<?php $users = $db->users; $user = $users->findOne(array("facebookid" => $_SESSION['user'])); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $user['location'] = $_POST['location']; $user['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; $user['description'] = $_POST['description']; $users->update(array("facebookid" => $_SESSION['user']), $user); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "editprofile", "?profile/edit"); } $_POST = $user; formHeader("Edit your profile"); formField("User", "user", "disabled", "", "Your user"); formField("Name", "first", "disabled", "", "Your name"); formField("E-mail", "email", "disabled", "", "Your email"); formField("Joined", "date", "disabled", "", ""); formField("Location", "location", "text", "", "Your location (country, city)"); formField("Phone", "phone", "text", "", "Your phone number"); formField("Short description", "description", "textarea"); formFooter("Save changes");
{ global $code, $appId, $secretCode, $redirectUri; return "https://oauth.vk.com/access_token?" . "client_id={$appId}&client_secret={$secretCode}&redirect_uri={$redirectUri}" . "&code={$code}"; } function wallPost($text) { global $userId, $accessToken; $text = urlencode($text); $url = "https://api.vk.com/method/wall.post?owner_id={$userId}&access_token={$accessToken}" . "&message={$text}"; return $url; } function makeLink($href) { return "<div><a href={$href}>{$href}</a></div>"; } $url = wallPost("Салам алейкум"); //$url = getAccessToken(); ?> <div> <h2>Response: <?php echo $url; ?> </h2> <?php echo file_get_contents($url); ?> </div> <?php echo makeLink(getAuthUrl()); //echo makeLink(getAccessToken());
$requests->update(array("travel" => $ID, "user" => $_SESSION['user']), $_POST); header("Location: ?product_request/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } uploadFile("picture", $ID . $_SESSION['user']); $wall_post_insert = true; } $when = dateToRelative($entry['date']); $changed = relativeTime($entry['update']); $tmp = array(); if (isset($wall_post_insert)) { wallPost($entry['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "newrequest", "?product_request/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $entry['user'], "newrequestclient", "?product_request/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } if (isset($wall_post_revoke)) { wallPost($entry['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "newrequestrevoke", "?product_request/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $entry['user'], "newrequestrevokeclient", "?product_request/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } if (isset($entry['size']) && !empty($entry['size'])) { $tmp[] = "Maximum allowed size: {$entry['size']}<br>"; } if (isset($entry['weight']) && !empty($entry['weight'])) { $tmp[] = "Maximum allowed weight: {$entry['weight']}<br>"; } if (isset($entry['handluggage']) && !empty($entry['handluggage'])) { $tmp[] = "Items can be transfered only in hand luggage<br>"; } if (empty($tmp)) { $tmp = "No details added"; } else { $tmp = "<ul><li>" . implode("<li>", $tmp) . "</ul>"; }
$requests->update(array("travel" => $ID, "user" => $_SESSION['user']), $_POST); header("Location: ?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } uploadFile("picture", $ID . $_SESSION['user']); $wall_post_insert = true; } $when = dateToRelative($entry['date']); $changed = relativeTime($entry['update']); $tmp = array(); if (isset($wall_post_insert)) { wallPost($entry['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "newrequest", "?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $entry['user'], "newrequestclient", "?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } if (isset($wall_post_revoke)) { wallPost($entry['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "newrequestrevoke", "?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $entry['user'], "newrequestrevokeclient", "?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}"); } if (isset($entry['size']) && !empty($entry['size'])) { $tmp[] = "Maximum allowed size: {$entry['size']}<br>"; } if (isset($entry['weight']) && !empty($entry['weight'])) { $tmp[] = "Maximum allowed weight: {$entry['weight']}<br>"; } if (isset($entry['handluggage']) && !empty($entry['handluggage'])) { $tmp[] = "Items can be transfered only in hand luggage<br>"; } if (empty($tmp)) { $tmp = "No details added"; } else { $tmp = "<ul><li>" . implode("<li>", $tmp) . "</ul>"; }
try { $_POST = $travel_plans->findOne(array("_id" => new MongoId($ID))); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location: ?travel_plan"); die; } } else { if ($ACTION == "delete") { try { $entry = $travel_plans->findOne(array("_id" => new MongoId($ID))); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location: ?travel_plan"); } if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { $travel_plans->remove(array("_id" => new MongoId($ID))); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $_id, "travelplandeleted", "?travel_plan/view/{$ID}"); header("Location: ?travel_plan"); } $entry['date'] = convertDate($entry['date']); $HTML[] = <<<EOF \t\t<div class="alert alert-danger center" role="alert"> \t\t\tAre your sure you want to delete travel plan from {$entry['from']} to {$entry['to']} ({$entry['date']})?<br><br> \t\t\t<a href="?travel_plan/{$ACTION}/{$ID}/&confirm" class="btn btn-danger">Yes</a> \t\t\t \t\t\t<a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">No</a> \t\t</div> EOF; } } if ($ACTION != "delete") { /** add form */
$ID = $_POST["_id"]; header("Location: ?product_request/view/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "requestmodified", "?product_request/view/{$ID}"); uploadFile("picture", $ID . $_SESSION['user']); $SUCCESS[] = "You have successfully added new product request"; } else { $_POST['modified'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); try { $travel_plans->update(array("_id" => new MongoId($ID)), $_POST); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location: ?product_request"); die; } $ID = $_POST["_id"]; header("Location: ?product_request/view/{$ID}"); wallPost($_SESSION['user'], $_SESSION['user'], "requestcreated", "?product_request/view/{$ID}"); uploadFile("picture", $ID . $_SESSION['user']); $SUCCESS[] = "You have successfully modified your product request"; } } else { header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } } /** if we edit travel plan, populate fields to $_POST, that are latter used */ if ($ACTION == "edit") { try { $_POST = $travel_plans->findOne(array("_id" => new MongoId($ID))); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location: ?product_request"); die; }