/** * @param WebRequest $request */ function show($request) { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $first = $this->revisions[0]; $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('revdelete-selected', $this->page->getPrefixedText())); $wgOut->addHtml("<ul>"); foreach ($this->revisions as $revid) { $rev = Revision::newFromTitle($this->page, $revid); $wgOut->addHtml($this->historyLine($rev)); $bitfields[] = $rev->mDeleted; // FIXME } $wgOut->addHtml("</ul>"); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('revdelete-text')); $items = array(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('revdelete-log'), 'wpReason', 'wpReason', 60), wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('revdelete-submit'))); $hidden = array(wfHidden('wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken()), wfHidden('target', $this->page->getPrefixedText())); foreach ($this->revisions as $revid) { $hidden[] = wfHidden('oldid[]', $revid); } $special = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Revisiondelete'); $wgOut->addHtml(wfElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $special->getLocalUrl('action=submit')))); $wgOut->addHtml('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('revdelete-legend') . '</legend>'); foreach ($this->checks as $item) { list($message, $name, $field) = $item; $wgOut->addHtml('<div>' . wfCheckLabel(wfMsg($message), $name, $name, $rev->isDeleted($field)) . '</div>'); } $wgOut->addHtml('</fieldset>'); foreach ($items as $item) { $wgOut->addHtml('<p>' . $item . '</p>'); } foreach ($hidden as $item) { $wgOut->addHtml($item); } $wgOut->addHtml('</form>'); }
/** * Show a nice form for the user to request a confirmation mail */ function showRequestForm() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgRequest; if ($wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgUser->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getText('token'))) { $ok = $wgUser->sendConfirmationMail(); if (WikiError::isError($ok)) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('confirmemail_sendfailed', $ok->toString()); } else { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('confirmemail_sent'); } } else { if ($wgUser->isEmailConfirmed()) { $time = $wgLang->timeAndDate($wgUser->mEmailAuthenticated, true); $wgOut->addWikiMsg('emailauthenticated', $time); } if ($wgUser->isEmailConfirmationPending()) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('confirmemail_pending'); } $wgOut->addWikiMsg('confirmemail_text'); $self = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Confirmemail'); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $self->getLocalUrl())); $form .= wfHidden('token', $wgUser->editToken()); $form .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsgHtml('confirmemail_send')); $form .= wfCloseElement('form'); $wgOut->addHtml($form); } }
function showForm() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgRequest; $self = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Resetpass'); $form = '<div id="userloginForm">' . wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $self->getLocalUrl())) . '<h2>' . wfMsgHtml('resetpass_header') . '</h2>' . '<div id="userloginprompt">' . wfMsgExt('resetpass_text', array('parse')) . '</div>' . '<table>' . wfHidden('token', $wgUser->editToken()) . wfHidden('wpName', $this->mName) . wfHidden('wpPassword', $this->mTemporaryPassword) . wfHidden('returnto', $wgRequest->getVal('returnto')) . $this->pretty(array(array('wpName', 'username', 'text', $this->mName), array('wpNewPassword', 'newpassword', 'password', ''), array('wpRetype', 'yourpasswordagain', 'password', ''))) . '<tr>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('remembermypassword'), 'wpRemember', 'wpRemember', $wgRequest->getCheck('wpRemember')) . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . wfSubmitButton(wfMsgHtml('resetpass_submit')) . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>' . wfCloseElement('form') . '</div>'; $wgOut->addHtml($form); }
/** Produce a nice little form */ function getForm() { list($sum, $answer) = $this->pickSum(); $index = $this->storeCaptcha(array('answer' => $answer)); $form = '<table><tr><td>' . $this->fetchMath($sum) . '</td>'; $form .= '<td>' . wfInput('wpCaptchaAnswer', false, false, array('tabindex' => '1')) . '</td></tr></table>'; $form .= wfHidden('wpCaptchaId', $index); return $form; }
/** * Show a nice form for the user to request a confirmation mail */ function showRequestForm() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgRequest; if ($wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgUser->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getText('token'))) { $ok = $wgUser->sendConfirmationMail(); $message = WikiError::isError($ok) ? 'confirmemail_sendfailed' : 'confirmemail_sent'; $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg($message)); } else { if ($wgUser->isEmailConfirmed()) { $time = $wgLang->timeAndDate($wgUser->mEmailAuthenticated, true); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('emailauthenticated', $time)); } $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('confirmemail_text')); $self = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Confirmemail'); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $self->getLocalUrl())); $form .= wfHidden('token', $wgUser->editToken()); $form .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsgHtml('confirmemail_send')); $form .= wfCloseElement('form'); $wgOut->addHtml($form); } }
/** * */ function wfSpecialExport($page = '') { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgExportAllowListContributors; global $wgExportAllowHistory, $wgExportMaxHistory; $curonly = true; if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit') { $page = $wgRequest->getText('pages'); $curonly = $wgRequest->getCheck('curonly'); } if ($wgRequest->getCheck('history')) { $curonly = false; } if (!$wgExportAllowHistory) { // Override $curonly = true; } $list_authors = $wgRequest->getCheck('listauthors'); if (!$curonly || !$wgExportAllowListContributors) { $list_authors = false; } if ($page != '') { $wgOut->disable(); // Cancel output buffering and gzipping if set // This should provide safer streaming for pages with history while ($status = ob_get_status()) { ob_end_clean(); if ($status['name'] == 'ob_gzhandler') { header('Content-Encoding:'); } } header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); $pages = explode("\n", $page); $db =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $history = $curonly ? MW_EXPORT_CURRENT : MW_EXPORT_FULL; $exporter = new WikiExporter($db, $history); $exporter->list_authors = $list_authors; $exporter->openStream(); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($wgExportMaxHistory && !$curonly) { $title = Title::newFromText($page); if ($title) { $count = Revision::countByTitle($db, $title); if ($count > $wgExportMaxHistory) { wfDebug(__FUNCTION__ . ": Skipped {$page}, {$count} revisions too big\n"); continue; } } } $exporter->pageByName($page); } $exporter->closeStream(); return; } $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg("exporttext")); $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Export"); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $titleObj->getLocalUrl())); $form .= wfOpenElement('textarea', array('name' => 'pages', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 10)) . '</textarea><br />'; if ($wgExportAllowHistory) { $form .= wfCheck('curonly', true, array('value' => 'true', 'id' => 'curonly')); $form .= wfLabel(wfMsg('exportcuronly'), 'curonly') . '<br />'; } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('exportnohistory')); } $form .= wfHidden('action', 'submit'); $form .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('export-submit')) . '</form>'; $wgOut->addHtml($form); }
/** * Send the edit form and related headers to $wgOut * @param $formCallback Optional callable that takes an OutputPage * parameter; will be called during form output * near the top, for captchas and the like. */ function showEditForm($formCallback = null) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgMaxArticleSize; $fname = 'EditPage::showEditForm'; wfProfileIn($fname); $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin(); wfRunHooks('EditPage::showEditForm:initial', array(&$this)); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); # Enabled article-related sidebar, toplinks, etc. $wgOut->setArticleRelated(true); if ($this->isConflict) { $s = wfMsg('editconflict', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); $wgOut->setPageTitle($s); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('explainconflict')); $this->textbox2 = $this->textbox1; $this->textbox1 = $this->getContent(); $this->edittime = $this->mArticle->getTimestamp(); } else { if ($this->section != '') { if ($this->section == 'new') { $s = wfMsg('editingcomment', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); } else { $s = wfMsg('editingsection', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); if (!$this->summary && !$this->preview && !$this->diff) { preg_match("/^(=+)(.+)\\1/mi", $this->textbox1, $matches); if (!empty($matches[2])) { $this->summary = "/* " . trim($matches[2]) . " */ "; } } } } else { $s = wfMsg('editing', $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); } $wgOut->setPageTitle($s); if ($this->missingComment) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('missingcommenttext')); } if ($this->missingSummary) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('missingsummary')); } if (!$this->hookError == '') { $wgOut->addWikiText($this->hookError); } if (!$this->checkUnicodeCompliantBrowser()) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('nonunicodebrowser')); } if (isset($this->mArticle) && isset($this->mArticle->mRevision) && !$this->mArticle->mRevision->isCurrent()) { $this->mArticle->setOldSubtitle($this->mArticle->mRevision->getId()); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('editingold')); } } if (wfReadOnly()) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('readonlywarning')); } elseif ($wgUser->isAnon() && $this->formtype != 'preview') { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('anoneditwarning')); } else { if ($this->isCssJsSubpage && $this->formtype != 'preview') { # Check the skin exists if ($this->isValidCssJsSubpage) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('usercssjsyoucanpreview')); } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('userinvalidcssjstitle', $this->mTitle->getSkinFromCssJsSubpage())); } } } if ($this->mTitle->isProtected('edit')) { # Is the protection due to the namespace, e.g. interface text? if ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) { # Yes; remind the user $notice = wfMsg('editinginterface'); } elseif ($this->mTitle->isSemiProtected()) { # No; semi protected $notice = wfMsg('semiprotectedpagewarning'); if (wfEmptyMsg('semiprotectedpagewarning', $notice) || $notice == '-') { $notice = ''; } } else { # No; regular protection $notice = wfMsg('protectedpagewarning'); } $wgOut->addWikiText($notice); } if ($this->kblength === false) { $this->kblength = (int) (strlen($this->textbox1) / 1024); } if ($this->tooBig || $this->kblength > $wgMaxArticleSize) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('longpageerror', $wgLang->formatNum($this->kblength), $wgMaxArticleSize)); } elseif ($this->kblength > 29) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('longpagewarning', $wgLang->formatNum($this->kblength))); } $rows = $wgUser->getIntOption('rows'); $cols = $wgUser->getIntOption('cols'); $ew = $wgUser->getOption('editwidth'); if ($ew) { $ew = " style=\"width:100%\""; } else { $ew = ''; } $q = 'action=submit'; #if ( "no" == $redirect ) { $q .= "&redirect=no"; } $action = $this->mTitle->escapeLocalURL($q); $summary = wfMsg('summary'); $subject = wfMsg('subject'); $minor = wfMsgExt('minoredit', array('parseinline')); $watchthis = wfMsgExt('watchthis', array('parseinline')); $cancel = $sk->makeKnownLink($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText(), wfMsgExt('cancel', array('parseinline'))); $edithelpurl = Skin::makeInternalOrExternalUrl(wfMsgForContent('edithelppage')); $edithelp = '<a target="helpwindow" href="' . $edithelpurl . '">' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('edithelp')) . '</a> ' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('newwindow')); global $wgRightsText; $copywarn = "<div id=\"editpage-copywarn\">\n" . wfMsg($wgRightsText ? 'copyrightwarning' : 'copyrightwarning2', '[[' . wfMsgForContent('copyrightpage') . ']]', $wgRightsText) . "\n</div>"; if ($wgUser->getOption('showtoolbar') and !$this->isCssJsSubpage) { # prepare toolbar for edit buttons $toolbar = $this->getEditToolbar(); } else { $toolbar = ''; } // activate checkboxes if user wants them to be always active if (!$this->preview && !$this->diff) { # Sort out the "watch" checkbox if ($wgUser->getOption('watchdefault')) { # Watch all edits $this->watchthis = true; } elseif ($wgUser->getOption('watchcreations') && !$this->mTitle->exists()) { # Watch creations $this->watchthis = true; } elseif ($this->mTitle->userIsWatching()) { # Already watched $this->watchthis = true; } if ($wgUser->getOption('minordefault')) { $this->minoredit = true; } } $minoredithtml = ''; if ($wgUser->isAllowed('minoredit')) { $minoredithtml = "<input tabindex='3' type='checkbox' value='1' name='wpMinoredit'" . ($this->minoredit ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " accesskey='" . wfMsg('accesskey-minoredit') . "' id='wpMinoredit' />\n" . "<label for='wpMinoredit' title='" . wfMsg('tooltip-minoredit') . "'>{$minor}</label>\n"; } $watchhtml = ''; if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()) { $watchhtml = "<input tabindex='4' type='checkbox' name='wpWatchthis'" . ($this->watchthis ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " accesskey=\"" . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('accesskey-watch')) . "\" id='wpWatchthis' />\n" . "<label for='wpWatchthis' title=\"" . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('tooltip-watch')) . "\">{$watchthis}</label>\n"; } $checkboxhtml = $minoredithtml . $watchhtml; if ($wgUser->getOption('previewontop')) { if ('preview' == $this->formtype) { $this->showPreview(); } else { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="wikiPreview"></div>'); } if ('diff' == $this->formtype) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->getDiff()); } } # if this is a comment, show a subject line at the top, which is also the edit summary. # Otherwise, show a summary field at the bottom $summarytext = htmlspecialchars($wgContLang->recodeForEdit($this->summary)); # FIXME if ($this->section == 'new') { $commentsubject = "<span id='wpSummaryLabel'><label for='wpSummary'>{$subject}:</label></span>\n<div class='editOptions'>\n<input tabindex='1' type='text' value=\"{$summarytext}\" name='wpSummary' id='wpSummary' maxlength='200' size='60' /><br />"; $editsummary = ''; } else { $commentsubject = ''; $editsummary = "<span id='wpSummaryLabel'><label for='wpSummary'>{$summary}:</label></span>\n<div class='editOptions'>\n<input tabindex='2' type='text' value=\"{$summarytext}\" name='wpSummary' id='wpSummary' maxlength='200' size='60' /><br />"; } # Set focus to the edit box on load, except on preview or diff, where it would interfere with the display if (!$this->preview && !$this->diff) { $wgOut->setOnloadHandler('document.editform.wpTextbox1.focus()'); } $templates = $this->formatTemplates(); global $wgUseMetadataEdit; if ($wgUseMetadataEdit) { $metadata = $this->mMetaData; $metadata = htmlspecialchars($wgContLang->recodeForEdit($metadata)); $top = wfMsgWikiHtml('metadata_help'); $metadata = $top . "<textarea name='metadata' rows='3' cols='{$cols}'{$ew}>{$metadata}</textarea>"; } else { $metadata = ""; } $hidden = ''; $recreate = ''; if ($this->deletedSinceEdit) { if ('save' != $this->formtype) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('deletedwhileediting')); } else { // Hide the toolbar and edit area, use can click preview to get it back // Add an confirmation checkbox and explanation. $toolbar = ''; $hidden = 'type="hidden" style="display:none;"'; $recreate = $wgOut->parse(wfMsg('confirmrecreate', $this->lastDelete->user_name, $this->lastDelete->log_comment)); $recreate .= "<br /><input tabindex='1' type='checkbox' value='1' name='wpRecreate' id='wpRecreate' />" . "<label for='wpRecreate' title='" . wfMsg('tooltip-recreate') . "'>" . wfMsg('recreate') . "</label>"; } } $temp = array('id' => 'wpSave', 'name' => 'wpSave', 'type' => 'submit', 'tabindex' => '5', 'value' => wfMsg('savearticle'), 'accesskey' => wfMsg('accesskey-save'), 'title' => wfMsg('tooltip-save')); $buttons['save'] = wfElement('input', $temp, ''); $temp = array('id' => 'wpDiff', 'name' => 'wpDiff', 'type' => 'submit', 'tabindex' => '7', 'value' => wfMsg('showdiff'), 'accesskey' => wfMsg('accesskey-diff'), 'title' => wfMsg('tooltip-diff')); $buttons['diff'] = wfElement('input', $temp, ''); global $wgLivePreview; if ($wgLivePreview && $wgUser->getOption('uselivepreview')) { $temp = array('id' => 'wpPreview', 'name' => 'wpPreview', 'type' => 'submit', 'tabindex' => '6', 'value' => wfMsg('showpreview'), 'accesskey' => '', 'title' => wfMsg('tooltip-preview'), 'style' => 'display: none;'); $buttons['preview'] = wfElement('input', $temp, ''); $temp = array('id' => 'wpLivePreview', 'name' => 'wpLivePreview', 'type' => 'submit', 'tabindex' => '6', 'value' => wfMsg('showlivepreview'), 'accesskey' => wfMsg('accesskey-preview'), 'title' => '', 'onclick' => $this->doLivePreviewScript()); $buttons['live'] = wfElement('input', $temp, ''); } else { $temp = array('id' => 'wpPreview', 'name' => 'wpPreview', 'type' => 'submit', 'tabindex' => '6', 'value' => wfMsg('showpreview'), 'accesskey' => wfMsg('accesskey-preview'), 'title' => wfMsg('tooltip-preview')); $buttons['preview'] = wfElement('input', $temp, ''); $buttons['live'] = ''; } $safemodehtml = $this->checkUnicodeCompliantBrowser() ? "" : "<input type='hidden' name=\"safemode\" value='1' />\n"; $wgOut->addHTML(<<<END {$toolbar} <form id="editform" name="editform" method="post" action="{$action}" enctype="multipart/form-data"> END ); if (is_callable($formCallback)) { call_user_func_array($formCallback, array(&$wgOut)); } // Put these up at the top to ensure they aren't lost on early form submission $wgOut->addHTML("\n<input type='hidden' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->section) . "\" name=\"wpSection\" />\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->starttime}\" name=\"wpStarttime\" />\n\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->edittime}\" name=\"wpEdittime\" />\n\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->scrolltop}\" name=\"wpScrolltop\" id=\"wpScrolltop\" />\n"); $wgOut->addHTML(<<<END {$recreate} {$commentsubject} <textarea tabindex='1' accesskey="," name="wpTextbox1" id="wpTextbox1" rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}'{$ew} {$hidden}> END . htmlspecialchars($this->safeUnicodeOutput($this->textbox1)) . "\n</textarea>\n\t\t"); $wgOut->addWikiText($copywarn); $wgOut->addHTML("\n{$metadata}\n{$editsummary}\n{$checkboxhtml}\n{$safemodehtml}\n"); $wgOut->addHTML("<div class='editButtons'>\n\t{$buttons['save']}\n\t{$buttons['preview']}\n\t{$buttons['live']}\n\t{$buttons['diff']}\n\t<span class='editHelp'>{$cancel} | {$edithelp}</span>\n</div><!-- editButtons -->\n</div><!-- editOptions -->"); $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsgForContent('edittools')); $wgOut->addHTML("\n<div class='templatesUsed'>\n{$templates}\n</div>\n"); if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()) { /** * To make it harder for someone to slip a user a page * which submits an edit form to the wiki without their * knowledge, a random token is associated with the login * session. If it's not passed back with the submission, * we won't save the page, or render user JavaScript and * CSS previews. */ $token = htmlspecialchars($wgUser->editToken()); $wgOut->addHTML("\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$token}\" name=\"wpEditToken\" />\n"); } # If a blank edit summary was previously provided, and the appropriate # user preference is active, pass a hidden tag here. This will stop the # user being bounced back more than once in the event that a summary # is not required. if ($this->missingSummary) { $wgOut->addHTML("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpIgnoreBlankSummary\" value=\"1\" />\n"); } # For a bit more sophisticated detection of blank summaries, hash the # automatic one and pass that in a hidden field. $autosumm = $this->autoSumm ? $this->autoSumm : md5($this->summary); $wgOut->addHtml(wfHidden('wpAutoSummary', $autosumm)); if ($this->isConflict) { $wgOut->addWikiText('==' . wfMsg("yourdiff") . '=='); $de = new DifferenceEngine($this->mTitle); $de->setText($this->textbox2, $this->textbox1); $de->showDiff(wfMsg("yourtext"), wfMsg("storedversion")); $wgOut->addWikiText('==' . wfMsg("yourtext") . '=='); $wgOut->addHTML("<textarea tabindex=6 id='wpTextbox2' name=\"wpTextbox2\" rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}' wrap='virtual'>" . htmlspecialchars($this->safeUnicodeOutput($this->textbox2)) . "\n</textarea>"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</form>\n"); if (!$wgUser->getOption('previewontop')) { if ($this->formtype == 'preview') { $this->showPreview(); } else { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="wikiPreview"></div>'); } if ($this->formtype == 'diff') { $wgOut->addHTML($this->getDiff()); } } wfProfileOut($fname); }
/** * Show a form for filtering namespace and username * * @return string */ function getPageHeader() { $self = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName()); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $self->getLocalUrl())); $form .= '<table><tr><td align="right">' . wfMsgHtml('namespace') . '</td>'; $form .= '<td>' . HtmlNamespaceSelector($this->namespace) . '</td><tr>'; $form .= '<tr><td align="right">' . wfMsgHtml('newpages-username') . '</td>'; $form .= '<td>' . wfInput('username', 30, $this->username) . '</td></tr>'; $form .= '<tr><td></td><td>' . wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('allpagessubmit')) . '</td></tr></table>'; $form .= wfHidden('offset', $this->offset) . wfHidden('limit', $this->limit) . '</form>'; return $form; }
/** * */ function wfSpecialExport($page = '') { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgExportAllowListContributors; global $wgExportAllowHistory, $wgExportMaxHistory; $curonly = true; $fullHistory = array('dir' => 'asc', 'offset' => false, 'limit' => $wgExportMaxHistory); if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) { $page = $wgRequest->getText('pages'); $curonly = $wgRequest->getCheck('curonly'); $rawOffset = $wgRequest->getVal('offset'); if ($rawOffset) { $offset = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $rawOffset); } else { $offset = null; } $limit = $wgRequest->getInt('limit'); $dir = $wgRequest->getVal('dir'); $history = array('dir' => 'asc', 'offset' => false, 'limit' => $wgExportMaxHistory); $historyCheck = $wgRequest->getCheck('history'); if ($curonly) { $history = WikiExporter::CURRENT; } elseif (!$historyCheck) { if ($limit > 0 && $limit < $wgExportMaxHistory) { $history['limit'] = $limit; } if (!is_null($offset)) { $history['offset'] = $offset; } if (strtolower($dir) == 'desc') { $history['dir'] = 'desc'; } } } else { // Default to current-only for GET requests $page = $wgRequest->getText('pages', $page); $historyCheck = $wgRequest->getCheck('history'); if ($historyCheck) { $history = WikiExporter::FULL; } else { $history = WikiExporter::CURRENT; } } if (!$wgExportAllowHistory) { // Override $history = WikiExporter::CURRENT; } $list_authors = $wgRequest->getCheck('listauthors'); if (!$curonly || !$wgExportAllowListContributors) { $list_authors = false; } if ($page != '') { $wgOut->disable(); // Cancel output buffering and gzipping if set // This should provide safer streaming for pages with history while ($status = ob_get_status()) { ob_end_clean(); if ($status['name'] == 'ob_gzhandler') { header('Content-Encoding:'); } } header("Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); $pages = explode("\n", $page); $db =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $exporter = new WikiExporter($db, $history); $exporter->list_authors = $list_authors; $exporter->openStream(); foreach ($pages as $page) { /* if( $wgExportMaxHistory && !$curonly ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); if( $title ) { $count = Revision::countByTitle( $db, $title ); if( $count > $wgExportMaxHistory ) { wfDebug( __FUNCTION__ . ": Skipped $page, $count revisions too big\n" ); continue; } } }*/ $exporter->pageByName($page); } $exporter->closeStream(); return; } $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg("exporttext")); $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Export"); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $titleObj->getLocalUrl())); $form .= wfOpenElement('textarea', array('name' => 'pages', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 10)) . '</textarea><br />'; if ($wgExportAllowHistory) { $form .= wfCheck('curonly', true, array('value' => 'true', 'id' => 'curonly')); $form .= wfLabel(wfMsg('exportcuronly'), 'curonly') . '<br />'; } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('exportnohistory')); } $form .= wfHidden('action', 'submit'); $form .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('export-submit')) . '</form>'; $wgOut->addHtml($form); }
function execute() { global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgScript; $wgOut->addHTML(wfElement('form', array('id' => 'specialfilepath', 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript), null) . wfHidden('title', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText()) . wfOpenElement('label') . wfMsgHtml('filepath-page') . ' ' . wfElement('input', array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 25, 'name' => 'file', 'value' => is_object($this->mTitle) ? $this->mTitle->getText() : ''), '') . ' ' . wfElement('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => wfMsgHtml('filepath-submit')), '') . wfCloseElement('label') . wfCloseElement('form')); }
/** * Send the edit form and related headers to $wgOut * @param $formCallback Optional callable that takes an OutputPage * parameter; will be called during form output * near the top, for captchas and the like. */ function showEditForm($formCallback = null) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgMaxArticleSize, $wgTitle; $fname = 'EditPage::showEditForm'; wfProfileIn($fname); $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); wfRunHooks('EditPage::showEditForm:initial', array(&$this)); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); # Enabled article-related sidebar, toplinks, etc. $wgOut->setArticleRelated(true); if ($this->formtype == 'preview') { $wgOut->setPageTitleActionText(wfMsg('preview')); } if ($this->isConflict) { $s = wfMsg('editconflict', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText()); $wgOut->setPageTitle($s); $wgOut->addWikiMsg('explainconflict'); $this->textbox2 = $this->textbox1; $this->textbox1 = $this->getContent(); $this->edittime = $this->mArticle->getTimestamp(); } else { if ($this->section != '') { if ($this->section == 'new') { $s = wfMsg('editingcomment', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText()); } else { $s = wfMsg('editingsection', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText()); $matches = array(); if (!$this->summary && !$this->preview && !$this->diff) { preg_match("/^(=+)(.+)\\1/mi", $this->textbox1, $matches); if (!empty($matches[2])) { global $wgParser; $this->summary = "/* " . $wgParser->stripSectionName(trim($matches[2])) . " */ "; } } } } else { $s = wfMsg('editing', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText()); } $wgOut->setPageTitle($s); if ($this->missingComment) { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('<div id="mw-missingcommenttext">$1</div>', 'missingcommenttext'); } if ($this->missingSummary && $this->section != 'new') { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('<div id="mw-missingsummary">$1</div>', 'missingsummary'); } if ($this->missingSummary && $this->section == 'new') { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('<div id="mw-missingcommentheader">$1</div>', 'missingcommentheader'); } if ($this->hookError !== '') { $wgOut->addWikiText($this->hookError); } if (!$this->checkUnicodeCompliantBrowser()) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('nonunicodebrowser'); } if (isset($this->mArticle) && isset($this->mArticle->mRevision)) { // Let sysop know that this will make private content public if saved if (!$this->mArticle->mRevision->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('rev-deleted-text-permission'); } else { if ($this->mArticle->mRevision->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT)) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('rev-deleted-text-view'); } } if (!$this->mArticle->mRevision->isCurrent()) { $this->mArticle->setOldSubtitle($this->mArticle->mRevision->getId()); $wgOut->addWikiMsg('editingold'); } } } if (wfReadOnly()) { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="mw-read-only-warning">' . wfMsgWikiHTML('readonlywarning') . '</div>'); } elseif ($wgUser->isAnon() && $this->formtype != 'preview') { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="mw-anon-edit-warning">' . wfMsgWikiHTML('anoneditwarning') . '</div>'); } else { if ($this->isCssJsSubpage && $this->formtype != 'preview') { # Check the skin exists if ($this->isValidCssJsSubpage) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('usercssjsyoucanpreview'); } else { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('userinvalidcssjstitle', $wgTitle->getSkinFromCssJsSubpage()); } } } if ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) { # Show a warning if editing an interface message $wgOut->addWikiMsg('editinginterface'); } elseif ($this->mTitle->isProtected('edit')) { # Is the title semi-protected? if ($this->mTitle->isSemiProtected()) { $noticeMsg = 'semiprotectedpagewarning'; } else { # Then it must be protected based on static groups (regular) $noticeMsg = 'protectedpagewarning'; } $wgOut->addWikiMsg($noticeMsg); } if ($this->mTitle->isCascadeProtected()) { # Is this page under cascading protection from some source pages? list($cascadeSources, ) = $this->mTitle->getCascadeProtectionSources(); $notice = "\$1\n"; if (count($cascadeSources) > 0) { # Explain, and list the titles responsible foreach ($cascadeSources as $page) { $notice .= '* [[:' . $page->getPrefixedText() . "]]\n"; } } $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg($notice, array('cascadeprotectedwarning', count($cascadeSources))); } if (!$this->mTitle->exists() && $this->mTitle->getRestrictions('create') != array()) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('titleprotectedwarning'); } if ($this->kblength === false) { $this->kblength = (int) (strlen($this->textbox1) / 1024); } if ($this->tooBig || $this->kblength > $wgMaxArticleSize) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('longpageerror', $wgLang->formatNum($this->kblength), $wgMaxArticleSize); } elseif ($this->kblength > 29) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('longpagewarning', $wgLang->formatNum($this->kblength)); } #need to parse the preview early so that we know which templates are used, #otherwise users with "show preview after edit box" will get a blank list if ($this->formtype == 'preview') { $previewOutput = $this->getPreviewText(); } $rows = $wgUser->getIntOption('rows'); $cols = $wgUser->getIntOption('cols'); $ew = $wgUser->getOption('editwidth'); if ($ew) { $ew = " style=\"width:100%\""; } else { $ew = ''; } $q = 'action=submit'; #if ( "no" == $redirect ) { $q .= "&redirect=no"; } $action = $wgTitle->escapeLocalURL($q); $summary = wfMsg('summary'); $subject = wfMsg('subject'); $cancel = $sk->makeKnownLink($wgTitle->getPrefixedText(), wfMsgExt('cancel', array('parseinline'))); $edithelpurl = Skin::makeInternalOrExternalUrl(wfMsgForContent('edithelppage')); $edithelp = '<a target="helpwindow" href="' . $edithelpurl . '">' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('edithelp')) . '</a> ' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('newwindow')); global $wgRightsText; if ($wgRightsText) { $copywarnMsg = array('copyrightwarning', '[[' . wfMsgForContent('copyrightpage') . ']]', $wgRightsText); } else { $copywarnMsg = array('copyrightwarning2', '[[' . wfMsgForContent('copyrightpage') . ']]'); } if ($wgUser->getOption('showtoolbar') and !$this->isCssJsSubpage) { # prepare toolbar for edit buttons $toolbar = $this->getEditToolbar(); } else { $toolbar = ''; } // activate checkboxes if user wants them to be always active if (!$this->preview && !$this->diff) { # Sort out the "watch" checkbox if ($wgUser->getOption('watchdefault')) { # Watch all edits $this->watchthis = true; } elseif ($wgUser->getOption('watchcreations') && !$this->mTitle->exists()) { # Watch creations $this->watchthis = true; } elseif ($this->mTitle->userIsWatching()) { # Already watched $this->watchthis = true; } if ($wgUser->getOption('minordefault')) { $this->minoredit = true; } } $wgOut->addHTML($this->editFormPageTop); if ($wgUser->getOption('previewontop')) { if ('preview' == $this->formtype) { $this->showPreview($previewOutput); } else { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="wikiPreview"></div>'); } if ('diff' == $this->formtype) { $this->showDiff(); } } $wgOut->addHTML($this->editFormTextTop); # if this is a comment, show a subject line at the top, which is also the edit summary. # Otherwise, show a summary field at the bottom $summarytext = htmlspecialchars($wgContLang->recodeForEdit($this->summary)); # FIXME if ($this->section == 'new') { $commentsubject = "<span id='wpSummaryLabel'><label for='wpSummary'>{$subject}:</label></span>\n<div class='editOptions'>\n<input tabindex='1' type='text' value=\"{$summarytext}\" name='wpSummary' id='wpSummary' maxlength='200' size='60' /><br />"; $editsummary = ''; $subjectpreview = $summarytext && $this->preview ? "<div class=\"mw-summary-preview\">" . wfMsg('subject-preview') . ':' . $sk->commentBlock($this->summary, $this->mTitle) . "</div>\n" : ''; $summarypreview = ''; } else { $commentsubject = ''; $editsummary = "<span id='wpSummaryLabel'><label for='wpSummary'>{$summary}:</label></span>\n<div class='editOptions'>\n<input tabindex='2' type='text' value=\"{$summarytext}\" name='wpSummary' id='wpSummary' maxlength='200' size='60' /><br />"; $summarypreview = $summarytext && $this->preview ? "<div class=\"mw-summary-preview\">" . wfMsg('summary-preview') . ':' . $sk->commentBlock($this->summary, $this->mTitle) . "</div>\n" : ''; $subjectpreview = ''; } # Set focus to the edit box on load, except on preview or diff, where it would interfere with the display if (!$this->preview && !$this->diff) { $wgOut->setOnloadHandler('document.editform.wpTextbox1.focus()'); } $templates = $this->preview || $this->section != '' ? $this->mPreviewTemplates : $this->mArticle->getUsedTemplates(); $formattedtemplates = $sk->formatTemplates($templates, $this->preview, $this->section != ''); global $wgUseMetadataEdit; if ($wgUseMetadataEdit) { $metadata = $this->mMetaData; $metadata = htmlspecialchars($wgContLang->recodeForEdit($metadata)); $top = wfMsgWikiHtml('metadata_help'); $metadata = $top . "<textarea name='metadata' rows='3' cols='{$cols}'{$ew}>{$metadata}</textarea>"; } else { $metadata = ""; } $hidden = ''; $recreate = ''; if ($this->deletedSinceEdit) { if ('save' != $this->formtype) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('deletedwhileediting'); } else { // Hide the toolbar and edit area, use can click preview to get it back // Add an confirmation checkbox and explanation. $toolbar = ''; $hidden = 'type="hidden" style="display:none;"'; $recreate = $wgOut->parse(wfMsg('confirmrecreate', $this->lastDelete->user_name, $this->lastDelete->log_comment)); $recreate .= "<br /><input tabindex='1' type='checkbox' value='1' name='wpRecreate' id='wpRecreate' />" . "<label for='wpRecreate' title='" . wfMsg('tooltip-recreate') . "'>" . wfMsg('recreate') . "</label>"; } } $tabindex = 2; $checkboxes = self::getCheckboxes($tabindex, $sk, array('minor' => $this->minoredit, 'watch' => $this->watchthis)); $checkboxhtml = implode($checkboxes, "\n"); $buttons = $this->getEditButtons($tabindex); $buttonshtml = implode($buttons, "\n"); $safemodehtml = $this->checkUnicodeCompliantBrowser() ? '' : Xml::hidden('safemode', '1'); $wgOut->addHTML(<<<END {$toolbar} <form id="editform" name="editform" method="post" action="{$action}" enctype="multipart/form-data"> END ); if (is_callable($formCallback)) { call_user_func_array($formCallback, array(&$wgOut)); } wfRunHooks('EditPage::showEditForm:fields', array(&$this, &$wgOut)); // Put these up at the top to ensure they aren't lost on early form submission $wgOut->addHTML("\n<input type='hidden' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->section) . "\" name=\"wpSection\" />\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->starttime}\" name=\"wpStarttime\" />\n\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->edittime}\" name=\"wpEdittime\" />\n\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$this->scrolltop}\" name=\"wpScrolltop\" id=\"wpScrolltop\" />\n"); $wgOut->addHTML(<<<END {$recreate} {$commentsubject} {$subjectpreview} {$this->editFormTextBeforeContent} <textarea tabindex='1' accesskey="," name="wpTextbox1" id="wpTextbox1" rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}'{$ew} {$hidden}> END . htmlspecialchars($this->safeUnicodeOutput($this->textbox1)) . "\n</textarea>\n\t\t"); $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg("<div id=\"editpage-copywarn\">\n\$1\n</div>", $copywarnMsg); $wgOut->addHTML($this->editFormTextAfterWarn); $wgOut->addHTML("\n{$metadata}\n{$editsummary}\n{$summarypreview}\n{$checkboxhtml}\n{$safemodehtml}\n"); $wgOut->addHTML("<div class='editButtons'>\n{$buttonshtml}\n\t<span class='editHelp'>{$cancel} | {$edithelp}</span>\n</div><!-- editButtons -->\n</div><!-- editOptions -->"); $wgOut->addHtml('<div class="mw-editTools">'); $wgOut->addWikiMsgArray('edittools', array(), array('content')); $wgOut->addHtml('</div>'); $wgOut->addHTML($this->editFormTextAfterTools); $wgOut->addHTML("\n<div class='templatesUsed'>\n{$formattedtemplates}\n</div>\n"); /** * To make it harder for someone to slip a user a page * which submits an edit form to the wiki without their * knowledge, a random token is associated with the login * session. If it's not passed back with the submission, * we won't save the page, or render user JavaScript and * CSS previews. * * For anon editors, who may not have a session, we just * include the constant suffix to prevent editing from * broken text-mangling proxies. */ $token = htmlspecialchars($wgUser->editToken()); $wgOut->addHTML("\n<input type='hidden' value=\"{$token}\" name=\"wpEditToken\" />\n"); # If a blank edit summary was previously provided, and the appropriate # user preference is active, pass a hidden tag here. This will stop the # user being bounced back more than once in the event that a summary # is not required. if ($this->missingSummary) { $wgOut->addHTML("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wpIgnoreBlankSummary\" value=\"1\" />\n"); } # For a bit more sophisticated detection of blank summaries, hash the # automatic one and pass that in a hidden field. $autosumm = $this->autoSumm ? $this->autoSumm : md5($this->summary); $wgOut->addHtml(wfHidden('wpAutoSummary', $autosumm)); if ($this->isConflict) { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('==$1==', "yourdiff"); $de = new DifferenceEngine($this->mTitle); $de->setText($this->textbox2, $this->textbox1); $de->showDiff(wfMsg("yourtext"), wfMsg("storedversion")); $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('==$1==', "yourtext"); $wgOut->addHTML("<textarea tabindex='6' id='wpTextbox2' name=\"wpTextbox2\" rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}'>" . htmlspecialchars($this->safeUnicodeOutput($this->textbox2)) . "\n</textarea>"); } $wgOut->addHTML($this->editFormTextBottom); $wgOut->addHTML("</form>\n"); if (!$wgUser->getOption('previewontop')) { if ($this->formtype == 'preview') { $this->showPreview($previewOutput); } else { $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="wikiPreview"></div>'); } if ($this->formtype == 'diff') { $this->showDiff(); } } wfProfileOut($fname); }
/** * @access private */ function mainPrefsForm($status, $message = '') { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang; global $wgAllowRealName, $wgImageLimits, $wgThumbLimits; global $wgDisableLangConversion; global $wgEnotifWatchlist, $wgEnotifUserTalk, $wgEnotifMinorEdits; global $wgRCShowWatchingUsers, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress; global $wgEnableEmail, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgEmailAuthentication; global $wgContLanguageCode, $wgDefaultSkin, $wgSkipSkins, $wgAuth; $wgOut->setPageTitle(wfMsg('preferences')); $wgOut->setArticleRelated(false); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); $wgOut->disallowUserJs(); # Prevent hijacked user scripts from sniffing passwords etc. if ($this->mSuccess || 'success' == $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext('<div class="successbox"><strong>' . wfMsg('savedprefs') . '</strong></div>'); } else { if ('error' == $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext('<div class="errorbox"><strong>' . $message . '</strong></div>'); } else { if ('' != $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext($message . "\n----"); } } } $qbs = $wgLang->getQuickbarSettings(); $skinNames = $wgLang->getSkinNames(); $mathopts = $wgLang->getMathNames(); $dateopts = $wgLang->getDatePreferences(); $togs = User::getToggles(); $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Preferences'); $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL(); # Pre-expire some toggles so they won't show if disabled $this->mUsedToggles['shownumberswatching'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['showupdated'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifwatchlistpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifusertalkpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifminoredits'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifrevealaddr'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['ccmeonemails'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['uselivepreview'] = true; if (!$this->mEmailFlag) { $emfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $emfc = ''; } if ($wgEmailAuthentication && $this->mUserEmail != '') { if ($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp()) { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailauthenticated', $wgLang->timeanddate($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp(), true)) . '<br />'; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } else { $disableEmailPrefs = true; $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailnotauthenticated') . '<br />' . $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Confirmemail'), wfMsg('emailconfirmlink')) . '<br />'; } } else { $emailauthenticated = ''; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } if ($this->mUserEmail == '') { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('noemailprefs') . '<br />'; } $ps = $this->namespacesCheckboxes(); $enotifwatchlistpages = $wgEnotifWatchlist ? $this->getToggle('enotifwatchlistpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifusertalkpages = $wgEnotifUserTalk ? $this->getToggle('enotifusertalkpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifminoredits = $wgEnotifWatchlist && $wgEnotifMinorEdits ? $this->getToggle('enotifminoredits', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifrevealaddr = ($wgEnotifWatchlist || $wgEnotifUserTalk) && $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress ? $this->getToggle('enotifrevealaddr', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; # </FIXME> $wgOut->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method='post'>"); $wgOut->addHTML("<div id='preferences'>"); # User data $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('fieldset ') . Xml::element('legend', null, wfMsg('prefs-personal')) . Xml::openElement('table') . $this->tableRow(Xml::element('h2', null, wfMsg('prefs-personal')))); $userInformationHtml = $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('username'), htmlspecialchars($wgUser->getName())) . $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('uid'), htmlspecialchars($wgUser->getID())) . $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('prefs-edits'), $wgLang->formatNum(User::edits($wgUser->getId()))); if (wfRunHooks('PreferencesUserInformationPanel', array($this, &$userInformationHtml))) { $wgOut->addHtml($userInformationHtml); } if ($wgAllowRealName) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yourrealname'), 'wpRealName'), Xml::input('wpRealName', 25, $this->mRealName, array('id' => 'wpRealName')), Xml::tags('div', array('class' => 'prefsectiontip'), wfMsgExt('prefs-help-realname', 'parseinline')))); } if ($wgEnableEmail) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('youremail'), 'wpUserEmail'), Xml::input('wpUserEmail', 25, $this->mUserEmail, array('id' => 'wpUserEmail')), Xml::tags('div', array('class' => 'prefsectiontip'), wfMsgExt('prefs-help-email', 'parseinline')))); } global $wgParser, $wgMaxSigChars; if (mb_strlen($this->mNick) > $wgMaxSigChars) { $invalidSig = $this->tableRow(' ', Xml::element('span', array('class' => 'error'), wfMsg('badsiglength', $wgLang->formatNum($wgMaxSigChars)))); } elseif (!empty($this->mToggles['fancysig']) && false === $wgParser->validateSig($this->mNick)) { $invalidSig = $this->tableRow(' ', Xml::element('span', array('class' => 'error'), wfMsg('badsig'))); } else { $invalidSig = ''; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yournick'), 'wpNick'), Xml::input('wpNick', 25, $this->mNick, array('id' => 'wpNick', 'maxlength' => $wgMaxSigChars))) . $invalidSig . $this->tableRow(' ', $this->getToggle('fancysig'))); list($lsLabel, $lsSelect) = Xml::languageSelector($this->mUserLanguage); $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow($lsLabel, $lsSelect)); /* see if there are multiple language variants to choose from*/ if (!$wgDisableLangConversion) { $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants(); $variantArray = array(); $languages = Language::getLanguageNames(true); foreach ($variants as $v) { $v = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($v)); if (array_key_exists($v, $languages)) { // If it doesn't have a name, we'll pretend it doesn't exist $variantArray[$v] = $languages[$v]; } } $options = "\n"; foreach ($variantArray as $code => $name) { $selected = $code == $this->mUserVariant; $options .= Xml::option("{$code} - {$name}", $code, $selected) . "\n"; } if (count($variantArray) > 1) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yourvariant'), 'wpUserVariant'), Xml::tags('select', array('name' => 'wpUserVariant', 'id' => 'wpUserVariant'), $options))); } } # Password if ($wgAuth->allowPasswordChange()) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::element('h2', null, wfMsg('changepassword'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('oldpassword'), 'wpOldpass'), Xml::password('wpOldpass', 25, $this->mOldpass, array('id' => 'wpOldpass'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('newpassword'), 'wpNewpass'), Xml::password('wpNewpass', 25, $this->mNewpass, array('id' => 'wpNewpass'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('retypenew'), 'wpRetypePass'), Xml::password('wpRetypePass', 25, $this->mRetypePass, array('id' => 'wpRetypePass'))) . Xml::tags('tr', null, Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => '2'), $this->getToggle("rememberpassword")))); } # <FIXME> # Enotif if ($wgEnableEmail) { $moreEmail = ''; if ($wgEnableUserEmail) { $emf = wfMsg('allowemail'); $disabled = $disableEmailPrefs ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $moreEmail = "<input type='checkbox' {$emfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpEmailFlag' id='wpEmailFlag' /> <label for='wpEmailFlag'>{$emf}</label>"; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::element('h2', null, wfMsg('email'))) . $this->tableRow($emailauthenticated . $enotifrevealaddr . $enotifwatchlistpages . $enotifusertalkpages . $enotifminoredits . $moreEmail . $this->getToggle('ccmeonemails'))); } # </FIXME> $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('table') . Xml::closeElement('fieldset')); # Quickbar # if ($this->mSkin == 'cologneblue' || $this->mSkin == 'standard') { $wgOut->addHtml("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('qbsettings') . "</legend>\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($qbs); ++$i) { if ($i == $this->mQuickbar) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ""; } $wgOut->addHTML("<div><label><input type='radio' name='wpQuickbar' value=\"{$i}\"{$checked} />{$qbs[$i]}</label></div>\n"); } $wgOut->addHtml("</fieldset>\n\n"); } else { # Need to output a hidden option even if the relevant skin is not in use, # otherwise the preference will get reset to 0 on submit $wgOut->addHtml(wfHidden('wpQuickbar', $this->mQuickbar)); } # Skin # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>\n" . wfMsg('skin') . "</legend>\n"); $mptitle = Title::newMainPage(); $previewtext = wfMsg('skinpreview'); # Only show members of Skin::getSkinNames() rather than # $skinNames (skins is all skin names from Language.php) $validSkinNames = Skin::getSkinNames(); # Sort by UI skin name. First though need to update validSkinNames as sometimes # the skinkey & UI skinname differ (e.g. "standard" skinkey is "Classic" in the UI). foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => &$skinname) { if (isset($skinNames[$skinkey])) { $skinname = $skinNames[$skinkey]; } } asort($validSkinNames); foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => $sn) { if (in_array($skinkey, $wgSkipSkins)) { continue; } $checked = $skinkey == $this->mSkin ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $mplink = htmlspecialchars($mptitle->getLocalURL("useskin={$skinkey}")); $previewlink = "<a target='_blank' href=\"{$mplink}\">{$previewtext}</a>"; if ($skinkey == $wgDefaultSkin) { $sn .= ' (' . wfMsg('default') . ')'; } $wgOut->addHTML("<input type='radio' name='wpSkin' id=\"wpSkin{$skinkey}\" value=\"{$skinkey}\"{$checked} /> <label for=\"wpSkin{$skinkey}\">{$sn}</label> {$previewlink}<br />\n"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); # Math # global $wgUseTeX; if ($wgUseTeX) { $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('math') . '</legend>'); foreach ($mathopts as $k => $v) { $checked = $k == $this->mMath; $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('div') . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsg($v), 'wpMath', $k, "mw-sp-math-{$k}", $checked) . Xml::closeElement('div') . "\n"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); } # Files # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n" . Xml::element('legend', null, wfMsg('files')) . "\n"); $imageLimitOptions = null; foreach ($wgImageLimits as $index => $limits) { $selected = $index == $this->mImageSize; $imageLimitOptions .= Xml::option("{$limits[0]}×{$limits[1]}" . wfMsg('unit-pixel'), $index, $selected); } $imageSizeId = 'wpImageSize'; $wgOut->addHTML("<div>" . Xml::label(wfMsg('imagemaxsize'), $imageSizeId) . " " . Xml::openElement('select', array('name' => $imageSizeId, 'id' => $imageSizeId)) . $imageLimitOptions . Xml::closeElement('select') . "</div>\n"); $imageThumbOptions = null; foreach ($wgThumbLimits as $index => $size) { $selected = $index == $this->mThumbSize; $imageThumbOptions .= Xml::option($size . wfMsg('unit-pixel'), $index, $selected); } $thumbSizeId = 'wpThumbSize'; $wgOut->addHTML("<div>" . Xml::label(wfMsg('thumbsize'), $thumbSizeId) . " " . Xml::openElement('select', array('name' => $thumbSizeId, 'id' => $thumbSizeId)) . $imageThumbOptions . Xml::closeElement('select') . "</div>\n"); $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); # Date format # # Date/Time # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('datetime') . "</legend>\n"); if ($dateopts) { $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('dateformat') . "</legend>\n"); $idCnt = 0; $epoch = '20010115161234'; # Wikipedia day foreach ($dateopts as $key) { if ($key == 'default') { $formatted = wfMsgHtml('datedefault'); } else { $formatted = htmlspecialchars($wgLang->timeanddate($epoch, false, $key)); } $key == $this->mDate ? $checked = ' checked="checked"' : ($checked = ''); $wgOut->addHTML("<div><input type='radio' name=\"wpDate\" id=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\" " . "value=\"{$key}\"{$checked} /> <label for=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\">{$formatted}</label></div>\n"); $idCnt++; } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n"); } $nowlocal = $wgLang->time($now = wfTimestampNow(), true); $nowserver = $wgLang->time($now, false); $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('timezonelegend') . '</legend><table>' . $this->addRow(wfMsg('servertime'), $nowserver) . $this->addRow(wfMsg('localtime'), $nowlocal) . $this->addRow('<label for="wpHourDiff">' . wfMsg('timezoneoffset') . '</label>', "<input type='text' name='wpHourDiff' id='wpHourDiff' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->mHourDiff) . "\" size='6' />") . "<tr><td colspan='2'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='button' value=\"" . wfMsg('guesstimezone') . "\"\r\n\t\t\t\tonclick='javascript:guessTimezone()' id='guesstimezonebutton' style='display:none;' />\r\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr></table><div class='prefsectiontip'>¹" . wfMsg('timezonetext') . "</div></fieldset>\r\n\t\t</fieldset>\n\n"); # Editing # global $wgLivePreview; $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('textboxsize') . '</legend> <div>' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('rows'), 'wpRows', 'wpRows', 3, $this->mRows) . ' ' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('columns'), 'wpCols', 'wpCols', 3, $this->mCols) . "</div>" . $this->getToggles(array('editsection', 'editsectiononrightclick', 'editondblclick', 'editwidth', 'showtoolbar', 'previewonfirst', 'previewontop', 'minordefault', 'externaleditor', 'externaldiff', $wgLivePreview ? 'uselivepreview' : false, 'forceeditsummary')) . '</fieldset>'); # Recent changes $wgOut->addHtml('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('prefs-rc') . '</legend>'); $rc = '<table><tr>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::label(wfMsg('recentchangesdays'), 'wpRecentDays') . '</td>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::input('wpRecentDays', 3, $this->mRecentDays, array('id' => 'wpRecentDays')) . '</td>'; $rc .= '</tr><tr>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::label(wfMsg('recentchangescount'), 'wpRecent') . '</td>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::input('wpRecent', 3, $this->mRecent, array('id' => 'wpRecent')) . '</td>'; $rc .= '</tr></table>'; $wgOut->addHtml($rc); $wgOut->addHtml('<br />'); $toggles[] = 'hideminor'; if ($wgRCShowWatchingUsers) { $toggles[] = 'shownumberswatching'; } $toggles[] = 'usenewrc'; $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggles($toggles)); $wgOut->addHtml('</fieldset>'); # Watchlist $wgOut->addHtml('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('prefs-watchlist') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHtml(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-days'), 'wpWatchlistDays', 'wpWatchlistDays', 3, $this->mWatchlistDays)); $wgOut->addHtml('<br /><br />'); $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle('extendwatchlist')); $wgOut->addHtml(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-edits'), 'wpWatchlistEdits', 'wpWatchlistEdits', 3, $this->mWatchlistEdits)); $wgOut->addHtml('<br /><br />'); $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggles(array('watchlisthideown', 'watchlisthidebots', 'watchlisthideminor'))); if ($wgUser->isAllowed('createpage') || $wgUser->isAllowed('createtalk')) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle('watchcreations')); } foreach (array('edit' => 'watchdefault', 'move' => 'watchmoves', 'delete' => 'watchdeletion') as $action => $toggle) { if ($wgUser->isAllowed($action)) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle($toggle)); } } $this->mUsedToggles['watchcreations'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchdefault'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchmoves'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchdeletion'] = true; $wgOut->addHtml('</fieldset>'); # Search $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('searchresultshead') . '</legend><table>' . $this->addRow(wfLabel(wfMsg('resultsperpage'), 'wpSearch'), wfInput('wpSearch', 4, $this->mSearch, array('id' => 'wpSearch'))) . $this->addRow(wfLabel(wfMsg('contextlines'), 'wpSearchLines'), wfInput('wpSearchLines', 4, $this->mSearchLines, array('id' => 'wpSearchLines'))) . $this->addRow(wfLabel(wfMsg('contextchars'), 'wpSearchChars'), wfInput('wpSearchChars', 4, $this->mSearchChars, array('id' => 'wpSearchChars'))) . "</table><fieldset><legend>" . wfMsg('defaultns') . "</legend>{$ps}</fieldset></fieldset>"); # Misc # $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('prefs-misc') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHtml('<label for="wpStubs">' . wfMsg('stub-threshold') . '</label> '); $wgOut->addHtml(Xml::input('wpStubs', 6, $this->mStubs, array('id' => 'wpStubs'))); $msgUnderline = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('tog-underline')); $msgUnderlinenever = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-never')); $msgUnderlinealways = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-always')); $msgUnderlinedefault = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-default')); $uopt = $wgUser->getOption("underline"); $s0 = $uopt == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s1 = $uopt == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s2 = $uopt == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $wgOut->addHTML("\r\n<div class='toggle'><p><label for='wpOpunderline'>{$msgUnderline}</label>\r\n<select name='wpOpunderline' id='wpOpunderline'>\r\n<option value=\"0\"{$s0}>{$msgUnderlinenever}</option>\r\n<option value=\"1\"{$s1}>{$msgUnderlinealways}</option>\r\n<option value=\"2\"{$s2}>{$msgUnderlinedefault}</option>\r\n</select></p></div>"); foreach ($togs as $tname) { if (!array_key_exists($tname, $this->mUsedToggles)) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->getToggle($tname)); } } $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); wfRunHooks("RenderPreferencesForm", array($this, $wgOut)); $token = htmlspecialchars($wgUser->editToken()); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $wgOut->addHTML("\r\n\t<div id='prefsubmit'>\r\n\t<div>\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' name='wpSaveprefs' class='btnSavePrefs' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('saveprefs') . '"' . $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('save') . " />\r\n\t\t<input type='submit' name='wpReset' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('resetprefs') . "\" />\r\n\t</div>\r\n\r\n\t</div>\r\n\r\n\t<input type='hidden' name='wpEditToken' value=\"{$token}\" />\r\n\t</div></form>\n"); $wgOut->addHtml(Xml::tags('div', array('class' => "prefcache"), wfMsgExt('clearyourcache', 'parseinline'))); }
function searchForm() { global $wgTitle, $wgScript, $wgRequest; return wfElement('form', array('action' => $wgScript), null) . wfHidden('title', $wgTitle->getPrefixedDbKey()) . wfElement('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action', 'value' => 'search')) . wfElement('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'limit', 'value' => $wgRequest->getText('limit'))) . wfElement('input', array('name' => 'ip', 'value' => $this->ip)) . wfElement('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => wfMsg('search'))) . '</form>'; }
/** * @access private */ function mainPrefsForm($status, $message = '') { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang; global $wgAllowRealName, $wgImageLimits, $wgThumbLimits; global $wgDisableLangConversion; global $wgEnotifWatchlist, $wgEnotifUserTalk, $wgEnotifMinorEdits; global $wgRCShowWatchingUsers, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress; global $wgEnableEmail, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgEmailAuthentication; global $wgContLanguageCode, $wgDefaultSkin, $wgSkipSkins, $wgAuth; global $wgEmailConfirmToEdit; $wgOut->setPageTitle(wfMsg('preferences')); $wgOut->setArticleRelated(false); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); $wgOut->disallowUserJs(); # Prevent hijacked user scripts from sniffing passwords etc. if ($this->mSuccess || 'success' == $status) { $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg('<div class="successbox"><strong>$1</strong></div>', 'savedprefs'); } else { if ('error' == $status) { $wgOut->addWikiText('<div class="errorbox"><strong>' . $message . '</strong></div>'); } else { if ('' != $status) { $wgOut->addWikiText($message . "\n----"); } } } $qbs = $wgLang->getQuickbarSettings(); $skinNames = $wgLang->getSkinNames(); $mathopts = $wgLang->getMathNames(); $dateopts = $wgLang->getDatePreferences(); $togs = User::getToggles(); $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Preferences'); $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL(); # Pre-expire some toggles so they won't show if disabled $this->mUsedToggles['shownumberswatching'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['showupdated'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifwatchlistpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifusertalkpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifminoredits'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifrevealaddr'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['ccmeonemails'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['uselivepreview'] = true; if (!$this->mEmailFlag) { $emfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $emfc = ''; } //XXADDED Marketing emails if (!$this->mMarketingEmailFlag) { $memfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $memfc = ''; } if (!$this->mAuthorEmailNotifications) { $auth_emfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $auth_emfc = ''; } if ($this->mUserTalkNotifications == '0') { $ut_emfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $ut_emfc = ''; } if (class_exists('ThumbsUp')) { if (intval($this->mThumbsNotifications) === 0) { $thumbs_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $thumbs_checked = ''; } if (intval($this->mThumbsEmailNotifications) === 0) { $thumbs_email_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $thumbs_email_checked = ''; } } if ($wgEmailAuthentication && $this->mUserEmail != '') { if ($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp()) { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailauthenticated', $wgLang->timeanddate($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp(), true)) . '<br />'; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } else { $disableEmailPrefs = true; $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailnotauthenticated') . '<br />' . $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Confirmemail'), wfMsg('emailconfirmlink')) . '<br />'; } } else { $emailauthenticated = ''; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } if ($this->mUserEmail == '') { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('noemailprefs') . '<br />'; } $enotifwatchlistpages = $wgEnotifWatchlist ? $this->getToggle('enotifwatchlistpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifusertalkpages = $wgEnotifUserTalk ? $this->getToggle('enotifusertalkpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifminoredits = $wgEnotifWatchlist && $wgEnotifMinorEdits ? $this->getToggle('enotifminoredits', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifrevealaddr = ($wgEnotifWatchlist || $wgEnotifUserTalk) && $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress ? $this->getToggle('enotifrevealaddr', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; # </FIXME> $wgOut->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method='post'>"); $wgOut->addHTML("<div id='preferences'>"); # User data $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('fieldset ', array('id' => 'prefsection-0', 'class' => 'prefsection')) . "<legend class='mainLegend'> </legend>" . Xml::openElement('table') . $this->tableRow(Xml::element('legend', null, wfMsg('prefs-personal')))); $userInformationHtml = $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('username'), htmlspecialchars($wgUser->getName())) . $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('uid'), htmlspecialchars($wgUser->getID())) . $this->tableRow(wfMsgHtml('prefs-edits'), $wgLang->formatNum(User::edits($wgUser->getId()))); if (wfRunHooks('PreferencesUserInformationPanel', array($this, &$userInformationHtml))) { $wgOut->addHtml($userInformationHtml); } if ($wgAllowRealName) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yourrealname'), 'wpRealName'), Xml::input('wpRealName', 25, $this->mRealName, array('class' => 'input_med', 'id' => 'wpRealName')), Xml::tags('div', array('class' => 'prefsectiontip'), wfMsgExt('prefs-help-realname', 'parseinline')))); } if ($wgEnableEmail) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('youremail'), 'wpUserEmail'), Xml::input('wpUserEmail', 25, $this->mUserEmail, array('class' => 'input_med', 'id' => 'wpUserEmail')))); } global $wgParser, $wgMaxSigChars; if (mb_strlen($this->mNick) > $wgMaxSigChars) { $invalidSig = $this->tableRow(' ', Xml::element('span', array('class' => 'error'), wfMsg('badsiglength', $wgLang->formatNum($wgMaxSigChars)))); } elseif (!empty($this->mToggles['fancysig']) && false === $wgParser->validateSig($this->mNick)) { $invalidSig = $this->tableRow(' ', Xml::element('span', array('class' => 'error'), wfMsg('badsig'))); } else { $invalidSig = ''; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yournick'), 'wpNick'), Xml::input('wpNick', 25, $this->mNick, array('id' => 'wpNick', 'class' => 'input_med', 'maxlength' => $wgMaxSigChars))) . $invalidSig . $this->tableRow(' ', $this->getToggle('fancysig'))); list($lsLabel, $lsSelect) = Xml::languageSelector($this->mUserLanguage); $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow($lsLabel, $lsSelect)); /* see if there are multiple language variants to choose from*/ if (!$wgDisableLangConversion) { $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants(); $variantArray = array(); $languages = Language::getLanguageNames(true); foreach ($variants as $v) { $v = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($v)); if (array_key_exists($v, $languages)) { // If it doesn't have a name, we'll pretend it doesn't exist $variantArray[$v] = $languages[$v]; } } $options = "\n"; foreach ($variantArray as $code => $name) { $selected = $code == $this->mUserVariant; $options .= Xml::option("{$code} - {$name}", $code, $selected) . "\n"; } if (count($variantArray) > 1) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('yourvariant'), 'wpUserVariant'), Xml::tags('select', array('name' => 'wpUserVariant', 'id' => 'wpUserVariant'), $options))); } } // TEEN FILTER $options = Xml::radioLabel(wfMsg('pref_content_preferences_all'), 'wpContentFilter', 0, 'wpContentFilter_0', $this->mContentFilter == 0, array('class' => 'normal_font')) . "<br/><br/>" . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsg('pref_content_preferences_young'), 'wpContentFilter', 1, 'wpContentFilter_1', $this->mContentFilter == 1, array('class' => 'normal_font')) . "<br/><br/>" . Xml::radioLabel(wfMsg('pref_content_preferences_adult'), 'wpContentFilter', 2, 'wpContentFilter_2', $this->mContentFilter == 2, array('class' => 'normal_font')) . "<br/><br/>"; $wgOut->addHtml($this->tableRow(wfMsg('pref_content_preferences_info'), $options)); # Password if ($wgAuth->allowPasswordChange()) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::element('legend', null, wfMsg('changepassword'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('oldpassword'), 'wpOldpass'), Xml::password('wpOldpass', 25, $this->mOldpass, array('id' => 'wpOldpass', 'class' => 'input_med'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('newpassword'), 'wpNewpass'), Xml::password('wpNewpass', 25, $this->mNewpass, array('id' => 'wpNewpass', 'class' => 'input_med'))) . $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('retypenew'), 'wpRetypePass'), Xml::password('wpRetypePass', 25, $this->mRetypePass, array('id' => 'wpRetypePass', 'class' => 'input_med'))) . Xml::tags('tr', null, Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => '2'), $this->getToggle("rememberpassword"))) . Xml::tags('tr', null, Xml::tags('td', array('colspan' => '2'), ""))); } # <FIXME> # Enotif if ($wgEnableEmail) { $moreEmail = ''; $marketingEmail = ''; $authorEmail = ''; if ($wgEnableUserEmail) { $emf = wfMsg('allowemail'); $disabled = $disableEmailPrefs ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $moreEmail = "<input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$emfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpEmailFlag' id='wpEmailFlag' /> <label class='normal_font' for='wpEmailFlag'>{$emf}</label>"; //XXADDED Author emails $auth_emf = wfMsg('allowauthornotificationdialog'); $authorEmail = "<div><input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$auth_emfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpAuthorEmailNotifications' id='wpAuthorEmailNotifications' /> <label class='normal_font' for='wpAuthorEmailNotifications'>{$auth_emf}</label></div>"; if (class_exists('ThumbsUp')) { // Thumbs up talk notifications $thumbs_label = wfMsg('allowthumbsupnotifications'); $thumbsNotifyField = "<div><input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$thumbs_checked} value='1' name='wpThumbsNotifications' id='wpThumbsNotifications' /> <label class='normal_font' for='wpThumbsNotifications'>" . "{$thumbs_label}</label></div>"; // Thumbs up email notifications $thumbs_label = wfMsg('allowthumbsupemailnotifications'); $thumbsEmailNotifyField = "<div><input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$thumbs_email_checked} value='1' name='wpThumbsEmailNotifications' id='wpThumbsNotifications' /> " . "<label class='normal_font' for='wpThumbsEmailNotifications'>{$thumbs_label}</label></div>"; //$thumbsboxoptions = "<div style='border:2px solid #DDD;margin:3px 0 3px 0;padding:3px;'>$thumbsNotifyField</div>\n"; $thumbsboxoptions = "<div style='margin:3px 0 3px 0;padding:3px;'>{$thumbsNotifyField} {$thumbsEmailNotifyField}</div>\n"; } else { $thumbsboxoptions = ""; } //XXADDED Marketing emails $memf = wfMsg('allowmarketingemail'); //XXADDED UserTalk emails $ut_emf = wfMsg('usertalknotifications'); $marketingEmail = "<div><input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$memfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpMarketingEmailFlag' id='wpMarketingEmailFlag' /> <label class='normal_font' for='wpMarketingEmailFlag'>{$memf}</label></div>"; $usertalkEmail = "<div><input type='checkbox' class='input_med' {$ut_emfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpUserTalkNotifications' id='wpUserTalkNotifications' /> <label class='normal_font' for='wpUserTalkNotifications'>{$ut_emf}</label></div>"; $articleEmail = "<div><a href='/Special:AuthorEmailNotification'>" . wfMsg('author_emails') . "</a></div>"; $emailboxoptions = "<div style='margin:3px 0 3px 0;padding:3px;'>{$marketingEmail} {$usertalkEmail} {$articleEmail}</div>\n"; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->tableRow(Xml::element('legend', null, wfMsg('email'))) . $this->tableRow($emailboxoptions . $thumbsboxoptions . $emailauthenticated . $enotifrevealaddr . $enotifwatchlistpages . $enotifusertalkpages . $enotifminoredits . $moreEmail . $authorEmail . $this->getToggle('ccmeonemails'))); } # </FIXME> $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('table') . Xml::closeElement('fieldset')); # Quickbar # if ($this->mSkin == 'cologneblue' || $this->mSkin == 'standard') { $wgOut->addHtml("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('qbsettings') . "</legend>\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($qbs); ++$i) { if ($i == $this->mQuickbar) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ""; } $wgOut->addHTML("<div><label><input type='radio' class='input_med' name='wpQuickbar' value=\"{$i}\"{$checked} />{$qbs[$i]}</label></div>\n"); } $wgOut->addHtml("</fieldset>\n\n"); } else { # Need to output a hidden option even if the relevant skin is not in use, # otherwise the preference will get reset to 0 on submit $wgOut->addHtml(wfHidden('wpQuickbar', $this->mQuickbar)); } /* # Skin # $wgOut->addHTML( "<fieldset>\n<h2>\n" . wfMsg('skin') . "</h2>\n" ); $mptitle = Title::newMainPage(); $previewtext = wfMsg('skinpreview'); # Only show members of Skin::getSkinNames() rather than # $skinNames (skins is all skin names from Language.php) $validSkinNames = Skin::getSkinNames(); # Sort by UI skin name. First though need to update validSkinNames as sometimes # the skinkey & UI skinname differ (e.g. "standard" skinkey is "Classic" in the UI). foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => & $skinname ) { if ( isset( $skinNames[$skinkey] ) ) { $skinname = $skinNames[$skinkey]; } } asort($validSkinNames); foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => $sn ) { if ( in_array( $skinkey, $wgSkipSkins ) ) { continue; } $checked = $skinkey == $this->mSkin ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $mplink = htmlspecialchars($mptitle->getLocalURL("useskin=$skinkey")); $previewlink = "<a target='_blank' href=\"$mplink\">$previewtext</a>"; if( $skinkey == $wgDefaultSkin ) $sn .= ' (' . wfMsg( 'default' ) . ')'; $wgOut->addHTML( "<input type='radio' name='wpSkin' id=\"wpSkin$skinkey\" value=\"$skinkey\"$checked /> <label for=\"wpSkin$skinkey\">{$sn}</label> $previewlink<br />\n" ); } $wgOut->addHTML( "</fieldset>\n\n" ); # Math # global $wgUseTeX; if( $wgUseTeX ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "<fieldset>\n<h2>" . wfMsg('math') . '</h2>' ); foreach ( $mathopts as $k => $v ) { $checked = ($k == $this->mMath); $wgOut->addHTML( Xml::openElement( 'div' ) . Xml::radioLabel( wfMsg( $v ), 'wpMath', $k, "mw-sp-math-$k", $checked ) . Xml::closeElement( 'div' ) . "\n" ); } $wgOut->addHTML( "</fieldset>\n\n" ); } */ # Files # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset id='prefsection-1' class='prefsection'>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('files') . "</legend>\n"); $imageLimitOptions = null; foreach ($wgImageLimits as $index => $limits) { $selected = $index == $this->mImageSize; $imageLimitOptions .= Xml::option("{$limits[0]}×{$limits[1]}" . wfMsg('unit-pixel'), $index, $selected); } $imageSizeId = 'wpImageSize'; $wgOut->addHTML("<div>" . Xml::label(wfMsg('imagemaxsize'), $imageSizeId) . " " . Xml::openElement('select', array('name' => $imageSizeId, 'id' => $imageSizeId)) . $imageLimitOptions . Xml::closeElement('select') . "</div>\n"); $imageThumbOptions = null; foreach ($wgThumbLimits as $index => $size) { $selected = $index == $this->mThumbSize; $imageThumbOptions .= Xml::option($size . wfMsg('unit-pixel'), $index, $selected); } $thumbSizeId = 'wpThumbSize'; $wgOut->addHTML("<div>" . Xml::label(wfMsg('thumbsize'), $thumbSizeId) . " " . Xml::openElement('select', array('name' => $thumbSizeId, 'id' => $thumbSizeId)) . $imageThumbOptions . Xml::closeElement('select') . "</div>\n"); $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); # Date format # # Date/Time # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset id='prefsection-2' class='prefsection'>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('datetime') . "</legend>\n"); if ($dateopts) { $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<h5>" . wfMsg('dateformat') . "</h5>\n"); $idCnt = 0; $epoch = '20010115161234'; # Wikipedia day foreach ($dateopts as $key) { if ($key == 'default') { $formatted = wfMsgHtml('datedefault'); } else { $formatted = htmlspecialchars($wgLang->timeanddate($epoch, false, $key)); } $key == $this->mDate ? $checked = ' checked="checked"' : ($checked = ''); $wgOut->addHTML("<div><input type='radio' class='input_med' name=\"wpDate\" id=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\" " . "value=\"{$key}\"{$checked} /> <label class='normal_font' for=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\">{$formatted}</label></div>\n"); $idCnt++; } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n"); } $nowlocal = $wgLang->time($now = wfTimestampNow(), true); $nowserver = $wgLang->time($now, false); $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><h5>' . wfMsg('timezonelegend') . '</h5><table>' . $this->addRow(wfMsg('servertime'), $nowserver) . $this->addRow(wfMsg('localtime'), $nowlocal) . $this->addRow('<label for="wpHourDiff">' . wfMsg('timezoneoffset') . '</label>', "<input type='text' class='input_med' name='wpHourDiff' id='wpHourDiff' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->mHourDiff) . "\" size='6' />") . "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='button' class='button' value=\"" . wfMsg('guesstimezone') . "\"\n\t\t\t\tonclick='javascript:guessTimezone()' id='guesstimezonebutton' style='display:none;' />\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr></table><div class='prefsectiontip'>¹" . wfMsg('timezonetext') . "</div></fieldset>\n\t\t</fieldset>\n\n"); # Editing # global $wgLivePreview, $wgUser; # Editor choice $current = $wgUser->getOption('defaulteditor', ''); if (empty($current)) { # backwards compatibility with old advanced editor option $current = $wgUser->getOption('useadvanced', false) ? 'advanced' : 'visual'; } $opts = ''; //$opts .= Xml::option(wfMsg('pref_visual_editor'), 'visual', $current != 'advanced' && $current != 'guided'); $opts .= Xml::option(wfMsg('pref_advanced_editor'), 'advanced', $current == 'advanced'); $opts .= Xml::option(wfMsg('pref_guided_editor'), 'guided', $current == 'guided'); $editorChoice = $this->tableRow(Xml::label(wfMsg('pref_default_editor') . ' ', 'wpDefaultEditor'), Xml::tags('select', array('name' => 'wpDefaultEditor', 'id' => 'wpDefaultEditor'), $opts)); $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset id="prefsection-3" class="prefsection"><legend>' . wfMsg('textboxsize') . '</legend> <div>' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('rows'), 'wpRows', 'wpRows', 3, $this->mRows, array('class' => 'input_med')) . '<br />' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('columns'), 'wpCols', 'wpCols', 3, $this->mCols, array('class' => 'input_med')) . " " . wfMsg('Pref_adv_only') . "</div><br/>" . $this->getToggles(array('editsection', 'editondblclick', 'editwidth', 'disablewarning', 'hidepersistantsavebar', 'ignorefanmail', 'scrolltalk', 'showtoolbar', 'previewonfirst', 'previewontop', 'minordefault', 'externaleditor', 'externaldiff', $wgLivePreview ? 'uselivepreview' : false, $wgUser->isSysop() || in_array('staff', $wgUser->getGroups()) ? 'autopatrol' : false, 'forceeditsummary')) . '<br/>' . $editorChoice . '</fieldset>'); $this->mUsedToggles['autopatrol'] = true; # Don't show this up for users who can't; the handler below is dumb and doesn't know it # Recent changes $wgOut->addHtml('<fieldset id="prefsection-4" class="prefsection"><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('prefs-rc') . '</legend>'); $rc = '<table><tr>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::label(wfMsg('recentchangesdays'), 'wpRecentDays') . '</td>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::input('wpRecentDays', 3, $this->mRecentDays, array('class' => 'input_med', 'id' => 'wpRecentDays')) . '</td>'; $rc .= '</tr><tr>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::label(wfMsg('recentchangescount'), 'wpRecent') . '</td>'; $rc .= '<td>' . Xml::input('wpRecent', 3, $this->mRecent, array('class' => 'input_med', 'id' => 'wpRecent')) . '</td>'; $rc .= '</tr></table>'; $wgOut->addHtml($rc); $wgOut->addHtml('<br />'); $toggles[] = 'hideminor'; if ($wgRCShowWatchingUsers) { $toggles[] = 'shownumberswatching'; } $toggles[] = 'usenewrc'; $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggles($toggles)); if (class_exists('RCTest')) { $userGroups = $wgUser->getGroups(); if (in_array('staff', $userGroups) || in_array('admin', $userGroups) || in_array('newarticlepatrol', $userGroups)) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle('rctest', false, false, intval($this->mRCTest) === 0)); } } $wgOut->addHtml('</fieldset>'); # Watchlist $wgOut->addHtml('<fieldset id="prefsection-5" class="prefsection"><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('prefs-watchlist') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHtml(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-days'), 'wpWatchlistDays', 'wpWatchlistDays', 3, $this->mWatchlistDays, array('class' => 'input_med'))); $wgOut->addHtml('<br /><br />'); $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle('extendwatchlist')); $wgOut->addHtml(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-edits'), 'wpWatchlistEdits', 'wpWatchlistEdits', 3, $this->mWatchlistEdits, array('class' => 'input_med'))); $wgOut->addHtml('<br /><br />'); $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggles(array('watchlisthideown', 'watchlisthidebots', 'watchlisthideminor'))); if ($wgUser->isAllowed('createpage') || $wgUser->isAllowed('createtalk')) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle('watchcreations')); } foreach (array('edit' => 'watchdefault', 'move' => 'watchmoves', 'delete' => 'watchdeletion') as $action => $toggle) { if ($wgUser->isAllowed($action)) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->getToggle($toggle)); } } $this->mUsedToggles['watchcreations'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchdefault'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchmoves'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['watchdeletion'] = true; $wgOut->addHtml('</fieldset>'); # Misc # $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset id="prefsection-6" class="prefsection"><legend>' . wfMsg('prefs-misc') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHtml('<label for="wpStubs">' . wfMsg('stub-threshold') . '</label> '); $wgOut->addHtml(Xml::input('wpStubs', 6, $this->mStubs, array('class' => 'input_med', 'id' => 'wpStubs'))); $msgUnderline = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('tog-underline')); $msgUnderlinenever = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-never')); $msgUnderlinealways = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-always')); $msgUnderlinedefault = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-default')); $uopt = $wgUser->getOption("underline"); $s0 = $uopt == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s1 = $uopt == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s2 = $uopt == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $wgOut->addHTML("\n<div class='toggle'><p><label for='wpOpunderline'>{$msgUnderline}</label>\n<select name='wpOpunderline' id='wpOpunderline'>\n<option value=\"0\"{$s0}>{$msgUnderlinenever}</option>\n<option value=\"1\"{$s1}>{$msgUnderlinealways}</option>\n<option value=\"2\"{$s2}>{$msgUnderlinedefault}</option>\n</select></p></div>"); $userGroups = $wgUser->getGroups(); if (!in_array('sysop', $userGroups) && !in_array('newarticlepatrol', $userGroups)) { $this->mUsedToggles['welcomer'] = true; } foreach ($togs as $tname) { if (!array_key_exists($tname, $this->mUsedToggles)) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->getToggle($tname)); } } if ($wgUser->isGPlusUser()) { $wgOut->addHTML('<br /><div id="gplus_disco_link" style="display:inline;"><a href="#" id="pb-gp-disco">Disconnect from Google+</a></div><br />'); } $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); wfRunHooks('RenderPreferencesForm', array($this, $wgOut)); $token = htmlspecialchars($wgUser->editToken()); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $wgOut->addHTML("\n\t<div id='prefsubmit'>\n\t<div>\n\t\t<input class='button primary' type='submit' name='wpSaveprefs' class='btnSavePrefs' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('saveprefs') . '"' . $skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('save') . " />\n\t\t<input class='button secondary' type='submit' name='wpReset' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('resetprefs') . "\" />\n\t\t<div style='clear:both'></div>\n\t</div>\n\n\t</div>\n\n\t<input type='hidden' name='wpEditToken' value=\"{$token}\" />\n\t</div></form>\n"); /*$wgOut->addHtml( Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => "prefcache" ), wfMsgExt( 'clearyourcache', 'parseinline' ) ) );*/ }
function showHistory() { global $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgOut; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); if ($this->mAllowed) { $wgOut->setPagetitle(wfMsg("undeletepage")); } else { $wgOut->setPagetitle(wfMsg('viewdeletedpage')); } $archive = new PageArchive($this->mTargetObj); $text = $archive->getLastRevisionText(); /* if( is_null( $text ) ) { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( "nohistory" ) ); return; } */ if ($this->mAllowed) { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg("undeletehistory")); } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg("undeletehistorynoadmin")); } # List all stored revisions $revisions = $archive->listRevisions(); $files = $archive->listFiles(); $haveRevisions = $revisions && $revisions->numRows() > 0; $haveFiles = $files && $files->numRows() > 0; # Batch existence check on user and talk pages if ($haveRevisions) { $batch = new LinkBatch(); while ($row = $revisions->fetchObject()) { $batch->addObj(Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_USER, $row->ar_user_text)); $batch->addObj(Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_USER_TALK, $row->ar_user_text)); } $batch->execute(); $revisions->seek(0); } if ($haveFiles) { $batch = new LinkBatch(); while ($row = $files->fetchObject()) { $batch->addObj(Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_USER, $row->fa_user_text)); $batch->addObj(Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_USER_TALK, $row->fa_user_text)); } $batch->execute(); $files->seek(0); } if ($this->mAllowed) { $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Undelete"); $action = $titleObj->getLocalURL("action=submit"); # Start the form here $top = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $action, 'id' => 'undelete')); $wgOut->addHtml($top); } # Show relevant lines from the deletion log: $wgOut->addHTML("<h2>" . htmlspecialchars(LogPage::logName('delete')) . "</h2>\n"); $logViewer = new LogViewer(new LogReader(new FauxRequest(array('page' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(), 'type' => 'delete')))); $logViewer->showList($wgOut); if ($this->mAllowed && ($haveRevisions || $haveFiles)) { # Format the user-visible controls (comment field, submission button) # in a nice little table $table = '<fieldset><table><tr>'; $table .= '<td colspan="2">' . wfMsgWikiHtml('undeleteextrahelp') . '</td></tr><tr>'; $table .= '<td align="right"><strong>' . wfMsgHtml('undeletecomment') . '</strong></td>'; $table .= '<td>' . wfInput('wpComment', 50, $this->mComment) . '</td>'; $table .= '</tr><tr><td> </td><td>'; $table .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('undeletebtn'), array('name' => 'restore')); $table .= wfElement('input', array('type' => 'reset', 'value' => wfMsg('undeletereset'))); $table .= '</td></tr></table></fieldset>'; $wgOut->addHtml($table); } $wgOut->addHTML("<h2>" . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg("history")) . "</h2>\n"); if ($haveRevisions) { # The page's stored (deleted) history: $wgOut->addHTML("<ul>"); $target = urlencode($this->mTarget); while ($row = $revisions->fetchObject()) { $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $row->ar_timestamp); if ($this->mAllowed) { $checkBox = wfCheck("ts{$ts}"); $pageLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($titleObj, $wgLang->timeanddate($ts, true), "target={$target}×tamp={$ts}"); } else { $checkBox = ''; $pageLink = $wgLang->timeanddate($ts, true); } $userLink = $sk->userLink($row->ar_user, $row->ar_user_text) . $sk->userToolLinks($row->ar_user, $row->ar_user_text); $comment = $sk->commentBlock($row->ar_comment); $wgOut->addHTML("<li>{$checkBox} {$pageLink} . . {$userLink} {$comment}</li>\n"); } $revisions->free(); $wgOut->addHTML("</ul>"); } else { $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg("nohistory")); } if ($haveFiles) { $wgOut->addHtml("<h2>" . wfMsgHtml('imghistory') . "</h2>\n"); $wgOut->addHtml("<ul>"); while ($row = $files->fetchObject()) { $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $row->fa_timestamp); if ($this->mAllowed && $row->fa_storage_key) { $checkBox = wfCheck("fileid" . $row->fa_id); $key = urlencode($row->fa_storage_key); $target = urlencode($this->mTarget); $pageLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($titleObj, $wgLang->timeanddate($ts, true), "target={$target}&file={$key}"); } else { $checkBox = ''; $pageLink = $wgLang->timeanddate($ts, true); } $userLink = $sk->userLink($row->fa_user, $row->fa_user_text) . $sk->userToolLinks($row->fa_user, $row->fa_user_text); $data = wfMsgHtml('widthheight', $wgLang->formatNum($row->fa_width), $wgLang->formatNum($row->fa_height)) . ' (' . wfMsgHtml('nbytes', $wgLang->formatNum($row->fa_size)) . ')'; $comment = $sk->commentBlock($row->fa_description); $wgOut->addHTML("<li>{$checkBox} {$pageLink} . . {$userLink} {$data} {$comment}</li>\n"); } $files->free(); $wgOut->addHTML("</ul>"); } if ($this->mAllowed) { # Slip in the hidden controls here $misc = wfHidden('target', $this->mTarget); $misc .= wfHidden('wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken()); $wgOut->addHtml($misc . '</form>'); } return true; }
/** * @access private */ function mainPrefsForm($status, $message = '') { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang; global $wgAllowRealName, $wgImageLimits, $wgThumbLimits; global $wgDisableLangConversion; global $wgEnotifWatchlist, $wgEnotifUserTalk, $wgEnotifMinorEdits; global $wgRCShowWatchingUsers, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress; global $wgEnableEmail, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgEmailAuthentication; global $wgContLanguageCode, $wgDefaultSkin, $wgSkipSkins, $wgAuth; $wgOut->setPageTitle(wfMsg('preferences')); $wgOut->setArticleRelated(false); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy('noindex,nofollow'); if ($this->mSuccess || 'success' == $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext('<div class="successbox"><strong>' . wfMsg('savedprefs') . '</strong></div>'); } else { if ('error' == $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext('<div class="errorbox"><strong>' . $message . '</strong></div>'); } else { if ('' != $status) { $wgOut->addWikitext($message . "\n----"); } } } $qbs = $wgLang->getQuickbarSettings(); $skinNames = $wgLang->getSkinNames(); $mathopts = $wgLang->getMathNames(); $dateopts = $wgLang->getDateFormats(); $togs = $wgLang->getUserToggles(); $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Preferences'); $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL(); # Pre-expire some toggles so they won't show if disabled $this->mUsedToggles['shownumberswatching'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['showupdated'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifwatchlistpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifusertalkpages'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifminoredits'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['enotifrevealaddr'] = true; $this->mUsedToggles['uselivepreview'] = true; # Enotif # <FIXME> $this->mUserEmail = htmlspecialchars($this->mUserEmail); $this->mRealName = htmlspecialchars($this->mRealName); $rawNick = $this->mNick; $this->mNick = htmlspecialchars($this->mNick); if (!$this->mEmailFlag) { $emfc = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $emfc = ''; } if ($wgEmailAuthentication && $this->mUserEmail != '') { if ($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp()) { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailauthenticated', $wgLang->timeanddate($wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp(), true)) . '<br />'; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } else { $disableEmailPrefs = true; $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('emailnotauthenticated') . '<br />' . $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Confirmemail'), wfMsg('emailconfirmlink')); } } else { $emailauthenticated = ''; $disableEmailPrefs = false; } if ($this->mUserEmail == '') { $emailauthenticated = wfMsg('noemailprefs'); } // WERELATE removed // $ps = $this->namespacesCheckboxes(); $enotifwatchlistpages = $wgEnotifWatchlist ? $this->getToggle('enotifwatchlistpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifusertalkpages = $wgEnotifUserTalk ? $this->getToggle('enotifusertalkpages', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifminoredits = $wgEnotifWatchlist && $wgEnotifMinorEdits ? $this->getToggle('enotifminoredits', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $enotifrevealaddr = ($wgEnotifWatchlist || $wgEnotifUserTalk) && $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress ? $this->getToggle('enotifrevealaddr', false, $disableEmailPrefs) : ''; $prefs_help_email_enotif = $wgEnotifWatchlist || $wgEnotifUserTalk ? ' ' . wfMsg('prefs-help-email-enotif') : ''; $prefs_help_realname = ''; # </FIXME> $wgOut->addHTML("<form action=\"{$action}\" method='post'>"); $wgOut->addHTML("<div id='preferences'>"); # User data # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('prefs-personal') . "</legend>\n<table>\n"); $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow(wfMsg('username'), $wgUser->getName())); $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow(wfMsg('uid'), $wgUser->getID())); if ($wgAllowRealName) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wpRealName">' . wfMsg('yourrealname') . '</label>', "<input type='text' name='wpRealName' id='wpRealName' value=\"{$this->mRealName}\" size='25' />")); } if ($wgEnableEmail) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wpUserEmail">' . wfMsg('youremail') . '</label>', "<input type='text' name='wpUserEmail' id='wpUserEmail' value=\"{$this->mUserEmail}\" size='25' />")); } global $wgParser; if (!empty($this->mToggles['fancysig']) && false === $wgParser->validateSig($rawNick)) { $invalidSig = $this->addRow(' ', '<span class="error">' . wfMsgHtml('badsig') . '<span>'); } else { $invalidSig = ''; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wpNick">' . wfMsg('yournick') . '</label>', "<input type='text' name='wpNick' id='wpNick' value=\"{$this->mNick}\" size='25' />") . $invalidSig . $this->addRow(' ', $this->getToggle('fancysig'))); /** * Make sure the site language is in the list; a custom language code * might not have a defined name... */ $languages = $wgLang->getLanguageNames(); if (!array_key_exists($wgContLanguageCode, $languages)) { $languages[$wgContLanguageCode] = $wgContLanguageCode; } ksort($languages); /** * If a bogus value is set, default to the content language. * Otherwise, no default is selected and the user ends up * with an Afrikaans interface since it's first in the list. */ $selectedLang = isset($languages[$this->mUserLanguage]) ? $this->mUserLanguage : $wgContLanguageCode; $selbox = null; foreach ($languages as $code => $name) { global $IP; /* only add languages that have a file */ $langfile = "{$IP}/languages/Language" . str_replace('-', '_', ucfirst($code)) . ".php"; if (file_exists($langfile) || $code == $wgContLanguageCode) { $sel = $code == $selectedLang ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $selbox .= "<option value=\"{$code}\"{$sel}>{$code} - {$name}</option>\n"; } } $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wpUserLanguage">' . wfMsg('yourlanguage') . '</label>', "<select name='wpUserLanguage' id='wpUserLanguage'>{$selbox}</select>")); /* see if there are multiple language variants to choose from*/ if (!$wgDisableLangConversion) { $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants(); $variantArray = array(); foreach ($variants as $v) { $v = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($v)); if (array_key_exists($v, $languages)) { // If it doesn't have a name, we'll pretend it doesn't exist $variantArray[$v] = $languages[$v]; } } $selbox = null; foreach ($variantArray as $code => $name) { $sel = $code == $this->mUserVariant ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $selbox .= "<option value=\"{$code}\" {$sel}>{$code} - {$name}</option>"; } if (count($variantArray) > 1) { $wgOut->addHtml($this->addRow(wfMsg('yourvariant'), "<select name='wpUserVariant'>{$selbox}</select>")); } } // WERELATE ADDED if ($wgUser->getOption('wrnoads') > '') { $donateLink = ''; if ($wgUser->getOption('wrnoads') < wfTimestampNow()) { $donateLink = ' - <a href="/wiki/WeRelate:Donate">Donate</a>'; } $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wrNoAds">' . 'Ads disabled until:' . '</label>', '<span id="wrNoAds">' . $wgLang->date($wgUser->getOption('wrnoads')) . $donateLink . '</span>')); } $wgOut->addHTML('</table>'); # Password if ($wgAuth->allowPasswordChange()) { $this->mOldpass = htmlspecialchars($this->mOldpass); $this->mNewpass = htmlspecialchars($this->mNewpass); $this->mRetypePass = htmlspecialchars($this->mRetypePass); $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('changepassword') . '</legend><table>'); $wgOut->addHTML($this->addRow('<label for="wpOldpass">' . wfMsg('oldpassword') . '</label>', "<input type='password' name='wpOldpass' id='wpOldpass' value=\"{$this->mOldpass}\" size='20' />") . $this->addRow('<label for="wpNewpass">' . wfMsg('newpassword') . '</label>', "<input type='password' name='wpNewpass' id='wpNewpass' value=\"{$this->mNewpass}\" size='20' />") . $this->addRow('<label for="wpRetypePass">' . wfMsg('retypenew') . '</label>', "<input type='password' name='wpRetypePass' id='wpRetypePass' value=\"{$this->mRetypePass}\" size='20' />") . "</table>\n" . $this->getToggle("rememberpassword") . "</fieldset>\n\n"); } # <FIXME> # Enotif if ($wgEnableEmail) { $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('email') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHTML($emailauthenticated . $enotifrevealaddr . $enotifwatchlistpages . $enotifusertalkpages . $enotifminoredits); if ($wgEnableUserEmail) { $emf = wfMsg('allowemail'); $disabled = $disableEmailPrefs ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $wgOut->addHTML("<div><input type='checkbox' {$emfc} {$disabled} value='1' name='wpEmailFlag' id='wpEmailFlag' /> <label for='wpEmailFlag'>{$emf}</label></div>"); } $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); } # </FIXME> # Show little "help" tips for the real name and email address options if ($wgAllowRealName || $wgEnableEmail) { if ($wgAllowRealName) { $tips[] = wfMsg('prefs-help-realname'); } if ($wgEnableEmail) { $tips[] = wfMsg('prefs-help-email'); } $wgOut->addHtml('<div class="prefsectiontip">' . implode('<br />', $tips) . '</div>'); } $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); # Quickbar # if ($this->mSkin == 'cologneblue' || $this->mSkin == 'standard') { $wgOut->addHtml("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('qbsettings') . "</legend>\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($qbs); ++$i) { if ($i == $this->mQuickbar) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ""; } $wgOut->addHTML("<div><label><input type='radio' name='wpQuickbar' value=\"{$i}\"{$checked} />{$qbs[$i]}</label></div>\n"); } $wgOut->addHtml("</fieldset>\n\n"); } else { # Need to output a hidden option even if the relevant skin is not in use, # otherwise the preference will get reset to 0 on submit $wgOut->addHtml(wfHidden('wpQuickbar', $this->mQuickbar)); } # Skin # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>\n" . wfMsg('skin') . "</legend>\n"); $mptitle = Title::newMainPage(); $previewtext = wfMsg('skinpreview'); # Only show members of Skin::getSkinNames() rather than # $skinNames (skins is all skin names from Language.php) $validSkinNames = Skin::getSkinNames(); foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => $skinname) { if (in_array($skinkey, $wgSkipSkins)) { continue; } $checked = $skinkey == $this->mSkin ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $sn = isset($skinNames[$skinkey]) ? $skinNames[$skinkey] : $skinname; $mplink = htmlspecialchars($mptitle->getLocalURL("useskin={$skinkey}")); $previewlink = "<a target='_blank' href=\"{$mplink}\">{$previewtext}</a>"; if ($skinkey == $wgDefaultSkin) { $sn .= ' (' . wfMsg('default') . ')'; } $wgOut->addHTML("<input type='radio' name='wpSkin' id=\"wpSkin{$skinkey}\" value=\"{$skinkey}\"{$checked} /> <label for=\"wpSkin{$skinkey}\">{$sn}</label> {$previewlink}<br />\n"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); # Math # global $wgUseTeX; if ($wgUseTeX) { $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('math') . '</legend>'); foreach ($mathopts as $k => $v) { $checked = $k == $this->mMath ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $wgOut->addHTML("<div><label><input type='radio' name='wpMath' value=\"{$k}\"{$checked} /> " . wfMsg($v) . "</label></div>\n"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n\n"); } # Files # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n\t\t\t<legend>" . wfMsg('files') . "</legend>\n\t\t\t<div><label for='wpImageSize'>" . wfMsg('imagemaxsize') . "</label> <select id='wpImageSize' name='wpImageSize'>"); $imageLimitOptions = null; foreach ($wgImageLimits as $index => $limits) { $selected = $index == $this->mImageSize ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $imageLimitOptions .= "<option value=\"{$index}\" {$selected}>{$limits[0]}×{$limits[1]}" . wfMsgHtml('unit-pixel') . "</option>\n"; } $imageThumbOptions = null; $wgOut->addHTML("{$imageLimitOptions}</select></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div><label for='wpThumbSize'>" . wfMsg('thumbsize') . "</label> <select name='wpThumbSize' id='wpThumbSize'>"); foreach ($wgThumbLimits as $index => $size) { $selected = $index == $this->mThumbSize ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $imageThumbOptions .= "<option value=\"{$index}\" {$selected}>{$size}" . wfMsgHtml('unit-pixel') . "</option>\n"; } $wgOut->addHTML("{$imageThumbOptions}</select></div></fieldset>\n\n"); # Date format # # Date/Time # $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('datetime') . "</legend>\n"); if ($dateopts) { $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset>\n<legend>" . wfMsg('dateformat') . "</legend>\n"); $idCnt = 0; $epoch = '20010408091234'; foreach ($dateopts as $key => $option) { if ($key == MW_DATE_DEFAULT) { $formatted = wfMsgHtml('datedefault'); } else { $formatted = htmlspecialchars($wgLang->timeanddate($epoch, false, $key)); } $key == $this->mDate ? $checked = ' checked="checked"' : ($checked = ''); $wgOut->addHTML("<div><input type='radio' name=\"wpDate\" id=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\" " . "value=\"{$key}\"{$checked} /> <label for=\"wpDate{$idCnt}\">{$formatted}</label></div>\n"); $idCnt++; } $wgOut->addHTML("</fieldset>\n"); } $nowlocal = $wgLang->time($now = wfTimestampNow(), true); $nowserver = $wgLang->time($now, false); $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('timezonelegend') . '</legend><table>' . $this->addRow(wfMsg('servertime'), $nowserver) . $this->addRow(wfMsg('localtime'), $nowlocal) . $this->addRow('<label for="wpHourDiff">' . wfMsg('timezoneoffset') . '</label>', "<input type='text' name='wpHourDiff' id='wpHourDiff' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->mHourDiff) . "\" size='6' />") . "<tr><td colspan='2'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='button' value=\"" . wfMsg('guesstimezone') . "\"\n\t\t\t\tonclick='javascript:guessTimezone()' id='guesstimezonebutton' style='display:none;' />\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr></table></fieldset>\n\t\t\t<div class='prefsectiontip'>¹" . wfMsg('timezonetext') . "</div>\n\t\t</fieldset>\n\n"); # Editing # global $wgLivePreview, $wgUseRCPatrol; $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('textboxsize') . '</legend> <div>' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('rows'), 'wpRows', 'wpRows', 3, $this->mRows) . ' ' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('columns'), 'wpCols', 'wpCols', 3, $this->mCols) . "</div>" . $this->getToggles(array('editsection', 'editsectiononrightclick', 'editondblclick', 'editwidth', 'showtoolbar', 'previewonfirst', 'previewontop', 'watchcreations', 'watchdefault', 'minordefault', 'externaleditor', 'externaldiff', $wgLivePreview ? 'uselivepreview' : false, $wgUser->isAllowed('patrol') && $wgUseRCPatrol ? 'autopatrol' : false, 'forceeditsummary')) . '</fieldset>'); $this->mUsedToggles['autopatrol'] = true; # Don't show this up for users who can't; the handler below is dumb and doesn't know it $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('prefs-rc')) . '</legend>' . wfInputLabel(wfMsg('recentchangescount'), 'wpRecent', 'wpRecent', 3, $this->mRecent) . $this->getToggles(array('hideminor', $wgRCShowWatchingUsers ? 'shownumberswatching' : false, 'usenewrc')) . '</fieldset>'); # Watchlist $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsgHtml('prefs-watchlist') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHTML(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-days'), 'wpWatchlistDays', 'wpWatchlistDays', 3, $this->mWatchlistDays)); $wgOut->addHTML('<br /><br />'); # Spacing $wgOut->addHTML($this->getToggles(array('watchlisthideown', 'watchlisthidebots', 'extendwatchlist'))); $wgOut->addHTML(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('prefs-watchlist-edits'), 'wpWatchlistEdits', 'wpWatchlistEdits', 3, $this->mWatchlistEdits)); $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); # Search // WERELATE removed // $wgOut->addHTML( '<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg( 'searchresultshead' ) . '</legend><table>' . // $this->addRow( // wfLabel( wfMsg( 'resultsperpage' ), 'wpSearch' ), // wfInput( 'wpSearch', 4, $this->mSearch, array( 'id' => 'wpSearch' ) ) // ) . // $this->addRow( // wfLabel( wfMsg( 'contextlines' ), 'wpSearchLines' ), // wfInput( 'wpSearchLines', 4, $this->mSearchLines, array( 'id' => 'wpSearchLines' ) ) // ) . // $this->addRow( // wfLabel( wfMsg( 'contextchars' ), 'wpSearchChars' ), // wfInput( 'wpSearchChars', 4, $this->mSearchChars, array( 'id' => 'wpSearchChars' ) ) // ) . // "</table><fieldset><legend>" . wfMsg( 'defaultns' ) . "</legend>$ps</fieldset></fieldset>" ); # Misc # $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset><legend>' . wfMsg('prefs-misc') . '</legend>'); $wgOut->addHTML(wfInputLabel(wfMsg('stubthreshold'), 'wpStubs', 'wpStubs', 6, $this->mStubs)); $msgUnderline = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('tog-underline')); $msgUnderlinenever = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-never')); $msgUnderlinealways = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-always')); $msgUnderlinedefault = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('underline-default')); $uopt = $wgUser->getOption("underline"); $s0 = $uopt == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s1 = $uopt == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $s2 = $uopt == 2 ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $wgOut->addHTML("\n<div class='toggle'><label for='wpOpunderline'>{$msgUnderline}</label>\n<select name='wpOpunderline' id='wpOpunderline'>\n<option value=\"0\"{$s0}>{$msgUnderlinenever}</option>\n<option value=\"1\"{$s1}>{$msgUnderlinealways}</option>\n<option value=\"2\"{$s2}>{$msgUnderlinedefault}</option>\n</select>\n</div>\n"); foreach ($togs as $tname) { if (!array_key_exists($tname, $this->mUsedToggles)) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->getToggle($tname)); } } $wgOut->addHTML('</fieldset>'); $token = $wgUser->editToken(); $wgOut->addHTML("\n\t<div id='prefsubmit'>\n\t<div>\n\t\t<input type='submit' name='wpSaveprefs' class='btnSavePrefs' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('saveprefs') . "\" accesskey=\"" . wfMsgHtml('accesskey-save') . "\" title=\"" . wfMsgHtml('tooltip-save') . "\" />\n\t\t<input type='submit' name='wpReset' value=\"" . wfMsgHtml('resetprefs') . "\" />\n\t</div>\n\n\t</div>\n\n\t<input type='hidden' name='wpEditToken' value='{$token}' />\n\t</div></form>\n"); $wgOut->addWikiText('<div class="prefcache">' . wfMsg('clearyourcache') . '</div>'); }
function makeNamespaceForm() { $self = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName()); $form = wfOpenElement('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $self->getLocalUrl())); $form .= wfLabel(wfMsg('newestpages-namespace'), 'namespace') . ' '; $form .= htmlNamespaceSelector($this->namespace, 'all'); $form .= wfHidden('limit', $this->limit); $form .= wfHidden('redirects', $this->redirects); $form .= wfSubmitButton(wfMsg('newestpages-submit')) . '</form>'; return $form; }