Ejemplo n.º 1
function churl_reachability($churl_reachable, $url, $keyword = '')
    global $ydb;
    preg_match('!^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\.-]+:(//)?!', $url, $matches);
    $protocol = isset($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : '';
    $different_protocols = array('http://', 'https://');
    if ($protocol == '') {
        $protocol = 'http://';
        $url = 'http://' . $url;
    $check_url = in_array($protocol, $different_protocols);
    // Return to normal routine if non-http(s) protocol is valid
    if ($check_url == false) {
        return false;
    // Check if the long URL is reachable
    $resURL = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'curlHeaderCallback');
    curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
    $intReturnCode = curl_getinfo($resURL, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    // Return error if the entered URL is unreachable
    if ($intReturnCode == '' || $intReturnCode == 404) {
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
        $return['code'] = 'error:url';
        $return['message'] = 'The entered URL is unreachable.  Check the URL or try again later.';
        $return['statusCode'] = 200;
        // regardless of result, this is still a valid request
        return yourls_apply_filter('add_new_link_fail_unreachable', $return, $url, $keyword, $title);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Init KSES globals if not already defined (by a plugin)
 * @since 1.6
function yourls_kses_init()
    global $yourls_allowedentitynames, $yourls_allowedprotocols;
    if (!$yourls_allowedentitynames) {
        $yourls_allowedentitynames = yourls_apply_filter('kses_allowed_entities', yourls_kses_allowed_entities());
    if (!$yourls_allowedprotocols) {
        $yourls_allowedprotocols = yourls_apply_filter('kses_allowed_protocols', yourls_kses_allowed_protocols());
    	if( ! $yourls_allowedtags_all ) {
    		$yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_kses_allowed_tags_all();
    		$yourls_allowedtags_all = array_map( '_yourls_add_global_attributes', $yourls_allowedtags_all );
    		$yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_tags_all', $yourls_allowedtags_all );
    	} else {
    		// User defined: let's sanitize
    		$yourls_allowedtags_all = yourls_kses_array_lc( $yourls_allowedtags_all );
    	if( ! $yourls_allowedtags ) {
    		$yourls_allowedtags = yourls_kses_allowed_tags();
    		$yourls_allowedtags = array_map( '_yourls_add_global_attributes', $yourls_allowedtags );
    		$yourls_allowedtags = yourls_apply_filter( 'kses_allowed_tags', $yourls_allowedtags );
    	} else {
    		// User defined: let's sanitize
    		$yourls_allowedtags = yourls_kses_array_lc( $yourls_allowedtags );
 * Return list of all shorturls associated to the same long URL. Returns NULL or array of keywords.
function yourls_get_duplicate_keywords($longurl)
    yourls_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '1.7', 'yourls_get_longurl_keywords');
    if (!yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls()) {
        return NULL;
    return yourls_apply_filter('get_duplicate_keywords', yourls_get_longurl_keywords($longurl), $longurl);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function fix_long_url($url, $unsafe_url)
    $search = array('%2520', '%2521', '%2522', '%2523', '%2524', '%2525', '%2526', '%2527', '%2528', '%2529', '%252A', '%252B', '%252C', '%252D', '%252E', '%252F', '%253A', '%253D', '%253F', '%255C', '%255F');
    $replace = array('%20', '%21', '%22', '%23', '%24', '%25', '%26', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%2A', '%2B', '%2C', '%2D', '%2E', '%2F', '%3A', '%3D', '%3F', '%5C', '%5F');
    $url = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $url);
    // Remove any trailing spaces from the long URL
    while (substr($url, -strlen('%20')) == '%20') {
        $url = preg_replace('/%20$/', '', $url);
    return yourls_apply_filter('after_fix_long_url', $url, $unsafe_url);
function allow_aliases()
    // Ignore protocol & www. prefix
    $root = str_replace(array('https://', 'http://', 'https://www.', 'http://www.'), '', YOURLS_SITE);
    // Use the configured domain instead of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
    $root_host = parse_url(YOURLS_SITE);
    // Case insensitive comparison of the YOURLS root to match both http://Sho.rt/blah and http://sho.rt/blah
    $request = preg_replace("!{$root}/!i", '', $root_host['host'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1);
    // Unless request looks like a full URL (ie request is a simple keyword) strip query string
    if (!preg_match("@^[a-zA-Z]+://.+@", $request)) {
        $request = current(explode('?', $request));
    return yourls_apply_filter('get_request', $request);
Ejemplo n.º 6
function insensitive_get_keyword_infos($keyword, $use_cache = true)
    global $ydb;
    $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string($keyword);
    yourls_do_action('pre_get_keyword', $keyword, $use_cache);
    if (isset($ydb->infos[$keyword]) && $use_cache == true) {
        return yourls_apply_filter('get_keyword_infos', $ydb->infos[$keyword], $keyword);
    yourls_do_action('get_keyword_not_cached', $keyword);
    $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL;
    $infos = $ydb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE LOWER(`keyword`) = LOWER('{$keyword}')");
    if ($infos) {
        $infos = (array) $infos;
        $ydb->infos[$keyword] = $infos;
    } else {
        $ydb->infos[$keyword] = false;
    return yourls_apply_filter('get_keyword_infos', $ydb->infos[$keyword], $keyword);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function ozh_yourls_antispam_is_blacklisted($url)
    $parsed = parse_url($url);
    if (!isset($parsed['host'])) {
        return yourls_apply_filter('ozh_yourls_antispam_malformed', 'malformed');
    // Remove www. from domain (but not from www.com)
    $parsed['host'] = preg_replace('/^www\\.(.+\\.)/i', '$1', $parsed['host']);
    // Major blacklists. There's a filter if you want to manipulate this.
    $blacklists = yourls_apply_filter('ozh_yourls_antispam_list', array('dbl.spamhaus.org', 'multi.surbl.org', 'black.uribl.com'));
    // Check against each blacklist, exit if blacklisted
    foreach ($blacklists as $blacklist) {
        $domain = $parsed['host'] . '.' . $blacklist . '.';
        $record = @dns_get_record($domain);
        if ($record && count($record) > 0) {
            return yourls_apply_filter('ozh_yourls_antispam_blacklisted', true);
    // All clear, probably not spam
    return yourls_apply_filter('ozh_yourls_antispam_clean', false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Send a filerable content type header
 * @since 1.7
 * @param string $type content type ('text/html', 'application/json', ...)
 * @return bool whether header was sent
function yourls_content_type_header($type)
    yourls_do_action('content_type_header', $type);
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        $charset = yourls_apply_filter('content_type_header_charset', 'utf-8');
        header("Content-Type: {$type}; charset={$charset}");
        return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
* PHP emulation of JS's encodeURI
* @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURI
* @param $url
* @return string
function yourls_encodeURI($url)
    // Decode URL all the way
    $result = yourls_rawurldecode_while_encoded($url);
    // Encode once
    $result = strtr(rawurlencode($result), array('%3B' => ';', '%2C' => ',', '%2F' => '/', '%3F' => '?', '%3A' => ':', '%40' => '@', '%26' => '&', '%3D' => '=', '%2B' => '+', '%24' => '$', '%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => '\'', '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')', '%23' => '#'));
    // @TODO:
    // Known limit: this will most likely break IDN URLs such as http://www.académie-française.fr/
    // To fully support IDN URLs, advocate use of a plugin.
    return yourls_apply_filter('encodeURI', $result, $url);
Ejemplo n.º 10
function yourls_http_user_agent()
    return yourls_apply_filter('http_user_agent', 'YOURLS v' . YOURLS_VERSION . ' +http://yourls.org/ (running on ' . YOURLS_SITE . ')');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Expand short url to long url
function yourls_api_expand($shorturl)
    $keyword = str_replace(YOURLS_SITE . '/', '', $shorturl);
    // accept either 'http://ozh.in/abc' or 'abc'
    $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string($keyword);
    $longurl = yourls_get_keyword_longurl($keyword);
    if ($longurl) {
        $return = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'shorturl' => YOURLS_SITE . "/{$keyword}", 'longurl' => $longurl, 'simple' => $longurl, 'message' => 'success', 'statusCode' => 200);
    } else {
        $return = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'simple' => 'not found', 'message' => 'Error: short URL not found', 'errorCode' => 404);
    return yourls_apply_filter('api_expand', $return, $shorturl);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    $url = $_REQUEST['url'];
    $keyword = isset($_REQUEST['keyword']) ? $_REQUEST['keyword'] : '';
    $title = isset($_REQUEST['title']) ? $_REQUEST['title'] : '';
    $text = isset($_REQUEST['text']) ? $_REQUEST['text'] : '';
    // Create short URL, receive array $return with various information
    $return = yourls_add_new_link($url, $keyword, $title);
    $shorturl = isset($return['shorturl']) ? $return['shorturl'] : '';
    $message = isset($return['message']) ? $return['message'] : '';
    $title = isset($return['title']) ? $return['title'] : '';
    $status = isset($return['status']) ? $return['status'] : '';
    // Stop here if bookmarklet with a JSON callback function ("instant" bookmarklets)
    if (isset($_GET['jsonp']) && $_GET['jsonp'] == 'yourls') {
        $short = $return['shorturl'] ? $return['shorturl'] : '';
        $message = "Short URL (Ctrl+C to copy)";
        header('Content-type: application/json');
        echo yourls_apply_filter('bookmarklet_jsonp', "yourls_callback({'short_url':'{$short}','message':'{$message}'});");
// Part to be executed if FORM has been submitted
if (isset($_REQUEST['url']) && $_REQUEST['url'] != 'http://') {
    // Display result message of short link creation
    if (isset($message)) {
        echo "<h2><center>{$message}</h2></center>";
    if ($status == 'success') {
        echo "<h3><center>Short: {$shorturl}</h3></center>";
        // Include the Copy box and the Quick Share box
        // yourls_share_box( $url, $shorturl, $title, $text );
        // Initialize clipboard -- requires js/share.js and js/jquery.zclip.min.js to be properly loaded in the <head>
        // echo "<script>init_clipboard();</script>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 13
function muAdminUrl($page = '')
    $admin = YOURLS_SITE . '/user/plugins/multi-user/' . $page;
    return yourls_apply_filter('admin_url', $admin, $page);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Display the admin menu
function yourls_html_menu()
    // Build menu links
    if (defined('YOURLS_USER')) {
        $logout_link = yourls_apply_filter('logout_link', sprintf(yourls__('Hello <strong>%s</strong>'), YOURLS_USER) . ' (<a href="?action=logout" title="' . yourls_esc_attr__('Logout') . '">' . yourls__('Logout') . '</a>)');
    } else {
        $logout_link = yourls_apply_filter('logout_link', '');
    $help_link = yourls_apply_filter('help_link', '<a href="' . yourls_site_url(false) . '/readme.html">' . yourls__('Help') . '</a>');
    $admin_links = array();
    $admin_sublinks = array();
    $admin_links['admin'] = array('url' => yourls_admin_url('index.php'), 'title' => yourls__('Go to the admin interface'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Admin interface'));
    if (yourls_is_admin()) {
        $admin_links['tools'] = array('url' => yourls_admin_url('tools.php'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Tools'));
        $admin_links['plugins'] = array('url' => yourls_admin_url('plugins.php'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Manage Plugins'));
        $admin_sublinks['plugins'] = yourls_list_plugin_admin_pages();
    $admin_links = yourls_apply_filter('admin_links', $admin_links);
    $admin_sublinks = yourls_apply_filter('admin_sublinks', $admin_sublinks);
    // Now output menu
    echo '<ul id="admin_menu">' . "\n";
    if (yourls_is_private() && !empty($logout_link)) {
        echo '<li id="admin_menu_logout_link">' . $logout_link . '</li>';
    foreach ((array) $admin_links as $link => $ar) {
        if (isset($ar['url'])) {
            $anchor = isset($ar['anchor']) ? $ar['anchor'] : $link;
            $title = isset($ar['title']) ? 'title="' . $ar['title'] . '"' : '';
            printf('<li id="admin_menu_%s_link" class="admin_menu_toplevel"><a href="%s" %s>%s</a>', $link, $ar['url'], $title, $anchor);
        // Output submenu if any. TODO: clean up, too many code duplicated here
        if (isset($admin_sublinks[$link])) {
            echo "<ul>\n";
            foreach ($admin_sublinks[$link] as $link => $ar) {
                if (isset($ar['url'])) {
                    $anchor = isset($ar['anchor']) ? $ar['anchor'] : $link;
                    $title = isset($ar['title']) ? 'title="' . $ar['title'] . '"' : '';
                    printf('<li id="admin_menu_%s_link" class="admin_menu_sublevel admin_menu_sublevel_%s"><a href="%s" %s>%s</a>', $link, $link, $ar['url'], $title, $anchor);
            echo "</ul>\n";
    if (isset($help_link)) {
        echo '<li id="admin_menu_help_link">' . $help_link . '</li>';
    echo "</ul>\n";
    // because I never remember if it's 'notices' or 'notice'
    To display a notice:
    $message = "<div>OMG, dude, I mean!</div>" );
    yourls_add_action( 'admin_notices', create_function( '', "echo '$message';" ) );
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * Marks a function as deprecated and informs when it has been used. Stolen from WP.
 * There is a hook deprecated_function that will be called that can be used
 * to get the backtrace up to what file and function called the deprecated
 * function.
 * The current behavior is to trigger a user error if YOURLS_DEBUG is true.
 * This function is to be used in every function that is deprecated.
 * @since 1.6
 * @uses yourls_do_action() Calls 'deprecated_function' and passes the function name, what to use instead,
 *   and the version the function was deprecated in.
 * @uses yourls_apply_filter() Calls 'deprecated_function_trigger_error' and expects boolean value of true to do
 *   trigger or false to not trigger error.
 * @param string $function The function that was called
 * @param string $version The version of WordPress that deprecated the function
 * @param string $replacement Optional. The function that should have been called
function yourls_deprecated_function($function, $version, $replacement = null)
    yourls_do_action('deprecated_function', $function, $replacement, $version);
    // Allow plugin to filter the output error trigger
    if (YOURLS_DEBUG && yourls_apply_filter('deprecated_function_trigger_error', true)) {
        if (!is_null($replacement)) {
            trigger_error(sprintf(yourls__('%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.'), $function, $version, $replacement));
        } else {
            trigger_error(sprintf(yourls__('%1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s with no alternative available.'), $function, $version));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Loads a custom translation file (for a plugin, a theme, a public interface...) if locale is defined
 * The .mo file should be named based on the domain with a dash, and then the locale exactly,
 * eg 'myplugin-pt_BR.mo'
 * @since 1.6
 * @param string $domain Unique identifier (the "domain") for retrieving translated strings
 * @param string $path Full path to directory containing MO files.
 * @return mixed Returns nothing if locale undefined, otherwise return bool: true on success, false on failure
function yourls_load_custom_textdomain($domain, $path)
    $locale = yourls_apply_filter('load_custom_textdomain', yourls_get_locale(), $domain);
    if (!empty($locale)) {
        $mofile = rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
        return yourls_load_textdomain($domain, $mofile);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Store new cookie. No $user will delete the cookie.
function yourls_store_cookie($user = null)
    if (!$user) {
        $pass = null;
        $time = time() - 3600;
    } else {
        global $yourls_user_passwords;
        if (isset($yourls_user_passwords[$user])) {
            $pass = $yourls_user_passwords[$user];
        } else {
            die('Stealing cookies?');
            // This should never happen
        $time = time() + YOURLS_COOKIE_LIFE;
    $domain = yourls_apply_filter('setcookie_domain', parse_url(YOURLS_SITE, 1));
    $secure = yourls_apply_filter('setcookie_secure', yourls_is_ssl());
    $httponly = yourls_apply_filter('setcookie_httponly', true);
    // Some browsers refuse to store localhost cookie
    if ($domain == 'localhost') {
        $domain = '';
    if (!headers_sent($filename, $linenum)) {
        // Set httponly if the php version is >= 5.2.0
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', 'ge')) {
            setcookie(yourls_cookie_name(), yourls_salt($user), $time, '/', $domain, $secure, $httponly);
        } else {
            setcookie(yourls_cookie_name(), yourls_salt($user), $time, '/', $domain, $secure);
    } else {
        // For some reason cookies were not stored: action to be able to debug that
        yourls_do_action('setcookie_failed', $user);
        yourls_debug_log("Could not store cookie: headers already sent in {$filename} on line {$linenum}");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * Checks and cleans a URL before printing it. Stolen from WP.
 * A number of characters are removed from the URL. If the URL is for displaying
 * (the default behaviour) ampersands are also replaced.
 * @since 1.6
 * @param string $url The URL to be cleaned.
 * @param string $context 'display' or something else. Use yourls_sanitize_url() for database or redirection usage.
 * @param array $protocols Optional. Array of allowed protocols, defaults to global $yourls_allowedprotocols
 * @return string The cleaned $url
function yourls_esc_url($url, $context = 'display', $protocols = array())
    // make sure there's only one 'http://' at the beginning (prevents pasting a URL right after the default 'http://')
    $url = str_replace(array('http://*****:*****@$\\|*\'()\\x80-\\xff]|i', '', $url);
    // Previous regexp in YOURLS was '|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?\[\]\^#=!&;,/:%@$\|*`\'<>"()\\x80-\\xff\{\}]|i'
    // TODO: check if that was it too destructive
    $strip = array('%0d', '%0a', '%0D', '%0A');
    $url = yourls_deep_replace($strip, $url);
    $url = str_replace(';//', '://', $url);
    // Replace ampersands and single quotes only when displaying.
    if ('display' == $context) {
        $url = yourls_kses_normalize_entities($url);
        $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&#038;', $url);
        $url = str_replace("'", '&#039;', $url);
    if (!is_array($protocols) or !$protocols) {
        global $yourls_allowedprotocols;
        $protocols = yourls_apply_filter('esc_url_protocols', $yourls_allowedprotocols);
        // Note: $yourls_allowedprotocols is also globally filterable in functions-kses.php/yourls_kses_init()
    if (!yourls_is_allowed_protocol($url, $protocols)) {
        return '';
    // I didn't use KSES function kses_bad_protocol() because it doesn't work the way I liked (returns //blah from illegal://blah)
    $url = substr($url, 0, 1999);
    return yourls_apply_filter('esc_url', $url, $original_url, $context);
Ejemplo n.º 19
function authmgr_user_has_role($username, $rolename)
    return yourls_apply_filter(AUTHMGR_HASROLE, false, $username, $rolename);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Echoes an image tag of Google Charts line graph from array of values (eg 'number of clicks').
 * $legend1_list & legend2_list are values used for the 2 x-axis labels. $id is an HTML/JS id
function yourls_stats_line($values, $id = null)
    // if $id is null then assign a random string
    if ($id === null) {
        $id = uniqid('yourls_stats_line_');
    // If we have only 1 day of data, prepend a fake day with 0 hits for a prettier graph
    if (count($values) == 1) {
        array_unshift($values, 0);
    // Keep only a subset of values to keep graph smooth
    $values = yourls_array_granularity($values, 30);
    $data = array_merge(array('Time' => 'Hits'), $values);
    $data = yourls_google_array_to_data_table($data);
    $options = array("legend" => "none", "pointSize" => "3", "theme" => "maximized", "curveType" => "function", "width" => 430, "height" => 220, "hAxis" => "{minTextSpacing: 80, maxTextLines: 1, maxAlternation: 1}", "vAxis" => "{minValue: -0.5, format: '#'}", "colors" => "['#2a85b3']");
    $options = yourls_apply_filter('stats_line_options', $options);
    $lineChart = yourls_google_viz_code('LineChart', $data, $options, $id);
    echo yourls_apply_filter('stats_line', $lineChart, $values, $options, $id);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Return the URL of the directory a plugin
function yourls_plugin_url($file)
    $url = YOURLS_PLUGINURL . '/' . yourls_plugin_basename($file);
    if (yourls_is_ssl() or yourls_needs_ssl()) {
        $url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url);
    return yourls_apply_filter('plugin_url', $url, $file);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Determine if we want to check for a newer YOURLS version (and check if applicable)
 * Currently checks are performed every 24h and only when someone is visiting an admin page.
 * In the future (1.8?) maybe check with cronjob emulation instead.
 * @since 1.7
 * @return bool true if a check was needed and successfully performed, false otherwise
function yourls_maybe_check_core_version()
    // Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
    $pre = yourls_apply_filter('shunt_maybe_check_core_version', null);
    if (null !== $pre) {
        return $pre;
        return false;
    if (!yourls_is_admin()) {
        return false;
    $checks = yourls_get_option('core_version_checks');
    /* We don't want to check if :
    	 - last_result is set (a previous check was performed)
    	 - and it was less than 24h ago (or less than 2h ago if it wasn't successful)
    	 - and version checked matched version running
    	 Otherwise, we want to check.
    if (!empty($checks->last_result) and ($checks->failed_attempts == 0 && time() - $checks->last_attempt < 24 * 3600 or $checks->failed_attempts > 0 && time() - $checks->last_attempt < 2 * 3600) and $checks->version_checked == YOURLS_VERSION) {
        return false;
    // We want to check if there's a new version
    $new_check = yourls_check_core_version();
    // Could not check for a new version, and we don't have ancient data
    if (false == $new_check && !isset($checks->last_result->latest)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Create MySQL tables. Return array( 'success' => array of success strings, 'errors' => array of error strings )
 * @since 1.3
 * @return array  An array like array( 'success' => array of success strings, 'errors' => array of error strings )
function yourls_create_sql_tables()
    // Allow plugins (most likely a custom db.php layer in user dir) to short-circuit the whole function
    $pre = yourls_apply_filter('shunt_yourls_create_sql_tables', null);
    // your filter function should return an array of ( 'success' => $success_msg, 'error' => $error_msg ), see below
    if (null !== $pre) {
        return $pre;
    global $ydb;
    $error_msg = array();
    $success_msg = array();
    // Create Table Query
    $create_tables = array();
    $create_tables[YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL] = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL . '` (' . '`keyword` varchar(200) BINARY NOT NULL,' . '`url` text BINARY NOT NULL,' . '`title` text CHARACTER SET utf8,' . '`timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,' . '`ip` VARCHAR(41) NOT NULL,' . '`clicks` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,' . ' PRIMARY KEY  (`keyword`),' . ' KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`),' . ' KEY `ip` (`ip`)' . ');';
    $create_tables[YOURLS_DB_TABLE_OPTIONS] = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . YOURLS_DB_TABLE_OPTIONS . '` (' . '`option_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,' . '`option_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default "",' . '`option_value` longtext NOT NULL,' . 'PRIMARY KEY  (`option_id`,`option_name`),' . 'KEY `option_name` (`option_name`)' . ') AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;';
    $create_tables[YOURLS_DB_TABLE_LOG] = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . YOURLS_DB_TABLE_LOG . '` (' . '`click_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,' . '`click_time` datetime NOT NULL,' . '`shorturl` varchar(200) BINARY NOT NULL,' . '`referrer` varchar(200) NOT NULL,' . '`user_agent` varchar(255) NOT NULL,' . '`ip_address` varchar(41) NOT NULL,' . '`country_code` char(2) NOT NULL,' . 'PRIMARY KEY  (`click_id`),' . 'KEY `shorturl` (`shorturl`)' . ') AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;';
    $create_table_count = 0;
    $ydb->show_errors = true;
    // Create tables
    foreach ($create_tables as $table_name => $table_query) {
        $create_success = $ydb->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_name}'");
        if ($create_success) {
            $success_msg[] = yourls_s("Table '%s' created.", $table_name);
        } else {
            $error_msg[] = yourls_s("Error creating table '%s'.", $table_name);
    // Initializes the option table
    if (!yourls_initialize_options()) {
        $error_msg[] = yourls__('Could not initialize options');
    // Insert sample links
    if (!yourls_insert_sample_links()) {
        $error_msg[] = yourls__('Could not insert sample short URLs');
    // Check results of operations
    if (sizeof($create_tables) == $create_table_count) {
        $success_msg[] = yourls__('YOURLS tables successfully created.');
    } else {
        $error_msg[] = yourls__('Error creating YOURLS tables.');
    return array('success' => $success_msg, 'error' => $error_msg);
Ejemplo n.º 24
function yourls_die($message = '', $title = '', $header_code = 200)
    echo yourls_apply_filter('die_title', "<h2>{$title}</h2>");
    echo yourls_apply_filter('die_message', "<p>{$message}</p>");
Ejemplo n.º 25
    yourls_share_box('', '', '', '', '', '', true);
} else {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){
		feedback( "' . $return['message'] . '", "' . $return['status'] . '");
if (!$is_bookmark) {
    $params = array('search' => $search, 'search_text' => $search_text, 'search_in' => $search_in, 'sort_by' => $sort_by, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'page' => $page, 'perpage' => $perpage, 'click_filter' => $click_filter, 'click_limit' => $click_limit, 'total_pages' => $total_pages, 'date_filter' => $date_filter, 'date_first' => $date_first, 'date_second' => $date_second);
// Main Query
$where = yourls_apply_filter('admin_list_where', $where);
$url_results = $ydb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$table_url}` WHERE 1=1 {$where} ORDER BY `{$sort_by}` {$sort_order} LIMIT {$offset}, {$perpage};");
$found_rows = false;
if ($url_results) {
    $found_rows = true;
    foreach ($url_results as $url_result) {
        $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string($url_result->keyword);
        $timestamp = strtotime($url_result->timestamp);
        $url = stripslashes($url_result->url);
        $ip = $url_result->ip;
        $title = $url_result->title ? $url_result->title : '';
        $clicks = $url_result->clicks;
        echo yourls_table_add_row($keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp);
$display = $found_rows ? 'display:none' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * Note about translation : this file should NOT be translation ready
 * API messages and returns are supposed to be programmatically tested, so default English is expected
define('YOURLS_API', true);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/load-yourls.php';
$action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : null;
yourls_do_action('api', $action);
// Define standard API actions
$api_actions = array('shorturl' => 'yourls_api_action_shorturl', 'stats' => 'yourls_api_action_stats', 'db-stats' => 'yourls_api_action_db_stats', 'url-stats' => 'yourls_api_action_url_stats', 'expand' => 'yourls_api_action_expand', 'version' => 'yourls_api_action_version');
$api_actions = yourls_apply_filters('api_actions', $api_actions);
// Register API actions
foreach ((array) $api_actions as $_action => $_callback) {
    yourls_add_filter('api_action_' . $_action, $_callback, 99);
// Try requested API method. Properly registered actions should return an array.
$return = yourls_apply_filter('api_action_' . $action, false);
if (false === $return) {
    $return = array('errorCode' => 400, 'message' => 'Unknown or missing "action" parameter', 'simple' => 'Unknown or missing "action" parameter');
if (isset($_REQUEST['callback'])) {
    $return['callback'] = $_REQUEST['callback'];
$format = isset($_REQUEST['format']) ? $_REQUEST['format'] : 'xml';
yourls_api_output($format, $return);
Ejemplo n.º 27
     // If the $last_24h doesn't have all the hours, insert missing hours with value 0
     $last_24h[$h] = array_key_exists($h, $_last_24h) ? $_last_24h[$h] : 0;
 // *** Queries all done, phew ***
 // Filter all this junk if applicable. Be warned, some are possibly huge datasets.
 $referrers = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_referrers', $referrers);
 $referrer_sort = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_referrer_sort', $referrer_sort);
 $direct = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_direct', $direct);
 $notdirect = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_notdirect', $notdirect);
 $dates = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_dates', $dates);
 $list_of_days = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_list_of_days', $list_of_days);
 $list_of_months = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_list_of_months', $list_of_months);
 $list_of_years = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_list_of_years', $list_of_years);
 $last_24h = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_last_24h', $last_24h);
 $countries = yourls_apply_filter('pre_yourls_info_countries', $countries);
 // I can haz debug data
 	echo "<pre>";
 	echo "referrers: "; print_r( $referrers );
 	echo "referrer sort: "; print_r( $referrer_sort );
 	echo "direct: $direct\n";
 	echo "notdirect: $notdirect\n";
 	echo "dates: "; print_r( $dates );
 	echo "list of days: "; print_r( $list_of_days );
 	echo "list_of_months: "; print_r( $list_of_months );
 	echo "list_of_years: "; print_r( $list_of_years );
 	echo "last_24h: "; print_r( $last_24h );
 	echo "countries: "; print_r( $countries );
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * Get relative URL (eg 'abc' from 'http://sho.rt/abc')
 * Treat indifferently http & https. If a URL isn't relative to the YOURLS install, return it as is
 * or return empty string if $strict is true
 * @since 1.6
 * @param string $url URL to relativize
 * @param bool $strict if true and if URL isn't relative to YOURLS install, return empty string
 * @return string URL 
function yourls_get_relative_url($url, $strict = true)
    $url = yourls_sanitize_url($url);
    // Remove protocols to make it easier
    $noproto_url = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $url);
    $noproto_site = str_replace('https:', 'http:', YOURLS_SITE);
    // Trim URL from YOURLS root URL : if no modification made, URL wasn't relative
    $_url = str_replace($noproto_site . '/', '', $noproto_url);
    if ($_url == $noproto_url) {
        $_url = $strict ? '' : $url;
    return yourls_apply_filter('get_relative_url', $_url, $url);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * Return true if DB server is responding
 * This function is supposed to be called right after yourls_get_all_options() has fired. It is not designed (yet) to
 * check for a responding server after several successful operation to check if the server has gone MIA
 * @since 1.7.1
function yourls_is_db_alive()
    global $ydb;
    $alive = false;
    switch ($ydb->DB_driver) {
        case 'pdo':
            $alive = isset($ydb->dbh);
        case 'mysql':
            $alive = isset($ydb->dbh) && false !== $ydb->dbh;
        case 'mysqli':
            $alive = null == mysqli_connect_error();
            // Custom DB driver & class : delegate check
        // Custom DB driver & class : delegate check
            $alive = yourls_apply_filter('is_db_alive_custom', false);
    return $alive;
Ejemplo n.º 30

$auth = yourls_apply_filter('is_valid_user', yourls_is_valid_user());
if ($auth !== true) {
    // API mode,
    if (yourls_is_API()) {
        $format = isset($_REQUEST['format']) ? $_REQUEST['format'] : 'xml';
        yourls_api_output($format, array('simple' => $auth, 'message' => $auth, 'errorCode' => 403));
        // Regular mode
    } else {