if (in_array($link_tooltip, array('yes', 'true'))) { $link_classes .= ' tooltip-up'; } // Display link if ($link) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($link); ?> " class="<?php echo $link_classes; ?> "<?php echo vcex_html('title_attr', $link_title); echo vcex_html('target_attr', $link_target); ?> > <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php // Primary image wpex_post_thumbnail(array('attachment' => $primary_image, 'size' => $img_size, 'crop' => $img_crop, 'width' => $img_width, 'height' => $img_height, 'class' => 'vcex-image-swap-primary', 'style' => $image_style)); ?>
// Per style if ($per) { $per_style = vcex_inline_style(array('display' => $per_display, 'font_size' => $per_size, 'color' => $per_color, 'font_weight' => $per_weight, 'text_transform' => $per_transform)); } // Features Style if ($content) { $features_style = vcex_inline_style(array('padding' => $features_padding, 'background' => $features_bg, 'border' => $features_border, 'color' => $font_color, 'font_size' => $font_size)); } // Button URL & attributes if ($button_url) { $button_url_temp = $button_url; $button_url = vcex_get_link_data('url', $button_url_temp); if ($button_url) { $button_title = vcex_get_link_data('title', $button_url_temp); $button_target = vcex_get_link_data('target', $button_url_temp); $button_target = vcex_html('target_attr', $button_target); } } // Button Icons, Classes & Style if ($button_url || $custom_button) { // Button Wrap Style $button_wrap_style = vcex_inline_style(array('padding' => $button_wrap_padding, 'border' => $button_wrap_border, 'background' => $button_wrap_bg)); // VCEX button styles if ($button_url) { // Get correct icon classes $button_icon_left = vcex_get_icon_class($atts, 'button_icon_left'); $button_icon_right = vcex_get_icon_class($atts, 'button_icon_right'); if ($button_icon_left || $button_icon_right) { vcex_enqueue_icon_font($icon_type); } // Button Classes
/** * Echos unique ID html for VC modules * * @since 2.0.0 */ function vcex_unique_id($id) { if (!$id) { return; } echo vcex_html('id_attr', $id); }
return; } // Deprecated Attributes if (!empty($atts['class']) && empty($classes)) { $atts['classes'] = $atts['class']; } // Get and extract shortcode attributes $atts = vc_map_get_attributes($this->getShortcode(), $atts); extract($atts); // Sanitize & declare vars $content = !empty($content) ? $content : __('Button Text', 'wpex'); $inline_js = array(); $data_attr = array(); $url = $url ? esc_url($url) : '#'; $target_html = vcex_html('target_attr', $target); $rel = vcex_html('rel_attr', $rel); // Load custom font if ($font_family) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($font_family); } // Button Classes $button_classes = array('theme-button vcex-button'); if ($layout) { $button_classes[] = $layout; } if ($style) { $button_classes[] = $style; } if ($align) { $button_classes[] = 'align-' . $align; }
wpex_overlay('inside_link', $overlay_style, $atts); ?> </a><!-- .wpex-carousel-entry-img --> <?php } elseif ('custom_link' == $thumbnail_link && $post->url) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $post->url; ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr($post->alt); ?> " class="wpex-carousel-entry-img"<?php echo vcex_html('target_attr', $custom_links_target); ?> > <?php echo $image_output; ?> <?php // Inner link overlay html wpex_overlay('inside_link', $overlay_style, $atts); ?> </a> <?php } else { echo $image_output; }
// Sanitize & declare variables $inline_js = array('ilightbox'); $is_isotope = false; $title = $title ? $title : 'true'; $excerpt = $excerpt ? $excerpt : 'true'; $read_more = $read_more ? $read_more : 'true'; $entry_media = $entry_media ? $entry_media : 'true'; $date = $date ? $date : 'true'; $read_more_text = $read_more_text ? $read_more_text : __('read more', 'wpex'); $filter = $filter ? $filter : 'false'; $css_animation = $css_animation ? $this->getCSSAnimation($css_animation) : ''; $css_animation = 'true' == $filter ? false : $css_animation; $equal_heights_grid = 'true' == $equal_heights_grid ? true : false; $equal_heights_grid = $equal_heights_grid && $columns > '1' ? true : false; $overlay_style = $overlay_style ? $overlay_style : 'none'; $url_target = vcex_html('target_attr', $url_target); $center_filter = 'yes' == $center_filter ? ' center' : ''; // Load lightbox script if ('lightbox' == $thumb_link) { vcex_enque_style('ilightbox'); } // Enable Isotope? if ('true' == $filter || 'masonry' == $grid_style) { $is_isotope = true; $equal_heights_grid = false; } // No need for masonry if not enough columns and filter is disabled if ('true' != $filter && 'masonry' == $grid_style) { $post_count = count($wpex_query->posts); if ($post_count <= $columns) { $is_isotope = false;
$link_classes = implode(' ', $link_classes); // Sanitize title attribute $title_attr = $menu_item->attr_title ? $menu_item->attr_title : $menu_item->title; ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($menu_item->url); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr($title_attr); ?> " class="<?php echo $link_classes; ?> "<?php echo vcex_html('target_attr', $menu_item->target); echo $link_data; if ($menu_item->object_id == $post_id) { echo $active_style; } ?> ><?php echo $menu_item->title; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php
* @subpackage VC Templates * @version 3.3.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Not needed in admin ever if (is_admin()) { return; } // Get and extract shortcode attributes extract(vc_map_get_attributes($this->getShortcode(), $atts)); // Sanitize variables $button_target = vcex_html('target_attr', $button_target); $button_rel = vcex_html('rel_attr', $button_rel); // Add Classes $wrap_classes = array('vcex-callout', 'clr'); if ($button_url) { $wrap_classes[] = 'with-button'; } if ($visibility) { $wrap_classes[] = $visibility; } if ($css_animation) { $wrap_classes[] = $this->getCSSAnimation($css_animation); } if ($classes) { $wrap_classes[] = $this->getExtraClass($classes); } $wrap_classes[] = vc_shortcode_custom_css_class($css);
<?php // Open link tag if ($url) { ?> <?php // Inline sytle for the link $link_style = vcex_inline_style(array('color' => $font_color)); ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "<?php echo vcex_html('title_attr', $url_title); echo $url_target; echo $link_style; ?> > <?php } ?> <?php // define inner output $inner_output = ''; // Add icon if defined if ($icon) { // Icon classes