function main() { ini_set('xdebug.enable', 1); ini_set('xdebug.default_enable', 1); ini_set('xdebug.overload_var_dump', 2); $arr = array(5); $b =& $arr[0]; xdebug_var_dump($arr); xdebug_var_dump($b); }
public function onStart(EnvironmentEvent $event) { xdebug_break(); $this->io = $event->getIO(); $this->io->write('<comment>SpressSitemapXML::onStart.</comment>'); $sourceDir = $event->getSourceDir(); $repository = $event->getConfigRepository(); $dataDir = $sourceDir . '/_data'; $data = []; xdebug_var_dump($data); var_dump(array(array(TRUE, 2, 3.14, 'foo'), 'object' => $c)); }
function p($r) { if (function_exists('xdebug_var_dump')) { echo '<pre>'; xdebug_var_dump($r); echo '</pre>'; //(new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->dump($r, true); } else { echo '<pre>'; var_dump($r); echo '</pre>'; } }
/** * print out type and content of the given variable if DEBUG-define (in config/core.php) > 0 * @param mixed $var Variable to debug */ function debug($var = false) { if (DEBUG < 1) { return; } ob_start(); if (function_exists('xdebug_var_dump')) { xdebug_var_dump($var); } else { var_dump($var); } $var = ob_get_clean(); kataDebugOutput($var); }
function quark_dump($var, $return = FALSE, $use_xdebug = TRUE) { $use_xdebug = $use_xdebug && function_exists('xdebug_var_dump'); if ($return) { if ($use_xdebug && function_exists('ob_start')) { ob_start(); xdebug_var_dump($var); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $out = "<pre class='quark-dump'>" . htmlentities(var_export($var, $return), ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . "</pre>"; } return $out; } else { if ($use_xdebug) { xdebug_var_dump($var); } else { echo "<pre class='quark-dump'>" . htmlentities(var_export($var, TRUE), ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . "</pre>"; } } }
public function __construct() { /* Chargement de la configuration */ try { $this->database_connection = new PDO(DSN, USER_BDD, MDP_BDD, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\'')); $this->database_connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->database_connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT, true); } catch (PDOException $e) { xdebug_var_dump($e); /*$oError = new clsError(); $oError->ErrorFile = __FILE__; $oError->ErrorFunction = __FUNCTION__; $oError->ErrorCode = $e->getCode(); $oError->ErrorMessage = $e->getMessage(); $oError->ErrorTrace = $e->getTraceAsString(); $oError->showError(); die();*/ } return $this->database_connection; }
/** * Wrap pre tag around {@link var_dump()} for better debugging. * * @param $var__var__var__var__,... mixed variable(s) to dump * @return true */ function pre_dump($var__var__var__var__) { global $is_cli; #echo 'pre_dump(): '.debug_get_backtrace(); // see where a pre_dump() comes from $func_num_args = func_num_args(); $count = 0; if (!empty($is_cli)) { // CLI, no encoding of special chars: $count = 0; foreach (func_get_args() as $lvar) { var_dump($lvar); $count++; if ($count < $func_num_args) { // Put newline between arguments echo "\n"; } } } elseif (function_exists('xdebug_var_dump')) { // xdebug already does fancy displaying: // no limits: $old_var_display_max_children = ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', -1); // default: 128 $old_var_display_max_data = ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', -1); // max string length; default: 512 $old_var_display_max_depth = ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', -1); // default: 3 echo "\n<div style=\"padding:1ex;border:1px solid #00f;\">\n"; foreach (func_get_args() as $lvar) { xdebug_var_dump($lvar); $count++; if ($count < $func_num_args) { // Put HR between arguments echo "<hr />\n"; } } echo '</div>'; // restore xdebug settings: ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', $old_var_display_max_children); ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', $old_var_display_max_data); ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', $old_var_display_max_depth); } else { $orig_html_errors = ini_set('html_errors', 0); // e.g. xdebug would use fancy html, if this is on; we catch (and use) xdebug explicitly above, but just in case echo "\n<pre style=\"padding:1ex;border:1px solid #00f;\">\n"; foreach (func_get_args() as $lvar) { ob_start(); var_dump($lvar); // includes "\n"; do not use var_export() because it does not detect recursion by design $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo htmlspecialchars($buffer); $count++; if ($count < $func_num_args) { // Put HR between arguments echo "<hr />\n"; } } echo "</pre>\n"; ini_set('html_errors', $orig_html_errors); } evo_flush(); return true; }
public static function showCallStack() { echo 'CallStack - File: ' . xdebug_call_file(); echo '<br />Class: ' . xdebug_call_class(); echo '<br />Function: ' . xdebug_call_function(); echo '<br />Line: ' . xdebug_call_line(); echo '<br />Depth of Stacks: ' . xdebug_get_stack_depth(); echo '<br />Content of Stack: ' . xdebug_var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack()); }
function dump($value) { if (function_exists('xdebug_var_dump')) { ob_start(); xdebug_var_dump($value); $value = ob_get_clean(); } else { $value = '<pre>' . escape(print_r($value, true)) . '</pre>'; } return $value; }
/** * @package Debug */ function p($src, $Type = 'LOG') { if (!Kwf_Debug::isEnabled()) { return; } $isToDebug = false; if ($Type != 'ECHO' && class_exists('FirePHP') && FirePHP::getInstance()) { if (is_object($src) && method_exists($src, 'toArray')) { $src = $src->toArray(); } else { if (is_object($src)) { $src = (array) $src; } } //wenn FirePHP nicht aktiv im browser gibts false zurück if (FirePHP::getInstance()->fb($src, $Type)) { return; } } if (is_object($src) && method_exists($src, 'toDebug')) { $isToDebug = true; $src = $src->toDebug(); } if (is_object($src) && method_exists($src, '__toString')) { $src = $src->__toString(); } if (is_array($src)) { $isToDebug = true; if ($Type == 'TABLE' && php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { $table = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($src[1] as $row) { $table .= "<tr>"; foreach ($row as $td) { if ($i == 0) { $table .= "<th>{$td}</th>"; } else { $table .= "<td>{$td}</td>"; } } $table .= "</tr>\n"; $i++; } $src = $src[0] . "<br />\n<table>\n" . $table . "</table>\n"; } else { $src = _pArray($src); if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $src = "\n{$src}"; } else { $src = "<pre>\n{$src}</pre>"; } } } if ($isToDebug) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $src = str_replace('<pre>', '', $src); $src = str_replace('</pre>', '', $src); } echo $src; } else { if (function_exists('xdebug_var_dump') && !($src instanceof Zend_Db_Select || $src instanceof Exception)) { xdebug_var_dump($src); } else { if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { echo "<pre>"; } var_dump($src); if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { echo "</pre>"; } } } if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); $i = 0; if (isset($bt[1]) && isset($bt[1]['function']) && $bt[1]['function'] == 'd') { $i = 1; } if (isset($bt[$i]) && isset($bt[$i]['function']) && $bt[$i]['function'] == 'bt') { $i++; } echo $bt[$i]['file'] . ':' . $bt[$i]['line']; if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { echo "<br />"; } echo "\n"; } }
<?php $array = array(1, true, "string"); xdebug_var_dump($array); echo "\n\n"; ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', 0); xdebug_var_dump($array); echo "\n\n"; ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', -1); ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', 0); xdebug_var_dump($array); echo "\n\n"; ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', 0); ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', -1); xdebug_var_dump($array); echo "\n\n";
function hhb_var_dump() { //informative wrapper for var_dump //<changelog> //version 5 ( 1372510379573 ) //v5, fixed warnings on PHP < 5.0.2 (PHP_EOL not defined), //also we can use xdebug_var_dump when available now. tested working with 5.0.0 to 5.5.0beta2 (thanks to and ) //and fixed a (corner-case) bug with "0" (empty() considders string("0") to be empty, this caused a bug in sourcecode analyze) //v4, now (tries to) tell you the source code that lead to the variables //v3, HHB_VAR_DUMP_START and HHB_VAR_DUMP_END . //v2, now compat with.. PHP5.0 + i think? tested down to 5.2.17 (previously only 5.4.0+ worked) //</changelog> //<settings> $settings = array(); $PHP_EOL = "\n"; if (defined('PHP_EOL')) { //for PHP >=5.0.2 ... $PHP_EOL = PHP_EOL; } $settings['debug_hhb_var_dump'] = false; //if true, may throw exceptions on errors.. $settings['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = false; //try to use xdebug_var_dump (instead of var_dump) if available? $settings['analyze_sourcecode'] = true; //false to disable the source code analyze stuff. //(it will fallback to making $settings['analyze_sourcecode']=false, if it fail to analyze the code, anyway..) $settings['hhb_var_dump_prepend'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_START' . $PHP_EOL; $settings['hhb_var_dump_append'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_END' . $PHP_EOL; //</settings> $settings['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = $settings['use_xdebug_var_dump'] && is_callable("xdebug_var_dump"); $argv = func_get_args(); $argc = count($argv, COUNT_NORMAL); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) { $bt = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1); } else { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.6', '>=')) { $bt = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); } else { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.5', '>=')) { $bt = debug_backtrace(false); } else { $bt = debug_backtrace(); } } } $analyze_sourcecode = $settings['analyze_sourcecode']; //later, $analyze_sourcecode will be compared with $config['analyze_sourcecode'] //to determine if the reason was an error analyzing, or if it was disabled.. $bt = $bt[0]; //<analyzeSourceCode> if ($analyze_sourcecode) { $argvSourceCode = array(0 => 'ignore [0]...'); try { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.2', '<')) { throw new Exception("PHP version is <5.2.2 .. see token_get_all changelog.."); } $xsource = file_get_contents($bt['file']); if (empty($xsource)) { throw new Exception('cant get the source of ' . $bt['file']); } $xsource .= "\n<" . '?' . 'php ignore_this_hhb_var_dump_workaround();'; //workaround, making sure that at least 1 token is an array, and has the $tok[2] >= line of hhb_var_dump $xTokenArray = token_get_all($xsource); //<trim$xTokenArray> $tmpstr = ''; $tmpUnsetKeyArray = array(); foreach ($xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken) { if (is_array($xToken)) { if (!array_key_exists(1, $xToken)) { throw new LogicException('Impossible situation? $xToken is_array, but does not have $xToken[1] ...'); } $tmpstr = trim($xToken[1]); if (empty($tmpstr) && $tmpstr !== '0') { $tmpUnsetKeyArray[] = $xKey; continue; } switch ($xToken[0]) { case T_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: //T_ML_COMMENT in PHP4 -.- //T_ML_COMMENT in PHP4 -.- case T_INLINE_HTML: $tmpUnsetKeyArray[] = $xKey; continue; default: continue; } } else { if (is_string($xToken)) { $tmpstr = trim($xToken); if (empty($tmpstr) && $tmpstr !== '0') { $tmpUnsetKeyArray[] = $xKey; } continue; } else { //should be unreachable.. //failed both is_array() and is_string() ??? throw new LogicException('Impossible! $xToken fails both is_array() and is_string() !! .. '); } } } foreach ($tmpUnsetKeyArray as $toUnset) { unset($xTokenArray[$toUnset]); } $xTokenArray = array_values($xTokenArray); //fixing the keys.. //die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,'before:',count(token_get_all($xsource),COUNT_NORMAL),'after',count($xTokenArray,COUNT_NORMAL))); unset($tmpstr, $xKey, $xToken, $toUnset, $tmpUnsetKeyArray); //</trim$xTokenArray> $firstInterestingLineTokenKey = -1; $lastInterestingLineTokenKey = -1; //<find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey> foreach ($xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken) { if (!is_array($xToken) || !array_key_exists(2, $xToken) || !is_integer($xToken[2]) || $xToken[2] < $bt['line']) { continue; } $tmpkey = $xKey; //we don't got what we want yet.. while (true) { if (!array_key_exists($tmpkey, $xTokenArray)) { throw new Exception('1unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !'); } if ($xTokenArray[$tmpkey] === ';') { //var_dump(__LINE__.":SUCCESS WITH",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]); $lastInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpkey; break; } //var_dump(__LINE__.":FAIL WITH ",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]); //if $xTokenArray has >=PHP_INT_MAX keys, we don't want an infinite loop, do we? ;p //i wonder how much memory that would require though.. over-engineering, err, time-wasting, ftw? if ($tmpkey >= PHP_INT_MAX) { throw new Exception('2unable to find $lastIntperestingLineTokenKey ! (PHP_INT_MAX reached without finding ";"...)'); } ++$tmpkey; } break; } if ($lastInterestingLineTokenKey <= -1) { throw new Exception('3unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !'); } unset($xKey, $xToken, $tmpkey); //</find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey> //<find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey> //now work ourselves backwards from $lastInterestingLineTokenKey to the first token where $xTokenArray[$tmpi][1] == "hhb_var_dump" //i doubt this is fool-proof but.. cant think of a better way (in userland, anyway) atm.. $tmpi = $lastInterestingLineTokenKey; do { if (array_key_exists($tmpi, $xTokenArray) && is_array($xTokenArray[$tmpi]) && array_key_exists(1, $xTokenArray[$tmpi]) && is_string($xTokenArray[$tmpi][1]) && strcasecmp($xTokenArray[$tmpi][1], $bt['function']) === 0) { //var_dump(__LINE__."SUCCESS WITH",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]); if (!array_key_exists($tmpi + 2, $xTokenArray)) { //+2 because [0] is (or should be) "hhb_var_dump" and [1] is (or should be) "(" throw new Exception('1unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...'); } $firstInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpi + 2; break; /**/ } //var_dump(__LINE__."FAIL WITH ",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]); --$tmpi; } while (-1 < $tmpi); //die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,$tmpi)); if ($firstInterestingLineTokenKey <= -1) { throw new Exception('2unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...'); } unset($tmpi); //Note: $lastInterestingLineTokeyKey is likely to contain more stuff than only the stuff we want.. //</find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey> //<rebuildInterestingSourceCode> //ok, now we have $firstInterestingLineTokenKey and $lastInterestingLineTokenKey.... $interestingTokensArray = array_slice($xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, $lastInterestingLineTokenKey - $firstInterestingLineTokenKey + 1); unset($addUntil, $tmpi, $tmpstr, $tmpi, $argvsourcestr, $tmpkey, $xTokenKey, $xToken); $addUntil = array(); $tmpi = 0; $tmpstr = ""; $tmpkey = ""; $argvsourcestr = ""; //$argvSourceCode[X]='source code..'; foreach ($interestingTokensArray as $xTokenKey => $xToken) { if (is_array($xToken)) { $tmpstr = $xToken[1]; //var_dump($xToken[1]); } else { if (is_string($xToken)) { $tmpstr = $xToken; //var_dump($xToken); } else { /*should never reach this */ throw new LogicException('Impossible situation? $xToken fails is_array() and fails is_string() ...'); } } $argvsourcestr .= $tmpstr; if ($xToken === '(') { $addUntil[] = ')'; continue; } else { if ($xToken === '[') { $addUntil[] = ']'; continue; } } if ($xToken === ')' || $xToken === ']') { if (false === ($tmpkey = array_search($xToken, $addUntil, false))) { $argvSourceCode[] = substr($argvsourcestr, 0, -1); //-1 is to strip the ")" if (count($argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL) - 1 === $argc) { break; /*We read em all! :D (.. i hope)*/ } /*else... oh crap*/ throw new Exception('failed to read source code of (what i think is) argv[' . count($argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL) . '] ! sorry..'); } unset($addUntil[$tmpkey]); continue; } if (empty($addUntil) && $xToken === ',') { $argvSourceCode[] = substr($argvsourcestr, 0, -1); //-1 is to strip the comma $argvsourcestr = ""; } } //die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__, //$firstInterestingLineTokenKey,$lastInterestingLineTokenKey,$interestingTokensArray,$tmpstr //$argvSourceCode)); if (count($argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL) - 1 != $argc) { throw new Exception('failed to read source code of all the arguments! (and idk which ones i missed)! sorry..'); } //</rebuildInterestingSourceCode> } catch (Exception $ex) { $argvSourceCode = array(); //clear it //TODO: failed to read source code //die("TODO N STUFF..".__FILE__.__LINE__); $analyze_sourcecode = false; //ERROR.. if ($settings['debug_hhb_var_dump']) { throw $ex; } else { /*exception ignored, continue as normal without $analyze_sourcecode */ } } unset($xsource, $xToken, $xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, $lastInterestingLineTokenKey, $xTokenKey, $tmpi, $tmpkey, $argvsourcestr); } //</analyzeSourceCode> $msg = $settings['hhb_var_dump_prepend']; if ($analyze_sourcecode != $settings['analyze_sourcecode']) { $msg .= ' (PS: some error analyzing source code)' . $PHP_EOL; } $msg .= 'in "' . $bt['file'] . '": on line "' . $bt['line'] . '": ' . $argc . ' variable' . ($argc === 1 ? '' : 's') . $PHP_EOL; //because over-engineering ftw? if ($analyze_sourcecode) { $msg .= ' hhb_var_dump('; $msg .= implode(",", array_slice($argvSourceCode, 1)); //$argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit. $msg .= ')' . $PHP_EOL; } //array_unshift($bt,$msg); echo $msg; $i = 0; foreach ($argv as &$val) { echo 'argv[' . ++$i . ']'; if ($analyze_sourcecode) { echo ' >>>' . $argvSourceCode[$i] . '<<<'; } echo ':'; if ($settings['use_xdebug_var_dump']) { xdebug_var_dump($val); } else { var_dump($val); } } echo $settings['hhb_var_dump_append']; //call_user_func_array("var_dump",$args); }
<?php function getPermFlags($data) { $codes = ($data & 2048 ? 'u' : '-') . ($data & 1024 ? 'g' : '-') . ($data & 512 ? 's' : '-'); $owner = ($data & 256 ? 'r' : '-') . ($data & 128 ? 'w' : '-') . ($data & 64 ? 'x' : '-'); $group = ($data & 32 ? 'r' : '-') . ($data & 16 ? 'w' : '-') . ($data & 8 ? 'x' : '-'); $world = ($data & 4 ? 'r' : '-') . ($data & 2 ? 'w' : '-') . ($data & 1 ? 'x' : '-'); return array('codes' => $codes, 'owner' => $owner, 'group' => $group, 'world' => $world, 'octal' => str_pad(decoct($data), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'flags' => $codes . $owner . $group . $world); } xdebug_var_dump(getPermFlags(63));
/** * // TODO implement a generic dump function. * @param $var */ public static function dump_it_out($var) { xdebug_var_dump($var); }
/** * Debug helper function. This is a wrapper for var_dump|xdebug_var_dump that adds * the <pre /> tags, cleans up newlines and indents, adds file name and line number info * and runs htmlentities() before output. * * @param mixed $var The variable to dump. * @param boolean $outputDump Overrides self::$output flag * @return string */ public function dump($var, $outputDump = null) { // add file and line on which Dump was called $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $label = 'Dump - File: ' . $backtrace[0]['file'] . ', Line: ' . $backtrace[0]['line']; // var_dump the variable into a buffer and keep the output ob_start(); if ($this->xdebugDumpExists()) { xdebug_var_dump($var); } else { var_dump($var); } $output = ob_get_clean(); // neaten the newlines and indents $output = preg_replace("/\\]\\=\\>\n(\\s+)/m", "] => ", $output); if (static::getSapi() == 'cli') { $label = $label . PHP_EOL; $output = PHP_EOL . $label . PHP_EOL . $output . PHP_EOL; } else { $label = $label . PHP_EOL; $output = htmlentities($output, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $output = '<pre>' . $label . $output . '</pre>'; } $echo = self::$output; if (is_bool($outputDump)) { $echo = $outputDump; } if ($echo) { echo $output; if ($this->flushBuffer) { ob_flush(); } } return $output; }
/** * This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. * Arrays are explored recursively with values. * @return void */ public function varDump() { xdebug_var_dump(); }