/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $view = viewx($this->template . '.home', array("template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; // to cache return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id */ public function show($id) { // if exist external content then send it to browser, increment views $external_content = $this->showPage->checkAndGetContentFromHtmlFile(app('veer')->siteId, $id); if (!empty($external_content)) { \Veer\Models\Page::where('id', '=', $id)->increment('views'); return \Response::make($external_content, 200)->header('Content-type', 'text/html'); } $page = $this->showPage->getPage($id, app('veer')->siteId); if (!is_object($page)) { return Redirect::route('page.index'); } $page->increment('views'); $page->load(array('images' => function ($q) { return $q->orderBy('pivot_id', 'asc'); }, 'tags', 'attributes', 'downloads', 'userlists', 'user')); $page->imagesIds = collect($page->images->getDictionary()); if ($page->show_comments == 1) { $this->showPage->loadComments($page, 'page'); } $paginator_and_sorting = get_paginator_and_sorting(); $data = array("page" => $page, "subpages" => $this->showPage->withChildPages(app('veer')->siteId, $page->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "parentpages" => $this->showPage->withParentPages(app('veer')->siteId, $page->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "products" => $this->showPage->withProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $page->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "categories" => $this->showPage->withCategories(app('veer')->siteId, $page->id), "template" => $this->template); $blade_path = $this->template . '.pages.' . $id; $viewLink = $this->template . '.page'; // page with special design if ($page->original == 1 && \View::exists($blade_path)) { $viewLink = $blade_path; } $view = viewx($viewLink, $data); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. */ public function show($id) { // @todo if id=0 then it will try to show everything $filtered = $this->showFilter->getFilter(app('veer')->siteId, $id, get_paginator_and_sorting()); $view = viewx($this->template . '.filter', array("products" => $filtered['products'], "pages" => $filtered['pages'], "categories" => $this->showFilter->withCategories($filtered['products'], $filtered['pages']), "tags" => $this->showFilter->withTags($filtered['products'], $filtered['pages']), "attributes" => $this->showFilter->withAttributes($filtered['products'], $filtered['pages']), "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
public function loadComments($object, $type = 'page') { if (db_parameter('COMMENTS_SYSTEM') == "disqus") { app('veer')->loadedComponents['comments_disqus'] = viewx('components.disqus', array("identifier" => $type . $object->id)); } else { $object->load('comments'); app('veer')->loadedComponents['comments_own'] = $object->comments->toArray(); } }
/** * common index view generator */ protected function viewIndex($type, $object, $check = true) { if (!is_object($object) && $check) { return \Redirect::route('index'); } $view = viewx($this->template . '.' . $type, array($type => $object, "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $tag = $this->showTag->getTag($id); if (!is_object($tag)) { return Redirect::route('index'); } $paginator_and_sorting = get_paginator_and_sorting(); $view = viewx($this->template . '.tag', array("tag" => $tag, "products" => $this->showTag->withProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $id, $paginator_and_sorting), "pages" => $this->showTag->withPages(app('veer')->siteId, $id, $paginator_and_sorting), "attributes" => $this->showTag->withAttributes($id, app('veer')->siteId), "categories" => $this->showTag->withCategories($id, app('veer')->siteId), "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($template, $filename) { if ($template != "id") { return $this->thumbnails($template, $filename); } $image = $this->showImage->getImageWithSite(app('veer')->siteId, $filename); if (!is_object($image)) { return Redirect::route('index'); } $paginator_and_sorting = get_paginator_and_sorting(); $view = viewx($this->template . '.image', array("image" => $image, "products" => $this->showImage->withProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $filename, $paginator_and_sorting), "pages" => $this->showImage->withPages(app('veer')->siteId, $filename, $paginator_and_sorting), "categories" => $this->showImage->withCategories(app('veer')->siteId, $filename), "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $category = $this->showCategory->getCategory($id, app('veer')->siteId); if (!is_object($category)) { return Redirect::route('index'); } $category->increment('views'); $category->load(array('images' => function ($q) { return $q->orderBy('pivot_id', 'asc'); })); $paginator_and_sorting = get_paginator_and_sorting(); $view = viewx($this->template . '.category', array("category" => $category, "products" => $this->showCategory->withProducts($id, $paginator_and_sorting), "pages" => $this->showCategory->withPages($id, $paginator_and_sorting), "tags" => $this->showCategory->withTags($id), "attributes" => $this->showCategory->withAttributes($id), "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
public function __construct() { $checkLocale = new \Veer\Components\commonChangeLocale(); app('view')->addExtension('md', 'php'); $this->page = app('router')->current()->id; $this->sourcePath = app('veer')->template . '/' . $this->sourcePath . '/' . config('app.locale') . '/' . $this->page . ''; if (view()->exists($this->sourcePath)) { $this->dataPath = app('view')->getFinder()->find($this->sourcePath); } if (!empty($this->dataPath)) { $this->data = \File::get($this->dataPath); } $this->updateViews(); if (app('request')->ajax()) { return $this->earlyResponse($this->data); } return $this->earlyResponse(viewx(app('veer')->template . '.page', array("page" => $this->pageDb, "template" => app('veer')->template))); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id */ public function show($id, $childId = null) { $attribute = $this->showAttribute->getAttribute($id, $childId); if (!is_object($attribute)) { return \Redirect::route('index'); } $data = array("attribute" => $attribute, "template" => $this->template); if (!empty($childId)) { $page_sort = get_paginator_and_sorting(); array_set($data, 'products', $this->showAttribute->withProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $childId, $page_sort)); array_set($data, 'pages', $this->showAttribute->withPages(app('veer')->siteId, $childId, $page_sort)); array_set($data, 'tags', $this->showAttribute->withTags($attribute->name, $attribute->val, app('veer')->siteId)); array_set($data, 'categories', $this->showAttribute->withCategories($attribute->name, $attribute->val, app('veer')->siteId)); } $view = viewx($this->template . '.attribute', $data); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int|string $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { if (in_array($id, array('new', 'ordered', 'viewed'))) { return $this->showProductLists($id); } // @todo queryParams -> filter? $product = $this->showProduct->getProduct($id, app('veer')->siteId); if (!is_object($product)) { return $this->showProductLists('new'); } $product->increment('viewed'); $product->load(array('images' => function ($q) { return $q->orderBy('pivot_id', 'asc'); }, 'tags', 'attributes', 'downloads', 'userlists')); $this->showProduct->loadComments($product, 'product'); $paginator_and_sorting = get_paginator_and_sorting(); $data = array("product" => $product, "subproducts" => $this->showProduct->withChildProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $product->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "parentproducts" => $this->showProduct->withParentProducts(app('veer')->siteId, $product->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "pages" => $this->showProduct->withPages(app('veer')->siteId, $product->id, $paginator_and_sorting), "categories" => $this->showProduct->withCategories(app('veer')->siteId, $product->id), "template" => $this->template); $view = viewx($this->template . '.product', $data); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Show results for search.show & search.store */ protected function results($searched) { $view = viewx($this->template . '.search', array("products" => $searched['products'], "pages" => $searched['pages'], "categories" => $this->showSearch->withCategories($searched['products'], $searched['pages']), "tags" => $this->showSearch->withTags($searched['products'], $searched['pages']), "attributes" => $this->showSearch->withAttributes($searched['products'], $searched['pages']), "template" => $this->template)); $this->view = $view; return $view; }
/** * Search */ public function searchAdmin($t, $paginateItems = 25) { $this->targetModel = $t; $q = \Input::get('SearchField'); list($model, $id) = $this->parseQ($q); $field = $model == 'category' ? 'category' : 'id'; $model = $this->getModelName($model, $this->targetModel); if (!empty($id)) { return \Redirect::route('admin.show', array($this->targetModel, $field => $id)); } $view = $this->targetModel; $searchFields = $this->getSearchFields($this->targetModel); if (!empty($searchFields)) { $items = $model::whereNested(function ($query) use($q, $searchFields) { foreach ($searchFields as $s) { $query->orWhere($s, 'like', '%' . $q . '%'); } })->paginate($paginateItems); } if (isset($items) && is_object($items)) { return viewx(app('veer')->template . '.' . $view, array("items" => $items, "template" => app('veer')->template)); } return false; }
protected function categoryEarlyResponse($category) { app('veer')->forceEarlyResponse = true; app('veer')->earlyResponseContainer = viewx(app('veer')->template . '.category', array("category" => $category, "template" => app('veer')->template)); }
/** * show cart */ public function showCart() { // prepare content $cart = $this->showUser->getUserCart(app('veer')->siteId, \Auth::id(), app('session')->getId()); $grouped = app('veershop')->regroupShoppingCart($cart); // show user books if (\Auth::id() > 0) { $userbooks = \Auth::user()->books; } list($order, $checkDiscount, $calculations) = app('veershop')->prepareOrder($grouped); $view = viewx($this->template . '.cart', array("cart" => $grouped, "books" => isset($userbooks) ? $userbooks : null, "methods" => $calculations, "order" => $order, "template" => $this->template)); return $view; }
/** * Order was successful made */ public function success() { if (\Session::has("successfulOrder")) { $orders = $this->showOrder->getOrderWithSite(app('veer')->siteId, \Session::get("successfulOrder"), \Auth::id(), administrator()); if (is_object($orders)) { $orders->load('user', 'userbook', 'userdiscount', 'status', 'delivery', 'payment', 'status_history', 'products', 'bills', 'secrets', 'orderContent'); // @todo do we need to load all information? // @todo downloads for digital products /* do not cache */ return viewx($this->template . '.success-order', array("order" => $orders, "template" => $this->template)); } } return Redirect::route('index'); }
protected function earlyResponse() { app('veer')->forceEarlyResponse = true; $data2view['data']['function']['indexCornersPages']['data'] = $this->data; $data2view['template'] = app('veer')->template; $data2view['loadScripts'] = true; app('veer')->earlyResponseContainer = viewx(app('veer')->template . ".layout.pages-list", $data2view); }