function walk($onBefore = null, $onEveryRow = null, $onAfter = null) { // Search employee time records and walk through them. // The beginning time $begin_local_timestamp, a local timestamp, must be set // to be the beginning of the week of interest. The sum of weekly hours and the // computation of overtime commences from the $this->begin_local_timestamp. The // $this->end_local_timestamp is for the end of the work week. It cannot span more than one // week otherwise the computation of overtime is wrong. Argument functions are used // to actually print (or process) the entries. // Returns a 4 element array of number of 1) rows processed, 2) the total work hours, // 3) total overtime hours, and 4) total hours worked today. // Configuration variables. global $show_display_name, $timefmt, $datefmt; global $overtime_week_limit, $timecard_list_punch_outs, $timecard_punchitem; // Initialize totals $this->week_hours = 0; $this->overtime_hours = 0; $this->today_hours = null; // not used unless week includes today // Set flag to tally today's hours if within current week. $local_timestamp = local_timestamp(); // current time if ($local_timestamp >= $this->begin_local_timestamp && $local_timestamp <= $this->end_local_timestamp) { // In current work week, set flag to look for and sum today's hours too. $do_today_hours = true; $today_date = date('Ymd', local_timestamp()); $this->today_hours = 0; } // Initialize $row_count = 0; // Make SQL search parameters. $begin_utm_timestamp = utm_timestamp($this->begin_local_timestamp); // must be beginning of work week $end_utm_timestamp = utm_timestamp($this->end_local_timestamp); // can be any time within work week if ($this->begin_local_timestamp < $local_timestamp) { // Get previous record to timecard to see if employee is already signed in at beginning of the period. $result = mysql_query($this->_query_prev_record($begin_utm_timestamp)) or trigger_error('Timecard->walk: no previous result: ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $this->row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($this->row['in_or_out'] == 1) { $row_count++; // Initialize $this->start_time = day_timestamp($this->begin_local_timestamp); $this->in_or_out = $this->row['in_or_out']; $this->row['notes'] = "(cont.)"; // add note // Trigger onBefore function. if ($onBefore) { $onBefore($this); } } mysql_free_result($result); } } // Get timecard entries. $query = $this->_query($begin_utm_timestamp, $end_utm_timestamp); $result = mysql_query($query) or trigger_error('Timecard->walk: no result: ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); // Process timecard entries. while ($this->next_row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $row_count++; $this->end_time = local_timestamp($this->next_row['timestamp']); // normalize timestamp to local time if ($row_count == 1) { // Initialize $this->start_time = $this->end_time; $this->in_or_out = $this->next_row['in_or_out']; $this->row = $this->next_row; // Trigger onBefore function. if ($onBefore) { $onBefore($this); } continue; } // Is employee punched in? if ($this->in_or_out == 1) { list($this->hours, $this->overtime) = compute_work_hours($this->start_time, $this->end_time, $this->week_hours); if ($do_today_hours) { $this->today_hours += compute_day_hours($today_date, $this->start_time, $this->end_time); } $this->week_hours += $this->hours; $this->overtime_hours += $this->overtime; $this->total_hours = $this->week_hours + $this->overtime_hours; } // Trigger onEveryRow function. if ($onEveryRow) { $onEveryRow($this); } // Re-initialize $this->start_time = $this->end_time; $this->in_or_out = $this->next_row['in_or_out']; $this->row = $this->next_row; } // Complete processing of the last time record. if ($row_count > 0) { $row_count++; if ($this->in_or_out == 1) { // Last record still has employee punched in. $this->end_time = $this->end_local_timestamp > $local_timestamp ? $local_timestamp : $this->end_local_timestamp; list($this->hours, $this->overtime) = compute_work_hours($this->start_time, $this->end_time, $this->week_hours); if ($do_today_hours) { $this->today_hours += compute_day_hours($today_date, $this->start_time, $this->end_time); } $this->week_hours += $this->hours; $this->overtime_hours += $this->overtime; $this->total_hours = $this->week_hours + $this->overtime_hours; // Add another record into timecard indicating pseudo punch-out at current time or end of week. // Trigger onEveryRow function. if ($onEveryRow) { $onEveryRow($this); } // Re-initialize $this->start_time = $this->end_time; $this->in_or_out = 0; $this->row = $this->next_row; // Fill in pseudo row $this->row['in_or_out'] = $this->in_or_out; $this->row['color'] = '#333'; $this->row['inout'] = $this->row['punchitems'] = $timecard_punchitem; $this->row['notes'] = $this->end_time == $local_timestamp ? "(current time) " . $this->row['notes'] : "(end of period) " . $this->row['notes']; // add note } // Trigger onEveryRow function. if ($onEveryRow) { $onEveryRow($this); } // Trigger onAfter function. if ($onAfter) { $onAfter($this); } } mysql_free_result($result); return array($row_count, $this->total_hours, $this->overtime_hours, $this->today_hours); }
/** * Display time and day. * * Part of punchclock.php program. */ /* TODO: Text substitutions on the Javascript Date.toLocaleString() method is used to display * the time on the browser. The Date.toLocaleString() does not return the same string in all * browders. Safari and Chrome should have times adjusted to 12hr format if specified by $timefmt. * Firefox: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:22:01 PM * IE8: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:22:01 PM * Safari: Monday, March 08, 2010 15:22:01 * Chrome: Mon Mar 08 2010 15:22:01 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) * Opera: 3/8/10 3:22:01 PM */ require_once "lib.common.php"; $timestamp = utm_timestamp() + timezone_offset(); $timeclock = date('l F j, Y H:i', $timestamp); // initial display // Define javascript replacement function for changing Date.toLocaleString() text according to $timefmt config option. switch ($timefmt) { case 'G:i': // 24 hour w/o leading 0 $replace_func = "function(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { return timer.time.getHours().toString().replace(/^0(!:0)/,'')+':'+p2+':'+p3; }"; break; case 'H:i': // 24 hour $replace_func = "function(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { return ((timer.time.getHours() < 10) ? '0' : '')+timer.time.getHours()+':'+p2+':'+p3; }"; break; case 'g:i A': // 12 hour AM/PM $replace_func = "function(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { return p1+':'+p2+':'+p3+p4+p5; }";
$notes = isset($_POST['notes']) ? $_POST['notes'] : ''; $q_notes = mysql_real_escape_string($notes); $h_notes = htmlentities($notes); $q_empfullname = mysql_real_escape_string($empfullname); // Validate and get inout display color. $query = "select color from " . $db_prefix . "punchlist where punchitems = '{$q_inout}'"; $punchlist_result = mysql_query($query); $inout_color = mysql_result($punchlist_result, 0, 0); if (!$inout_color) { #print error_msg("In/Out Status is not in the database."); trigger_error('In/Out Status is not in the database.', E_USER_WARNING); exit; } $h_color = htmlentities($inout_color); // Record time. $tz_stamp = utm_timestamp(); $ip = strtolower($ip_logging) == "yes" ? "'" . get_ipaddress() . "'" : 'NULL'; $insert_query = <<<End_Of_SQL insert into {$db_prefix}info (fullname, `inout`, timestamp, notes, ipaddress) values ('{$q_empfullname}', '{$q_inout}', '{$tz_stamp}', '{$q_notes}', {$ip}) End_Of_SQL; $update_query = <<<End_Of_SQL update {$db_prefix}employees set tstamp = '{$tz_stamp}' where empfullname = '{$q_empfullname}' End_Of_SQL; if (mysql_query($insert_query)) { mysql_query($update_query) or trigger_error('entry: cannot update tstamp in employee record. ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } else { trigger_error('entry: cannot insert timestamp into info record. ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); }
/** * Export display of hours. */ if (!isset($_SESSION['application'])) { header('Location:export.php'); exit; } require_once 'class.Timecard.php'; // Construct query parameters $begin_local_timestamp = make_timestamp($from_date); // begins at midnight $end_local_timestamp = make_timestamp($to_date) + $one_day - 1; // through end of day $begin_utm_timestamp = utm_timestamp($begin_local_timestamp); $end_utm_timestamp = utm_timestamp($end_local_timestamp); $employee_clause = $user_name == 'All' ? '' : " and {$db_prefix}employees.empfullname = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_name) . "'\n"; $office_clause = $office_name == 'All' ? '' : " and {$db_prefix} = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($office_name) . "'\n"; $groups_clause = $group_name == 'All' ? '' : " and {$db_prefix}employees.groups = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($group_name) . "'\n"; // Select employees whose timecards need to be scanned. $query = <<<End_Of_SQL select distinct fullname from {$db_prefix}info left join {$db_prefix}employees on {$db_prefix}info.fullname = {$db_prefix}employees.empfullname where timestamp between {$begin_utm_timestamp} and {$end_utm_timestamp} {$employee_clause}{$office_clause}{$groups_clause}order by 1 End_Of_SQL; $result = mysql_query($query) or trigger_error("export_display: Cannot select employees. " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); // Scan employee timecards between given dates and record computed hours. setup_record_hours(); $week_begin_local_timestamp = work_week_begin($begin_local_timestamp);