Ejemplo n.º 1
if (!defined("ID_LEVEL")) {
    define("ID_LEVEL", 2120);
if (!defined("IDC_STATIC2119")) {
    define("IDC_STATIC2119", 2119);
if (!defined("ID_SPINNER")) {
    define("ID_SPINNER", 2121);
if (!defined("ID_TREE")) {
    define("ID_TREE", 2112);
// Create window
$dlg = wb_create_window($parent, 103, "Edit Categories", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 337, 295, 0, 0);
// Insert controls
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "up_arrow.bmp", 178, 65, 20, 21, ID_MOVEUP, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/up_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "dn_arrow.bmp", 205, 65, 20, 21, ID_MOVEDOWN, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/dn_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($dlg, EditBox, "(Name)", 178, 8, 146, 21, ID_NAME, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Close", 250, 238, 74, 24, IDCANCEL, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&New", 4, 238, 74, 24, ID_NEWITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Delete", 88, 238, 74, 24, ID_DELETEITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Set", 169, 238, 74, 24, ID_SETITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, Label, "Level:", 178, 35, 46, 16, IDC_STATIC2119, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, EditBox, "0", 238, 35, 46, 21, ID_LEVEL, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, Spinner, "", 289, 35, 20, 21, ID_SPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, TreeView, "", 4, 6, 166, 224, ID_TREE, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
// End controls
function create_classes_dlg($parent)
    global $wb, $classes_table;
    $nclasses = count($wb->classes);
    // Create window
    $pos = wb_get_position($parent);
    $width = 88;
    $height = 23 + 26 * ceil($nclasses / 3);
    $wb->classdlg = wb_create_window($parent, ToolDialog, "Controls", max(0, $pos[0] - $width), max(0, $pos[1]), $width, $height);
    wb_set_handler($wb->classdlg, "process_classes");
    // Create buttons, one for each control
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nclasses; $i++) {
        $const = "IDC_" . strtoupper($wb->classes[$i][1]);
        $c = wb_create_control($wb->classdlg, ImageButton, $wb->classes[$i][1], 4 + 25 * ($i % 3), 4 + 25 * (int) ($i / 3), 24, 24, constant($const), 0);
        $img = wb_load_image(PATH_RESPVT . "ctrl_{$wb->classes[$i][1]}3.bmp");
        wb_set_image($c, $img, 0, 0, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function process_main($window, $id, $ctrl, $lparam1 = 0, $lparam2 = 0)
    global $wb, $statusbar;
    switch ($id) {
        case IDC_TREEVIEW:
            $selnode = wb_get_selected($wb->tree_view);
            if ($wb->left_control) {
                wb_set_visible($wb->left_control, false);
            switch (wb_get_value($wb->tree_view)) {
                case 2002:
                    include_once PATH_FORM . 'Contact.form.php';
                    $wb->current_ctl = new ContactForm();
                    $wb->left_control = $wb->current_ctl->renderForm();
                case 2003:
                    $wb->left_control = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, "Checkbox 1", 170, 105, 91, 14, 0);
                case 2004:
                    $wb->left_control = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, RTFEditBox, "Rich text", 170, 120, 205, 55, 0);
            wb_set_text($wb->statusbar, "Selected item: " . wb_get_text($wb->tree_view, $selnode) . " / Value: " . wb_get_value($wb->tree_view) . " / Parent: " . wb_get_parent($wb->tree_view, $selnode) . " / Level: " . wb_get_level($wb->tree_view, $selnode) . " / State: " . (wb_get_state($wb->tree_view, $selnode) ? "expanded" : "collapsed"));
        case IDCLOSE:
            // IDCLOSE is predefined
            if (wb_message_box($wb->mainwin, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_sure_logout"], $wb->vars["Lang"]["system_name"], WBC_QUESTION | WBC_YESNO)) {
            $sel = wb_get_selected($ctrl);
            $sel = $sel ? implode(", ", $sel) : "none";
            wb_message_box($wb->mainwin, $sel);
            include_once PATH_FORM . 'contact.handle.php';
            process_ContactForm($window, $id, $ctrl, $lparam1, $lparam2);
if (!defined('IDC_OPPORTUNITY_MEMO')) {
    define('IDC_OPPORTUNITY_MEMO', 1380);
if (!defined('IDC_UPDATE')) {
    define('IDC_UPDATE', 1381);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_new"]}/{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]} {$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_opportunity"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 597, 404, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_name"]}", 5, 5, 45, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 5, 510, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_TITLE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 145, 340, 90, 25, IDC_SAVE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}", 10, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 40, 200, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_LINK_MAN, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_addrees"]}", 10, 135, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_state"]}", 270, 40, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 130, 510, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_ADDREES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 340, 45, 200, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_STATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_phone"]}", 10, 85, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 80, 200, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_PHONE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_fax"]}", 270, 75, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 340, 75, 235, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_FAX, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_email"]}", 10, 175, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 170, 205, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_EMAIL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_homepage"]}", 275, 170, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 340, 170, 230, 20, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_HOMEPAGE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_memo"]}", 5, 230, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 205, 510, 125, IDC_OPPORTUNITY_MEMO, 0x80, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]}", 265, 340, 90, 25, IDC_UPDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 390, 340, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 5
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Frame, "", 4, 435, 166, 3, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Frame, "", 4, 495, 166, 3, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Class:", 5, 240, 35, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Caption:", 4, 263, 41, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Id:", 5, 287, 31, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Left:", 1, 448, 26, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Width:", 83, 448, 34, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Top:", 2, 471, 25, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Height:", 79, 471, 41, 16, -1, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, "Value:", 4, 310, 40, 16, 1022, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, "&Wireframe", 100, 37, 70, 21, IDC_WIREFRAME, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, "Snap to &grid", 4, 37, 85, 21, IDC_GRID, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, "&Hex", 134, 313, 40, 16, IDC_HEX, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TreeView, "", 4, 76, 166, 154, IDC_CONTROLS, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, ListView, "", 4, 334, 166, 91, IDC_STYLES, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_SORT | WBC_SINGLE, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, ComboBox, "", 47, 235, 125, 146, IDC_CLASSES, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_READONLY, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 47, 235, 122, 21, IDC_CLASS, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_DISABLED | WBC_READONLY, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 46, 260, 125, 21, IDC_CAPTION, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 46, 284, 125, 21, IDC_ID, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 28, 445, 35, 19, IDC_LEFT, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_NUMBER, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, "", 64, 445, 16, 19, IDC_LEFTSPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_GROUP, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 28, 469, 35, 19, IDC_TOP, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_NUMBER, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, "", 64, 469, 16, 19, IDC_TOPSPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_GROUP, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 119, 445, 35, 19, IDC_WIDTH, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_NUMBER, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, "", 154, 445, 16, 19, IDC_WIDTHSPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_GROUP, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 119, 469, 35, 19, IDC_HEIGHT, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_NUMBER, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, "", 154, 469, 16, 19, IDC_HEIGHTSPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_GROUP, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 46, 308, 68, 21, IDC_VALUE, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, "", 4, 505, 40, 16, IDC_VALUEAUX, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_READONLY | WBC_NUMBER, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, "", 115, 308, 11, 22, IDC_VALUESPINNER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_GROUP, 0);
// End controls
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Frame, '', 5, 65, 165, 8, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Frame, '', 5, 435, 165, 2, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Frame, '', 5, 490, 165, 8, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, 'Class:', 5, 235, 40, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, 'Caption:', 0, 260, 45, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Id:', 5, 285, 40, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Left:', 0, 440, 30, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Width:', 80, 440, 40, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Top:', 0, 465, 30, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Height:', 80, 465, 40, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Label, '&Value:', 5, 310, 40, 20, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, '&Wireframe', 100, 40, 69, 15, IDC_WIREFRAME, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, CheckBox, 'Snap to &grid', 5, 40, 90, 15, IDC_GRID, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TreeView, '', 5, 75, 165, 155, IDC_CONTROLS, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, ListView, '', 5, 335, 165, 90, IDC_STYLES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, ComboBox, '', 50, 235, 120, 250, IDC_CLASSES, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 50, 235, 120, 20, IDC_CLASS, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 50, 260, 120, 20, IDC_CAPTION, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 50, 285, 120, 20, IDC_ID, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 30, 440, 35, 20, IDC_LEFT, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, '', 65, 440, 15, 20, IDC_LEFTSPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 30, 465, 35, 20, IDC_TOP, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, '', 65, 465, 15, 20, IDC_TOPSPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 120, 440, 35, 20, IDC_WIDTH, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, '', 155, 440, 15, 20, IDC_WIDTHSPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 120, 465, 35, 20, IDC_HEIGHT, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, '', 155, 465, 15, 20, IDC_HEIGHTSPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 50, 310, 105, 20, IDC_VALUE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, EditBox, '', 5, 305, 20, 10, IDC_VALUEAUX, 0x401, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, Spinner, '', 155, 310, 15, 20, IDC_VALUESPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 7


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_ORDER_TAB')) {
    define('IDC_ORDER_TAB', 1601);
// Create window
//$wb->mainwin = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, AppWindow, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 617, 511, 0x00000001, 0);
// Insert controls
$tab = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TabControl, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_order"]},{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_order"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", 160, 30, $wb->winwidth - 160, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_ORDER_TAB, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 8
    define('IDC_SLIDER1002', 1002);
if (!defined('IDC_SCROLLBAR1003')) {
    define('IDC_SCROLLBAR1003', 1003);
if (!defined('IDC_GAUGE1004')) {
    define('IDC_GAUGE1004', 1004);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window(null, ModalDialog, '(Empty Form)', WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 389, 315, 0x0, 0);
// Insert controls
$tab = $control = wb_create_control($winmain, TabControl, 'Tab1,Tab2,Tab3', 5, 20, 155, 240, IDC_TABCONTROL1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, EditBox, 'EditBox2', 20, 13, 90, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1002, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, EditBox, 'EditBox3', 20, 38, 90, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1003, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, Label, 'Label4', 20, 73, 90, 15, IDC_LABEL1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, Label, 'Label5', 20, 93, 90, 15, IDC_LABEL1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, RadioButton, 'RadioButton6', 20, 123, 120, 15, IDC_RADIOBUTTON1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($winmain, CheckBox, 'CheckBox7', 185, 20, 120, 15, IDC_CHECKBOX1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$ctrl = $control = wb_create_control($winmain, ComboBox, 'ComboBox8', 185, 40, 120, 60, IDC_COMBOBOX1003, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_set_text($ctrl, explode(',', 'ComboBox8'));
$control = wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, 'EditBox9', 185, 70, 90, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1004, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($winmain, ListView, 'ListView10,List12', 185, 100, 185, 75, IDC_LISTVIEW1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($winmain, ImageButton, 'resources\\ctrl_listbox3.bmp', 185, 190, 24, 24, IDC_IMAGEBUTTON1001, 0x0, 3, 0);
$control = wb_create_control($tab, EditBox, 'EditBox12', 25, 163, 90, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
$ctrl = $control = wb_create_control($winmain, Slider, 'Slider13', 260, 185, 100, 20, IDC_SLIDER1002, 0x0, 50, 0);
wb_set_value($ctrl, 50);
$ctrl = $control = wb_create_control($winmain, ScrollBar, 'ScrollBar14', 225, 185, 18, 82, IDC_SCROLLBAR1003, 0x0, 50, 0);
wb_set_value($ctrl, 50);
$ctrl = $control = wb_create_control($winmain, Gauge, 'Gauge15', 260, 215, 100, 20, IDC_GAUGE1004, 0x0, 50, 0);
wb_set_value($ctrl, 50);
// End controls
if (!defined('IDC_UPDATE')) {
    define('IDC_UPDATE', 2577);
    define('IDC_COMPLAINTS_HANDLEDATE', 2578);
if (!defined('IDC_COMPLAINTS_STATE')) {
    define('IDC_COMPLAINTS_STATE', 2579);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_new"]}/{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]} {$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_complaints"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 597, 313, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_title"]}", 5, 5, 45, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 5, 490, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_TITLE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 140, 250, 90, 25, IDC_SAVE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_complainanter"]}", 5, 45, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 45, 200, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_COMPLAINANTER, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_reply"]}", 280, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 45, 35, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_REPLY, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_handleman"]}", 5, 85, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 85, 200, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_HANDLEMAN, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_memo"]}", 0, 130, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 115, 510, 125, IDC_COMPLAINTS_MEMO, 0x80, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]}", 265, 250, 90, 25, IDC_UPDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 380, 250, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_handledate"]}", 285, 85, 70, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 85, 195, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_HANDLEDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_state"]}", 405, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 475, 45, 75, 20, IDC_COMPLAINTS_STATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Frame, 'Tab pages', 15, 245, 285, 65, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Frame, 'Additional code generation options', 315, 35, 285, 275, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, '&Form variable name:', 20, 55, 125, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 55, 135, 20, IDC_FORMVAR, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, '&Parent variable name:', 20, 85, 125, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 85, 135, 20, IDC_PARENT, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, '&Control variable name:', 20, 115, 125, 15, IDC_LABEL3001, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 115, 135, 20, IDC_CTRLVAR, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, 'Control &start value:', 20, 145, 125, 15, IDC_LABEL3001, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 145, 75, 20, IDC_STARTCTRLVAL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, 'Constant prefi&x:', 25, 175, 120, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 175, 75, 20, IDC_PREFIX, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, 'Constant start &value:', 20, 205, 125, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 155, 205, 75, 20, IDC_STARTVAL, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'This form is a &tab page', 30, 270, 135, 15, IDC_ISTABPAGE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, 'Ta&b #', 165, 270, 45, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '0', 215, 270, 55, 20, IDC_TABNUMBER, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Spinner, 'Spinner20', 270, 270, 20, 20, IDC_TABNUMBERSPINNER, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Use captions to &fill out ListBoxes and ComboBoxes', 325, 60, 270, 15, IDC_FILLLISTS, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Use captions as ListView &headers', 325, 85, 255, 15, IDC_FILLHEADERS, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Use captions as image &names for ImageButtons', 325, 110, 255, 15, IDC_IMAGENAMES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, '&Force controls over tabs to be children of tabs', 325, 135, 260, 15, IDC_INSERTONTABS, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Apply &values to ScrollBars, Gauges, and Sliders', 325, 160, 270, 15, IDC_APPLYVALUES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Generate additional PHP code for &localization', 325, 185, 245, 15, IDC_LOCALIZE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, 'Locali&zation prefix:', 340, 205, 114, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, EditBox, '', 465, 200, 65, 20, IDC_LOCPREFIX, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, PushButton, 'OK', 210, 325, 90, 25, IDOK, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, PushButton, 'Cancel', 315, 325, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, Label, '(%d above)', 238, 145, 65, 15, IDC_LABEL3001, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($wb->winproject, CheckBox, 'Generate null &identifiers for new static controls', 325, 230, 260, 15, IDC_STATICNULLID, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 11
define("PATH_INC", PATH_SCRIPT . "include/");
define("PATH_RES", PATH_SCRIPT . "resources/");
//----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPENDENCIES
include_once "include/winbinder.php";
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANTS
define("APPNAME", "MP3");
// Application name
// Control identifiers
define("ID_OPEN", 101);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTABLE CODE
// Create main window, then assign a procedure and an icon to it
$mainwin = wb_create_window(NULL, AppWindow, APPNAME, 220, 100);
wb_set_handler($mainwin, "process_main");
// Create menu
wb_create_control($mainwin, Menu, array("&File", array(ID_OPEN, "&Open...\tCtrl+O", NULL, NULL, "Ctrl+O"), null, array(IDCLOSE, "E&xit\tAlt+F4", NULL, NULL, "Alt+F4")));
// Enter application loop
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS
/* Process main window commands */
function process_main($window, $id)
    // Try to load the multimedia dll
    $winmmlib = wb_load_library("winmm");
    $mciSendString = wb_get_function_address("mciSendString", $winmmlib);
    static $file_filter = array(array("MP3 file", "*.mp3"));
    switch ($id) {
        case ID_OPEN:
            $filename = wb_sys_dlg_open($window, "Get It", $file_filter);
            if ($filename) {
                wb_call_function($mciSendString, array("open \"" . $filename . "\" type mpegvideo alias " . $filename, NULL, 0, 0));


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_KEYWORD')) {
    define('IDC_KEYWORD', 1551);
if (!defined('IDC_SEARCH_SUBMIT')) {
    define('IDC_SEARCH_SUBMIT', 1552);
// Create window
$search_form = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_search"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_agreement"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 258, 118, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($search_form, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_keyword"]}", 20, 20, 35, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($search_form, EditBox, "", 75, 15, 160, 25, IDC_KEYWORD, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($search_form, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_search"]}", 90, 55, 90, 25, IDC_SEARCH_SUBMIT, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 13
$wb = new Wb();
$wb->newscontent = null;
$label = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, getTimeShotFormat(date("h:i:s")), 0, 15, 108, 20, 0, WBC_CENTER);
wb_set_font($label, wb_create_font("Tahoma", 11, null, FTA_BOLD));
$label_week = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, formatLocalWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 102, 2, 50, 15, 0, WBC_CENTER);
$label_day = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, date("m月d"), 102, 15, 50, 15, 0, WBC_CENTER);
$label_year = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, date("Y年"), 102, 30, 50, 15, 0, WBC_CENTER);
wb_set_font($label_week, wb_create_font("Tahoma", 8));
wb_set_font($label_day, wb_create_font("Tahoma", 8));
wb_set_font($label_year, wb_create_font("Tahoma", 8));
// Create status bar
$top_bar = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, "", 10, 2, 100, 10, 0, WBC_CENTER);
wb_set_font($top_bar, wb_create_font("Simsun", 8));
$foot_bar = wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, '', 0, 35, 100, 10, 0, WBC_CENTER);
wb_set_font($foot_bar, wb_create_font("Simsun", 8));
$statusbar = wb_create_control($mainwin, StatusBar, "");
wb_set_font($statusbar, wb_create_font("Simsun", 10));
// Create the timer
wb_create_timer($mainwin, ID_APP_TIMER, 500);
wb_create_timer($mainwin, ID_NEWS_TIMER, 30000);
// Enter application loop
wb_set_image($mainwin, "resource/time.ico");
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS
/* Process main window commands */
function process_main($window, $id)
    global $label, $statusbar, $top_bar, $foot_bar, $news_str, $wb;
    static $pos, $top_pos, $foot_pos;
    $disks_str = "";
    $news_str = $wb->newscontent;
if (!defined("IDC_SLIDER1049")) {
    define("IDC_SLIDER1049", 1049);
if (!defined("ID_TIME")) {
    define("ID_TIME", 1050);
if (!defined("IDC_PROGRESSBAR1051")) {
    define("IDC_PROGRESSBAR1051", 1051);
if (!defined("IDC_BUTTON1053")) {
    define("IDC_BUTTON1053", 1053);
// Create window
$mainwin = wb_create_window(NULL, 1, "Sample WinBinder application", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 555, 458, 529, 5120);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($mainwin, TabControl, "", 4, 35, 540, 274, IDC_TABCONTROL1003, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "&Fechar", 494, 315, 50, 45, ID_EXIT, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "", 259, 318, 40, 40, IDC_BUTTON1035, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "hyper.ico", 304, 318, 40, 40, IDC_BUTTON1036, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\examples/../resources/hyper.ico', GREEN);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "ok.bmp", 349, 318, 40, 40, IDC_BUTTON1037, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\examples/../resources/ok.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "Zero", 214, 318, 40, 40, IDC_BUTTON1039, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, "...", 346, 365, 202, 19, ID_GDI, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, EditBox, "(Results)", 4, 315, 205, 45, ID_RESULT, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Slider, "", 393, 320, 91, 35, IDC_SLIDER1049, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_LINES, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Label, "Time:", 214, 365, 121, 16, ID_TIME, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Gauge, "IDC_PROGRESSBAR1051", 5, 365, 205, 14, IDC_PROGRESSBAR1051, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 15
if (!defined('IDC_EDITBOX1002')) {
    define('IDC_EDITBOX1002', 1003);
if (!defined('MAKEID_1K1K')) {
    define('MAKEID_1K1K', 1004);
if (!defined('MAKEID_2K2K')) {
    define('MAKEID_2K2K', 1005);
if (!defined('MAKEID_2K2K')) {
    define('MAKEID_2K2K', 1006);
if (!defined('IDC_RADIOBUTTON1009')) {
    define('IDC_RADIOBUTTON1009', 1009);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window(null, AppWindow, 'ID tests', WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 382, 470, 0x0, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Null identifier', 20, 20, 140, 60, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'Null identifier', 50, 45, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, 'Valid ID (1001)', 20, 100, 185, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1001, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'OK', 240, 25, 90, 25, IDOK, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'Cancel', 240, 60, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, 'Valid ID (1002)', 20, 130, 185, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1002, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, 'Duplicate ID (1002)', 20, 160, 185, 20, IDC_EDITBOX1002, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, CheckBox, 'Invalid ID (1k1k)', 20, 195, 185, 15, MAKEID_1K1K, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, CheckBox, 'Invalid ID (2k2k)', 20, 220, 175, 15, MAKEID_2K2K, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, CheckBox, 'Invalid ID (2k2k, duplicated)', 20, 245, 175, 15, MAKEID_2K2K, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'Numeric ID (800)', 200, 200, 120, 15, 800, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'Numeric ID (800, duplicated)', 200, 230, 155, 15, IDC_RADIOBUTTON1009, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
if (!defined('IDC_UPDATE')) {
    define('IDC_UPDATE', 1380);
if (!defined('IDC_AGREEMENT_VENDER')) {
    define('IDC_AGREEMENT_VENDER', 1381);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_new"]}/{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]} {$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_agreement"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 597, 372, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_noid"]}", 5, 5, 45, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 5, 200, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_NOID, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 145, 310, 90, 25, IDC_SAVE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", 285, 5, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 5, 200, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_CATEGORY, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_buyersignature"]}", 5, 130, 65, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_effectdate"]}", 5, 45, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 75, 130, 180, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_BUYERSIGNATURE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 45, 200, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_EFFECTDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_expireddate"]}", 280, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 45, 200, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_EXPIREDDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_buyer"]}", 5, 85, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 85, 200, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_BUYER, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_vendersignature"]}", 280, 130, 70, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 130, 205, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_VENDERSIGNATURE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_memo"]}", 0, 180, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 60, 165, 510, 125, IDC_AGREEMENT_MEMO, 0x80, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]}", 260, 310, 90, 25, IDC_UPDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 380, 310, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_vender"]}", 285, 85, 70, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 85, 195, 20, IDC_AGREEMENT_VENDER, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_REFUNDMENT_TAB')) {
    define('IDC_REFUNDMENT_TAB', 2701);
// Create window
//$wb->mainwin = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, AppWindow, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 617, 511, 0x00000001, 0);
// Insert controls
$tab = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TabControl, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_refundment"]},{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_refundment"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", 160, 30, $wb->winwidth - 160, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_REFUNDMENT_TAB, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
if (!defined('IDC_UPDATE')) {
    define('IDC_UPDATE', 2777);
    define('IDC_REFUNDMENT_HANDLEDATE', 2778);
if (!defined('IDC_REFUNDMENT_STATE')) {
    define('IDC_REFUNDMENT_STATE', 2779);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_new"]}/{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]} {$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_refundment"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 597, 313, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_company"]}", 5, 5, 45, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 5, 490, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_COMPANY, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 140, 250, 90, 25, IDC_SAVE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_refundmenter"]}", 5, 45, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 45, 200, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_REFUNDMENTER, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_reply"]}", 280, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 45, 35, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_REPLY, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_handleman"]}", 5, 85, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 85, 200, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_HANDLEMAN, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_reasons"]}", 0, 130, 55, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 65, 115, 510, 125, IDC_REFUNDMENT_MEMO, 0x80, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]}", 265, 250, 90, 25, IDC_UPDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 380, 250, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_handledate"]}", 285, 85, 70, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 355, 85, 195, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_HANDLEDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_state"]}", 405, 45, 50, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 475, 45, 75, 20, IDC_REFUNDMENT_STATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 19
if (!defined("ID_NAME")) {
    define("ID_NAME", 2113);
if (!defined("ID_NEWITEM")) {
    define("ID_NEWITEM", 2115);
if (!defined("ID_DELETEITEM")) {
    define("ID_DELETEITEM", 2116);
if (!defined("ID_SETITEM")) {
    define("ID_SETITEM", 2117);
if (!defined("ID_PRIORITYLIST")) {
    define("ID_PRIORITYLIST", 2112);
// Create window
$dlg = wb_create_window($parent, 103, "Edit Priorities", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 337, 295, 0, 0);
// Insert controls
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "up_arrow.bmp", 178, 65, 20, 21, ID_MOVEUP, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/up_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "dn_arrow.bmp", 205, 65, 20, 21, ID_MOVEDOWN, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/dn_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($dlg, EditBox, "", 178, 8, 146, 21, ID_NAME, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Close", 250, 238, 74, 24, IDCANCEL, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&New", 4, 238, 74, 24, ID_NEWITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Delete", 88, 238, 74, 24, ID_DELETEITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, PushButton, "&Set", 169, 238, 74, 24, ID_SETITEM, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($dlg, ListBox, "", 4, 6, 166, 224, ID_PRIORITYLIST, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 20
if (!defined("ID_FILTERTEXT")) {
    define("ID_FILTERTEXT", 2121);
if (!defined("ID_FILTER")) {
    define("ID_FILTER", 2123);
if (!defined("ID_FIELD")) {
    define("ID_FIELD", 2126);
if (!defined("ID_FILTERPRESETS")) {
    define("ID_FILTERPRESETS", 2128);
// Create window
$mainwin = wb_create_window(NULL, 100, "WinBinder: To Do", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 627, 510, 17, 64);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($mainwin, ListView, "", 211, 61, 378, 279, ID_ITEMLIST, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_SORT | WBC_LINES | WBC_SINGLE, 0);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "up_arrow.bmp", 594, 61, 20, 21, ID_MOVEUP, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/up_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "dn_arrow.bmp", 594, 86, 20, 21, ID_MOVEDOWN, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\todo/../resources/dn_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($mainwin, TreeView, "", 4, 35, 205, 399, ID_TREE, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, EditBox, "(Description)", 214, 351, 375, 82, ID_DESCRIPTION, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE | WBC_READONLY, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Frame, "", 0, 27, 615, 3, IDC_SHAPE2119, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, EditBox, "", 453, 35, 112, 21, ID_FILTERTEXT, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "Fi&lter", 570, 35, 44, 21, ID_FILTER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, ComboBox, "", 453, 35, 112, 195, ID_FILTERPRESETS, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_READONLY, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, ComboBox, "", 310, 35, 137, 146, ID_FILTERTYPE, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_READONLY, 0);
wb_create_control($mainwin, ComboBox, "", 212, 35, 92, 146, ID_FIELD, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_READONLY, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 21
    define('IDC_LANDSCAPE', 1021);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window(null, AppWindow, 'Print', WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 409, 337, 0x0, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Printer', 15, 10, 370, 80, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Print range', 15, 95, 180, 90, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Paper size', 205, 95, 180, 90, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Number of copies', 15, 190, 180, 65, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Orientation', 205, 190, 180, 65, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, ComboBox, '', 95, 30, 280, 110, IDC_PRINTERLIST, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'Name:', 40, 30, 50, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, ComboBox, '', 215, 115, 160, 85, IDC_PAPERSIZE, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'All', 30, 125, 135, 15, IDC_PRINTALL, 0x80000, 1, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'Pages', 30, 155, 50, 15, IDC_PRINTPAGES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, '1', 80, 153, 35, 20, IDC_STARTPAGE, 0x400, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'to', 120, 155, 14, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, '1', 135, 153, 35, 20, IDC_ENDPAGE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'Quality:', 35, 60, 55, 15, 0, 0x20, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, ComboBox, '', 95, 60, 135, 85, IDC_QUALITY, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, '', 215, 150, 55, 20, IDC_WIDTH, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, '', 295, 150, 55, 20, IDC_HEIGHT, 0x40, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'x', 277, 152, 11, 15, 0, 0x800, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, 'units', 355, 152, 25, 15, IDC_UNITS, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, '1', 35, 215, 90, 20, IDC_COPIES, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Spinner, 'Spinner21', 125, 215, 20, 20, IDC_SPINNER1002, 0x80000, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'Portrait', 220, 210, 120, 15, IDC_PORTRAIT, 0x0, 1, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, RadioButton, 'Landscape', 220, 230, 120, 15, IDC_LANDSCAPE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'Print', 100, 270, 90, 25, IDOK, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'Close', 210, 270, 90, 25, IDCLOSE, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This label control wraps words if they do not fit in the availble space.", 4, 195, 130, 45, IDC_SHAPE5065, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This one does not wrap anything.", 139, 195, 151, 16, IDC_SHAPE5066, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This one uses ellipsis to display the text.", 139, 219, 110, 21, IDC_SHAPE5067, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_ELLIPSIS, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "&Test", 364, 24, 76, 26, IDC_BUTTON5068, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_BORDER, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "&Test", 280, 24, 76, 26, IDC_BUTTON5068, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 2);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($maintab, Frame, "up_arrow.bmp", 250, 134, 65, 50, IDC_STATIC5070, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_IMAGE | WBC_CENTER, 0, 2);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\examples/../resources/up_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This text is right-aligned.", 370, 79, 85, 35, IDC_STATIC5071, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0, 2);
// End controls
// Control identifiers
if (!defined("IDD_DLG6001")) {
    define("IDD_DLG6001", 6001);
if (!defined("IDC_EDIT6002")) {
    define("IDC_EDIT6002", 6002);
if (!defined("ID_LOWLEVEL")) {
    define("ID_LOWLEVEL", 6003);
if (!defined("ID_RESETHANDLER")) {
    define("ID_RESETHANDLER", 6004);
// Create window
wbtemp_create_item($maintab, "Low-level");
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "Run &Tests", 10, 14, 80, 30, ID_LOWLEVEL, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 3);
wb_create_control($maintab, EditBox, "", 194, 9, 275, 216, IDC_EDIT6002, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE | WBC_READONLY, 0, 3);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "Reset &Handler", 10, 50, 80, 30, ID_RESETHANDLER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 3);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 23


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_REVIEW_MAIN_TAB')) {
    define('IDC_REVIEW_MAIN_TAB', 3001);
// Create window
//$wb->mainwin = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, AppWindow, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 617, 511, 0x00000001, 0);
// Insert controls
$tab = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TabControl, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_review"]}", 160, 30, $wb->winwidth - 160, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_REVIEW_MAIN_TAB, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_COMPANY_LIST')) {
    define('IDC_COMPANY_LIST', 1301);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_FIRST')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_FIRST', 1302);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_PRE')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_PRE', 1303);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_NEXT')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_NEXT', 1304);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_LAST')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_LAST', 1305);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_BAR')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_BAR', 1306);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($maintab, ListView, "Head1,Head2,Head3,Head4", 0, 10, 625, 425, IDC_COMPANY_LIST, 0x50080, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_first_page"]}", 215, 450, 90, 25, IDC_NAV_FIRST, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_pre_page"]}", 320, 450, 90, 25, IDC_NAV_PRE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_next_page"]}", 425, 450, 90, 25, IDC_NAV_NEXT, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_last_page"]}", 525, 450, 90, 25, IDC_NAV_LAST, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "", 5, 455, 210, 15, IDC_NAV_BAR, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 25


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_PUSHBUTTON1004')) {
    define('IDC_PUSHBUTTON1004', 1004);
if (!defined('IDC_PUSHBUTTON1005')) {
    define('IDC_PUSHBUTTON1005', 1005);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window(null, AppWindow, 'Variables', WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 171, 189, 0x0, 0);
// Insert controls
$ctrl_1 = wb_create_control($winmain, Frame, 'Frame1', 20, 20, 120, 115, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
$ctrl_2 = wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'Button1', 35, 50, 90, 25, IDC_PUSHBUTTON1004, 0x0, 0, 0);
$ctrl_3 = wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, 'Button2', 35, 85, 90, 25, IDC_PUSHBUTTON1005, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_UPDATE')) {
    define('IDC_UPDATE', 1201);
if (!defined('IDC_SAVE')) {
    define('IDC_SAVE', 1202);
if (!defined('IDC_CONTACT_CATEGORY_NAME')) {
    define('IDC_CONTACT_CATEGORY_NAME', 1203);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 370, 160, 0x0, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_edit"]}", 145, 80, 90, 25, IDC_UPDATE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 250, 80, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 30, 80, 90, 25, IDC_SAVE, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_name"]}", 35, 20, 80, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 140, 20, 130, 20, IDC_CONTACT_CATEGORY_NAME, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 27
if (!defined('IDC_DB_HOST')) {
    define('IDC_DB_HOST', 4001);
if (!defined('IDC_DB_USERNAME')) {
    define('IDC_DB_USERNAME', 4002);
if (!defined('IDC_DB_PASSWORD')) {
    define('IDC_DB_PASSWORD', 4003);
if (!defined('IDC_DB_NAME')) {
    define('IDC_DB_NAME', 4004);
if (!defined('IDC_LANGUAGE')) {
    define('IDC_LANGUAGE', 4005);
// Create window
$winmain = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, ModalDialog, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_setting"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 339, 407, 0x1, 0);
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_host"]}", 25, 20, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 120, 20, 175, 20, IDC_DB_HOST, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_db_username"]}", 25, 75, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 120, 70, 175, 20, IDC_DB_USERNAME, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_db_password"]}", 25, 125, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 120, 125, 175, 20, IDC_DB_PASSWORD, 0x100, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_db_name"]}", 25, 185, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, EditBox, "", 120, 185, 175, 20, IDC_DB_NAME, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, Label, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_language"]}", 20, 250, 90, 15, 0, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_save"]}", 55, 330, 90, 25, IDOK, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, PushButton, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cancel"]}", 185, 330, 90, 25, IDCANCEL, 0x0, 0, 0);
wb_create_control($winmain, ComboBox, "", 125, 250, 120, 60, IDC_LANGUAGE, 0x40, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 28
//-------------------------------------------------------------- EXECUTABLE CODE
$mainwin = wb_create_window(NULL, AppWindow, APPNAME, 530, 240);
$statusbar = wb_create_control($mainwin, StatusBar, APPNAME);
// buttons
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "´ò¿ª", 10, 10, 100, 20, ID_OPEN);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "²¥·Å", 110, 10, 100, 20, ID_PLAY);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "Í£Ö¹", 210, 10, 100, 20, ID_STOP);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "ÔÝÍ£", 310, 10, 100, 20, ID_PAUSE);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "¹Ø±Õ", 410, 10, 100, 20, ID_CLOSE);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "¾²Òô", 10, 40, 50, 20, ID_MUTE);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "Öмä", 10, 60, 50, 20, ID_BALCENTER);
wb_create_control($mainwin, PushButton, "Ñ­»·", 250, 40, 50, 20, ID_SURROUND);
// volumen and balance
wb_create_control($mainwin, Slider, "", 70, 40, 150, 20, ID_VOLUMEN);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Slider, "", 70, 60, 150, 20, ID_BALANCE);
wb_create_control($mainwin, Slider, "²¥·Å½ø¶È", 70, 100, 250, 20, ID_PLAY_POS);
wb_set_range(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_VOLUMEN), 0, 255);
wb_set_value(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_VOLUMEN), 255);
wb_set_range(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_BALANCE), 0, 255);
wb_set_value(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_BALANCE), 127);
wb_set_range(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_PLAY_POS), 0, 100);
wb_set_value(wb_get_control($mainwin, ID_PLAY_POS), 0);
// timer
wb_create_timer($mainwin, ID_INFOTIMER, 1000);
// run application
wb_set_image($mainwin, "resource/musicm.ico");
wb_set_handler($mainwin, "process_main");
//-------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE PROCESS
function process_main($window, $id, $ctrl)


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_COMPLAINTS_TAB')) {
    define('IDC_COMPLAINTS_TAB', 2001);
// Create window
//$wb->mainwin = wb_create_window($wb->mainwin, AppWindow, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, 617, 511, 0x00000001, 0);
// Insert controls
$tab = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TabControl, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_complaints"]},{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_complaints"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", 160, 30, $wb->winwidth - 160, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_COMPLAINTS_TAB, 0x0, 0, 0);
// End controls
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function wb_gotWindow($Timer = 0, $Title = 'Привет! :)', $Text = array(), $Wdth = 220, $Rate = 0.75, $X = null, $Y = null)
     //© roxblnfk ;)
     $wid = WB_FloatWindow;
     // window id
     $Wa = explode(' ', wb_get_system_info('workarea'));
     $W = intval(max($Wdth, 200));
     $H = 150;
     WinAPI_USER::GetCursorPos($xx, $yy);
     if (is_array($Text)) {
         if (($j = count($Text)) > 5) {
             $H = 50 + $j * 20;
     } else {
         $H = 200;
     if (!isset($X)) {
         $X = $Wa[2] - $W;
     } elseif ($X === true) {
         $X = $xx;
     if (!isset($Y)) {
         $Y = $Wa[3] - $H;
     } elseif ($Y === true) {
         $Y = $yy;
     if (isset(self::$wb_windows[$wid])) {
         $NEW = false;
         /* if(wb_get_visible(self::$wb_windows[$wid])) wb_destroy_timer(self::$wb_windows[$wid],WB_FloatWindow_Timer);
         			else wb_set_visible(self::$wb_windows[$wid],true);
         			wb_set_size(self::$wb_windows[$wid], $W, $H);
         			wb_set_position(self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Title],2,2); */
         $keys = array_keys(self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Labels]);
         for ($i = 0, $j = count($keys); $i < $j; $i++) {
             // if(isset(self::$wb_controls[$wid][СКЕТЧ ЦЕННОСТЬ][$keys[$i]])){
             // wb_destroy_control(self::$wb_controls[$wid][СКЕТЧ ЦЕННОСТЬ][$keys[$i]]);
             // unset(self::$wb_controls[$wid][СКЕТЧ ЦЕННОСТЬ][$keys[$i]]);
             // }
     } else {
         $NEW = true;
         self::$wb_windows[$wid] = wb_create_window(null, NakedWindow, "ololo", $X, $Y, $W, $H, WBC_NOTIFY, WBC_MOUSEUP);
         //wb_set_visible(self::$wb_windows[$wid], false);
         self::$wb_controls[$wid] = array();
         self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Title] = wb_create_control(self::$wb_windows[$wid], Label, $Title, 2, 2, $W - 4, 20, WB_FloatWindow_Title, WBC_CENTER, 0, 0);
     /* if(is_array($Text)){
     					self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Labels][$i]=	wb_create_control(self::$wb_windows[$wid],Label,$Text[$k][0],10,30+$i*20,$l1,20,0,WBC_RIGHT,0,0);
     					// self::$wb_controls[$wid][СКЕТЧ ЦЕННОСТЬ][$i]=	wb_create_control(self::$wb_windows[$wid],Label,$Text[$k][1],15+$l1,30+$i*20,$W-20-$l1,20,0,WBC_LEFT,0,0);
     					self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Labels][$i]=	wb_create_control(self::$wb_windows[$wid],Label,strval($Text[$k]),10,30+$i*20,$W-15,20,0,WBC_CENTER,0,0);
     		}else self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Labels][0]=	wb_create_control(self::$wb_windows[$wid],RTFEditBox,strval($Text),2,25,$W-4,$H-40,WB_FloatWindow_Labels,WBC_READONLY,0,0);
     if ($Timer < 100) {
         $Timer = intval(2147483640);
     wb_create_timer(self::$wb_windows[$wid], WB_FloatWindow_Timer, $Timer);
     if ($NEW) {
         self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Font] = wb_create_font('Calibri', 12, BLACK, FTA_BOLD);
         wb_set_font(self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Title], self::$wb_controls[$wid][WB_FloatWindow_Font]);
         wb_set_handler(self::$wb_windows[$wid], 'dsSpy::wb_procWindow');
     wb_set_size(self::$wb_windows[$wid], WBC_NORMAL);