Ejemplo n.º 1
function wise_validate($itemName, $errorMessage)
    global $errorArray;
    if (!empty($_POST[$itemName])) {
        $item = wise_clean_data($_POST[$itemName]);
        return $item;
    } else {
        $errorArray[$itemName] = "<span class=\"form-error\">{$errorMessage}</span>";
        return '';
 $wiseIntakeDemoPreferredEmail = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoPreferredEmail', 'Preferred Email cannot be empty!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoRace = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoRace', 'You must select a Race!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoDisability = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoDisability', 'You must select Yes or No!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoPellGrant = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoPellGrant', 'You must select Yes, No, or I do not know!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoTAA = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoTAA', 'You must select Yes, No, or I do not know!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoEligibleVeteran = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoEligibleVeteran', 'You must select Yes or No!');
 $wiseIntakeDemoSpouseOfEligibleVeteran = wise_validate('wiseIntakeDemoSpouseOfEligibleVeteran', 'You must select Yes or No!');
 $wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus = wise_validate('wiseIntakeEmploymentStatus', 'You must select your current Employment Status!');
 //optional data is just cleaned rather than checked for emptiness.
 $wiseIntakeEmployerName = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeEmployerName']);
 //optional string
 $wiseIntakeEmploymentStartDate = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeEmploymentStartDate']);
 //optional string
 $wiseIntakeEmploymentHoursPerWeek = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeEmploymentHoursPerWeek']);
 //optional string
 $wiseIntakeEmploymentCurrentSalary = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeEmploymentCurrentSalary']);
 //optional string
 //verify information checkbox was checked during variable assignment.
 //validate the date of birth field to make sure it is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
 if (!validateDate($wiseIntakeDemoDateOfBirth, 'm/d/Y')) {
     $errorArray['wiseIntakeDemoDateOfBirth'] = '<span class="form-error">Invalid date! Use mm/dd/yyyy format!</span>';
 //validate the date of start date field to make sure it is in mm/yyyy format.
 //because its optional, it is only validated if the field is not empty.
 if (!empty($wiseIntakeEmploymentStartDate) && !validateDate($wiseIntakeEmploymentStartDate, 'm/Y')) {
     $errorArray['wiseIntakeEmploymentStartDate'] = '<span class="form-error">Invalid date! Use mm/yyyy format!</span>';
 //check radio/checkbox data to make sure it is in the allowed array of options. (helps prevent spoofing)
 //only add the error if we know there is no current error for this input.
 wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($wiseIntakeDemoGender, 'wiseIntakeDemoGender', $demoGenderRadio);
 wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($wiseIntakeDemoRace, 'wiseIntakeDemoRace', $demoRaceRadio);
 //validate data: required fields cannot be empty.
 //data will be stripped of unsafe values such as html tags
 //(mysql injection checks are made upon submitting
 //the entire form rather than on each of the pages). radio and checkbox list
 //values must be on the allowed array of options (to help prevent spoofing).
 $wiseIntakeLName = wise_validate('wiseIntakeLName', 'Last Name cannot be empty!');
 $wiseIntakeStudentID = wise_validate('wiseIntakeStudentID', 'Student ID Number cannot be empty!');
 //student ID must also be a number, in addition to being not empty
 if (!empty($wiseIntakeStudentID) && !is_numeric($wiseIntakeStudentID)) {
     $errorArray['wiseIntakeStudentID'] = '<span class="form-error">Student ID may only contain numbers!</span>';
 $wiseIntakeFName = wise_validate('wiseIntakeFName', 'First Name cannot be empty!');
 $wiseIntakeCourse = wise_validate('wiseIntakeCourse', 'Course cannot be empty!');
 $wiseIntakeMInitial = wise_clean_data($wiseIntakeMInitial);
 //optional, so it is just cleaned instead of validated.
 $wiseIntakeEduBackground = wise_validate('wiseIntakeEduBackground', 'You must select an Educational Background!');
 $wiseIntakeEduGoal = wise_validate('wiseIntakeEduGoal', 'You must select a Goal!');
 $wiseIntakeEduCurrentStatus = wise_validate('wiseIntakeEduCurrentStatus', 'You must select your Current Status!');
 //intended programs was checked during variable assignment
 //check radio/checkbox data to make sure it is in the allowed array of options. (helps prevent spoofing)
 //only add the error if we know there is no current error for this input.
 wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($wiseIntakeEduBackground, 'wiseIntakeEduBackground', $eduBackgroundRadio);
 wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($wiseIntakeEduGoal, 'wiseIntakeEduGoal', $eduGoalRadio);
 wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($wiseIntakeEduCurrentStatus, 'wiseIntakeEduCurrentStatus', $eduCurrentStatusRadio);
 //for the checkbox list, check each selected option to make sure it is on the list of actual options.
 //note that if the array is empty, no error will be added here.
 foreach ($wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms as $SelectedIntendedProgramOption) {
     wise_validate_radio_checkbox_spoofing($SelectedIntendedProgramOption, 'wiseIntakeIntendedPrograms', $intendedProgramsCheckboxes);
//start session so that the admin variable can be set upon successful login
//require functions list
require 'includes/functions.php';
//this variable tells the header to appear differently (rather than "form" it will say "table").
$isTablePage = true;
//setting initial username and password to empty strings
$wiseIntakeTableLoginUsername = '';
$wiseIntakeTableLoginPassword = '';
//error array starts empty
$errorArray = array();
//validate the submitted username and password (if the form was submitted)
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    //get submitted username and password
    $wiseIntakeTableLoginUsername = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeTableLoginUsername']);
    $wiseIntakeTableLoginPassword = wise_clean_data($_POST['wiseIntakeTableLoginPassword']);
    //if username and password are correct, set variable to mark successful login
    if ($wiseIntakeTableLoginUsername == 'wiseAdmin' && $wiseIntakeTableLoginPassword == 'adbEJL5Pmlfbu2k9') {
        $successfulLogin = true;
    //if username/password combo is correct, redirect to table page with a session variable set
    //marking this session as an admin that can view the table.
    if (isset($successfulLogin)) {
        $_SESSION['admin'] = 'wise-admin';
        header('location: wise-intake-table.php');
    } else {
        $errorArray['wiseIntakeTableLoginError'] = '<strong><span class="form-error">Username or password incorrect.</span></strong><br />';
<!DOCTYPE html>