Ejemplo n.º 1

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;

 * @file
 * Generate form elments for the font settings.

// Websafe fonts.
$websafe_fonts = websafe_fonts();

// Elements to apply fonts to.
$font_elements = font_elements();

// Font Options - here we must test if there are values set for each font type and populate the options list.
$font_options = array(
  'none' => t('-- none --'),

if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_websafe')) {
  $font_options['websafe'] = t('Websafe stack');
if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_google')) {
  $font_options['google'] = t('Google font');
if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit')) {
  $font_options['typekit'] = t('Typekit');
if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_customstack')) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @file
 * Output formatted CSS for fonts.

function at_core_submit_fonts($values, $theme, $generated_files_path) {

  // Paths
  $subtheme_path = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme);
  $generated_scripts_path = $subtheme_path . '/scripts/generated';

  // Websafe fonts.
  $websafe_fonts = websafe_fonts();

  // Elements to apply fonts to.
  $font_elements = font_elements();

  // Initialize some variables.
  $fonts = array();
  $size = '';
  $base_size = '16'; // 16px default
  $px_size = '';
  $rem_size = '';

  $fileOperations = new FileOperations();
  $font_styles = array();

  foreach ($font_elements as $font_key => $font_values) {

    // Get the selectors for each element.
    $fonts[$font_key]['selectors'] = $font_values['selector'];

    // Custom selectors, reset the selectors variable if we have custom selectors.
    if ($font_key == 'custom_selectors' && !empty($values['settings_font_custom_selectors']) && !empty($values['settings_custom_selectors'])) {
      $fonts[$font_key]['selectors'] = $values['settings_custom_selectors']; // ? $values['settings_custom_selectors'] : 'ruby ruby'

    // Size/Line height
    if (!empty($values['settings_font_size_' . $font_key])) {

      $px_size = $values['settings_font_size_' . $font_key];
      $rem_size = $values['settings_font_size_' . $font_key] / $base_size;

      // line-height multipliers are a bit magical, but "pretty good" defaults.
      $line_height_multiplier = $values['settings_font_lineheight_multiplier_default'];
      if ($px_size >= $values['settings_font_lineheight_multiplier_large_size']) {
        $line_height_multiplier = $values['settings_font_lineheight_multiplier_large'];

      $fonts[$font_key]['size'] = 'font-size:' . ceil($px_size) . 'px; font-size:' . round($rem_size, 3) . 'rem;';
      $fonts[$font_key]['lineheight'] = 'line-height:' . ceil($px_size * $line_height_multiplier) . 'px; line-height:' . round($rem_size * $line_height_multiplier, 3) . 'rem;';

    // Websafe
    if ($values['settings_font_' . $font_key] == 'websafe') {
      $fonts[$font_key]['family'] = 'font-family:' . $websafe_fonts[$values['settings_font_websafe']] . ';';

    // Customstack
    if ($values['settings_font_' . $font_key] == 'customstack') {
      $fonts[$font_key]['family'] = 'font-family:' . $values['settings_font_customstack'] . ';';

    // Google
    if ($values['settings_font_' . $font_key] == 'google') {
      $fonts[$font_key]['family'] = 'font-family:' . $values['settings_font_google_' . $font_key] . ';';

    // Typekit
    if ($values['settings_font_' . $font_key] == 'typekit') {
      $fonts[$font_key]['family'] = 'font-family:' . $values['settings_font_typekit_' . $font_key] . ';';

  // Output data to file
  if (!empty($fonts)) {
    foreach ($fonts as $key => $values) {
      if (isset($values['family']) || isset($values['size'])) {
        $font_style = $values['selectors'] . '{';

        if (isset($values['family'])) {
          $font_style .= $values['family'];

        if (isset($values['size'])) {
          $font_style .= $values['size'];

        if (isset($values['lineheight'])) {
          $font_style .= $values['lineheight'];

        $font_style .= '}';
        $font_styles[] = $font_style;

    $output = implode("\n", $font_styles);

  $output = $output ? Xss::filter($output) : '/** No fonts styles set **/';

  //$file_name = $theme . '.fonts.css';

  $file_name = 'fonts.css';
  $filepath = "$generated_files_path/$file_name";
  file_unmanaged_save_data($output, $filepath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
Ejemplo n.º 3

 * @file
 * Generate form elements for the font settings.
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
// Elements to apply fonts to.
$font_elements = font_elements();
// Websafe stacks and select options.
if ($settings_font_websafe = theme_get_setting('settings.font_websafe')) {
    $websafe_fonts = $settings_font_websafe;
} else {
    $websafe_fonts = implode("\n", websafe_fonts());
if (!empty($websafe_fonts)) {
    $websafe_options = explode(PHP_EOL, $websafe_fonts);
// Font Options - here we must test if there are values set for each font type
// and populate the options list.
$font_options = array('none' => t('-- none --'));
if (!empty($websafe_fonts)) {
    $font_options['websafe'] = t('Websafe fonts');
if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_google')) {
    $font_options['google'] = t('Google font');
if (theme_get_setting('settings.font_typekit')) {
    $font_options['typekit'] = t('Typekit');