Ejemplo n.º 1
				$out .= '</a>';

		if ( $out ) {
			wp_enqueue_script( 'bxslider' ); //check whether this could be just like this or it needs a shortcode?
			echo '<div class="simple-slider" data-time="4000">' . $out . '</div>';

	} else {
	//no gallery? -> display featured image

		if ( is_single() && ! wm_option( 'blog-disable-featured-image' ) && ! wm_meta_option( 'disable-featured-image' ) )
			echo wm_thumb( array( 'size' => 'content-width' ) );
		elseif ( ! is_single() )
			echo wm_thumb( array( 'size' => $imageSize ) );


<div <?php post_class( 'article-content' ); ?>>

	if ( ! is_single() )
		wm_heading( 'list' );

	if ( is_single() || wm_option( 'blog-full-posts' ) ) {
		if ( is_single() )
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //Remove the shortcode from content
    if ($media_shortcode) {
        $content = str_replace($media_shortcode, '', $content);
    //Output media
    if ($media_shortcode) {
        echo do_shortcode($media_shortcode);
    //If no video display featured image
    if (!$is_single && !$media_shortcode) {
        $image_size = apply_filters('wmhook_post_thumbnail_image_size', wm_option('skin-image-blog'));
        if (!$image_size) {
            $image_size = WM_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE;
        echo wm_thumb(array('attr-link' => wm_schema_org('image'), 'link' => get_permalink(), 'size' => $image_size));

 * Post title
 * Post content
if ($is_single) {
    //Outputs full post content including excerpt at the top
Ejemplo n.º 3
		function wm_shortcode_staff( $atts, $content = null ) {
			extract( shortcode_atts( array(
				'align'      => 'left',
				'columns'    => 4,
				'count'      => 4,
				'department' => null,
				'desc_size'  => 4,
				'order'      => 'new',
				'thumb'      => true,
				), $atts )

			if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-staff' ) )

			$out = '';

			$imgSize = ( wm_option( 'general-staff-image-ratio' ) ) ? ( 'mobile-' . wm_option( 'general-staff-image-ratio' ) ) : ( 'mobile-ratio-169' );

			$align         = ( 'right' === trim( $align ) ) ? ( trim( $align ) ) : ( 'left' );
			$cols          = ( 0 < absint( $columns ) && 7 > absint( $columns ) ) ? ( absint( $columns ) ) : ( 4 );
			$colsDesc      = ( 1 < absint( $desc_size ) && 7 > absint( $desc_size ) ) ? ( absint( $desc_size ) ) : ( 4 );
			$count         = ( $count ) ? ( absint( $count ) ) : ( 4 );
			$orderMethod   = array(
					'all'    => array( 'new', 'old', 'name', 'random' ),
					'new'    => array( 'date', 'DESC' ),
					'old'    => array( 'date', 'ASC' ),
					'name'   => array( 'title', 'ASC' ),
					'random' => array( 'rand', '' )
			$order         = ( in_array( trim( $order ), $orderMethod['all'] ) ) ? ( $orderMethod[trim( $order )] ) : ( $orderMethod['new'] );
			$thumb         = ( $thumb ) ? ( ' has-thumbs' ) : ( false );

			if ( $department )
				if ( is_numeric( $department ) ) {
					$department = absint( $department );
				} else {
					$department = get_term_by( 'slug', sanitize_title( $department ), 'department' );
					$department = ( $department && isset( $department->term_id ) ) ? ( $department->term_id ) : ( null );
				$department = null;

			//get the staff

			$queryArgs = array(
					'post_type'           => 'wm_staff',
					'posts_per_page'      => $count,
					'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
					'orderby'             => $order[0],
					'order'               => $order[1]
			if ( 0 < $department )
				$queryArgs['tax_query'] = array( array(
					'taxonomy' => 'department',
					'field'    => 'id',
					'terms'    => explode( ',', $department )
				) );

			$staff = new WP_Query( $queryArgs );
			if ( $staff->have_posts() ) {

				$i    = $row = 0;
				$out .= '<div class="wrap-staff-shortcode clearfix apply-top-margin' . $thumb . '">';

				if ( $content ) {
				//if description (shortcode content)
					$out .= ( 'right' === $align ) ? ( '<div class="column col-' . ( $colsDesc - 1 ) . $colsDesc . '"><div class="wrap-staff"><div class="row">' ) : ( '<div class="column col-1' . $colsDesc . ' wrap-description">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '</div><div class="column col-' . ( $colsDesc - 1 ) . $colsDesc . ' last"><div class="wrap-staff"><div class="row">' ); //if description on the right - open staff container and inner container only ELSE output content column and open staff container
				} else {
				//if no description (no shortcode content)
					$out .= '<div class="wrap-staff"><div class="row">';

					while ( $staff->have_posts() ) : //output post content

						if ( wm_option( 'cp-staff-rich' ) )
							$excerptText  = ( has_excerpt() ) ? ( apply_filters( 'wm_default_content_filters', get_the_excerpt() ) ) : ( '' );
							$excerptText = apply_filters( 'wm_default_content_filters', get_the_content() );

						$contacts = '';
						if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-phone' ) )
							$contacts .= '<li class="staff-phone">' . wm_meta_option( 'staff-phone' ) . '</li>';
						if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) )
							$contacts .= '<li class="staff-email"><a href="#" data-address="' . wm_nospam( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) ) . '" class="email-nospam">' . wm_nospam( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) ) . '</a></li>';
						if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-linkedin' ) )
							$contacts .= '<li class="staff-linkedin"><a href="' . esc_url( wm_meta_option( 'staff-linkedin' ) ) . '" target="_blank">' . get_the_title() . '</a></li>';
						if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) )
							$contacts .= '<li class="staff-skype"><a href="skype:' . sanitize_title( wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) ) . '?call">' . wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) . '</a></li>';
						if ( is_array( wm_meta_option( 'staff-custom-contacts' ) ) ) {
							foreach ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-custom-contacts' ) as $contact ) {
								$contacts .= '<li class="' . $contact['attr'] . '">' . strip_tags( trim( $contact['val'] ), '<a><img><strong><span><small><em><b><i>' ) . '</li>';
						$excerptText .= ( $contacts ) ? ( '<ul>' . $contacts . '</ul>' ) : ( '' );

						$staffOutput  = array(
								'thumb' => wm_thumb( array(
										'class'       => 'staff-thumb',
										'size'        => $imgSize,
										'list'        => true,
										'link'        => 'modal',
										'placeholder' => true,
										'overlay'     => __( 'Zoom', 'lespaul_domain' ),
									) ),
								'thumb-permalink' => wm_thumb( array(
										'class'       => 'staff-thumb',
										'size'        => $imgSize,
										'list'        => true,
										'placeholder' => true,
										'overlay'     => __( 'Read more', 'lespaul_domain' ),
									) ),
								'title'      => '<h3 class="staff-title text-element"><strong>' . get_the_title() . '</strong></h3>',
								'title-link' => '<h3 class="staff-title text-element"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '"><strong>' . get_the_title() . '</strong></a></h3>',
								'position'   => '<p class="staff-position text-element">' . wm_meta_option( 'staff-position' ) . '</p>',
								'excerpt'    => $excerptText

						$row    = ( ++$i % $cols === 1 ) ? ( $row + 1 ) : ( $row );
						$out   .= ( $i % $cols === 1 && 1 < $row ) ? ( '</div><div class="row">' ) : ( '' );
						$out   .= '<article class="column col-1' . $cols . ' no-margin">';
							if ( $thumb )
								$out .= ( wm_option( 'cp-staff-rich' ) && ! wm_meta_option( 'staff-no-rich' ) ) ? ( $staffOutput['thumb-permalink'] ) : ( $staffOutput['thumb'] );
							$out .= '<div class="text">';
								$out .= ( wm_option( 'cp-staff-rich' ) && ! wm_meta_option( 'staff-no-rich' ) ) ? ( $staffOutput['title-link'] ) : ( $staffOutput['title'] );
								$out .= $staffOutput['position'];
								$out .= '<div class="staff-excerpt text-element">' . $staffOutput['excerpt'] . '</div>';
							$out .= '</div>';
						$out   .= '</article>';

				if ( $content ) {
				//if description (shortcode content)
					$out .= ( 'right' === $align ) ? ( '</div></div></div><div class="column col-1' . $colsDesc . ' last wrap-description">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '</div>' ) : ( '</div></div></div>' ); //if description on the right - close staff container and its inner container and output content column ELSE just close staff container and its inner container
				} else {
				//if no description (no shortcode content)
					$out .= '</div></div>';

				$out .= '</div>';


			return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @subpackage  Post Formats
 * @copyright   2014 WebMan - Oliver Juhas

<article id="post-<?php 
" <?php 
echo wm_schema_org('article');

//Featured image
if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
    $image_size = apply_filters('wmhook_quote_post_thumbnail_image_size', 'admin-thumbnail');
    echo '<div class="quote-container has-thumbnail">';
    echo wm_thumb(array('attr-link' => wm_schema_org('image'), 'link' => '', 'size' => $image_size));
} else {
    echo '<div class="quote-container">';
echo apply_filters('wmhook_content_filters', get_the_content());
echo '</div>';

Ejemplo n.º 5
	if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-phone' ) )
		$out .= '<li class="staff-phone" title="' . __( 'Phone', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '"><strong>' . __( 'Phone', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ': </strong>' . wm_meta_option( 'staff-phone' ) . '</li>';
	if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) )
		$out .= '<li class="staff-email" title="' . __( 'Email', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '"><strong>' . __( 'Email', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ': </strong><a href="#" data-address="' . wm_nospam( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) ) . '" class="email-nospam">' . wm_nospam( wm_meta_option( 'staff-email' ) ) . '</a></li>';
	if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-linkedin' ) )
		$out .= '<li class="staff-linkedin" title="' . __( 'LinkedIn', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '"><strong>' . __( 'LinkedIn', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ': </strong><a href="' . esc_url( wm_meta_option( 'staff-linkedin' ) ) . '" target="_blank">' . get_the_title() . '</a></li>';
	if ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) )
		$out .= '<li class="staff-skype" title="' . __( 'Skype', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '"><strong>' . __( 'Skype', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ': </strong><a href="skype:' . sanitize_title( wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) ) . '?call">' . wm_meta_option( 'staff-skype' ) . '</a></li>';
	if ( is_array( wm_meta_option( 'staff-custom-contacts' ) ) ) {
		foreach ( wm_meta_option( 'staff-custom-contacts' ) as $contact ) {
			$out .= '<li class="' . $contact['attr'] . '">' . strip_tags( trim( $contact['val'] ), '<a><img><strong><span><small><em><b><i>' ) . '</li>';

	if ( $out )
		echo '<div class="staff-card alignleft">' . wm_thumb( array( 'size' => 'mobile' ) ) . '<ul>' . $out . '</ul></div>';

	if ( is_single() ) {
	} else {
		wm_content_or_excerpt( $post );
do_action( 'wm_after_post' );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        } else {
            $posts_images = wm_get_post_images();
            foreach ($posts_images as $image) {
                $images[] = $image['id'];
        if (is_array($images) && !empty($images)) {
            echo do_shortcode(apply_filters('wmhook_post_format_gallery_slideshow_shortcode', '[wm_slideshow ids="' . implode(',', $images) . '" nav="pagination" size="' . $image_size . '" speed="4000" /]'));
//If no gallery, display featured image (also, always display featured image on single post page)
if ($is_single && !apply_filters('wmhook_disable_single_featured_image', false) && !(function_exists('wma_meta_option') && wma_meta_option('disable-featured-image')) && !$pagination_suffix) {
    echo wm_thumb(array('attr-link' => wm_schema_org('image'), 'class' => 'image-container post-thumbnail scale-rotate', 'link' => 'bigimage', 'size' => 'content-width'));
} elseif (!$is_single && (!$media_shortcode[0] || !function_exists('wma_amplifier'))) {
    echo wm_thumb(array('attr-link' => wm_schema_org('image'), 'class' => 'image-container post-thumbnail scale-rotate', 'link' => get_permalink(), 'size' => $image_size));

 * Post title
 * Post content
if ($is_single) {
    //Outputs full post content including excerpt at the top
Ejemplo n.º 7

 * Post media
if (has_post_thumbnail() && !$pagination_suffix) {
    $image_size = apply_filters('wmhook_post_thumbnail_image_size', wm_option('skin-image-blog'));
    if (!$image_size) {
        $image_size = WM_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE;
    if ($is_single && !apply_filters('wmhook_disable_single_featured_image', false) && !(function_exists('wma_meta_option') && wma_meta_option('disable-featured-image'))) {
        echo '<div class="post-media"' . wm_schema_org('image') . '>' . wm_thumb(array('class' => 'image-container post-thumbnail scale-rotate', 'link' => 'bigimage', 'size' => 'content-width')) . '</div>';
    } elseif (!$is_single) {
        echo '<div class="post-media"' . wm_schema_org('image') . '>' . wm_thumb(array('class' => 'image-container post-thumbnail scale-rotate', 'link' => get_permalink(), 'size' => $image_size)) . '</div>';
 * Post title
 * Post content
if ($is_single) {
    //Outputs full post content including excerpt at the top
    if (has_excerpt() && !$pagination_suffix && !wm_option('blog-disable-single-post-excerpt')) {
        echo wm_excerpt();
Ejemplo n.º 8
	global $blogLayout;

	$mediaClasses = '';
	if ( in_array( $blogLayout, array( ' media-left', ' media-right', ' zigzag' ) ) ) {
		$imageSize = ( wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio-alt' ) ) ? ( 'mobile-' . wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio-alt' ) ) : ( 'mobile-ratio-169' );
		$mediaClasses = ' frame';
	} elseif ( ' masonry-container' == $blogLayout ) {
		$imageSize = ( wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio' ) ) ? ( 'mobile-' . wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio' ) ) : ( 'mobile-ratio-169' );
	} else {
		$imageSize = ( wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio' ) ) ? ( wm_option( 'general-post-image-ratio' ) ) : ( 'ratio-169' );

	if ( is_single() && ! wm_option( 'blog-disable-featured-image' ) && ! wm_meta_option( 'disable-featured-image' ) )
		echo '<div class="post-media' . $mediaClasses . '">' . wm_thumb( array( 'size' => 'content-width' ) ) . '</div>' . "\r\n\r\n";
	elseif ( ! is_single() )
		echo '<div class="post-media' . $mediaClasses . '">' . wm_thumb( array( 'size' => $imageSize, 'link' => get_permalink() ) ) . '</div>' . "\r\n\r\n";
<div <?php post_class( 'article-content' ); ?>>
	if ( ! is_single() )
		wm_heading( 'list' );

	if ( is_single() || wm_option( 'blog-full-posts' ) ) {
		if ( is_single() )

		if ( has_excerpt() && ! post_password_required() )
			echo '<div class="article-excerpt">' . apply_filters( 'wm_default_content_filters', get_the_excerpt() ) . '</div>';