public static function retrieveItem($id) { $db = DBConnection::db(); $platforms = API::getPlatforms(); $query = "SELECT `type`, `name`, `artist`, `album`, `image`"; while (list($pId, $pObject) = each($platforms)) { if (!$pObject->isActiveForSearch()) { continue; } $query .= ", `" . _TABLE_LINK_PREFIX . $pObject->getSafeName() . "`"; // column name = link_DEEZER, etc ... } reset($platforms); $query .= " FROM `items` WHERE id=:id LIMIT 1;"; $statement = $db->prepare($query); $statement->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); // Executes the query $exe = $statement->execute(); if (!$exe || $exe == false || $statement->rowCount() != 1) { // Looks like it's expired ? return false; } else { // Fetch the info $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$row) { return false; } while (list($pId, $pObject) = each($platforms)) { if (!$pObject->isActiveForSearch()) { continue; } $linkProperty = _TABLE_LINK_PREFIX . $pObject->getSafeName(); $links[$pObject->getId()] = web(trim(stripslashes($row[$linkProperty]))); } return array("name" => $row["name"], "album" => $row["album"], "artist" => $row["artist"], "image" => $row["image"], "type" => $row["type"], "links" => $links); } }
}; var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length; window.CHITIKA.units.push(unit); document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBlock-' + placement_id + '"></div>'); var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = ''; try { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } catch(e) { document.write(s.outerHTML); } }()); </script> <? web_str(array_merge(web($qs,$start), web($qs,$start+4),web($qs,$start+8))); if (count($results) < $pageslimit) { echo '<li class="results">Oops!, You\'ve reached the end of the results.</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; video($qs,$page,6); pagination('?q='.$qe.'&search='.$search); echo'</div>'; } } require_once("footer.php"); ?> </body>
} if (!is_writeable($outdir)) { echo "<h3>Output directory exists but it not writeable by '{$owner}'</h3>"; echo "<h4>Please make writeable by '{$owner}'</h4>"; echo "<p>{$outdir}</p>"; echo "<p>Attempting to execute vi perl CGI...</p>"; require "{$LD}/web.php"; $data = array(); $path = "/phplib/"; if ($_ENV["SubFolder"]) { $path = "/" . $_ENV["SubFolder"] . $path; } if ($password = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) { $password .= ":" . $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]; } echo web($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], $path, "POST", $data, $password); exit; } echo "Files will be output to {$outdir}\n"; echo "{$sitedomainname}<br /><br />\n"; echo "<p>Use this command to move the generated files into production...<br />\n"; echo "cd " . $_ENV["SiteRoot"] . "/phplib/autogen && cp -i *.inc *form.ihtml .."; echo "<br /></p>\n"; ini_set("display_errors", "on"); function valid_name($str) { $str = str_replace(" ", "_", $str); $str = str_replace("(", "_", $str); $str = str_replace(")", "_", $str); $str = str_replace("/", "_", $str); $str = str_replace(",", "_", $str);
public function lookupPermalink($permalink) { // // // $REGEX_BEATS_TRACK = "/albums\\/al([0-9]*)\\/tracks\\/tr([0-9]*)\$/"; $REGEX_BEATS_ALBUM = "/albums\\/al([0-9]*)\$/"; $REGEX_BEATS_ARTIST = "/artists\\/ar([0-9]*)\$/"; $track = null; $valid = false; if (preg_match($REGEX_BEATS_TRACK, $permalink, $match)) { $this->lookup_endpoint = 'api/tracks/tr%s'; $result = $this->callPlatform("lookup", $match[2]); if ($result == null || !isset($result->data)) { return null; } // We encode the track to pass it on as the return track $track = array('name' => $result->data->title, 'artist' => $result->data->artist_display_name, 'album' => $result->data->refs->album->display, 'picture' => null, 'link' => web(sprintf($this->track_permalink, $match[1], $match[2]))); // We modify the query $valid = true; $query = $track['album'] . "+" . $track['name']; } else { if (preg_match($REGEX_BEATS_ALBUM, $permalink, $match)) { $this->lookup_endpoint = 'api/albums/al%s'; $result = $this->callPlatform("lookup", $match[1]); if ($result == null || !isset($result->data)) { return null; } // We encode the track to pass it on as the return track $track = array('name' => null, 'artist' => $result->data->refs->artists[0]->display, 'album' => $result->data->title, 'picture' => null, 'link' => web(sprintf($this->album_permalink, $result->data->id))); // We modify the query $valid = true; $query = $track['artist'] . "+" . $track['album']; } else { if (preg_match($REGEX_BEATS_ARTIST, $permalink, $match)) { $this->lookup_endpoint = 'api/artists/ar%s'; $result = $this->callPlatform("lookup", $match[1]); if ($result == null || !isset($result->data)) { return null; } // No tracks to encode // We modify the query $valid = true; $query = $result->data->name; } } } if ($valid) { return array('query' => $query, 'track' => $track); } else { return null; } }