Ejemplo n.º 1
 function mainLayout($container)
     # Erase default help message
     vgfSet('htmlHelp', '');
     $top = $container;
     # Pull the values
     $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * from " . $this->table_id);
     # Basic information at top
     html('div', $top, 'Instance Configuration', 'hero-unit');
     html('p', $top, 'Any changes made here will take immediate 
         effect for all users of this program, except where a user
         has configured their own preferred setting.');
     # Set up titles
     $table = html('table', $top);
     $table->addClass('table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-striped');
     $table->hp['id'] = 'x2data1';
     $thead = html('thead', $table);
     $tr = html('tr', $thead);
     $tr->h('th', 'Setting', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', 'Default Value', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', ' ', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', 'Instance Value', 'dark');
     # Now put out inputs for each one
     $tbody = html('tbody', $table);
     $askip = array('recnum', '_agg', 'skey_quiet', 'skey');
     foreach ($this->flat as $column_id => $colinfo) {
         if (in_array($column_id, $askip)) {
         $tr = html('tr', $tbody);
         $tr->hp['id'] = 'tr_' . $column_id;
         $td = html('td', $tr, $colinfo['description']);
         # The default value
         $td = html('td', $tr, ConfigGet($column_id, '*null*', array('user', 'inst')));
         $td->hp['id'] = 'def_' . $column_id;
         # The reset
         $td = html('td', $tr);
         $button = html('a-void', $td, 'Use Default');
         $button->hp['onclick'] = "makeDefault('{$column_id}')";
         # the input
         $input = input($colinfo);
         $input->hp['id'] = 'inp_' . $column_id;
         if ($colinfo['type_id'] == 'text') {
         } else {
             $input->hp['value'] = $row[$column_id];
             x4Script('$a.byId("' . $input->hp['id'] . '").value="' . $row[$column_id] . '"');
         $input->hp['onchange'] = 'instaSave(this)';
         $input->ap['skey'] = $row['skey'];
         $td = html('td', $tr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function mainLayout($container)
     # Erase default help message
     vgfSet('htmlHelp', '');
     $top = $container;
     # Pull the values
     # For a user, if there is no row, enter one and try again
     $dd = ddTable("configuser");
     $view = ddView('configuser');
     $row = SQL_AllRows("Select * from {$view}");
     if (count($row) == 1) {
         $row = $row[0];
     } else {
         SQL("Insert into {$view} (skey_quiet) values ('N')");
         $row = SQL_OneRow("Select * from {$view}");
     # Basic information at top
     html('h1', $top, 'User Configuration');
     html('p', $top, 'Any changes made here will take immediate 
     # Set up titles
     $table = html('table', $top);
     $thead = html('thead', $table);
     $tr = html('tr', $thead);
     $tr->h('th', 'Setting', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', 'Your Value', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', 'Default Value', 'dark');
     $tr->h('th', '&nbsp', 'dark');
     # Now put out inputs for each one
     $tbody = html('tbody', $table);
     $askip = array('recnum', '_agg', 'skey_quiet', 'skey', 'uid_ins');
     foreach ($this->flat as $column_id => $colinfo) {
         if (in_array($column_id, $askip)) {
         $tr = html('tr', $tbody);
         $tr->hp['id'] = 'tr_' . $column_id;
         $td = html('td', $tr, $colinfo['description']);
         # the input
         $input = input($colinfo);
         $input->hp['id'] = 'inp_' . $column_id;
         if ($colinfo['type_id'] == 'text') {
         } else {
             $input->hp['value'] = $row[$column_id];
             x4Script('$a.byId("' . $input->hp['id'] . '").value="' . $row[$column_id] . '"');
         $input->hp['onchange'] = 'instaSave(this)';
         $input->ap['skey'] = $row['skey'];
         $td = html('td', $tr);
         # The default value
         $td = html('td', $tr, ConfigGet($column_id, '*null*', array('user')));
         $td->hp['id'] = 'def_' . $column_id;
         # The reset
         $td = html('td', $tr);
         $button = html('a-void', $td, 'Use Default');
         $button->hp['onclick'] = "makeDefault('{$column_id}')";
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Generate a complete layout of all form elements and deliver
  * it to the browser
  * @author: Kenneth Downs
 function main()
     # Write out the default help system
     # KFD 6/18/08, replaced, see below
     # If we see a "gp_pk" variable, they are requesting a certain
     # detail row.  Find out the skey and pass instructions on.
     # Notice the assumption of only a single column.
     $apre = aFromGP('pre_');
     if (count($apre) > 0) {
         x4Data('init', $apre);
     # And also add in the mode if it has been delivered, and focus
     if (gp('x4Mode') != '') {
         x4Data('x4Mode', gp('x4Mode'));
     if (gp('x4Focus') != '') {
         x4Data('x4Focus', gp('x4Focus'));
     # KFD 6/25/08, if there is extra script, run it
     $extra = ob_get_clean();
     if ($extra != '') {
     # KFD 8/7/08.  Grab any "hold" variables and
     # attach them to the current object.  This was
     # put in for the wholdist application to carry
     # context from screen to screen.
     $this->hld = aFromGp('hld_');
     # All top-level elements will go inside of this div
     $x4Top = html('div');
     $x4Top->hp['id'] = 'x4Top';
     x4Html('*MAIN*', $x4Top->bufferedRender());
     # KFD 9/20/08, added a flag to go "please wait" while
     #              saving, in case there are distribute's
     if (isset($this->waitOnSave)) {
         $this->dd['wait_on_save'] = $this->waitOnSave;
     } else {
         $this->dd['wait_on_save'] = false;
     x4Data('dd.' . $this->table_id, $this->dd);
     x4Data('returnto', gp('x4Return'));
     # Now send all hold variables out on the container
     foreach ($this->hld as $key => $value) {
         $x4Top->hidden($key, $value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
* Stores a fragment of script to run inside of
* jquery's documentReady() action.
*	* string   Script.  May be enclosed in html SCRIPT tags,
*   which you may want to do if your editor makes
*   it easier to work with it that way.
*   * boolean insert. If true, inserts script at top of list
*	false   Always returns false.
function jqDocReady($script, $insert = false)
    $script = preg_replace("/<script>/i", '', $script);
    $script = preg_replace("/<\\/script>/i", '', $script);
    $jdr = vgfGet('jqDocReady', array());
    if ($insert) {
        array_unshift($jdr, $script);
    } else {
        $jdr[] = $script;
    vgfSet('jqDocReady', $jdr);
    # KFD 10/15/08. If we are in a json call, send this back
    #               as script instead
    if (gp('json') == 1) {
        x4Script($script, $insert);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function index_hidden_x4Dispatch()
    # This is everything that *might* go back, make a place
    # for all of it
    $GLOBALS['AG']['x4'] = array('error' => array(), 'debug' => array(), 'notice' => array(), 'html' => array(), 'script' => array());
    # KFD 8/18/08.  Having any gp vars might be screwing things
    #               up, remove them.  Specifically it is screwing
    #               up the gp_command
    # KFD 9/10/08.  This belonged in gp_command processing,
    #               moved it to there.
    # If they are not logged in, or have timed out,
    # send a redirection command to the login page
    if (!LoggedIn()) {
        if (gpExists('json')) {
            echo json_encode_safe($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']);
        } else {
            echo "<script>window.location='index.php?gp_page=x_login'</script>";
    // Determine the library to open.  If the page exists, open
    // it, otherwise use default
    $x4Page = gp('x4Page');
    hidden('x4Page', $x4Page);
    # makes form submits come back here
    if (gpExists('db')) {
    } else {
        if (file_exists("application/{$x4Page}.page.yaml")) {
            include 'androPage.php';
            $obj_page = new androPage();
            if ($obj_page->flag_buffer) {
            if ($obj_page->flag_buffer) {
                x4HTML("*MAIN*", ob_get_clean());
        } else {
            $object = x4Object($x4Page);
            # Determine method and invoke it.  Notice any
            # direct output is considered an error
            $method = gp('x4Action', 'main');
            $errors = ob_get_clean();
            if ($errors != '') {
    # Put errors in that were reported by database operations
    if (Errors()) {
        $errs = errorsGet();
        foreach ($errs as $err) {
    # if the "json" flag is set, we return all output as JSON,
    # otherwise we package it up with the normal template and
    # return it as main content
    if (gp('json') == 1) {
        echo json_encode_safe($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']);
    } else {
        # Tell the client-side library to initialize the
        # 'inert' HTML that it received from us.
        # Don't need a form in x4 mode
        vgaSet('NOFORM', true);
        #  Put things where the template expects to find them
        vgfSet('HTML', $GLOBALS['AG']['x4']['html']['*MAIN*']);
        foreach ($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']['script'] as $script) {
        # DUPLICATE ALERT: This code copied from
        #                  index_hidden_page() below
        global $J;
        $mainframe = $J['mainframe'];
        $my = $J['my'];
        $mosConfig_absolute_path = $J['mC_absolute_path'];
        $mosConfig_live_site = $J['mC_live_site'];
        $template_color = $J['template_color'];
        $template_color = 'red';
        $file = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . '/templates/' . $mainframe->GetTemplate() . "/index.php";
        include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    function mainLayout(&$container)
        # load the javascript
        # Set focus if requested
        if (($focus = gp('x4Focus')) != '') {
            x4Script("\$('#x4Menu')[0].lastFocusId = 'x4menu_{$focus}'");
        # Other miscellaneous commands
        vgfSet('suppress_hidden', true);
        # Fetch some text
        $h1 = configGet("x4menutitle", "Extended Desktop Menu");
        $text = configGet("x4menutext", "");
        <div id="x4Menu" class="x4Pane x4Menu">
        echo $h1;
        echo $text;
        $table = html('table');
        $table->hp['class'] = 'tab100';
        $tr = html('tr', $table);
        $array = SessionGet('AGMENU');
        $first = true;
        $letters = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');
        $col = 0;
        $grid = array();
        foreach ($array as $module => $modinfo) {
            if (!$first) {
                $td = html('td', $tr);
                $td->hp['style'] = 'width: 10px';
            $first = false;
            $td = html('td', $tr);
            $td->hp['class'] = 'style1';
            $h3 = html('h3', $td);
            $h3->setHtml($letters[$col] . ') ' . $modinfo['description']);
            $row = 0;
            foreach ($modinfo['items'] as $page => $info) {
                // Add the link
                $a = html('a', $td);
                $a->hp['id'] = 'x4menu_' . $page;
                $a->hp['href'] = "?x4Return=menu&x4Page={$page}";
                $a->setHTML($row . ') ' . $info['description']);
                $a->hp['onkeyup'] = "return \$a.byId('x4Menu').x4KeyUp(event,{$col},{$row})";
                $a->hp['onkeydown'] = "return false;";
                $a->hp['onmouseover'] = '$(this).focus()';
                $a->hp['onfocus'] = "this.className = 'x4MenuOn'";
                $a->hp['onblur'] = "this.className = ''";
                $grid[$col][$row] = 'x4menu_' . $page;
                // Add a BR
                html('br', $td);
        echo "</div>";
        # put out the grid and set the HTML
        x4data('grid', $grid);