public function wc2_download_member_list() { global $wpdb; $wc2_options = wc2_get_option(); $locale_options = wc2_get_option('locale_options'); $applyform = WC2_Funcs::get_apply_addressform($wc2_options['system']['addressform']); $target_market = $wc2_options['system']['target_market']; $MLT = new Member_List_Table(); //1ぺーじあたりのテーブルの行数 $per_page = $MLT->get_items_per_page(self::$per_page_slug); //ソート $args = $MLT->sort_culum_order_by($per_page); //データ $rows = $MLT->get_list_data($args); $ext = $_REQUEST['ftype']; if ($ext == 'csv') { //CSV $table_h = ""; $table_f = ""; $tr_h = ""; $tr_f = ""; $th_h1 = '"'; $th_h = ',"'; $th_f = '"'; $td_h1 = '"'; $td_h = ',"'; $td_f = '"'; $nb = " "; $lf = "\n"; } else { exit; } $wc2_opt_member = wc2_get_option('wc2_opt_member'); if (!is_array($wc2_opt_member)) { $wc2_opt_member = array(); } $wc2_opt_member['ftype_mem'] = $ext; //---------------------- checkbox Check -----------------------// $chk_mem = array(); $chk_mem['ID'] = 1; //$chk_mem['code'] = 1; $chk_mem['account'] = 1; //head $hd_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'head'); if (!empty($hd_keys)) { foreach ($hd_keys as $csmb_key) { $chk_mem[$csmb_key] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_mem['email'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['email']) ? 1 : 0; //beforename $bn_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'beforename'); if (!empty($bn_keys)) { foreach ($bn_keys as $csmb_key) { $chk_mem[$csmb_key] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_mem['name'] = 1; $chk_mem['kana'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['kana']) ? 1 : 0; //aftername $an_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'aftername'); if (!empty($an_keys)) { foreach ($an_keys as $csmb_key) { $chk_mem[$csmb_key] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_mem['country'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['country']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_mem['zipcode'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['zipcode']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_mem['pref'] = 1; $chk_mem['address1'] = 1; $chk_mem['address2'] = 1; $chk_mem['tel'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_mem['fax'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax']) ? 1 : 0; //bottom $btm_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'bottom'); if (!empty($btm_keys)) { foreach ($btm_keys as $csmb_key) { $chk_mem[$csmb_key] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_mem['registered'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['registered']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_mem['point'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['point']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_mem['rank'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['rank']) ? 1 : 0; //other $oth_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'other'); if (!empty($oth_keys)) { foreach ($oth_keys as $csmb_key) { $chk_mem[$csmb_key] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $wc2_opt_member['chk_mem'] = apply_filters('wc2_filter_chk_mem', $chk_mem); // update_option('wc2_opt_member', $wc2_opt_member); wc2_update_option('wc2_opt_member', $wc2_opt_member); //---------------------- TITLE -----------------------// $line = $table_h; $line .= $tr_h; $line .= $th_h1 . __('Membership ID', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('Login account', 'wc2') . $th_f; //csmb head $hd_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'head'); if (!empty($hd_keys)) { foreach ($hd_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $line .= $th_h . wc2_entity_decode($wc2_options[$csmb_key]['name'], $ext) . $th_f; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['email'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('E-mail', 'wc2') . $th_f; } //csmb beforename $bn_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'beforename'); if (!empty($bn_keys)) { foreach ($bn_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $line .= $th_h . wc2_entity_decode($wc2_options[$csmb_key]['name'], $ext) . $th_f; } } } $line .= $th_h . __('Name', 'wc2') . $th_f; if ('JP' == $applyform) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['kana'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Kana', 'wc2') . $th_f; } } //csmb aftername $an_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'aftername'); if (!empty($an_keys)) { foreach ($an_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $line .= $th_h . wc2_entity_decode($wc2_options[$csmb_key]['name'], $ext) . $th_f; } } } switch ($applyform) { case 'JP': if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['country'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Country', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['zipcode'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Postal Code', 'wc2') . $th_f; } $line .= $th_h . __('Prefecture', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('City', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('Building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . $th_f; if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Phone number', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('FAX number', 'wc2') . $th_f; } break; case 'US': default: $line .= $th_h . __('Building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('City', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('Prefecture', 'wc2') . $th_f; $line .= $th_h . __('Postal Code', 'wc2') . $th_f; if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['country'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Country', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Phone number', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('FAX number', 'wc2') . $th_f; } break; } //csmb bottom $btm_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'bottom'); if (!empty($btm_keys)) { foreach ($btm_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $line .= $th_h . wc2_entity_decode($wc2_options[$csmb_key]['name'], $ext) . $th_f; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['rank'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('ランク', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['point'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('保有ポイント', 'wc2') . $th_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['registered'])) { $line .= $th_h . __('Started date', 'wc2') . $th_f; } //csmb other $oth_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'other'); if (!empty($oth_keys)) { foreach ($oth_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $line .= $th_h . wc2_entity_decode($wc2_options[$csmb_key]['name'], $ext) . $th_f; } } } $line .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_chk_mem_label', NULL, $wc2_opt_member, $rows); $line .= $tr_f . $lf; //---------------------- DATA -----------------------// foreach ((array) $rows as $array) { $member_id = $array['ID']; $data = wc2_get_member_data($member_id); //$meta_data = wc2_get_member_data($member_id); $line .= $tr_h; $line .= $td_h1 . $member_id . $td_f; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['account'], $ext) . $td_f; //csmb head $hd_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'head'); if (!empty($hd_keys)) { foreach ($hd_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $meta_value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key] : ''; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($meta_value, $ext) . $td_f; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['email'])) { $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['email'], $ext) . $td_f; } //csmb beforename $bn_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'beforename'); if (!empty($bn_keys)) { foreach ($bn_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $meta_value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key] : ''; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($meta_value, $ext) . $td_f; } } } switch ($applyform) { case 'JP': $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['name1'] . ' ' . $data['name2'], $ext) . $td_f; if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['kana'])) { $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['name3'] . ' ' . $data['name4'], $ext) . $td_f; } break; default: $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['name2'] . ' ' . $data['name1'], $ext) . $td_f; break; } //csmb aftername $an_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'aftername'); if (!empty($an_keys)) { foreach ($an_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $meta_value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key] : ''; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($meta_value, $ext) . $td_f; } } } $address_info = ''; switch ($applyform) { case 'JP': if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['country'])) { $country_code = $data['country']; $member_country = !empty($country_code) ? $locale_options['country'][$country_code] : ''; $address_info .= $td_h . $member_country . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['zipcode'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['zipcode'], $ext) . $td_f; } $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['pref'], $ext) . $td_f; $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['address1'], $ext) . $td_f; $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['address2'], $ext) . $td_f; if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['tel'], $ext) . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['fax'], $ext) . $td_f; } break; case 'US': default: $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['address2'], $ext) . $td_f; $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['address1'], $ext) . $td_f; $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['pref'], $ext) . $td_f; if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['zipcode'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['zipcode'], $ext) . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['country'])) { $country_code = $data['country']; $member_country = !empty($country_code) ? $locale_options['country'][$country_code] : ''; $address_info .= $td_h . $member_country . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['tel'], $ext) . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax'])) { $address_info .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($data['fax'], $ext) . $td_f; } break; } $address_info_args = compact('td_h', 'td_f', 'ext', 'member_id', 'applyform'); $line .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_mem_csv_address_info', $address_info, $data, $address_info_args); //csmb bottom $btm_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'bottom'); if (!empty($btm_keys)) { foreach ($btm_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $meta_value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key] : ''; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($meta_value, $ext) . $td_f; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['rank'])) { $rank_num = $data['rank']; $line .= $td_h . $wc2_options['rank_type'][$rank_num] . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['point'])) { $line .= $td_h . $data['point'] . $td_f; } if (isset($_REQUEST['check']['registered'])) { $line .= $td_h . $data['registered'] . $td_f; } //csmb other $oth_keys = WC2_Funcs::get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSMB, 'other'); if (!empty($oth_keys)) { foreach ($oth_keys as $csmb_key) { if (isset($_REQUEST['check'][$csmb_key])) { $meta_value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_MEMBER][$csmb_key] : ''; $line .= $td_h . wc2_entity_decode($meta_value, $ext) . $td_f; } } } $line .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_chk_mem_data', NULL, $wc2_opt_member, $member_id, $data); $line .= $tr_f . $lf; } $line .= $table_f . $lf; if ($ext == 'xls') { header("Content-Type: application/; charset=Shift-JIS"); } elseif ($ext == 'csv') { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); } header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=wc2_member_list." . $ext); mb_http_output('pass'); print mb_convert_encoding($line, "SJIS-win", "UTF-8"); exit; }
function wc2_download_item_list() { global $wpdb, $wp_query; if (isset($wp_query->request)) { list($item_query, $limit) = explode('LIMIT', $wp_query->request); $rows = $wpdb->get_results($item_query, ARRAY_A); } else { return; } $ext = $_REQUEST['ftype']; if ($ext == 'csv') { //CSV $sp = ";"; $eq = "="; $lf = "\n"; } else { exit; } $wc2_opt_item = wc2_get_option('wc2_opt_item'); if (!is_array($wc2_opt_item)) { $wc2_opt_item = array(); } $wc2_opt_item['chk_header'] = isset($_GET['chk_header']) ? 1 : 0; $wc2_opt_item['ftype_item'] = $ext; update_option('wc2_opt_item', $wc2_opt_item); $wc2_item = WC2_DB_Item::get_instance(); $item_base_column = $wc2_item->get_item_base_column(); $item_meta_column = $wc2_item->get_item_meta_column(); $item_sku_column = $wc2_item->get_item_sku_column(); $item_sku_meta_column = $wc2_item->get_item_sku_meta_column(); $item_label = $wc2_item->get_item_label(); $item_label[ITEM_PURCHASE_LIMIT_LOWEST] = __('購入制限数(最低)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_PURCHASE_LIMIT_HIGHEST] = __('購入制限数(最大)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_NUM1] = __('大口割引1(数)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_RATE1] = __('大口割引1(割引率)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_NUM2] = __('大口割引2(数)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_RATE2] = __('大口割引2(割引率)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_NUM3] = __('大口割引3(数)', 'wc2'); $item_label[ITEM_QUANTITY_DISCOUNT_RATE3] = __('大口割引3(割引率)', 'wc2'); $wc2_item->set_item_label($item_label); //---------------------- TITLE -----------------------// $line = ''; if (1 == $wc2_opt_item['chk_header']) { $line .= '"' . __('Post ID', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Post Author', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('explanation', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Title', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('excerpt', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('display status', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Comment Status', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Post Password', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Post Name', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('公開日', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('カテゴリー', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('タグ', 'wc2') . '"'; $line .= ',"' . __('Custom Field', 'wc2') . '"'; // $line .= ',"'. __('商品コード', 'wc2') .'"'; // $line .= ',"'. __('商品名', 'wc2') .'"'; foreach ($item_base_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { $line .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_label($key) . '"'; } } foreach ((array) $item_meta_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { $line .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_label($key) . '"'; } } foreach ($item_sku_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { $line .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_label($key) . '"'; } } foreach ($item_sku_meta_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { $line .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_label($key) . '"'; } } //商品オプション $line .= $lf; } set_time_limit(3600); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=wc2_item_list.csv"); mb_http_output('pass'); @ob_end_flush(); flush(); $array_value_types = array(TYPE_CHECK, TYPE_SELECT_MULTIPLE); //セミコロン区切りで出力する foreach ((array) $rows as $row) { $post_id = $row['ID']; $post = get_post($post_id); $wc2_item->set_the_post_id($post_id); $item_data = $wc2_item->get_item_data(); //Post Data $line_item = ''; $line_item = '"' . $post->ID . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . $post->post_author . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($post->post_content) . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($post->post_title) . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($post->post_excerpt) . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . $post->post_status . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . $post->comment_status . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . $post->post_password . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . urldecode($post->post_name) . '"'; $line_item .= ',"' . $post->post_date . '"'; //Categories $category = ''; //$cat_ids = get_the_category( $post_id ); $categories = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, 'item'); if (!empty($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $val) { $category .= $val->term_id . $sp; } $category = rtrim($category, $sp); } $line_item .= ',"' . $category . '"'; //Tags $tag = ''; $tags = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, 'item-tag'); foreach ($tags as $val) { $tag .= $val->name . $sp; } $tag = rtrim($tag, $sp); $line_item .= ',"' . $tag . '"'; //Custom Fields $cfield = ''; $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id); if (is_array($custom_fields) && 0 < count($custom_fields)) { foreach ($custom_fields as $cfkey => $cfvalues) { if (is_array($cfvalues)) { $cfield .= wc2_entity_decode($cfkey) . $eq . wc2_entity_decode($cfvalues[0]) . $sp; } else { $cfield .= wc2_entity_decode($cfkey) . $eq . wc2_entity_decode($cfvalues) . $sp; } } $cfield = rtrim($cfield, $sp); } $line_item .= ',"' . $cfield . '"'; //Item Data foreach ($item_base_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { //checkbox, multiselectはセミコロン区切りで出力 if (in_array($column['type'], $array_value_types)) { $value = ''; $value = maybe_unserialize($wc2_item->get_the_item_value($key)); if (!empty($value)) { $concat = ''; foreach (array($value) as $key => $val) { $concat = $val . $sp; } $concat = rtrim($concat, $sp); $line_item .= ',"' . $concat . '"'; } else { $line_item .= ',""'; } } else { $line_item .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_value($key) . '"'; } } } foreach ($item_meta_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { //checkbox, multiselectはセミコロン区切りで出力 if (in_array($column['type'], $array_value_types)) { $value = ''; $value = maybe_unserialize($wc2_item->get_the_item_value($key)); if (!empty($value)) { $concat = ''; foreach (array($value) as $key => $val) { $concat = $val . $sp; } $concat = rtrim($concat, $sp); $line_item .= ',"' . $concat . '"'; } else { $line_item .= ',""'; } } else { $line_item .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_value($key) . '"'; } } } //Item Options $line_options = ''; /* $option_meta = usces_get_opts( $post_id, 'sort' ); foreach($option_meta as $option_value) { $value = ''; if(is_array($option_value['value'])) { foreach($option_value['value'] as $k => $v) { $v = usces_change_line_break( $v ); $values = explode("\n", $v); foreach($values as $val) { $value .= $val.$sp; } } $value = rtrim($value, $sp); } else { $value = trim($option_value['value']); $value = str_replace("\n", ';', $value); } $line_options .= $td_h.usces_entity_decode($option_value['name'], $ext).$td_f; $line_options .= $td_h.$option_value['means'].$td_f; $line_options .= $td_h.$option_value['essential'].$td_f; $line_options .= $td_h.usces_entity_decode($value, $ext).$td_f; } */ //SKU data foreach ($item_data['item_sku'] as $skuindex => $skuval) { $line_sku = ''; foreach ($item_sku_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { //checkbox, multiselectはセミコロン区切りで出力 if (in_array($column['type'], $array_value_types)) { $value = ''; $value = maybe_unserialize($wc2_item->get_the_item_sku_value($key, $skuindex)); if (!empty($value)) { $concat = ''; foreach (array($value) as $key => $val) { $concat = $val . $sp; } $concat = rtrim($concat, $sp); $line_sku .= ',"' . $concat . '"'; } else { $line_sku .= ',""'; } } else { $line_sku .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_sku_value($key, $skuindex) . '"'; } } } foreach ($item_sku_meta_column as $key => $column) { if ($column['display'] != 'none' and $column['type'] != TYPE_PARENT) { //checkbox, multiselectはセミコロン区切りで出力 if (in_array($column['type'], $array_value_types)) { $value = ''; $value = maybe_unserialize($wc2_item->get_the_item_sku_value($key, $skuindex)); if (!empty($value)) { $concat = ''; foreach (array($value) as $key => $val) { $concat = $val . $sp; } $concat = rtrim($concat, $sp); $line_sku .= ',"' . $concat . '"'; } else { $line_sku .= ',""'; } } else { $line_sku .= ',"' . $wc2_item->get_the_item_sku_value($key, $skuindex) . '"'; } } } $line .= $line_item . $line_sku . $line_options . "\n"; } print mb_convert_encoding($line, "SJIS-win", "UTF-8"); if (ob_get_contents()) { ob_flush(); flush(); } $line = ''; wp_cache_flush(); } exit; }
public function download_order_list() { $order_list = new WC2_Order_List_Table(); //1ページあたりのテーブルの行数 $per_page = $order_list->get_items_per_page(self::$per_page_slug); //ソート $args = $order_list->sort_culum_order_by($per_page); //データ $list_data = $order_list->get_list_data($args); $wc2_order = WC2_DB_Order::get_instance(); $system_options = wc2_get_option('system'); $applyform = wc2_get_apply_addressform($system_options['addressform']); $management_status = wc2_get_option('management_status'); $receipt_status = wc2_get_option('receipt_status'); $order_type = wc2_get_option('order_type'); $locale_options = wc2_get_option('locale_options'); $list = ''; $opt_order = wc2_get_option('opt_order'); $chk_order = !empty($opt_order['chk_order']) ? $opt_order['chk_order'] : array(); //--------------------- checkbox Check ---------------------// //-------- Customer -------// $chk_order['ID'] = 1; $chk_order['deco_id'] = 1; $chk_order['order_date'] = 1; $chk_order['member_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['member_id']) ? 1 : 0; $cscs_head = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSCS, 'head'); if (!empty($cscs_head)) { foreach ($cscs_head as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['email'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['email']) ? 1 : 0; $cscs_beforename = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSCS, 'beforename'); if (!empty($cscs_beforename)) { foreach ($cscs_beforename as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['name'] = 1; $chk_order['kana'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['kana']) ? 1 : 0; $cscs_aftername = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSCS, 'aftername'); if (!empty($cscs_aftername)) { foreach ($cscs_aftername as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['country'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['country']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['zipcode'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['zipcode']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['pref'] = 1; $chk_order['address1'] = 1; $chk_order['address2'] = 1; $chk_order['tel'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['tel']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['fax'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['fax']) ? 1 : 0; $cscs_bottom = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSCS, 'bottom'); if (!empty($cscs_bottom)) { foreach ($cscs_bottom as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $cscs_other = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSCS, 'other'); if (!empty($cscs_other)) { foreach ($cscs_other as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } //-------- Delivery -------// $csde_head = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSDE, 'head'); if (!empty($csde_head)) { foreach ($csde_head as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $csde_beforename = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSDE, 'beforename'); if (!empty($csde_beforename)) { foreach ($csde_beforename as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['delivery_name'] = 1; $chk_order['delivery_kana'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_kana']) ? 1 : 0; $csde_aftername = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSDE, 'aftername'); if (!empty($csde_aftername)) { foreach ($csde_aftername as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['delivery_country'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_country']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_zipcode'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_zipcode']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_pref'] = 1; $chk_order['delivery_address1'] = 1; $chk_order['delivery_address2'] = 1; $chk_order['delivery_tel'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_tel']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_fax'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_fax']) ? 1 : 0; $csde_bottom = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSDE, 'bottom'); if (!empty($csde_bottom)) { foreach ($csde_bottom as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $csde_other = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSDE, 'other'); if (!empty($csde_other)) { foreach ($csde_other as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } //--------- Order --------// $chk_order['shipping_date'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['shipping_date']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['payment_method'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['payment_method']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_method'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_method']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_date'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_date']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delivery_time'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delivery_time']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['delidue_date'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['delidue_date']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['order_status'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['order_status']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['receipt_status'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['receipt_status']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['receipted_date'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['receipted_date']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['order_type'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['order_type']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['total_amount'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['total_amount']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['getpoint'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['getpoint']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['usedpoint'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['usedpoint']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['discount'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['discount']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['shipping_charge'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['shipping_charge']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['cod_fee'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['cod_fee']) ? 1 : 0; $chk_order['tax'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['tax']) ? 1 : 0; $csod_beforeremarks = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSOD, 'beforeremarks'); if (!empty($csod_beforeremarks)) { foreach ($csod_beforeremarks as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $chk_order['note'] = isset($_REQUEST['check']['note']) ? 1 : 0; $csod_other = wc2_get_custom_field_keys(WC2_CSOD, 'other'); if (!empty($csod_other)) { foreach ($csod_other as $val) { $chk_order[$val] = isset($_REQUEST['check'][$val]) ? 1 : 0; } } $opt_order['chk_order'] = apply_filters('wc2_filter_admin_order_list_chk_order', $chk_order); wc2_update_option('opt_order', $opt_order); //---------------------------- TITLE -----------------------------// $title = ''; //-------- Customer --------// $title .= '"' . __('ID', 'wc2') . '"'; if (1 == $chk_order['deco_id']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Order number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_date']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Order date', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['member_id']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Membership ID', 'wc2') . '"'; } //cscs_head if (!empty($cscs_head)) { foreach ($cscs_head as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['email']) { $title .= ',"' . __('E-mail', 'wc2') . '"'; } //cscs_beforename if (!empty($cscs_beforename)) { foreach ($cscs_beforename as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['name']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Name', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['kana']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Kana', 'wc2') . '"'; } //cscs_aftername if (!empty($cscs_aftername)) { foreach ($cscs_aftername as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if ('JP' == $applyform) { if (1 == $chk_order['country']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Country', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['zipcode']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Postal Code', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['pref']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Prefecture', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address1']) { $title .= ',"' . __('City', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address2']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tel']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Phone number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['fax']) { $title .= ',"' . __('FAX number', 'wc2') . '"'; } } else { if (1 == $chk_order['address2']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address1']) { $title .= ',"' . __('City', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['pref']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Prefecture', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['zipcode']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Postal Code', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['country']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Country', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tel']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Phone number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['fax']) { $title .= ',"' . __('FAX number', 'wc2') . '"'; } } //cscs_bottom if (!empty($cscs_bottom)) { foreach ($cscs_bottom as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } //cscs_other if (!empty($cscs_other)) { foreach ($cscs_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } //-------- Delivery -------// //csde_head if (!empty($csde_head)) { foreach ($csde_head as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } //csde_beforename if (!empty($csde_beforename)) { foreach ($csde_beforename as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_name']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Name', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_kana']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Kana', 'wc2') . '"'; } //csde_aftername if (!empty($csde_aftername)) { foreach ($csde_aftername as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if ('JP' == $applyform) { if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_country']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping country', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_zipcode']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping postal code', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_pref']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping prefecture', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address1']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping city', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address2']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_tel']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping phone number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_fax']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping FAX number', 'wc2') . '"'; } } else { if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address2']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping building name, floor, room number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address1']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping city', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_pref']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping prefecture', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_zipcode']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping postal code', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_country']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping country', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_tel']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping phone number', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_fax']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping FAX number', 'wc2') . '"'; } } //csde_bottom if (!empty($csde_bottom)) { foreach ($csde_bottom as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } //csde_other if (!empty($csde_other)) { foreach ($csde_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } //--------- Order ---------// if (1 == $chk_order['shipping_date']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping date', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['payment_method']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Payment method', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_method']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Delivery method', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_date']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Delivery date', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_time']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Delivery time', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delidue_date']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping schedule date', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_status']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Order status', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['receipt_status']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Receipt status', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['receipted_date']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Receipted date', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_type']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Order type', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['total_amount']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Total Amount', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['getpoint']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Granted points', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['usedpoint']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Used points', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['discount']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Discount', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['shipping_charge']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Shipping charges', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['cod_fee']) { $title .= ',"' . __('COD fee', 'wc2') . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tax']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Consumption tax', 'wc2') . '"'; } //csod_beforeremarks if (!empty($csod_beforeremarks)) { foreach ($csod_beforeremarks as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['note']) { $title .= ',"' . __('Notes', 'wc2') . '"'; } //csod_other if (!empty($csod_other)) { foreach ($csod_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { $name = wc2_get_custom_field_value($val, 'name'); $title .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($name) . '"'; } } } $list .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_admin_order_list_dl_order_title', $title, $chk_order); $list .= "\n"; //----------------------------- DATA ----------------------------// foreach ((array) $list_data as $row) { $order_id = $row['ID']; $data = $wc2_order->get_order_data($order_id); $delivery_data = $data['delivery'][0]; //-------- Customer -------// $line = '"' . $order_id . '"'; if (1 == $chk_order['deco_id']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['dec_order_id'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_date']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['order_date'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['member_id']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['member_id'] . '"'; } //cscs_head if (!empty($cscs_head)) { foreach ($cscs_head as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['email']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['email']) . '"'; } //cscs_beforename if (!empty($cscs_beforename)) { foreach ($cscs_beforename as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['name']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['name1'] . ' ' . $data['name2']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['kana']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['name3'] . ' ' . $data['name4']) . '"'; } //cscs_aftername if (!empty($cscs_aftername)) { foreach ($cscs_aftername as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if ('JP' == $applyform) { if (1 == $chk_order['country']) { $line .= ',"' . $locale_options['country'][$data['country']] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['zipcode']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['zipcode'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['pref']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['pref']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address1']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['address1']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address2']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['address2']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tel']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['tel'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['fax']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['fax'] . '"'; } } else { if (1 == $chk_order['address2']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['address2']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['address1']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['address1']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['pref']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['pref']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['zipcode']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['zipcode'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['country']) { $line .= ',"' . $locale_options['country'][$data['country']] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tel']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['tel'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['fax']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['fax'] . '"'; } } //cscs_bottom if (!empty($cscs_bottom)) { foreach ($cscs_bottom as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } //cscs_other if (!empty($cscs_other)) { foreach ($cscs_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } //-------- Delivery -------// //csde_head if (!empty($csde_head)) { foreach ($csde_head as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } //csde_beforename if (!empty($csde_beforename)) { foreach ($csde_beforename as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_name']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($delivery_data['name1'] . ' ' . $delivery_data['name2']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_kana']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($delivery_data['name3'] . ' ' . $delivery_data['name4']) . '"'; } //csde_aftername if (!empty($csde_aftername)) { foreach ($csde_aftername as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if ('JP' == $applyform) { if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_country']) { $line .= ',"' . $locale_options['country'][$delivery_data['country']] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_zipcode']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['zipcode'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_pref']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['pref'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address1']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['address1'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address2']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['address2'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_tel']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['tel'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_fax']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['fax'] . '"'; } } else { if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address2']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['address2'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_address1']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['address1'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_pref']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['pref'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_zipcode']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['zipcode'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_country']) { $line .= ',"' . $locale_options['country'][$delivery_data['country']] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_tel']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['tel'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_fax']) { $line .= ',"' . $delivery_data['fax'] . '"'; } } //csde_bottom if (!empty($csde_bottom)) { foreach ($csde_bottom as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } //csde_other if (!empty($csde_other)) { foreach ($csde_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_CUSTOMER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } //--------- Order ---------// if (1 == $chk_order['shipping_date']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['order_modified'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['payment_method']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['payment_name']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_method']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['delivery_name']) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_date']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['delivery_date'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delivery_time']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['delivery_time'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['delidue_date']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['delidue_date'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_status']) { $management_status_name = array_key_exists($data['order_status'], $management_status) ? $management_status[$data['order_status']] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($management_status_name) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['receipt_status']) { $receipt_status_name = array_key_exists($data['receipt_status'], $receipt_status) ? $receipt_status[$data['receipt_status']] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($receipt_status_name) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['receipted_date']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['receipted_date'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['order_type']) { $order_type_name = array_key_exists($data['order_type'], $order_type) ? $order_type[$data['order_type']] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($order_type_name) . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['total_amount']) { $total_price = $data['item_total_price'] - $data['usedpoint'] + $data['discount'] + $data['shipping_charge'] + $data['cod_fee'] + $data['tax']; $line .= ',"' . $total_price . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['getpoint']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['getpoint'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['usedpoint']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['usedpoint'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['discount']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['discount'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['shipping_charge']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['shipping_charge'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['cod_fee']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['cod_fee'] . '"'; } if (1 == $chk_order['tax']) { $line .= ',"' . $data['tax'] . '"'; } //csod_beforeremarks if (!empty($csod_beforeremarks)) { foreach ($csod_beforeremarks as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_ORDER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_ORDER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } if (1 == $chk_order['note']) { $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($data['note']) . '"'; } //csod_other if (!empty($csod_other)) { foreach ($csod_other as $val) { if (1 == $chk_order[$val]) { list($pfx, $cskey) = explode('_', $val, 2); $value = isset($data[WC2_CUSTOM_ORDER][$cskey]) ? $data[WC2_CUSTOM_ORDER][$cskey] : ''; $line .= ',"' . wc2_entity_decode($value) . '"'; } } } $list .= apply_filters('wc2_filter_admin_order_list_dl_order', $line, $chk_order, $data); $list .= "\n"; } header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=wc2_order_list.csv"); mb_http_output("pass"); print mb_convert_encoding($list, "SJIS-win", "UTF-8"); exit; }