Ejemplo n.º 1
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param item_id item id that is exported
 * @param attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return true: success
 * @return false:error
function xnppresentationExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    // get DetailInformation
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    $handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xnppresentation', 'item_detail');
    $detail =& $handler->get($item_id);
    if (!$detail) {
        return false;
    $creators = '';
    foreach ($detail->getCreators() as $creator) {
        $creators .= '<creator>' . $creator->getVar('creator', 's') . '</creator>';
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\" version=\"1.03\">\n" . '<presentation_type>' . $detail->getVar('presentation_type', 's') . "</presentation_type>\n" . "<creators>{$creators}</creators>\n" . '<readme>' . $detail->getVar('readme', 's') . "</readme>\n" . '<rights>' . $detail->getVar('rights', 's') . "</rights>\n" . '<use_cc>' . intval($detail->get('use_cc', 's')) . "</use_cc>\n" . '<cc_commercial_use>' . intval($detail->get('cc_commercial_use')) . "</cc_commercial_use>\n" . '<cc_modification>' . intval($detail->get('cc_modification')) . "</cc_modification>\n" . '<attachment_dl_limit>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_limit')) . "</attachment_dl_limit>\n" . '<attachment_dl_notify>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_notify')) . "</attachment_dl_notify>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param item_id item id that is exported
 * @param attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return true: success
 * @return false:error
function xnpbookExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    // get DetailInformation
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    $handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xnpbook', 'item_detail');
    $detail =& $handler->get($item_id);
    if (!$detail) {
        return false;
    $authors = '';
    foreach ($detail->getAuthors() as $author) {
        $authors .= '<author>' . $author->getVar('author', 's') . '</author>';
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\" version=\"1.03\">\n" . "<authors>{$authors}</authors>\n" . '<editor>' . $detail->getVar('editor', 's') . "</editor>\n" . '<publisher>' . $detail->getVar('publisher', 's') . "</publisher>\n" . '<isbn>' . $detail->getVar('isbn', 's') . "</isbn>\n" . '<url>' . $detail->getVar('url', 's') . "</url>\n" . '<attachment_dl_limit>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_limit')) . "</attachment_dl_limit>\n" . '<attachment_dl_notify>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_notify')) . "</attachment_dl_notify>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param item_id item id that is exported
 * @param attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return true: success
 * @return false:error
function xnpconferenceExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    // get DetailInformation
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    $handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xnpconference', 'item_detail');
    $detail =& $handler->get($item_id);
    if (!$detail) {
        return false;
    $authors = '';
    foreach ($detail->getAuthors() as $author) {
        $authors .= '<author>' . $author->getVar('author', 's') . '</author>';
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\" version=\"1.02\">\n" . '<conference_from_year>' . $detail->getVar('conference_from_year', 's') . "</conference_from_year>\n" . '<conference_from_month>' . $detail->getVar('conference_from_month', 's') . "</conference_from_month>\n" . '<conference_from_mday>' . $detail->getVar('conference_from_mday', 's') . "</conference_from_mday>\n" . '<conference_to_year>' . $detail->getVar('conference_to_year', 's') . "</conference_to_year>\n" . '<conference_to_month>' . $detail->getVar('conference_to_month', 's') . "</conference_to_month>\n" . '<conference_to_mday>' . $detail->getVar('conference_to_mday', 's') . "</conference_to_mday>\n" . '<presentation_type>' . $detail->getVar('presentation_type', 's') . "</presentation_type>\n" . '<conference_title>' . $detail->getVar('conference_title', 's') . "</conference_title>\n" . '<place>' . $detail->getVar('place', 's') . "</place>\n" . "<authors>{$authors}</authors>\n" . '<abstract>' . $detail->getVar('abstract', 's') . "</abstract>\n" . '<attachment_dl_limit>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_limit')) . "</attachment_dl_limit>\n" . '<attachment_dl_notify>' . intval($detail->get('attachment_dl_notify')) . "</attachment_dl_notify>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * write item detail information xml form export
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param string $export_path export file path
 * @param resource $fhdl output file handle
 * @param int $item_id target item id
 * @param bool $attachment true if export attachment or image file
 * @return bool false if failure
function xnpfilesExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    global $xoopsDB;
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    // get DetailInformation
    $result = $xoopsDB->query('select * from ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('xnpfiles_item_detail') . " where files_id={$item_id}");
    if (!$result) {
        return NULL;
    $detail = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\">\n" . '<data_file_name>' . htmlspecialchars($detail['data_file_name'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</data_file_name>\n" . '<data_file_mimetype>' . htmlspecialchars($detail['data_file_mimetype'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</data_file_mimetype>\n" . '<data_file_filetype>' . htmlspecialchars($detail['data_file_filetype'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</data_file_filetype>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param item_id item id that is exported
 * @param attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return true: success
 * @return false:error
function xnppaperExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    // get DetailInformation
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    $handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xnppaper', 'item_detail');
    $detail =& $handler->get($item_id);
    if (!$detail) {
        return false;
    $authors = '';
    foreach ($detail->getAuthors() as $author) {
        $authors .= '<author>' . $author->getVar('author', 's') . '</author>';
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\" version=\"1.02\">\n" . "<authors>{$authors}</authors>\n" . '<journal>' . $detail->getVar('journal', 's') . "</journal>\n" . '<volume>' . $detail->getVar('volume', 's') . "</volume>\n" . '<number>' . $detail->getVar('number', 's') . "</number>\n" . '<page>' . $detail->getVar('page', 's') . "</page>\n" . '<abstract>' . $detail->getVar('abstract', 's') . "</abstract>\n" . '<pubmed_id>' . $detail->getVar('pubmed_id', 's') . "</pubmed_id>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param string $export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param resource $fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param int $item_id item id that is exported
 * @param bool $attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return bool false if failure
function xnptoolExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    // get detail information
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    $handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xnptool', 'item_detail');
    $detail =& $handler->get($item_id);
    if (!$detail) {
        return false;
    $developers = '';
    foreach ($detail->getDevelopers() as $developer) {
        $developers .= '<developer>' . $developer->getVar('developer', 's') . '</developer>';
    $xml = array();
    $xml[] = sprintf('<detail id="%u" version="1.03">', $item_id);
    $xml[] = sprintf('<tool_type>%s</tool_type>', $detail->getVar('tool_type', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<developers>%s</developers>', $developers);
    $xml[] = sprintf('<readme>%s</readme>', $detail->getVar('readme', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<rights>%s</rights>', $detail->getVar('rights', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<use_cc>%u</use_cc>', $detail->getVar('use_cc', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<cc_commercial_use>%s</cc_commercial_use>', $detail->getVar('cc_commercial_use', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<cc_modification>%s</cc_modification>', $detail->getVar('cc_modification', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<attachment_dl_limit>%u</attachment_dl_limit>', $detail->getVar('attachment_dl_limit', 's'));
    $xml[] = sprintf('<attachment_dl_notify>%u</attachment_dl_notify>', $detail->getVar('attachment_dl_notify', 's'));
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, implode("\n", $xml) . "\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * create XML for exporting detail information
 * see xnpExportItem for detail
 * @see xnpExportItem
 * @param export_path folder that export file is written to.
 * @param fhdl file handle that items are exported to.
 * @param item_id item id that is exported
 * @param attachment true if attachment files are exported, else false.
 * @return true: success
 * @return false:error
function xnpurlExportItem($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id, $attachment)
    global $xoopsDB;
    if (!$fhdl) {
        return false;
    // retrieve detail information
    $result = $xoopsDB->query('select * from ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('xnpurl_item_detail') . " where url_id={$item_id}");
    if (!$result) {
        return false;
    $detail = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "<detail id=\"{$item_id}\">\n" . '<url>' . htmlspecialchars($detail['url'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</url>\n")) {
        return false;
    if (!($attachment ? xnpExportFile($export_path, $fhdl, $item_id) : true)) {
        return false;
    if (!fwrite($fhdl, "</detail>\n")) {
        return false;
    return true;