Ejemplo n.º 1
function update_case_history($id, $enter = 0, $txt = '')
    global $db, $_SESSION;
    $H = array();
    $H["hc_cu_id_k"] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["id"];
    $H["hc_c_id_k"] = $id;
    $H["hc_timestamp"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $H["hc_enter"] = $enter;
    $cnt = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM wind_history_case WHERE hc_timestamp LIKE '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "%' AND hc_c_id_k={$id} AND hc_cu_id_k=" . $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["id"]);
    if (!$cnt) {
        wpisz($H, "wind_history_case", array());
    //wysyłanie maila do pełnomocnika
    $sprawa = $db->GetRow("SELECT ca_number_c, ca_agent_id_k, ca_debtor_id_k, ca_creditor_id_k FROM wind_case WHERE ca_id_s={$id}");
    $email = $db->GetOne("SELECT cu_email_c FROM wind_users WHERE cu_id_s=" . $sprawa['ca_agent_id_k']);
    if ($email != '') {
        if (file_exists("../include/mail.php")) {
            include "../include/mail.php";
        $dluznik = $db->GetOne("SELECT c_shortname_c FROM wind_client WHERE c_id_s=" . $sprawa['ca_debtor_id_k']);
        $wierzyciel = $db->GetOne("SELECT c_shortname_c FROM wind_client WHERE c_id_s=" . $sprawa['ca_creditor_id_k']);
        $admin_letter = new eMail(2);
        $admin_letter->eMailContent('Zmiana w sprawie ' . $sprawa['ca_number_c'], '<html><head><title>Zmiana w sprawie ' . $sprawa['ca_number_c'] . '</title></head><body>W sprawie o numerze ' . $sprawa['ca_number_c'] . ' zostały zarejestrowane zmiany.' . "\n" . '<br><br>Dłużnik: ' . $dluznik . "\n" . '<br>Wierzyciel: ' . $wierzyciel . "\n" . ($txt != '' ? '<br>Szczegóły: ' . $txt : '') . '</body></html>');
Ejemplo n.º 2
function update_history_operation($where, $operation, $table, $id)
    global $_SESSION;
    $H = array();
    $H["bho_datetime_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $H["bho_user_c"] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["name"] . " (" . $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["user"] . ")";
    $H["bho_where_c"] = $where;
    $H["bho_operation_c"] = $operation;
    $H["bho_user_k"] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["id"];
    $H["bho_table_c"] = $table;
    $H["bho_table_id"] = $id;
    wpisz($H, "wind_history_operation", array());
Ejemplo n.º 3
     print "<script>go_to('_client,{$typ}');</script>";
 if ($submit_x) {
     $_POST['c_nip_c'] = str_replace('-', '', $_POST['c_nip_c']);
     if (isset($_cID) && $_cID > 0) {
         $_POST["c_modify_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         update2($_POST, "wind_client", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "_cID", "offset"), "c_id_s", $_cID);
         update_history_operation($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnicy' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciele' : 'Dłużnicy i wierzyciele'), "Zmiana " . ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'dłużnika' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'wierzyciela' : 'dłużnika i wierzyciela')) . " \"" . $_POST["c_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_client", $_cID);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnik' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciel' : 'Dłużnik i wierzyciel')) . " " . $_POST["c_name_c"] . " zmieniony";
     } else {
         $exist = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM wind_client WHERE c_shortname_c LIKE '" . $_POST['c_shortname_c'] . "'");
         if (!$exist) {
             $_POST["c_create_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             $_POST["c_u_id_k"] = $_SESSION['fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798']['id'];
             $newid = wpisz($_POST, "wind_client", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "offset"));
             update_history_operation($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnicy' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciele' : 'Dłużnicy i wierzyciele'), "Dodanie " . ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'dłużnika' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'wierzyciela' : 'dłużnika i wierzyciela')) . " \"" . $_POST["c_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_client", $newid);
             $_SESSION['message'][] = ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnik' : ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciel' : 'Dłużnik i wierzyciel')) . " " . $_POST["c_name_c"] . " dodany";
         } else {
             $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Klient o wpisanej nazwie skróconej już istnieje w bazie';
     print "<script>go_to('_client" . ($_POST['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? ',d' : ',w') . ($offset > 0 ? ",o," . $offset : "") . "');</script>";
 if (isset($del_client)) {
     $name = $db->GetRow("SELECT c_name_c, c_type_e FROM wind_client WHERE c_id_s={$del_client}");
     $deleting = usun2('wind_client', 'c_id_s', $del_client);
     if ($deleting) {
         update_history_operation($name['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnicy' : ($name['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciele' : 'Dłużnicy i wierzyciele'), "Usunięcie " . ($name['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'dłużnika' : ($name['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'wierzyciela' : 'dłużnika i wierzyciela')) . " \"" . $name["c_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_client", 'NULL');
         $_SESSION['message'][] = ($name['c_type_e'] == 'd' ? 'Dłużnik' : ($name['c_type_e'] == 'w' ? 'Wierzyciel' : 'Dłużnik i wierzyciel')) . " " . $name["c_name_c"] . " usunięty";
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
            wpisz($H, "wind_history_log", array());
            //aktualni zalogowani
            $L = array();
            $L["l_ip_c"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            $L['l_datetime_dt'] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["datetime"];
            $L['l_cu_id_k'] = $p["cu_id_s"];
            $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["logged"] = wpisz($L, "wind_logged", array());
            $TMP['user_id_k'] = $p["cu_id_s"];
            $TMP['stamp'] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["datetime"];
            wpisz($TMP, "wind_tmp", array());
        } else {
            $H["bhl_datetime_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $H["bhl_ip_c"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            $H["bhl_host_c"] = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
            $H["bhl_user_c"] = "<b>Próba nieautoryzowanego wejścia</b>";
            wpisz($H, "wind_history_log", array());
            $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Zalogowanie niemożliwe';
            print "<script>go_to('loguj');</script>";
    <script language="JavaScript">
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 5
                 $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Usunięcie komornika {$name} nie powiodło się";
     print "<script>go_to('_executive');</script>";
 if ($submit_x) {
     if (isset($_eID) && $_eID > 0) {
         $_POST["e_modify_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         update2($_POST, "wind_executive", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "_eID", "offset"), "e_id_s", $_eID);
         update_history_operation("Komornicy", "Zmiana komornika \"" . $_POST["e_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_executive", $_eID);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Komornik " . $_POST['e_name_c'] . " zmieniony";
     } else {
         $_POST["e_create_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $_POST["e_u_id_k"] = $_SESSION['fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798']['id'];
         $newid = wpisz($_POST, "wind_executive", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "offset"));
         update_history_operation("Komornicy", "Dodanie komornika \"" . $_POST["e_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_executive", $newid);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Komornik " . $_POST['e_name_c'] . " dodany";
     print "<script>go_to('_executive" . ($offset > 0 ? ",o," . $offset : "") . "');</script>";
 if (isset($del_executive)) {
     $name = $db->GetOne("SELECT e_name_c FROM wind_executive WHERE e_id_s={$del_executive}");
     $deleting = usun2('wind_executive', 'e_id_s', $del_executive);
     if ($deleting) {
         update_history_operation("Komornicy", "Usunięcie komornika \"{$name}\"", "wind_executive", 'NULL');
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Komornik {$name} usunięty";
     } else {
         if ($deleting == -1) {
             $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Usunięcie komornika {$name} nie powiodło się";
Ejemplo n.º 6
                 $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Usunięcie biura {$name} nie powiodło się";
     print "<script>go_to('_office');</script>";
 if (isset($submit_x) || isset($submit)) {
     if (isset($_offID) && $_offID > 0) {
         $_POST["o_modify_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         update2($_POST, "wind_office", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "_offID", "offset"), "o_id_s", $_offID);
         update_history_operation("Biura", "Zmiana biura \"" . $_POST["o_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_office", $_offID);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Biuro " . $_POST['o_name_c'] . " zmienione";
     } else {
         $_POST["o_create_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $_POST["o_u_id_k"] = $_SESSION['fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798']['id'];
         $newid = wpisz($_POST, "wind_office", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "offset"));
         update_history_operation("Biura", "Dodanie biura \"" . $_POST["o_name_c"] . "\"", "wind_office", $newid);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Biuro " . $_POST['o_name_c'] . " dodane";
     print "<script>go_to('_office" . ($offset > 0 ? ",o," . $offset : "") . "');</script>";
 if (isset($del_office)) {
     $name = $db->GetOne("SELECT o_name_c FROM wind_office WHERE o_id_s={$del_office}");
     $deleting = usun2('wind_office', 'o_id_s', $del_office);
     if ($deleting) {
         update_history_operation("Biura", "Usunięcie Biura \"{$name}\"", "wind_office", 'NULL');
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Biuro {$name} usunięty";
     } else {
         if ($deleting == -1) {
             $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Usunięcie Biura {$name} nie powiodło się";
Ejemplo n.º 7
     foreach ($permtable as $name) {
         $perm = 0;
         if (!in_array($_POST['cu_type_e'], array('p', 'c', 'k', 'r'))) {
             if ($_POST['create'][$name] == 'on') {
                 $perm += 1;
             if ($_POST['edit'][$name] == 'on') {
                 $perm += 2;
             if ($_POST['del'][$name] == 'on') {
                 $perm += 4;
         $P[$name] = $_POST['cu_type_e'] == 'a' ? 7 : $perm;
     wpisz($P, "wind_acl", array());
     print "<script>go_to('_users');</script>";
 if (isset($del_user)) {
     $name = $db->GetOne("SELECT cu_login_c FROM wind_users WHERE cu_id_s={$del_user}");
     $deleting = usun2('wind_users', 'cu_id_s', $del_user);
     if ($deleting) {
         update_history_operation("Użytkownicy", "Usunięcie użytkownika o loginie \"" . $name . "\"", "wind_users", 'NULL');
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Użytkownik \"{$name}\" usunięty";
     } else {
         if ($deleting == -1) {
             $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Usunięcie użytkownika \"{$name}\" nie powiodło się";
     print "<script>go_to('_users');</script>";
Ejemplo n.º 8
         $db->Execute("DELETE FROM wind_fees WHERE fee_case_id_k={$_caID}");
         foreach ($_POST['fee_am'] as $fee => $amount) {
             ereg("([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{4})", $_POST['fee_date_' . $fee], $DF);
             $data = $DF[3] . '-' . $DF[2] . '-' . $DF[1];
             if ($amount > 0 && $data != '0000-00-00') {
                 wpisz(array('fee_case_id_k' => $_caID, 'fee_type_e' => $fee, 'fee_amount_f' => $amount, 'fee_date_d' => $data), "wind_fees", array());
         update_case_history($_caID, 0, $case_txt);
     } else {
         $_POST["ca_create_d"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $_POST["ca_u_id_k"] = $_SESSION['fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798']['id'];
         $db->Execute('LOCK TABLES wind_case;');
         $_POST['ca_number_i'] = kolejna_sprawa(date("Y"));
         $_POST['ca_number_c'] = kolejna_sprawa(date("Y")) . "/" . date("Y");
         $_caID = wpisz($_POST, "wind_case", array("submit_x", "submit_y", "offset"));
         $db->Execute('UNLOCK TABLES wind_case;');
         if ($_caID) {
             update_history_operation("Sprawy", "Dodanie sprawy \"" . $_POST["ca_number_c"] . "\"", "wind_case", $_caID);
         $_SESSION['message'][] = "Sprawa \"" . $_POST["ca_number_c"] . "\" dodana";
         update_case_history($_caID, 0, "Sprawa dodana");
     print "<script>go_to('case,{$_caID}" . ($offset ? ',' . $offset : '') . "');</script>";
 if (isset($del_case)) {
     $name = $db->GetOne("SELECT ca_number_c FROM wind_case WHERE ca_id_s={$del_case}");
     update_case_history($del_case, 0, "Sprawa usunięta");
     $deleting = usun2('wind_case', 'ca_id_s', $del_case);
     if ($deleting) {
         update_history_operation("Sprawy", "Usunięcie sprawy o numerze \"" . $name . "\"", "wind_case", 'NULL');
Ejemplo n.º 9
function update_prints($typ, $case)
    global $db, $_SESSION;
    $H = array();
    $H["p_date_dt"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $H["p_user_id_k"] = $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["id"];
    $H["p_type_c"] = $typ;
    $H["p_case_id_k"] = $case;
    $cnt = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM wind_prints WHERE p_date_dt LIKE '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "%' AND p_case_id_k={$case} AND p_type_c='{$typ}' AND p_user_id_k=" . $_SESSION["fh49ty58u893ytf83902g758902djr4cf302ty5798"]["id"]);
    if (!$cnt) {
        wpisz($H, "wind_prints", array());