Ejemplo n.º 1
                        if (!isset($a_xqname[$uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid']])) {
                            if ($uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid'] == $xqid && $xqid > 0) {
                                $a_xqname[$uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid']] = $xqdb['name'];
                            } else {
                                $q_reu = sprintf('select name from %s where xqid=%s limit 1', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid']);
                                $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
                                $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
                                if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                                    $a_xqname[$uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid']] = $r_reu['name'];
                        $xqname = $a_xqname[$uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['xqid']];
                    $c .= '<div style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #eee;padding-top: 10px;padding-bottom: 10px;" id="shu_' . $r_rep['huid'] . '"><div style="width: 80px;text-align: center;float: left;">' . ($r_rep['uid'] > 0 ? '<a href="user-' . $r_rep['uid'] . '.html" title="' . $uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['nc'] . '"><img src="' . yjl_face($r_rep['uid'], $uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['face']) . '" width="50" height="50" /><br />' . yjl_substrs($uadb[$r_rep['uid']]['nc'], 4) . '</a>' : '<img src="images/no_50.gif" width="50" height="50" /><br />未注册') . '</div><div style="width: 240px;float: left;"><div style="padding: 5px;">' . ($r_rep['uid'] == $r_res['uid'] ? '发起人' : '姓  名:' . $r_rep['name'] . '<br/>联系方式:' . $r_rep['lxfs'] . '<br/>邮  箱:' . $r_rep['email'] . '<br/>小&nbsp;区&nbsp;名:' . $xqname) . '</div></div><div style="clear: both;"></div></div>';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
            $c .= '</div></div>';
        if (isset($htmlfj)) {
            $c .= $htmlfj;
    } else {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">location.href=\'active-' . $xqid . '.html\';</script>';
} else {
    require_once 'party_inc_2.php';
Ejemplo n.º 2
								<td><select id="cid">';
            foreach ($a_qzca as $k => $v) {
                $c .= '<option value="' . $k . '"' . ($k == $cid ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $v . '</option>';
            $c .= '</select></td>';
            $q_res = sprintf('select a.nc, b.uid, b.face from %s as a, %s as b where a.uid=b.uid and a.qx=5 and a.iswc=1 and a.iszxjl=1', $yjl_dbprefix . 'members', $dbprefix . 'members');
            $res = mysql_query($q_res) or die($q_res);
            $r_res = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            $c_res = mysql_num_rows($res);
            if ($c_res > 0) {
                $xzjlid = 0;
                do {
                    if (isset($_GET['jluid']) && $_GET['jluid'] == $r_res['uid']) {
                        $xzjlid = $r_res['uid'];
                    $xzjl_a[] = '<option value="' . $r_res['uid'] . '"' . ($xzjlid == $r_res['uid'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . yjl_substrs($r_res['nc']) . '</option>';
                } while ($r_res = mysql_fetch_assoc($res));
                $c .= '<td width="80">选择监理师</td><td><select id="jluid"><option value="0">不指定监理师</option>' . join('', $xzjl_a) . '</select></td></tr>';
            $c .= '</tr>
						<td colspan="' . ($c_res > 0 ? '4' : '2') . '"><textarea style="padding: 5px;" id="content"></textarea></td>
						<td colspan="' . ($c_res > 0 ? '4' : '2') . '"><input type="submit" value="提 问" class="submit sub_smbe" id="submit_fb" onclick="postqzwt();" /></td>
				<div class="spdin"><a href="#" onclick="if($(\'#imgu_div\').is(\':hidden\'))$(\'#imgu_div\').show();return false;"><span class="mn_ico ico22"></span>图片</a><a href="#" onclick="if($(\'#wb_v_div\').is(\':hidden\'))$(\'#wb_v_div\').show();return false;"><span class="mn_ico ico23"></span>视频</a></div><div class="wb_imgv">' . yjl_uploadv_3() . '</div><div id="wb_v_div" style="display: none;padding-top: 10px;">请复制视频播放页网站地址即可 <input class="text" id="vurl"/></div>
Ejemplo n.º 3
				<div class="end">
					<p>' . $r_res['name'] . ' 创建成功<br />你可以发送邀请让好友们来参加你的活动</p>
				<br />
				<div class="wt_mail clearfix">
				<form method="post" class="main_form" id="login_form" action="">
							<th width="70">好友<b></b></th>
							<td><input type="text" class="text" name="touser" id="touser" jq_ise="1" value="' . $ic . '" /></td>
            if ($c_fri > 0) {
                $c .= '<tr><th></th><td><div class="friend clearfix"><ul>';
                foreach ($a_fri as $k => $v) {
                    $c .= '<li><a href="#" jq_flink="' . $k . '" title="' . $v['nc'] . '"><img id="fimg_' . $k . '" src="' . yjl_face($k, $v['face']) . '" style="border: 2px solid #fff;" /><br />' . yjl_substrs($v['nc'], 4) . '</a><input type="hidden" name="u_' . $k . '" id="u_' . $k . '" value="0"/></li>';
                $c .= '</ul></div></td></tr>';
            $c .= '<tr>
							<td valign="top"></td>
							<td><a href="active-' . $xqid . '-' . $hdid . '.html">跳过</a><input type="submit" value="发送邀请" class="submit sub_reg" id="submit_bt" /></td>
				<br class="clear" /><br /><br />
        } else {
            $isupimg = 1;
            $js_a = 'upimg_a_7(response, \'tt_iv\');';
            $js_s = ', \'m\':\'hd\', \'hdid\':\'' . $r_res['hdid'] . '\'';
Ejemplo n.º 4
function yjl_user_jltj()
    global $user_id, $u_lid, $udb, $yjl_dbprefix, $dbprefix, $a_wh_jltpt;
    $cuid = $user_id;
    $tj_m = 4;
    $tj_i = 0;
    if ($udb['fxid'] > 0 && $udb['fg'] > 0 && $udb['ys'] > 0) {
        $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fxid=%s and a.ys=%s and a.fg=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fxid'], $udb['ys'], $udb['fg'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
        $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
        $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
        if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
            do {
                if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']])) {
                    $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                    $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '户型风格预算相同';
            } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['fxid'] > 0 && $udb['fg'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fxid=%s and a.fg=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fxid'], $udb['fg'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '户型风格相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['fxid'] > 0 && $udb['ys'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fxid=%s and a.ys=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fxid'], $udb['ys'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '户型预算相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['fg'] > 0 && $udb['ys'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fg=%s and a.ys=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fg'], $udb['ys'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '风格预算相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['fxid'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fxid=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fxid'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '户型相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['fg'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.fg=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['fg'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '风格相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['ys'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.ys=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['ys'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]['ly'] = '预算相同';
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i < $tj_m) {
        if ($udb['xqid'] > 0) {
            $q_rep = sprintf('select a.name, a.jlid, a.xqid, a.lid, b.name as b_name from %s as a, %s as b where a.xqid=%s and a.lid>=%s and a.xqid=b.xqid and a.c_zp>4 and a.hzid<>%s and a.uid<>%s order by a.lasttime desc limit %s', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl', $yjl_dbprefix . 'xq', $udb['xqid'], $u_lid, $cuid, $cuid, $tj_m);
            $rep = mysql_query($q_rep) or die('');
            $r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rep) > 0) {
                do {
                    if (!isset($a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']]) && $tj_i < $tj_m) {
                        $a_tj[$r_rep['jlid']] = $r_rep;
                } while ($r_rep = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep));
    if ($tj_i > 0) {
        $c = '<div class="box2 clearfix">
			<ul class="list_visit">';
        foreach ($a_tj as $v) {
            $pu = 'images/jl_d.jpg';
            $q_reu = sprintf('select * from %s where jlid=%s and is_del=0 order by datetime desc, jpid desc limit 1', $yjl_dbprefix . 'jl_photo', $v['jlid']);
            $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
            $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
            if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                $pu = $r_reu['t_url'];
            $c .= '<li><a href="photo-' . $v['xqid'] . '-' . $v['jlid'] . '.html"><img src="images/blank.gif" width="' . $a_wh_jltpt[0] . '" height="' . $a_wh_jltpt[1] . '" style="background: url(' . $pu . ') no-repeat center;" /></a>
					<em class="percent' . $v['lid'] . '"></em>
					<p><a href="photo-' . $v['xqid'] . '-' . $v['jlid'] . '.html" title="' . $v['name'] . '">' . yjl_substrs($v['name'], 7) . '</a></p>
					<p title="' . $v['b_name'] . '">' . yjl_substrs($v['b_name'], 7) . '</p>
					<p>' . (isset($v['ly']) ? $v['ly'] : '&nbsp;') . '</p>
        $c .= '</ul></div>';
        return $c;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function yjl_homeqz($r_res)
    global $yjl_dbprefix, $dbprefix, $uadb, $yjl_tpath, $a_qzca;
    $c_hd = 0;
    $q_reu = sprintf('select b.* from %s as a, %s as b where a.qzid=%s and a.tid=b.tid and a.uid<>%s order by a.datetime desc limit 1', $yjl_dbprefix . 'qz_topic', $dbprefix . 'topic', $r_res['qzid'], $r_res['uid']);
    $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
    $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
    if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
        $c_hd = 1;
        $r_wb = $r_reu;
        $r_zf[$r_wb['tid']] = $r_res;
        if (!isset($uadb[$r_reu['uid']])) {
            $uadb[$r_reu['uid']] = yjl_udb($r_reu['uid']);
    } else {
        $r_wb = $r_res;
    $c = '<li id="wb_' . $r_wb['tid'] . '"><div class="left">
								<a href="user-' . $r_wb['uid'] . '.html"><img src="' . yjl_face($r_wb['uid'], $uadb[$r_wb['uid']]['face']) . '" /></a>
								<div class="m_sp1">监理师</div>
							</div><div class="right">
								<h3><a href="#"><a href="user-' . $r_wb['uid'] . '.html">' . yjl_substrs($uadb[$r_wb['uid']]['nc']) . '</a></a>:';
    if ($r_wb['longtextid'] > 0) {
        $q_reu = sprintf('select `longtext` from %s where id=%s and tid=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_longtext', $r_wb['longtextid'], $r_wb['tid']);
        $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
        $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
        if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
            $c .= $r_reu['longtext'];
        } else {
            $r_wb['longtextid'] = 0;
    if ($r_wb['longtextid'] == 0) {
        $c .= yjl_wbdecode($r_wb['content']);
    $c .= '</h3>';
    if ($r_wb['imageid'] != '') {
        $ai = explode(',', $r_wb['imageid']);
        foreach ($ai as $v) {
            $q_reu = sprintf('select photo, width, height from %s where id=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_image', $v);
            $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
            $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
            if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                $ou = str_replace('./', '', $r_reu['photo']);
                $bu = str_replace('_o.jpg', '_s.jpg', $ou);
                $img_a[$r_wb['tid']][$v] = '<a href="#" onclick="openimg(\'' . $yjl_tpath . $ou . '\', ' . $r_reu['width'] . ', ' . $r_reu['height'] . ');return false;" title="点击查看大图"><img src="' . $yjl_tpath . $bu . '" alt=""/></a>';
    if ($r_wb['videoid'] > 0) {
        $q_reu = sprintf('select video_url, video_img from %s where id=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_video', $r_wb['videoid']);
        $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
        $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
        if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
            $img_a[$r_wb['tid']]['v' . $r_wb['videoid']] = '<a href="' . $r_reu['video_url'] . '" target="_blank" title="点击查看视频"><img src="images/blank.gif" style="background: #fff url(' . ($r_reu['video_img'] != '' ? $yjl_tpath . str_replace('./', '', $r_reu['video_img']) : 'images/vi_d.jpg') . ') no-repeat center;" alt=""/></a>';
    if (isset($img_a[$r_wb['tid']])) {
        $c .= join(' ', $img_a[$r_wb['tid']]);
    if (isset($r_zf[$r_wb['tid']])) {
        $r_z = $r_zf[$r_wb['tid']];
        $c .= '<div class="active_bg"></div><div class="active clearfix"><h3><a href="user-' . $r_z['uid'] . '.html">' . $uadb[$r_z['uid']]['nc'] . '</a>:';
        if ($r_z['longtextid'] > 0) {
            $q_reu = sprintf('select `longtext` from %s where id=%s and tid=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_longtext', $r_z['longtextid'], $r_z['tid']);
            $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
            $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
            if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                $c .= $r_reu['longtext'];
            } else {
                $r_z['longtextid'] = 0;
        if ($r_z['longtextid'] == 0) {
            $c .= yjl_wbdecode($r_z['content']);
        $c .= '</h3>';
        if ($r_z['imageid'] != '') {
            $ai = explode(',', $r_z['imageid']);
            foreach ($ai as $v) {
                $q_reu = sprintf('select photo, width, height from %s where id=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_image', $v);
                $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
                $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
                if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                    $ou = str_replace('./', '', $r_reu['photo']);
                    $bu = str_replace('_o.jpg', '_s.jpg', $ou);
                    $img_a[$r_z['tid']][$v] = '<a href="#" onclick="openimg(\'' . $yjl_tpath . $ou . '\', ' . $r_reu['width'] . ', ' . $r_reu['height'] . ');return false;" title="点击查看大图"><img src="' . $yjl_tpath . $bu . '" alt=""/></a>';
        if ($r_z['videoid'] > 0) {
            $q_reu = sprintf('select video_url, video_img from %s where id=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'topic_video', $r_z['videoid']);
            $reu = mysql_query($q_reu) or die('');
            $r_reu = mysql_fetch_assoc($reu);
            if (mysql_num_rows($reu) > 0) {
                $img_a[$r_z['tid']]['v' . $r_z['videoid']] = '<a href="' . $r_reu['video_url'] . '" target="_blank" title="点击查看视频"><img src="images/blank.gif" style="background: #fff url(' . ($r_reu['video_img'] != '' ? $yjl_tpath . str_replace('./', '', $r_reu['video_img']) : 'images/vi_d.jpg') . ') no-repeat center;" alt=""/></a>';
        if (isset($img_a[$r_z['tid']])) {
            $c .= join(' ', $img_a[$r_z['tid']]);
        $c .= '<p class="other">' . yjl_wbdate($r_z['dateline']) . '</p></div>';
    $c .= '<p class="other">';
    $a[$r_res['qzid']][] = '<a href="faq-c' . $r_res['cid'] . '.html">' . $a_qzca[$r_res['cid']] . '</a>';
    if ($r_res['c_zan'] > 0) {
        $a[$r_res['qzid']][] = ' 赞(' . $r_res['c_zan'] . ')';
    $a[$r_res['qzid']][] = '<a href="faq-' . $r_res['qzid'] . '.html">详情</a>';
    $c .= (isset($a[$r_res['qzid']]) ? '<span>' . join(' |', $a[$r_res['qzid']]) : '') . '</span>';
    $c .= yjl_wbdate($r_wb['dateline']);
    $c .= '</p></div></li>';
    return $c;