Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function delete_files_and_folders()
     $ftp_form = null;
     $errors = array();
     $dirs = array(W3TC_CACHE_DIR);
     if (file_exists(W3TC_WP_LOADER)) {
         $files[] = W3TC_WP_LOADER;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e instanceof FilesystemCredentialException) {
                 $ftp_form = $e->ftp_form();
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $errors[] = sprintf('Delete file: <strong>%s</strong>', $file);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof FilesystemCredentialException) {
             $ftp_form = $e->ftp_form();
     foreach ($dirs as $folder) {
         if (@is_dir($folder)) {
             $errors[] = sprintf('Delete folder: <strong>%s</strong>', $folder);
     return array('errors' => $errors, 'ftp_form' => $ftp_form);
  * Admin notices action
  * @return void
 function admin_notices()
     $w3tc_error = array();
     $pgcache_rules_cache_path = w3_get_pgcache_rules_cache_path();
     $browsercache_rules_no404wp_path = w3_get_browsercache_rules_no404wp_path();
     $cookie_domain = $this->get_cookie_domain();
     $error_messages = array('fancy_permalinks_disabled_pgcache' => sprintf('Fancy permalinks are disabled. Please %s it first, then re-attempt to enabling enhanced disk mode.', $this->button_link('enable', 'options-permalink.php')), 'fancy_permalinks_disabled_browsercache' => sprintf('Fancy permalinks are disabled. Please %s it first, then re-attempt to enabling the \'Do not process 404 errors for static objects with WordPress\'.', $this->button_link('enable', 'options-permalink.php')), 'pgcache_remove_rules_wpsc' => sprintf('The WP Super Cache rules could not be removed. Please run <strong>chmod 777 %s</strong> to resolve this issue.', file_exists($pgcache_rules_cache_path) ? $pgcache_rules_cache_path : dirname($pgcache_rules_cache_path)), 'browsercache_write_rules_no404wp' => sprintf('The browser cache rules could not be modified. Please %srun <strong>chmod 777 %s</strong> to resolve this issue.', file_exists($browsercache_rules_no404wp_path) ? '' : sprintf('create an empty file in <strong>%s</strong> and ', $browsercache_rules_no404wp_path), $browsercache_rules_no404wp_path), 'browsercache_write_rules_cdn' => sprintf('The browser cache rules for <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> could not be modified. Please check <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> settings.'), 'support_request_type' => 'Please select request type.', 'support_request_url' => 'Please enter the address of the site in the site <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> field.', 'support_request_name' => 'Please enter your name in the Name field', 'support_request_email' => 'Please enter valid email address in the E-Mail field.', 'support_request_phone' => 'Please enter your phone in the phone field.', 'support_request_subject' => 'Please enter subject in the subject field.', 'support_request_description' => 'Please describe the issue in the issue description field.', 'support_request_wp_login' => 'Please enter an administrator login. Create a temporary one just for this support case if needed.', 'support_request_wp_password' => 'Please enter WP Admin password, be sure it\'s spelled correctly.', 'support_request_ftp_host' => 'Please enter <acronym title="Secure Shell">SSH</acronym> or <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym> host for the site.', 'support_request_ftp_login' => 'Please enter <acronym title="Secure Shell">SSH</acronym> or <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym> login for the server. Create a temporary one just for this support case if needed.', 'support_request_ftp_password' => 'Please enter <acronym title="Secure Shell">SSH</acronym> or <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym> password for the <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym> account.', 'support_request' => 'Unable to send the support request.', 'config_import_no_file' => 'Please select config file.', 'config_import_upload' => 'Unable to upload config file.', 'config_import_import' => 'Configuration file could not be imported.', 'config_reset' => sprintf('Default settings could not be restored. Please run <strong>chmod 777 %s</strong> to make the configuration file write-able, then try again.', W3TC_CONFIG_DIR), 'cdn_purge_attachment' => 'Unable to purge attachment.', 'pgcache_purge_post' => 'Unable to purge post.', 'pgcache_purge_page' => 'Unable to purge page.', 'enable_cookie_domain' => sprintf('<strong>%swp-config.php</strong> could not be written, please edit config and add:<br /><strong style="color:#f00;">define(\'COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'%s\');</strong> before <strong style="color:#f00;">require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');</strong>.', ABSPATH, addslashes($cookie_domain)), 'disable_cookie_domain' => sprintf('<strong>%swp-config.php</strong> could not be written, please edit config and add:<br /><strong style="color:#f00;">define(\'COOKIE_DOMAIN\', false);</strong> before <strong style="color:#f00;">require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');</strong>.', ABSPATH), 'cloudflare_api_request' => 'Unable to make CloudFlare API request.');
     $note_messages = array('config_save' => 'Plugin configuration successfully updated.', 'flush_all' => 'All caches successfully emptied.', 'flush_all_except_cf' => 'All caches except CloudFlare successfully emptied.', 'flush_memcached' => 'Memcached cache(s) successfully emptied.', 'flush_opcode' => 'Opcode cache(s) successfully emptied.', 'flush_apc_system' => 'APC system cache successfully emptied', 'flush_file' => 'Disk cache(s) successfully emptied.', 'flush_pgcache' => 'Page cache successfully emptied.', 'flush_dbcache' => 'Database cache successfully emptied.', 'flush_objectcache' => 'Object cache successfully emptied.', 'flush_fragmentcache' => 'Fragment cache successfully emptied.', 'flush_minify' => 'Minify cache successfully emptied.', 'flush_browser_cache' => 'Media Query string has been successfully updated.', 'flush_varnish' => 'Varnish servers successfully purged.', 'flush_cdn' => 'CDN was successfully purged.', 'pgcache_remove_rules_wpsc' => 'WP Super Cache configuration settings have been successfully removed.', 'browsercache_write_rules_no404wp' => 'Browser cache directives have been successfully written.', 'support_request' => 'The support request has been successfully sent.', 'config_import' => 'Settings successfully imported.', 'config_reset' => 'Settings successfully restored.', 'preview_enable' => 'Preview mode was successfully enabled', 'preview_disable' => 'Preview mode was successfully disabled', 'preview_deploy' => 'Preview settings successfully deployed. Preview mode remains enabled until it\'s disabled. Continue testing new settings or disable preview mode if done.', 'cdn_purge_attachment' => 'Attachment successfully purged.', 'pgcache_purge_post' => 'Post successfully purged.', 'pgcache_purge_page' => 'Page successfully purged.', 'new_relic_save' => __('New relic settings have been updated.', 'w3-total-cache'));
     $errors = array();
     $notes = array();
      * CloudFlare notifications
      * @var $w3_cloudflare W3_CloudFlare
     $w3_cloudflare = w3_instance('W3_CloudFlare');
     if ($error = $w3_cloudflare->check_lasterror()) {
         $this->_errors[] = $error;
     w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Request.php');
     $error = W3_Request::get_string('w3tc_error');
     $note = W3_Request::get_string('w3tc_note');
      * Handle messages from reqeust
     if ($error == 'cloudflare_api_request' && $w3_cloudflare->get_fault_signaled()) {
         // dont complain twice on cloudflare
     } elseif (isset($error_messages[$error])) {
         $errors[] = $error_messages[$error];
     if (isset($note_messages[$note])) {
         $notes[] = $note_messages[$note];
     $message_id = W3_Request::get_string('w3tc_message');
     if ($message_id) {
         $v = get_transient('w3tc_message.' . $message_id);
         set_transient('w3tc_message.' . $message_id, null);
         if (isset($v['errors']) && is_array($v['errors'])) {
             foreach ($v['errors'] as $error) {
                 if (isset($error_messages[$error])) {
                     $errors[] = $error_messages[$error];
                 } else {
                     $errors[] = $error;
         if (isset($v['notes']) && is_array($v['notes'])) {
             foreach ($v['notes'] as $note) {
                 if (isset($note_messages[$note])) {
                     $notes[] = $note_messages[$note];
                 } else {
                     $notes[] = $note;
      * Check config file
     if (w3_get_blog_id() == 0) {
         global $pagenow;
         if ($pagenow == 'plugins.php' || strpos(W3_Request::get_string('page'), 'w3tc_') !== false) {
             $add_in_files = $cache_folders = array();
              * @var $w3_verify W3_FileVerification
              * @var $w3_setup W3_Setup
             $w3_verify = w3_instance('W3_FileVerification');
             $w3_setup = w3_instance('W3_Setup');
             if ($w3_verify->should_create_wp_loader_file()) {
                 try {
                     $result_file = $w3_setup->try_create_wp_loader();
                 } catch (TryException $ex) {
                     $this->_disable_minify_error_notification = true;
                     $file_data = $w3_setup->w3tc_loader_file_data();
                     $filename = $file_data['filename'];
                     $data = $file_data['data'];
                     $errors[] = sprintf('<p>Minify and support requests will not function because <strong>%s</strong>
                                             is outside the WordPress directory. The plugin needs to add file:
                                             <br /><em>%s</em> with the following contents:</p>
                                         <pre>%s</pre>', dirname(W3TC_WP_LOADER), $filename, esc_textarea($data));
                     $this->_ftp_form = $ex->getFtpForm();
                 } catch (W3TCErrorException $ex) {
                     $this->_disable_minify_error_notification = true;
                     $w3tc_error[] = $ex->getMessage();
             if (!$w3_verify->verify_filesetup()) {
                 $result_files = $result_folders = false;
                 try {
                     $result_files = $w3_setup->try_create_missing_files();
                 } catch (TryException $ex) {
                     $add_in_files = $ex->getFiles();
                     $this->_ftp_form = $ex->getFtpForm();
                     $this->_disable_add_in_files_notification = true;
                 } catch (W3TCErrorException $ex) {
                     $this->_disable_add_in_files_notification = true;
                     $w3tc_error[] = $ex->getMessage();
                 try {
                     $result_folders = $w3_setup->try_create_missing_folders();
                 } catch (TryException $ex) {
                     $cache_folders = $ex->getFiles();
                     $this->_ftp_form = $ex->getFtpForm();
                     $this->_disable_cache_write_notification = true;
                 } catch (W3TCErrorException $ex) {
                     $w3tc_error[] = $ex->getMessage();
                     $this->_disable_cache_write_notification = true;
                 } catch (TestException $ex) {
                     $results = $ex->getTestResults();
                     if (isset($results['permissions'])) {
                         $notes = array_merge($notes, $results['permissions']);
                     } else {
                         $errors[] = sprintf('<p>File and directory creation tests failed %s</p>
                                         <div class="w3tc-required-changes" style="display:none">%s</div>', $this->button('View required changes', '', 'w3tc-show-required-changes'), $w3_setup->format_test_result($results));
                     $this->_disable_cache_write_notification = true;
                 if ($add_in_files || $cache_folders) {
                     $message = $w3_setup->get_setup_message($cache_folders, $add_in_files, $this->_ftp_form);
                     $errors[] = $message['message'];
                     $this->_ftp_form = $message['ftp_form'];
                 if ($result_files && $result_folders) {
                     try {
                         if (!$this->_config->own_config_exists()) {
                             if (!$this->_config->own_config_exists()) {
                     } catch (FileOperationException $ex) {
                         $cache_folders = array(W3TC_CACHE_DIR, W3TC_CONFIG_DIR, W3TC_CACHE_CONFIG_DIR, W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR);
                         $w3tc_error[] = '<strong>W3 Total Cache Error:</strong> Could not save files.<br />Verify
                                         that correct (server, S/FTP)
                                         <a target="_blank" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions">
                                             file permissions</a>
                                         are set or set FS_CHMOD_* constants in wp-config.php
                                         <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Override_of_default_file_permissions">
                                             Learn more</a>.
                                         Reload page to restart setup.';
                         try {
                             if (W3_Request::get_boolean('reset_folders') && check_admin_referer('w3tc')) {
                                 w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/activation.php');
                             } else {
                                 $folders = '<ul>';
                                 foreach ($cache_folders as $folder) {
                                     $folders .= '<li>' . $folder . '</li>';
                                 $folders .= '</ul>';
                                 $errors[] = sprintf('<p><form method="POST" action="' . esc_attr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" style="display:inline;">
                                     The plugin cannot create / save the config file to <strong>%s</strong>.
                                     Directory may have incorrect permissions.</p><p>Should the plugin remove the plugin
                                     directories it has created and restart setup process? ' . wp_nonce_field('w3tc') . '<input name="reset_folders" value="1" type="hidden" />
                                     <input value="Yes, restart setup" type="submit" class="button-secondary"/>
                                     </form></p><p>Directories that will be deleted:</p> %s', W3TC_CONFIG_DIR, $folders);
                         } catch (FilesystemCredentialException $ex) {
                             $form = $ex->ftp_form();
                             $not_installed = '<ul>';
                             foreach ($cache_folders as $folder) {
                                 $not_installed .= '<li>' . $folder . '</li>';
                             $not_installed .= '</ul>';
                             $headline = $pagenow == 'plugins.php' ? '<h2 id="w3tc">W3 Total Cache Error</h2>' : '';
                             $errors[] = sprintf('%s<p>Directories could not be removed automatically. Please enter FTP details
                                 <a href="#ftp_upload_form">below</a> to complete the reset. %s</p>
                                 <div class="w3tc-required-changes" style="display:none">%s</div><p>' . ($cache_folders ? 'The <strong>%s</strong> directory is not write-able.' : '') . '</p>', $headline, $this->button('View required changes', '', 'w3tc-show-required-changes'), $not_installed, WP_CONTENT_DIR);
                             $this->_ftp_form = '<div id="ftp_upload_form" class="updated fade"
                                                      style="background: none;border: none;">' . str_replace('class="wrap"', '', $form) . '</div>';
                             $this->_use_ftp_form = true;
                         } catch (FileOperationException $ex) {
                             $not_installed = '<ul>';
                             foreach ($cache_folders as $folder) {
                                 $not_installed .= '<li>' . $folder . '</li>';
                             $not_installed .= '</ul>';
                             $headline = $pagenow == 'plugins.php' ? '<h2 id="w3tc">W3 Total Cache Error</h2>' : '';
                             $errors[] = sprintf('%s<p>Directories could not be removed  automatically. %s</p>
                                             <div class="w3tc-required-changes" style="display:none">%s</div>', $headline, $this->button('View required changes', '', 'w3tc-show-required-changes'), $not_installed);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
             } elseif ((!defined('W3TC_DISABLE_VERIFY_PERMISSIONS') || defined('W3TC_DISABLE_VERIFY_PERMISSIONS') && !W3TC_DISABLE_VERIFY_PERMISSIONS) && w3_get_blog_id() == 0 && (int) get_transient('test.verify_permissions') <= strtotime('-1 hours')) {
                 w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_FUNCTIONS_DIR . '/activation.php');
                 try {
                     $results = $w3_setup->test_file_writing();
                     if ($results) {
                         if (isset($results['permissions'])) {
                             $notes = array_merge($notes, $results['permissions']);
                         } else {
                             $errors[] = sprintf('<p>File and directory creation tests failed %s</p>
                                             <div class="w3tc-required-changes" style="display:none">%s</div>', $this->button('View required changes', '', 'w3tc-show-required-changes'), $w3_setup->format_test_result($results));
                     } else {
                         set_transient('test.verify_permissions', time());
                 } catch (FilesystemCredentialException $ex) {
                     $form = $ex->ftp_form();
                     $headline = $pagenow == 'plugins.php' ? '<h2 id="w3tc">W3 Total Cache Error</h2>' : '';
                     $errors[] = sprintf('%s<p>The creation of cache / configuration files failed. <br />The directories with incorrect permissions are: <em>%s</em> and %s. Currently directory permissions are: %s. Please enter FTP details <a href="#ftp_upload_form">below</a> to automatically resolve the issue.</p>', $headline, W3TC_CACHE_DIR, W3TC_CONFIG_DIR, base_convert(w3_get_file_permissions(W3TC_CACHE_DIR), 10, 8));
                     $this->_ftp_form = '<div id="ftp_upload_form" class="updated fade" style="background:none;border:none;">' . str_replace('class="wrap"', '', $form) . '</div>';
                     $this->_use_ftp_form = true;
                 } catch (FileOperationException $ex) {
                     $errors[] = sprintf('<p>The creation of cache / configuration files failed. Unfortunately we\'re not able to change permissions from %s:<br /> <em>%s</em> <br /><em>%s</em><br />Directories typically should have at least 755 permissions. If it fails try 775 or 777 until this notification disappears.</p>', base_convert(w3_get_file_permissions(W3TC_CACHE_DIR), 10, 8), W3TC_CACHE_DIR, W3TC_CONFIG_DIR);
         if (!$this->_disable_cache_write_notification && !$this->_config->own_config_exists() && empty($cache_folders) && strpos(W3_Request::get_string('page'), 'w3tc_') !== false) {
             $w3tc_error[] = sprintf('<strong>W3 Total Cache Error:</strong> Default settings are in use. The configuration file could not be read or doesn\'t exist. Please %s to create the file.', $this->button_link('save the settings', wp_nonce_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&w3tc_save_config', $this->_page), 'w3tc')));
      * CDN notifications
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.enabled') && !w3_is_cdn_mirror($this->_config->get_string('cdn.engine'))) {
          * Show notification after theme change
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.theme_changed')) {
             $notes[] = sprintf('The active theme has changed, please %s now to ensure proper operation. %s', $this->button_popup('upload active theme files', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=theme'), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'theme_changed'));
          * Show notification after WP upgrade
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.wp_upgraded')) {
             $notes[] = sprintf('Upgraded WordPress? Please %s files now to ensure proper operation. %s', $this->button_popup('upload wp-includes', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=includes'), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'wp_upgraded'));
          * Show notification after CDN enable
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.cdn_upload') || $this->_config->get_boolean('notes.cdn_reupload')) {
             $cdn_upload_buttons = array();
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.includes.enable')) {
                 $cdn_upload_buttons[] = $this->button_popup('wp-includes', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=includes');
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.theme.enable')) {
                 $cdn_upload_buttons[] = $this->button_popup('theme files', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=theme');
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('minify.enabled') && $this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.minify.enable') && !$this->_config->get_boolean('minify.auto')) {
                 $cdn_upload_buttons[] = $this->button_popup('minify files', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=minify');
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.custom.enable')) {
                 $cdn_upload_buttons[] = $this->button_popup('custom files', 'cdn_export', 'cdn_export_type=custom');
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.cdn_upload')) {
                 $notes[] = sprintf('Make sure to %s and upload the %s, files to the <acronym title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</acronym> to ensure proper operation. %s', $this->button_popup('export the media library', 'cdn_export_library'), implode(', ', $cdn_upload_buttons), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'cdn_upload'));
             if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.cdn_reupload')) {
                 $notes[] = sprintf('Settings that affect Browser Cache settings for files hosted by the CDN have been changed. To apply the new settings %s and %s. %s', $this->button_popup('export the media library', 'cdn_export_library'), implode(', ', $cdn_upload_buttons), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'cdn_reupload'));
          * Show notification if upload queue is not empty
         if (!$this->is_queue_empty()) {
             $errors[] = sprintf('The %s has unresolved errors. Empty the queue to restore normal operation.', $this->button_popup('unsuccessful transfer queue', 'cdn_queue'));
      * Show notification after plugin activate/deactivate
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.plugins_updated')) {
         $texts = array();
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.enabled')) {
             $texts[] = $this->button_link('empty the page cache', wp_nonce_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&w3tc_flush_pgcache', $this->_page), 'w3tc'));
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('minify.enabled')) {
             $texts[] = sprintf('check the %s to maintain the desired user experience', $this->button_hide_note('minify settings', 'plugins_updated', 'admin.php?page=w3tc_minify'));
         if (count($texts)) {
             $notes[] = sprintf('One or more plugins have been activated or deactivated, please %s. %s', implode(' and ', $texts), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'plugins_updated'));
      * Show notification when page cache needs to be emptied
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.enabled') && $this->_config->get('notes.need_empty_pgcache') && !$this->_config->is_preview()) {
         $notes[] = sprintf('The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. %s now to provide a consistent user experience.', $this->button_link('Empty the page cache', wp_nonce_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&w3tc_flush_pgcache', $this->_page), 'w3tc')));
      * Show notification when object cache needs to be emptied
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('objectcache.enabled') && $this->_config->get('notes.need_empty_objectcache') && !$this->_config->is_preview()) {
         $notes[] = sprintf('The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. %s now to provide a consistent user experience.', $this->button_link('Empty the object cache', wp_nonce_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&w3tc_flush_objectcache', $this->_page), 'w3tc')));
      * Minify notifications
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('minify.enabled')) {
          * Minify error occured
         if ($this->_config_admin->get_boolean('notes.minify_error')) {
             $errors[] = sprintf('Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: %s. %s', $this->_config_admin->get_string('minify.error.last'), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'minify_error', '', true));
          * Show notification when minify needs to be emptied
         if ($this->_config->get_boolean('notes.need_empty_minify') && !$this->_config->is_preview()) {
             $notes[] = sprintf('The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. %s now to provide a consistent user experience.', $this->button_link('Empty the minify cache', wp_nonce_url(sprintf('admin.php?page=%s&w3tc_flush_minify', $this->_page), 'w3tc')));
     if ($this->_config->get_boolean('newrelic.enabled')) {
          * @var $nerser W3_NewRelicService
         $nerser = w3_instance('W3_NewRelicService');
         $running = $nerser->verify_running();
         if (is_array($running)) {
             $errors[] = __('New Relic is not running correctly. Go to <a href="admin.php?page=w3tc_general#monitoring">New Relic settings</a> to review detected issues.', 'w3-total-cache');
         try {
             $pl = $nerser->get_frontend_response_time();
             if ($pl > 0.3 && $this->_config_admin->get_boolean('notes.new_relic_page_load_notification')) {
                 $nr_recommends = array();
                 if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.enabled')) {
                     $nr_recommends[] = __('Page Cache', 'w3-total-cache');
                 if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('minify.enabled')) {
                     $nr_recommends[] = __('Minify', 'w3-total-cache');
                 if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.enabled')) {
                     $nr_recommends[] = __('CDN', 'w3-total-cache');
                 if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled')) {
                     $nr_recommends[] = __('Browser Cache and use compression', 'w3-total-cache');
                 if ($nr_recommends) {
                     $message = sprintf(__('Application monitoring has detected that your page load time is
                                                    higher than 300ms. It is recommended that you enable the following
                                                    features: %s %s', 'w3-total-cache'), implode(', ', $nr_recommends), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'new_relic_page_load_notification', '', true));
                     $notes[] = $message;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
      * Show notification if user can remove old w3tc folders
     if ($this->_config_admin->get_boolean('notes.remove_w3tc')) {
         w3_require_once(W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/update.php');
         $folders = w3_find_old_folders();
         $folders = array_map('basename', $folders);
         $notes[] = sprintf('The directory w3tc can be deleted. %s: %s. However, <em>do not remove the w3tc-config directory</em>. %s', WP_CONTENT_DIR, implode(', ', $folders), $this->button_hide_note('Hide this message', 'remove_w3tc', '', true));
     if (W3_Request::get_string('action') == 'w3tc_deactivate_plugin') {
          * @var $plugins W3_Plugins
         $plugins = w3_instance('W3_Plugins');
         $result = $plugins->deactivate();
         if ($result['errors']) {
             $errors = array();
             $error_list = '<ul>';
             foreach ($result['errors'] as $err) {
                 $error_list .= '<li style="list-style-type: disc;margin-left:20px">' . $err . '</li>';
             $error_list .= '</ul>';
             if (isset($result['ftp_form'])) {
                 $this->_ftp_form = '<div id="ftp_upload_form" class="updated fade" style="background: none;border: none;">' . str_replace('class="wrap"', '', $result['ftp_form']) . '</div>';
                 $this->_use_ftp_form = true;
                 $instruction = '. Please enter FTP details <a href="#ftp_upload_form">below</a> to complete the deactivation.';
             } else {
                 $instruction = ' due to the <a target="_blank" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions">permission settings</a> on your files and directories.';
             $headline = '<h2 id="w3tc">W3 Total Cache Error</h2>';
             $errors[] = sprintf('%s<p>Unfortunately directories and files could not be automatically removed to complete the uninstallation%s %s</p>
                     <div class="w3tc-required-changes" style="display:none">%s</div><p>' . 'This error message will automatically disappear once the change is successfully made.</p>
                     ', $headline, $instruction, $this->button('View required changes', '', 'w3tc-show-required-changes'), $error_list, WP_CONTENT_DIR);
         } else {
     foreach ($w3tc_error as $error) {
         array_unshift($errors, $error);
      * Show messages
     foreach ($errors as $error) {
         echo sprintf('<div class="error"><p>%s</p></div>', $error);
     foreach ($notes as $note) {
         echo sprintf('<div class="updated fade"><p>%s</p></div>', $note);
     global $pagenow;
     if (isset($this->_ftp_form) && $pagenow == 'plugins.php') {
         echo $this->_ftp_form;