function onAfterRender() { // in case someone is overriding form field if ($this->app->isAdmin() && $this->run_plg == 1 && $this->templateView) { $body = Yjsg::getBody(); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', '<')) { // bug in usergroup field type output $body = str_replace('jformparams', "jform_params_", $body); } if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', '<')) { $body = preg_replace('/title="(.*?)::(.*?)">/', 'data-original-title="$1" data-content="$2">', $body); $body = str_replace('hasTip', "adminLabel", $body); } else { $body = preg_replace('/title="(.*?)<\\/strong><br \\/>(.*?)">/', 'data-original-title="$1</strong>" data-content="$2">', $body); $body = str_replace(array('hasTooltip', 'hasPopover'), "adminLabel", $body); } Yjsg::setBody($body); } if ($this->app->isSite() && $this->run_plg == 1) { // add before and after body custom codes $body = Yjsg::getBody(); $afterbody = Yjsg::tplParam('cc_after_body'); $beforecbody = Yjsg::tplParam('cc_before_cbody'); $bootstrapv = Yjsg::tplParam('bootstrap_version'); if (empty($bootstrapv)) { $bootstrapv = 'bootstrapoff'; } if (!empty($afterbody) || !empty($beforecbody)) { if (!empty($afterbody)) { $body = preg_replace('/(<body.*?\\">)(.*)/', "\$0\n\t" . $afterbody, $body); } if (!empty($beforecbody)) { $body = str_replace('</body>', "\n\t" . $beforecbody . "\n\t</body>", $body); } Yjsg::setBody($body); } // make pagination class names same in all jversions if ($this->Input('view') == 'article') { $paginationreplace = array('<ul class="pagenav">' => '<ul class="pager">', 'pagenav-prev' => 'previous', 'pagenav-next' => 'next'); $body = str_replace(array_keys($paginationreplace), $paginationreplace, $body); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', '<')) { if ($this->yjsg->preplugin()) { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pagination">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="jb_pagin"><ul class="pager">', $body); } else { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pagination">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="yjsg-pager-links"><ul class="pager">', $body); } } else { if ($this->yjsg->preplugin()) { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pager">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="jb_pagin"><ul class="pager">', $body); } else { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pager">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="yjsg-pager-links"><ul class="pager">', $body); } } Yjsg::setBody($body); } // yjsg shortcodes $body = yjsg_shortcodes($body); Yjsg::setBody($body); // module positions if ($this->app->input->getBool('modulepositions')) { $rep = '<div class="yjsg-module-positions yjsquare">mainbody</div>'; $body = preg_replace('/(<div class=\\"yjsgarticle\\">.*?<!--end news item -->)/s', $rep, $body); Yjsg::setBody($body); } } }
function onAfterRender() { if ($this->app->isSite() && $this->run_plg == 1) { // add before and after body custom codes $body = Yjsg::getBody(); $afterbody = Yjsg::tplParam('cc_after_body'); $beforecbody = Yjsg::tplParam('cc_before_cbody'); $bootstrapv = Yjsg::tplParam('bootstrap_version'); if (empty($bootstrapv)) { $bootstrapv = 'bootstrapoff'; } if (!empty($afterbody) || !empty($beforecbody)) { if (!empty($afterbody)) { $body = preg_replace('/(<body.*?\\">)(.*)/', "\$0\n\t" . $afterbody, $body); } if (!empty($beforecbody)) { $body = str_replace('</body>', "\n\t" . $beforecbody . "\n\t</body>", $body); } Yjsg::setBody($body); } // make pagination class names same in all jversions if ($this->Input('view') == 'article') { $paginationreplace = array('<ul class="pagenav">' => '<ul class="pager">', 'pagenav-prev' => 'previous', 'pagenav-next' => 'next'); $body = str_replace(array_keys($paginationreplace), $paginationreplace, $body); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', '<')) { if ($this->yjsg->preplugin()) { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pagination">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="jb_pagin"><ul class="pager">', $body); } else { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pagination">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="yjsg-pager-links"><ul class="pager">', $body); } } else { if ($this->yjsg->preplugin()) { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pager">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="jb_pagin"><ul class="pager">', $body); } else { $body = preg_replace('/(<div class="pager">(.*?)<ul>)/s', '<div class="yjsg-pager-links"><ul class="pager">', $body); } } Yjsg::setBody($body); } // yjsg shortcodes require_once YJSGPATH . 'includes/yjsgshortcodes/yjsg_shortcodes.php'; $body = yjsg_shortcodes($body); Yjsg::setBody($body); // module positions if ($this->app->input->getBool('modulepositions')) { $rep = '<div class="yjsg-module-positions yjsquare">mainbody</div>'; $body = preg_replace('/(<div class=\\"yjsgarticle\\">.*?<!--end news item -->)/s', $rep, $body); Yjsg::setBody($body); } } }
function yjsg_run_shortcodes($matches) { return yjsg_shortcodes($matches[1]); }