* Get YouTube Transcript
* Generate re-encoded YouTube transcript
* @since	2.0
* @uses     vye_extract_id              Extract the ID
* @uses		vye_get_file			    Get a file
* @uses     vye_set_general_defaults    Set default options
* @uses     vye_validate_id             Validate the ID
* @param	string	$id			        Video ID
* @param	string	$language			Language
* @return	string	$output		        Transcript output
function vye_generate_transcript($id, $language = 'en')
    // Extract the ID if a full URL has been specified
    $id = vye_extract_id($id);
    // Check what type of video it is and whether it's valid
    $embed_type = vye_validate_id($id);
    if ($embed_type != 'v') {
        if (strlen($embed_type) > 1) {
            return vye_error($embed_type);
        } else {
            return vye_error(sprintf(__('The YouTube ID of %s is invalid.', 'youtube-embed'), $id));
    // Get general options
    $general = vye_set_general_defaults();
    // Check to see if cache is available
    if ($general['transcript_cache'] != 0) {
        $cache_key = 'vye_transcript_' . $id;
        $output = get_transient($cache_key);
        if ($output !== false) {
            return $output;
    // Get transcript file
    $return = vye_get_file('http://video.google.com/timedtext?lang=' . strtolower($language) . '&v=' . $id);
    $xml = $return['file'];
    $output = '';
    // If transcript file exists, strip and output
    if ($return['rc'] == 0) {
        $output = "<!-- YouTube Embed v" . youtube_embed_version . " -->\n";
        $pos = 0;
        $eof = false;
        while (!$eof) {
            $text_start = strpos($xml, '<text ', $pos);
            if ($text_start !== false) {
                // Extract the start time
                $start_start = strpos($xml, 'start="', $text_start) + 7;
                $start_end = strpos($xml, '"', $start_start) - 1;
                $start = substr($xml, $start_start, $start_end - $start_start + 1);
                // Convert time format
                $start = str_pad(floor($start), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $start = substr($start, 0, -2) . ':' . substr($start, -2, 2);
                // Now extract the text
                $text_start = strpos($xml, '>', $text_start) + 1;
                $text_end = strpos($xml, '</text>', $text_start) - 1;
                $text = substr($xml, $text_start, $text_end - $text_start + 1);
                // Now return the output
                $output .= "<div class=\"Transcript\"><span class=\"TranscriptTime\">" . $start . "</span> <span class=\"TranscriptText\">" . htmlspecialchars_decode($text) . "</span></div>\n";
                $pos = $text_end + 7;
            } else {
                $eof = true;
        $output .= "<!-- End of YouTube Embed code -->\n";
    // Save the cache
    if ($general['transcript_cache'] != 0) {
        set_transient($cache_key, $output, 3600 * $general['transcript_cache']);
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Get XML transcript
* Return XML formatted YouTube transcript
* @since	2.0
* @uses		vye_error					Output an error
* @uses		vye_extract_id				Extract a video ID
* @uses		vye_get_file					Get a file
* @uses		vye_validate_id				Check the video ID is valid
* @param    string		$id				YouTube video ID
* @param	string		$id				Language
* @return	string						Transcript file in XML format
function get_youtube_transcript_xml($id, $language = 'en')
    // Extract the ID if a full URL has been specified
    $id = vye_extract_id($id);
    // Check what type of video it is and whether it's valid
    $embed_type = vye_validate_id($id);
    if ($embed_type != 'v') {
        if (strlen($embed_type) > 1) {
            echo vye_error($embed_type);
        } else {
            echo vye_error(sprintf(__('The YouTube ID of %s is invalid.', 'youtube-embed'), $id));
    // Get transcript file
    $filename = 'http://video.google.com/timedtext?lang=' . strtolower($language) . '&v=' . $id;
    $xml = vye_get_file($filename);
    // Check success and return appropriate output
    if ($xml['rc'] > 0) {
        echo vye_error(sprintf(__('Could not fetch the transcript file %s.', 'youtube-embed'), $id));
    } else {
        return $xml;
Ejemplo n.º 3
* Get YouTube comments
* Generate output of video comments
* @since	3.2
* @uses     vye_extract_id              Extract the ID
* @uses		vye_get_file			    Get a file
* @uses     vye_set_general_defaults    Set default options
* @uses     vye_validate_id             Validate the ID
* @param	string	$id			        Video ID
* @param	string	$language			Language
* @return	string	$output		        Transcript output
function vye_generate_comments($paras)
    if ($id == '') {
        return vye_error(__('No YouTube ID was specified.', 'youtube-embed'));
    // Extract the ID if a full URL has been specified
    $id = vye_extract_id($id);
    // Check what type of video it is and whether it's valid
    $embed_type = vye_validate_id($id);
    if ($embed_type != 'v') {
        if (strlen($embed_type) > 1) {
            return vye_error($embed_type);
        } else {
            return vye_error(sprintf(__('The YouTube ID of %s is invalid.', 'youtube-embed'), $id));
    // Get general options
    $general = vye_set_general_defaults();
    // Get cache time
    if ($cache == '') {
        $cache = $general['comments_cache'];
    // Check to see if cache is available
    if ($cache != 0) {
        $cache_key = 'vye_comments_' . $id;
        $output = get_transient($cache_key);
        $output = false;
        if ($output !== false) {
            return $output;
    // Get transcript file
    $return = vye_get_file('https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/' . $id . '/comments?orderby=published');
    $xml = $return['file'];
    $output = '';
    // If comments file exists process the XML and build the output
    if ($return['rc'] == 0) {
        // Set default values
        $output = "<!-- YouTube Embed v" . youtube_embed_version . " -->\n" . '<div id="comments">' . "\n";
        $pos = 0;
        $eof = false;
        $number = 1;
        if (!is_numeric($avatar)) {
            $avatar = 32;
        if (!is_numeric($limit)) {
            $limit = 10;
        $tab = "\t";
        while (!$eof) {
            $entry = vye_extract_xml($xml, 'entry');
            if ($entry != '') {
                // Extract field data from XML
                $published = human_time_diff(strtotime(vye_extract_xml($entry, 'published')));
                $comment = vye_extract_xml($entry, 'content');
                $user = vye_extract_xml($entry, 'name');
                $profile_url = 'http://www.youtube.com/user/' . $user;
                $user_xml_url = vye_extract_xml($entry, 'uri');
                // Get user image URL from a seperate XML file
                $image_url = '';
                $user_xml = wp_remote_get($user_xml_url);
                $start_pos = strpos($user_xml['body'], '<media:thumbnail url=');
                if ($start_pos !== false) {
                    $start_pos = $start_pos + 22;
                    $end_pos = strpos($user_xml['body'], '/>', $start_pos);
                    if ($end_pos !== false) {
                        $end_pos = $end_pos - 2;
                        $image_url = substr($user_xml['body'], $start_pos, $end_pos - $start_pos + 1);
                // Using the information fetched above built the comment output
                $output .= '<div id="comment-' . $number . '">' . "\n";
                $output .= $tag . '<div class="comment-author">' . "\n";
                if (is_numeric($avatar)) {
                    $output .= $tab . $tab . '<img alt="" src="' . $image_url . '" class="avatar avatar-' . $avatar . '" height="' . $avatar . 'px" width="' . $avatar . 'px" />' . "\n";
                $output .= $tab . $tab . '<cite class="fn"><a href="' . $profile_url . '" rel="external nofollow" class="url">' . $user . '</a></cite>' . "\n";
                $output .= $tab . '</div>' . "\n";
                $output .= $tab . '<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">' . $published . ' ' . __('ago', 'youtube-embed') . '</div>' . "\n";
                $output .= $tab . '<div class="comment-body"><p>' . $comment . '</p></div>' . "\n";
                $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
                if ($number > $limit) {
                    $eof = true;
            } else {
                $eof = true;
            // Remove current record from the XML file
            $next_record = strpos($xml, '</entry>');
            if ($next_record !== false) {
                $xml = substr($xml, $next_record + 8);
        $output .= "</div>\n<!-- End of YouTube Embed code -->\n";
    // Save the cache
    if ($cache != 0) {
        set_transient($cache_key, $output, 60 * $cache);
    return $output;