Strings', null, false, true, false);
     // Is the locale available?
     if (in_array($this->_localeCode, $locales) === false) {
         // Grab the parent code (e.g. en for en_US)
         $primaryCode = locale_get_primary_language($this->_localeCode);
         // Find locales belonging to this parent
         $locales = array_filter($locales, function ($key) use($primaryCode) {
             return strpos($key, $primaryCode) === 0;
         // Sort locales A-Z
         // Grab the very first locale
         $this->_localeCode = array_shift($locales);
     // Load strings
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getConnection($connectionCode = null)
     // Grab definitions
     $definitions = \z\pref('db/connections');
     if (is_array($definitions) === false) {
         $definitions = [];
     // Define the connection code
     if (empty($connectionCode) === true) {
         $definitions = array_splice($definitions, 0, 1);
         $keys = array_keys($definitions);
         $connectionCode = array_shift($keys);
     // Get the definition
     if (array_key_exists($connectionCode, $definitions) === true) {
         $definition = $definitions[$connectionCode];
     // Check whether there's a definition
     if (empty($definition) === true) {
         \z\e(EXCEPTION_DB_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ['connectionCode' => $connectionCode, 'definitions' => $definitions]);
     // Has the connection been retrieved already?
     if (array_key_exists($connectionCode, $this->_connections) === false) {
         // Build the connection
         $connection = \z\service('factory/connection')->buildConnection($definition);
         // Connect the driver
         // Store the connection
         $this->_connections[$connectionCode] = $connection;
     // Get the connection
     $connection = $this->_connections[$connectionCode];
     return $connection;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function loadPreferences()
     // Get the cache
     $cacheCode = 'preferences_' . \z\boot()->environment;
     $cache = \z\cache()->getCache($cacheCode);
     if ($cache !== false) {
         $this->_preferences = unserialize($cache);
     // Define the number of passes
     $dependencies = \z\boot()->dependencies;
     $nbPasses = count($dependencies) - 1;
     // Perform n passes
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nbPasses; $i++) {
         foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
             // List preferences
             $paths = array_merge(\z\service('helper/file')->listFiles($dependency . '/Config/Preferences', 'json'), \z\service('helper/file')->listFiles($dependency . '/Config/Preferences/' . \z\boot()->environment, 'json'));
             // Parse each path
             foreach ($paths as $path) {
                 // Build the preference code
                 $parentPreferenceCode = strtolower(basename($path, '.json'));
                 // Load preferences
                 $preferences = \z\service('factory/json')->loadJson($path);
                 // Store preferences
                 foreach ($preferences as $preferenceCode => $preferenceValue) {
                     // Build the new preference code
                     $preferenceCode = $parentPreferenceCode . '/' . $preferenceCode;
                     // Get the previous preference value
                     $oldPreferenceValue = \z\pref($preferenceCode);
                     // Is it an array?
                     if (is_array($oldPreferenceValue) === true) {
                         // Merge the old + the new
                         $preferenceValue = array_merge($oldPreferenceValue, $preferenceValue);
                     // Set the preference
                     \z\pref($preferenceCode, $preferenceValue);
         // End of pass, remove the first extension
     // Set the cache
     \z\cache()->setCache($cacheCode, serialize($this->_preferences));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function scrollModel($modelCode, $page = null, $pageSize = null)
     // Define the page size
     if (empty($pageSize) === true) {
         $pageSize = \z\pref('page/size');
     // Select inputs within the page boundary
     $inputs = \z\service('factory/query')->select()->from($modelCode)->offset($page * $pageSize)->limit($pageSize)->execute();
     // Parse each input
     $result = [];
     foreach ($inputs as $input) {
         // Build an object
         $object = \z\service('factory/object')->buildObject($modelCode);
         // Import the input
         // Store the object
         $result[] = $object;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function fixOrder($modelCode, $order)
     // Make sure $order is an array
     if (is_array($order) === false) {
         $order = [];
     // Use default ordering if none defined
     if (empty($order) === true) {
         // Get order for the model
         $order = \z\pref('search/' . $modelCode . '/order');
         if (is_array($order) === false) {
             $order = ['date_created' => 'desc'];
     // Build the final sort array
     $result = [];
     foreach ($order as $key => $direction) {
         $result[] = [$key => ['order' => $direction]];
     return $result;