function wpbdp_render($template, $vars = array(), $allow_override = true) { $vars = wp_parse_args($vars, array('__page__' => array('class' => array(), 'content_class' => array(), 'before_content' => ''))); $template_name = is_array($template) ? $template[0] : $template; $vars = apply_filters('wpbdp_template_vars', $vars, $template_name); return apply_filters("wpbdp_render_{$template_name}", wpbdp_render_page(wpbdp_locate_template($template, $allow_override), $vars, false)); }
function wpbdp_admin_header($title_ = null, $id = null, $h2items = array(), $sidebar = true) { global $title; if (!$title_) { $title_ = $title; } return wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/header.tpl.php', array('page_title' => $title_, 'page_id' => $id, 'h2items' => $h2items, 'sidebar' => $sidebar)); }
public function ajax_payment_details() { if (!current_user_can('administrator')) { exit; } global $wpbdp; $response = new WPBDP_AJAX_Response(); $payment = WPBDP_Payment::get(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); if (!$payment) { $response->send_error(); } $response->add('html', wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/payment-details.tpl.php', array('payment' => $payment, 'invoice' => $wpbdp->payments->render_invoice($payment)))); $response->send(); }
private function delete_fee() { global $wpdb; if (isset($_POST['doit'])) { $this->api->delete_fee($_POST['id']); $this->admin->messages[] = _x('Fee deleted.', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM'); return $this->feesTable(); } else { if ($fee = $this->api->get_fee_by_id($_REQUEST['id'])) { wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/fees-confirm-delete.tpl.php', array('fee' => $fee), true); } } }
private function import() { $sources = array(); $csv_file = ''; $zip_file = ''; // CSV file. if (!empty($_POST['csv-file-local'])) { $csv_file = $this->get_imports_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($_POST['csv-file-local']); $sources[] = basename($csv_file); } if (!$csv_file && !empty($_FILES['csv-file'])) { if (!$_FILES['csv-file']['error'] && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv-file']['tmp_name'])) { $sources[] = $_FILES['csv-file']['name']; $csv_file = $_FILES['csv-file']['tmp_name']; } elseif (UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE != $_FILES['csv-file']['error']) { wpbdp_admin_message(_x('There was an error uploading the CSV file.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), 'error'); return $this->import_settings(); } } if (!$csv_file) { wpbdp_admin_message(_x('Please upload or select a CSV file.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), 'error'); return $this->import_settings(); } // Images file. if (!empty($_POST['images-file-local'])) { $zip_file = $this->get_imports_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($_POST['images-file-local']); $sources[] = basename($zip_file); } if (!$zip_file && !empty($_FILES['images-file'])) { if (UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE == $_FILES['images-file']['error']) { } else { if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['images-file']['tmp_name'])) { wpbdp_admin_message(_x('There was an error uploading the images ZIP file.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), 'error'); return $this->import_settings(); } } $zip_file = $_FILES['images-file']['tmp_name']; $sources[] = $_FILES['images-file']['name']; } // Store settings to use as defaults next time. update_user_option(get_current_user_id(), 'wpbdp-csv-import-settings', $_POST['settings'], false); $import = null; try { $import = new WPBDP_CSV_Import('', $csv_file, $zip_file, array_merge($_POST['settings'], array('test-import' => !empty($_POST['test-import'])))); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($import) { $import->cleanup(); } $error = _x('An error was detected while validating the CSV file for import. Please fix this before proceeding.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'); $error .= '<br />'; $error .= '<b>' . $e->getMessage() . '</b>'; wpbdp_admin_message($error, 'error'); return $this->import_settings(); } if ($import->in_test_mode()) { wpbdp_admin_message(_x('Import is in "test mode". Nothing will be inserted into the database.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM')); } echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/csv-import-progress.tpl.php', array('import' => $import, 'sources' => $sources)); }
private function deleteField() { global $wpdb; $field = WPBDP_FormField::get($_REQUEST['id']); if (!$field || $field->has_behavior_flag('no-delete')) { return; } if (isset($_POST['doit'])) { $ret = $field->delete(); if (is_wp_error($ret)) { $this->admin->messages[] = array($ret->get_error_message(), 'error'); } else { $this->admin->messages[] = _x('Field deleted.', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'); } return $this->fieldsTable(); } wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/form-fields-confirm-delete.tpl.php', array('field' => $field), true); }
echo sprintf(_x('To change your payment mode, go to <a href="%s">Payment Settings</a>.', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'), admin_url('admin.php?page=wpbdp_admin_settings&groupid=payment')); } ?> <?php if (!wpbdp_payments_api()->payments_possible() && current_user_can('administrator')) { ?> <p><i><?php _ex('Note: In Free mode, the fee plans will always be set to "Free Listing" below.', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </i></p> <?php } ?> <?php echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/listing-metabox-categories.tpl.php', array('categories' => $categories, 'listing' => $listing)); ?> <?php if ($listing->get_categories('expired')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg('wpbdmaction', 'renewlisting')); ?> " class="button-primary button"><?php _ex('Renew listing in all expired categories', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </a> <?php }
function dispatch($plain = false) { global $wpdb; $debug_info = array(); // basic BD setup info & tests $debug_info['basic']['_title'] = _x('BD Info', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM'); $debug_info['basic']['BD version'] = WPBDP_VERSION; $debug_info['basic']['BD database revision (current)'] = WPBDP_Installer::DB_VERSION; $debug_info['basic']['BD database revision (installed)'] = get_option('wpbdp-db-version'); $tables = apply_filters('wpbdp_debug_info_tables_check', array('wpbdp_form_fields', 'wpbdp_fees', 'wpbdp_payments', 'wpbdp_listing_fees')); $missing_tables = array(); foreach ($tables as &$t) { if ($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare('SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->prefix . $t)) == '') { $missing_tables[] = $t; } } $debug_info['basic']['Table check'] = $missing_tables ? sprintf(_('Missing tables: %s', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM'), implode(',', $missing_tables)) : _x('OK', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM'); $debug_info['basic']['Main Page'] = sprintf('%d (%s)', wpbdp_get_page_id('main'), get_post_status(wpbdp_get_page_id('main'))); $debug_info['basic'] = apply_filters('wpbdp_debug_info_section', $debug_info['basic'], 'basic'); // BD options $blacklisted = array('googlecheckout-merchant', 'paypal-business-email', 'wpbdp-2checkout-seller', 'recaptcha-public-key', 'recaptcha-private-key'); $debug_info['options']['_title'] = _x('BD Options', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM'); $settings_api = wpbdp_settings_api(); foreach ($settings_api->settings as &$s) { if ($s->type == 'core' || in_array($s->name, $blacklisted)) { continue; } $value = wpbdp_get_option($s->name); $debug_info['options'][$s->name] = is_array($value) ? implode(',', $value) : $value; } $debug_info['options'] = apply_filters('wpbdp_debug_info_section', $debug_info['options'], 'options'); // environment info $debug_info['environment']['_title'] = _x('Environment', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM'); $debug_info['environment']['WordPress version'] = get_bloginfo('version', 'raw'); $debug_info['environment']['OS'] = php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('r') . ' ' . php_uname('m'); if (function_exists('apache_get_version')) { $apache_version = apache_get_version(); $debug_info['environment']['Apache version'] = $apache_version; } $debug_info['environment']['PHP version'] = phpversion(); $mysql_version = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT @@version'); if ($sql_mode = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT @@sql_mode')) { $mysql_version .= ' ( ' . $sql_mode . ' )'; } $debug_info['environment']['MySQL version'] = $mysql_version ? $mysql_version : 'N/A'; $sqlite_version = class_exists('SQLite3') ? wpbdp_getv(SQLite3::version(), 'versionString', '') : (function_exists('sqlite_libversion') ? sqlite_libversion() : null); $debug_info['environment']['SQLite version'] = $sqlite_version ? $sqlite_version : 'N/A'; $debug_info['environment']['cURL version'] = function_exists('curl_init') ? wpbdp_getv(curl_version(), 'version') : 'N/A'; $debug_info['environment'] = apply_filters('wpbdp_debug_info_section', $debug_info['environment'], 'environment'); $debug_info = apply_filters('wpbdp_debug_info', $debug_info); if ($plain) { foreach ($debug_info as &$section) { foreach ($section as $k => $v) { if ($k == '_title') { printf('== %s ==', $v); print PHP_EOL; continue; } printf("%-33s = %s", $k, $v); print PHP_EOL; } print str_repeat(PHP_EOL, 2); } return; } echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/debug-info.tpl.php', array('debug_info' => $debug_info)); }
<p><strong><?php _ex('Categories for this listing', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </strong></p> <?php echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/listing-metabox-categories.tpl.php', array('categories' => $categories, 'listing' => $listing, 'display' => array('expiration'), 'admin_actions' => array('delete', 'renewal url', 'renewal email'))); ?> <?php if ($listing->get_categories('expired')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg('wpbdmaction', 'renewlisting')); ?> " class="button-primary button"><?php _ex('Renew listing in all expired categories', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </a> <?php }
private function transactions_table() { $table = new WPBDP_TransactionsTable(); $table->prepare_items(); wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/transactions.tpl.php', array('table' => $table), true); }
<?php echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Uninstall Business Directory Plugin', 'uninstall', 'WPBDM'), 'admin-uninstall'); ?> <?php wpbdp_admin_notices(); ?> <?php echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/uninstall-capture-form.tpl.php'); ?> <?php echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
public function main_menu() { echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/home.tpl.php'); }
public function dispatch() { echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/csv-export.tpl.php'); }
private function tab_transactions() { echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/listing-metabox-transactions.tpl.php', array('payments' => $this->listing->get_latest_payments())); }