/** * Алгоритм роботи звіту * 1. Вибрати всіх розробників з полями [Ім*я, Дата прийняття на роботу, Поточний ранг, Птозна ставка зп] * 2. Порахувати який повинен бути ранг по стажу і яка повинна бути ЗП * 3. Пропрахувати зміни, які будуть до кінця року. */ public function getHRReport() { $users = $this->find('all', ['contain' => ['Specializations']])->toArray(); $today = time(); $tmp = [['Name, Age, Specializations, Experience,']]; foreach ($users as $user) { $str = $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] . ',' . (!empty($user['birthday']) ? round(($today - strtotime($user['birthday'])) / YEAR, 1) : '-') . ',' . (!empty($user['specializations'][0]) ? $user['specializations'][0]['name'] : ' spec ') . ',' . (!empty($user['work_start_date']) ? round(($today - strtotime($user['work_start_date'])) / YEAR, 1) : '-'); wln($str); // wln($user['first_name'].' '.$user['last_name'].','. (!empty($user['birthday'])?round(($today - strtotime($user['birthday']))/YEAR,0):'-' .',' )); } we($tmp); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: xain * Date: 28.02.2016 * Time: 23:25 * * The Script check the photos for last week and upload missed */ require "lib.php"; $weekAgo = time() - ONE_DAY * 7; print_r(">>>file: check-maps2.php >>> \r\n <br>"); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $timestamp = $weekAgo + ONE_DAY * $i; $bigMapFile = getFilenameOnDiskBig($timestamp); $smlMapFile = getFilenameOnDiskSml($timestamp); if (!file_exists(PATH_SAVE . $bigMapFile)) { $sourceMapFile = getLinkToSourceFile($timestamp); copy($sourceMapFile, PATH_SAVE . $bigMapFile); resize(SML_IMG_WIDTH, PATH_SAVE . $smlMapFile, PATH_SAVE . $bigMapFile); wln('Save img: ' . $bigMapFile); } else { wln('File exist: ' . $bigMapFile); } }
function we($var = 'ok') { wln($var); exit; }
/** * Get skills ID by name * @param $skill_name - the name fro * @return bool */ private function getSkillID($skl) { $skill_name = $skl['skill']; $skill = $this->Skills->find('all', ['fields' => ['id'], 'conditions' => ['name' => $skill_name], 'contain' => []])->first(); if (!empty($skill)) { return $skill['id']; } else { $groups = $this->SkillsGroups->find('all', ['fields' => ['id'], 'conditions' => ['name' => $skl['skills_group']], 'contain' => []])->first(); $skill = $this->Skills->newEntity(); $skill = $this->Skills->patchEntity($skill, ['name' => $skl['skill'], 'skills_groups_id' => $groups['id'], 'link' => $skl['skill_link']]); if ($this->Skills->save($skill)) { return $skill['id']; } else { wln('Error in save Skill'); we($skill); } } }