Ejemplo n.º 1
function wprss_add_php_version_change_warning()
    $minVersion = '5.3';
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $minVersion, '>=')) {
    wprss_admin_notice_add(array('id' => 'php_version_change_warning', 'content' => sprintf(__('<p><strong>WP RSS Aggregator is moving to PHP %1$s</strong></br>' . 'The next release of your favourite aggregator will not support PHP 5.2. <a href="http://www.wprssaggregator.com/wp-rss-aggregator-to-require-php-5-3/" target="_blank">Read why here</a></p>', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $minVersion), 'notice_type' => 'error', 'condition' => 'wprss_is_wprss_page'));
function wprss_add_wp_version_warning()
    if (wprss_wp_min_version_satisfied()) {
    wprss_admin_notice_add(array('id' => 'wp_version_warning', 'content' => sprintf(__('<p><strong>WP RSS Aggregator requires WordPress to be of version %1$s or higher.</strong></br>' . 'Older versions of WordPress are no longer supported by WP RSS Aggregator. Please upgrade your WordPress core to continue benefiting from WP RSS Aggregator support services.</p>', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN), WPRSS_WP_MIN_VERSION), 'notice_type' => 'error'));