Ejemplo n.º 1
function updateFirewallRules($firstrun = false)
    // Signature validation and firewall driver
    global $v, $driver, $services, $thissvc;
    // Flush cache, read what the system thinks the firewall rules are.
    // Delete our safemode flag if it exists.
    if (file_exists("/var/run/firewalld.safemode")) {
    // Make sure the rules haven't been disturbed, and aren't corrupt
    if (!$firstrun && !$driver->validateRunning()) {
        // This is bad.
        wall("Firewall Rules corrupted! Restarting in 5 seconds");
        // Wait 4 seconds to give incron a chance to catch up
        // Restart me.
        fclose(fopen("/var/spool/asterisk/incron/firewall.firewall", "a"));
    $getservices = getServices();
    // Make sure we actually received stuff..
    if (!isset($getservices['smartports'])) {
        return false;
    // Root-only updates:
    //   SSH is only readable by root
    $ssh = $services->getService("ssh");
    if ($ssh['guess'] == true) {
        throw new \Exception("Root user unable to retrieve sshd port! This is a bug!");
    $getservices['services']['ssh']['fw'] = $ssh['fw'];
    $zones = array("reject" => "reject", "external" => "external", "other" => "other", "internal" => "internal", "trusted" => "trusted");
    // This is the list of services we should have.
    $validservices = array();
    foreach ($getservices['services'] as $s => $settings) {
        // Keep this service for later
        $validservices[$s] = $s;
        // Make sure the service is configured correctly
        if (isset($settings['fw'])) {
            $driver->updateService($s, $settings['fw']);
        } else {
            $driver->updateService($s, false);
        // Assign the service to the required zones
        $myzones = array("addto" => array(), "removefrom" => $zones);
        if (!empty($settings['zones']) && is_array($settings['zones'])) {
            foreach ($settings['zones'] as $z) {
                $myzones['addto'][$z] = $z;
        $driver->updateServiceZones($s, $myzones);
    // Update RTP rules
    $rtp = $getservices['smartports']['rtp'];
    // UDPTL is T38.
    $udptl = $getservices['smartports']['udptl'];
    $driver->setRtpPorts($rtp, $udptl);
    // Update our knownhosts targets
    // And permit our registrations through
    // Update blacklist
    // Update our custom ports
    $custrules = $getservices['custom'];
    foreach ($custrules as $id => $rule) {
        // Keep this service for later
        $validservices[$id] = $id;
        $c = $rule['custfw'];
        // If it has a comma, it's multiple ports.
        $requestedports = explode(",", $c['port']);
        $realports = array();
        // Have we been given a range? (eg, "1234:5678")
        foreach ($requestedports as $port) {
            if (strpos($port, ":") !== false) {
                // Sanity check that the numbers are in the correct order, and are, in fact,
                // numbers.
                $range = explode(":", $c['port']);
                if (!isset($range[1])) {
                    // This is invalid, we need two digits
                $start = (int) $range[0];
                $end = (int) $range[1];
                if ($start > $end) {
                    $lowest = $end;
                    $highest = $start;
                } else {
                    $lowest = $start;
                    $highest = $end;
                if ($lowest < 1 || $highest > 65534) {
                    // Invalid
                $realports[] = "{$lowest}:{$highest}";
            } else {
                // It should just be a number.
                $realnum = (int) $port;
                if ($realnum > 65534 || $realnum < 1) {
                $realports[] = $realnum;
        // Create our '$ports' array for the driver.
        $ports = array();
        if ($c['protocol'] == "both" || $c['protocol'] == "tcp") {
            foreach ($realports as $p) {
                $ports[] = array("protocol" => "tcp", "port" => $p);
        if ($rule['custfw']['protocol'] == "both" || $rule['custfw']['protocol'] == "udp") {
            foreach ($realports as $p) {
                $ports[] = array("protocol" => "udp", "port" => $p);
        $driver->updateService($id, $ports);
        // Assign the service to the required zones
        $myzones = array("addto" => array(), "removefrom" => $zones);
        foreach ($rule['zones'] as $z) {
            $myzones['addto'][$z] = $z;
        $driver->updateServiceZones($id, $myzones);
    // Update the Host DDNS entries.
    // Now, purge any services that no longer exist
    $active = $driver->getActiveServices();
    foreach ($active as $as) {
        if (!isset($validservices[$as])) {
            // This should be removed
    // Set the firewall to drop or reject mode.
    if ($getservices['dropinvalid']) {
        $driver->setRejectMode(true, false);
    } else {
        $driver->setRejectMode(false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    } else {
        $pagination = have_wall(array('firstchar' => isset($_GET['firstchar']) ? $_GET['firstchar'] : ''));
        echo '<div class="title">My Wall <span style="float: right;">' . ($pagination['results'] ? $pagination['results'] . ' ' . (is_first($pagination['results']) ? 'coupon' : 'coupons') : 'Nothing found yet') . '</span></div>';
        echo '<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;">

<ul class="category">
<li class="active">Coupons</li>';
        if (theme_has_products()) {
            echo '<li><a href="' . get_update(array('type' => 'products', 'page' => 1)) . '">Products</a></li>';
        echo '</ul>

        if ($pagination['results']) {
            foreach (wall(array('firstchar' => isset($_GET['firstchar']) ? $_GET['firstchar'] : '')) as $item) {
                echo '<article class="array_item">

<div class="table">

<div class="left">
<img src="' . store_avatar($item->store_img) . '" alt="">
<span class="rating"><span style="width:' . $item->stars * 16 . 'px;"></span></span>
<a href="' . $item->store_reviews_link . '">' . $item->reviews . ' reviews</a>';
                echo !empty($item->cashback) ? '<span class="cashback-points" data-ttip="Great! Use it and you\'ll receive ' . $item->cashback . ' points.">' . $item->cashback . '</span> ' : '';
                echo '</div>

<div class="right">
<a href="' . $item->link . '" class="title">' . $item->title . '</a>
More coupons for <a href="' . $item->store_link . '">' . $item->store_name . '</a>
<div class="description">' . (!empty($item->description) ? nl2br($item->description) : 'no description') . '</div>