/** * Show a splash screen on some pages */ public static function wpv_splash_screen() { if (wpv_post_meta(null, 'show-splash-screen', true) !== 'true') { return; } echo '<div class="wpv-splash-screen"> <div class="wpv-splash-screen-logo"></div> </div>'; }
public static function wpv_splash_screen() { $content = WpvTemplates::has_header_slider() ? '' : do_shortcode(wpv_post_meta(null, 'page-middle-header-content', true)); $min_height = wpv_post_meta(null, 'page-middle-header-min-height', true); if (wpv_post_meta(null, 'show-splash-screen', true) !== 'true') { return; } echo '<div class="wpv-splash-screen"> <div class="wpv-splash-screen-logo"></div> </div>'; }
function wpv_post_meta_default($meta, $global, $post_id = null) { if (is_null($post_id)) { $post_id = wpv_get_the_ID(); } $global = wpv_sanitize_bool(wpv_get_option($global)); $local = wpv_sanitize_bool(wpv_post_meta($post_id, $meta, true)); $local_raw = wpv_post_meta($post_id, $meta); if ($local === 'default' || empty($local_raw)) { return $global; } return $local; }
<header class="header-middle row <?php echo $fullwidth ? 'fullwidth' : 'normal'; ?> <?php echo $type; ?> " style="<?php echo $style; ?> "> <?php /* * some pages may not have a slider enabled, check for that */ if (WpvTemplates::has_header_slider()) { $slider = wpv_post_meta($post_id, 'slider-category', true); $slider_engine = preg_match('/^layerslider/', $slider) ? 'layerslider' : 'revslider'; ?> <div id="header-slider-container" class="<?php echo $slider_engine; ?> "> <div class="header-slider-wrapper"> <?php get_template_part('slider', $slider_engine); ?> </div> </div> <?php } elseif ($post_id) { ?>
function theme_body_classes($body_class) { global $wpv_has_header_sidebars, $post, $wpv_is_shortcode_preview; $is_blank_page = is_page_template('page-blank.php'); $has_header_slider = WpvTemplates::has_header_slider(); $wpv_has_header_sidebars = wpv_post_meta_default('show_header_sidebars', 'has-header-sidebars'); $has_page_header = (WpvTemplates::has_page_header() || WpvTemplates::has_post_siblings_buttons()) && !is_404(); $body_class[] = $is_blank_page ? 'full' : wpv_get_option('site-layout-type'); $body_class[] = 'pagination-' . wpv_get_option('pagination-type'); $body_class[] = is_singular(WpvFramework::$complex_layout) ? 'sticky-header-type-' . wpv_post_meta(null, 'sticky-header-type', true) : ''; $body_class[] = 'wpv-not-scrolled'; $body_class_conditions = array('no-page-header' => !$has_page_header, 'has-page-header' => $has_page_header, 'cbox-share-twitter' => wpv_get_optionb('share-lightbox-twitter'), 'cbox-share-facebook' => wpv_get_optionb('share-lightbox-facebook'), 'cbox-share-googleplus' => wpv_get_optionb('share-lightbox-googleplus'), 'cbox-share-pinterest' => wpv_get_optionb('share-lightbox-pinterest'), 'fixed-header' => wpv_get_optionb('fixed-header'), 'has-header-slider' => $has_header_slider, 'has-header-sidebars' => $wpv_has_header_sidebars, 'no-header-slider' => !$has_header_slider, 'no-header-sidebars' => !$wpv_has_header_sidebars, 'no-footer-sidebars' => !wpv_get_optionb('has-footer-sidebars'), 'responsive-layout' => WPV_RESPONSIVE, 'fixed-layout' => !WPV_RESPONSIVE, 'has-breadcrumbs' => wpv_get_optionb('enable-breadcrumbs'), 'no-breadcrumbs' => !wpv_get_optionb('enable-breadcrumbs'), 'no-slider-button-thumbnails' => !wpv_get_optionb('header-slider-button-thumbnails'), 'sticky-header' => wpv_get_optionb('sticky-header'), 'no-page-bottom-padding' => wpv_post_meta(null, 'use-page-bottom-padding', true) == 'false', 'vamtam-shortcode-tooltip-preview' => $wpv_is_shortcode_preview && strpos($GLOBALS['wpv_current_shortcode'], '[tooltip') !== false); foreach ($body_class_conditions as $class => $cond) { if ($cond) { $body_class[] = $class; } } if (is_archive() || is_search() || get_query_var('format_filter')) { define('WPV_ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE', true); } return $body_class; }
/** * Checks whether the current page has a header slider * @return boolean true if there is a header slider */ public static function has_header_slider() { $post_id = wpv_get_the_ID(); return !is_null($post_id) && apply_filters('wpv_has_header_slider', !is_404() && wpv_post_meta($post_id, 'slider-category', true) !== '' && !is_page_template('page-blank.php')); }
/** * Output the correct sidebar * * @uses dynamic_sidebar() * * @param string $place one of $this->placements * @return bool result of dynamic_sidebar() */ public function get_sidebar($place = 'left') { global $post; if (is_front_page() || is_home() || is_page()) { $sidebar = $this->sidebars['page']; } if (is_singular('post')) { $sidebar = $this->sidebars['blog']; } elseif (is_singular('portfolio')) { $sidebar = $this->sidebars['portfolio']; } if (is_search() || is_archive()) { $sidebar = $this->sidebars['blog']; } if (wpv_has_woocommerce() && is_woocommerce()) { $sidebar = $this->sidebars['wpv-woocommerce']; } if (isset($post)) { $custom_sidebar = wpv_post_meta($post->ID, $place . '_sidebar_type', true); if (is_active_sidebar($custom_sidebar . '-' . $place)) { $sidebar = $custom_sidebar; } } if (isset($sidebar)) { return dynamic_sidebar($sidebar . '-' . $place); } return dynamic_sidebar($this->sidebars['blog'] . '-' . $place); }
<?php /** * Header slider template for LayerSlider WP * * @package wpv */ $post_id = wpv_get_the_ID(); if (is_null($post_id)) { return; } $slider = str_replace('revslider-', '', wpv_post_meta($post_id, 'slider-category', true)); if (!empty($slider) && function_exists('putRevSlider')) { putRevSlider($slider); }
/** * Return the sermon media meta, to be used with WpvTemplates::show_sermon_media() * * @return array sermon media meta */ public static function get_sermon_media() { global $wp_embed; $media = array('video', 'audio', 'document', 'link'); $media_links = array(); $media_inline = array(); foreach ($media as $slug) { $link = wpv_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "wpv-sermon-{$slug}", true); if (!empty($link)) { if (($slug == 'video' || $slug == 'audio') && !preg_match('/youtu\\.?be|dailymotion|vimeo/', $link)) { $id = 'sermon-' . md5(uniqid(true)); $media_links[$slug] = '#' . $id; $media_inline[$id] = do_shortcode($wp_embed->run_shortcode('[embed width="1000" height="562"]' . strtr($link, array(' ' => '%20')) . '[/embed]')); } else { $media_links[$slug] = $link; } } } return compact('media_links', 'media_inline'); }
<?php /** * Header slider template for LayerSlider WP * * @package wpv */ $post_id = wpv_get_the_ID(); if (is_null($post_id)) { return; } $id = (int) str_replace('layerslider-', '', wpv_post_meta($post_id, 'slider-category', true)); if (!empty($id) && function_exists('layerslider_check_unit')) { $slider = lsSliderById($id); if (null !== $slider) { $slides = is_string($slider['data']) ? json_decode($slider['data'], true) : $slider['data']; echo "<div class='layerslider-fixed-wrapper' style='height:" . layerslider_check_unit($slides['properties']['height']) . "'>"; // xss ok echo do_shortcode('[layerslider id="' . $id . '"]'); // xss ok echo '</div>'; echo '<div style="height:1px;margin-top:-1px"></div>'; } }