Ejemplo n.º 1
$result = $db->query($query);
while ($list = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($met_member_use) {
        $list['access'] = $menber_array[$list['access']];
    $list[new_ok1] = $list[new_ok] ? $lang_yes : $lang_no;
    $list[com_ok1] = $list[com_ok] ? $lang_yes : $lang_no;
    $list[displaytype1] = $list[displaytype] ? $lang_yes : $lang_no;
    $list[top_ok1] = $list[top_ok] ? $lang_yes : $lang_no;
    $list[wap_ok1] = $list[wap_ok] ? $lang_yes : $lang_no;
    $list[updatetime] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($list[updatetime]));
    $num = 38;
    if (preg_match("/[-ÿ]/", $list['title'])) {
        $num = 20;
    $list['titles'] = utf8substr($list['title'], 0, $num);
    $img_list[] = $list;
$page_list = $rowset->link("index.php?anyid={$anyid}&lang={$lang}&class1={$class1}&class2={$class2}&class3={$class3}&search={$search}&title={$title}&page=");
switch ($new) {
    case '1':
        $new1 = "selected='selected'";
    case '0':
        $new2 = "selected='selected'";
        $new0 = "selected='selected'";
switch ($recommend) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
function metlabel_news($time = 1, $desc = 0, $dlen, $dt = 1, $n = 0)
    global $news_list, $metblank, $id;
    $metinfo .= "<ul class='list-none metlist'>";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($news_list as $key => $val) {
        if (!$n || $id != $val[id]) {
            $top = '';
            if ($dlen) {
                $val['description'] = utf8substr($val['description'], 0, $dlen);
            if ($i == 1) {
                $top = 'top';
            $metinfo .= "<li class='list {$top}'>";
            if ($dt) {
                $a = '[';
                $b = ']';
            if ($time) {
                $metinfo .= "<span>{$a}{$val[updatetime]}{$b}</span>";
            $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>{$val[title]}</a>{$val[hot]}{$val[news]}{$val[top]}";
            if ($desc && $val['description'] != '') {
                $metinfo .= "<p>{$val[description]}</p>";
            $metinfo .= "</li>";
    $metinfo .= "</ul>";
    return $metinfo;
Ejemplo n.º 3
} else {
    $total_count = $db->counter($met_sms, "{$serch_sql}", "*");
require_once 'include/pager.class.php';
$page = (int) $page;
if ($page_input) {
    $page = $page_input;
$list_num = 20;
$rowset = new Pager($total_count, $list_num, $page);
$from_record = $rowset->_offset();
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$met_sms} {$serch_sql} order by time desc LIMIT {$from_record}, {$list_num}";
$result = $db->query($query);
while ($list = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
    $list['text'] = utf8substr($list['content'], 0, 15);
    $total_tels = explode(',', $list['tel']);
    $telsnum = count($total_tels);
    $list['telnum'] = $telsnum;
    $list['teltext'] = utf8substr($list['tel'], 0, 11);
    $list['type'] = sedsmstype($list['type']);
    $list['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['time']);
    $list['remark'] = sedsmserrtype($list['remark'], 1);
    $record_list[] = $list;
$page_list = $rowset->link("smsnotes.php?anyid={$anyid}&lang={$lang}&notes_type={$notes_type}&page=");
$css_url = $depth . "../templates/" . $met_skin . "/css";
$img_url = $depth . "../templates/" . $met_skin . "/images";
include template('app/sms/smsnotes');
# This program is an open source system, commercial use, please consciously to purchase commercial license.
# Copyright (C) MetInfo Co., Ltd. (http://www.metinfo.cn). All rights reserved.
Ejemplo n.º 4
function methtml_download($type, $titlenum, $downurl = 1, $filesize = 1, $paranum, $detail, $time, $hits, $newwindow = 1, $desription, $desnum, $classname, $news, $hot, $top, $listnav = 0, $max, $topcolor)
    global $download_list, $download_list_com, $download_list_img, $download_class, $lang_Colunm, $lang_Hits, $lang_UpdateTime, $lang_Title, $lang_Detail, $lang_FileSize, $lang_Download;
    global $download_paralist, $addfeedback_url, $met_download_page;
    global $class1, $class2, $class3, $nav_list2, $nav_list3, $class_list, $module_list1, $search;
    $listarray = $type == 'new' ? $download_list_new : ($type == 'com' ? $download_list_com : $download_list);
    $listtext .= "<ul>\n";
    if ($listnav == 1) {
        $listtext .= "<li class='download_list_title'>";
        if ($classname == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_class' >[" . $lang_Colunm . "]</span>";
        $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'>" . $lang_Title . "</span>";
        if ($filesize == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_filesize'>" . $lang_FileSize . "</span>";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($download_paralist as $key => $val1) {
            if ($i > $paranum) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_para" . $i . "'>" . $val1[name] . "</span>";
        if ($hits == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . "</span>";
        if ($time == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . "</span>";
        if ($downurl == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_download'>" . $lang_Download . "</span>";
        if ($detail == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail'>" . $lang_Detail . "</span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) {
        if (intval($titlenum) != 0) {
            $val[title] = utf8substr($val[title], 0, $titlenum);
        if (intval($desnum) != 0) {
            $val[description] = utf8substr($val[description], 0, $desnum);
        $listtext .= "<li>";
        if ($classname == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "' title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
        $listtext .= "<span  class='info_title'><a href=" . $val[url];
        if ($newwindow == 1) {
            $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
        if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
            $listtext .= " style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
        $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
        if ($filesize == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_filesize'>";
        if ($listnav != 1) {
            $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_FileSize . "</b>:";
        $listtext .= $val[filesize] . "KB</span>";
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($download_paralist as $key => $val1) {
            if ($j > $paranum) {
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $val1[name] . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_para" . $j . "' >" . $val[$val1[para]] . "</span>";
        if ($hits == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits' >";
        if ($listnav != 1) {
            $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_Hits . "</b>:";
        $listtext .= $val[hits] . "</span>";
        if ($top == 1) {
            $listtext .= $val[top];
        if ($news == 1) {
            $listtext .= $val[news];
        if ($hot == 1) {
            $listtext .= $val[hot];
        if ($time == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime' >";
        if ($listnav != 1) {
            $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_UpdateTime . "</b>:";
        $listtext .= $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
        if ($downurl == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_download'><a href='" . $val[downloadurl] . "' target='_blank'>" . $lang_Download . "</a></span>";
        if ($detail == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail' ><a href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= ">" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
        if ($max && $i >= $max) {
    $listtext .= "</ul>";
    return $listtext;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function methtml_img($listtype, $type, $titlenum, $paranum, $detail, $feedback, $time, $hits, $newwindow = 1, $desription, $desnum, $classname, $news, $hot, $top, $listnav = 1, $max, $topcolor)
    global $img_list, $img_list_com, $img_list_img, $img_class, $lang_Colunm, $lang_Hits, $lang_UpdateTime, $lang_Title, $lang_Detail, $lang_Buy, $lang_ProductTitle;
    global $img_para, $img_paralist, $met_img_x, $met_img_y, $addfeedback_url, $met_img_page;
    global $class1, $class2, $class3, $nav_list2, $nav_list3, $class_list, $module_list1, $search;
    $listarray = $type == 'new' ? $img_list_new : ($type == 'com' ? $img_list_com : $img_list);
    $metimgok = 0;
    if ($met_img_page && $listtype == 'img' && $search != 'search') {
        if ($class2 && count($nav_list3[$class2]) && !$class3) {
            $listarray = $nav_list3[$class2];
            $metimgok = 1;
        } elseif (!$class2 && count($nav_list2[$class1]) && $class1 && !$class3) {
            $listarray = $nav_list2[$class1];
            $metimgok = 1;
        } elseif ($class_list[$class1][module] == 101) {
            $listarray = $module_list1[3];
            $metimgok = 1;
    $listtext .= "<ul>\n";
    if ($listtype == 'text' or $listtype == '') {
        if ($listnav == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<li class='img_list_title'>";
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class' >[" . $lang_Colunm . "]</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'>" . $lang_ProductTitle . "</span>";
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($img_paralist as $key => $val1) {
                if ($i > $paranum) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_para" . $i . "'>" . $val1[name] . "</span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . "</span>";
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . "</span>";
            if ($detail == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail'>" . $lang_Detail . "</span>";
            if ($feedback == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_feedback'>" . $lang_Buy . "</span>";
            $listtext .= "</li>\n";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) {
        $val[title] = $val[title] == '' ? $val[name] : $val[title];
        $val[name] = $val[name] == '' ? $val[title] : $val[name];
        $addfeedback_url1 = $addfeedback_url . $val[title];
        if (intval($titlenum) != 0) {
            $val[title] = utf8substr($val[title], 0, $titlenum);
        if (intval($desnum) != 0) {
            $val[description] = utf8substr($val[description], 0, $desnum);
        $listtext .= "<li>";
        if ($listtype == 'img') {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_img' ><a href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($metimgok) {
                $listtext .= " " . $val[new_windows] . "><img src=" . $val[columnimg] . " alt=" . $val[name] . " width=" . $met_img_x . " height=" . $met_img_y . " /></a></span>";
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_title' ><a title='" . $val[name] . "' href=" . $val[url] . " " . $val[new_windows] . " >" . $val[name] . "</a></span>";
                if ($paranum) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_description' ><a title='" . $val[name] . "' href=" . $val[url] . " " . $val[new_windows] . " >" . $val[description] . "</a></span>";
                if ($detail == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail' ><a href=" . $val[url] . " " . $val[new_windows] . " >" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
                if ($feedback == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_feedback'><a href='" . $addfeedback_url1 . "' >" . $lang_Buy . "</a></span>";
            } else {
                if ($newwindow == 1) {
                    $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                $listtext .= " ><img src=" . $val[imgurls] . " alt=" . $val[title] . " width=" . $met_img_x . " height=" . $met_img_y . " /></a></span>";
                if ($classname == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_class' ><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "' title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_title' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
                if ($newwindow == 1) {
                    $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
                $listtext .= ">" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
                if ($desription == 1 && $val[description]) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_description' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
                    if ($newwindow == 1) {
                        $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                    $listtext .= ">" . $val[description] . "</a></span>";
                $j = 0;
                foreach ($img_paralist as $key => $val1) {
                    if ($j > $paranum) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_para" . $j . "' ><b>" . $val1[name] . ":</b> " . $val[$val1[para]] . "</span>";
                if ($hits == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . ":<font>" . $val[hits] . "</font></span>";
                if ($time == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . ":" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
                if ($detail == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail' ><a href=" . $val[url];
                    if ($newwindow == 1) {
                        $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                    $listtext .= ">" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
                if ($feedback == 1) {
                    $listtext .= "<span class='info_feedback'><a href='" . $addfeedback_url1 . "' >" . $lang_Buy . "</a></span>";
        } else {
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "' title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span  class='info_title'><a href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
                $listtext .= " style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
            $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($img_paralist as $key => $val1) {
                if ($j > $paranum) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_para" . $j . "' >" . $val[$val1[para]] . "</span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits' ><b>" . $val[hits] . "</b></span>";
            if ($top == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[top];
            if ($news == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[news];
            if ($hot == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[hot];
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime' >" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
            if ($detail == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail' ><a href=" . $val[url];
                if ($newwindow == 1) {
                    $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                $listtext .= ">" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
            if ($feedback == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_feedback'><a href='" . $addfeedback_url1 . "' >" . $lang_Buy . "</a></span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
        if ($max && $i >= $max) {
    $listtext .= "</ul>";
    return $listtext;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function methtml_job($titlenum, $person, $address, $deal, $time, $timelong, $cvonline, $newwindow = 1, $news, $top, $listnav = 0, $max, $topcolor)
    global $job_list, $lang_Detail, $lang_job, $lang_Position, $lang_PersonNumber, $lang_WorkPlace, $lang_Deal, $lang_AddDate, $lang_Validity, $lang_cvtitle;
    global $cv;
    $listtext .= "<ul>\n";
    if ($listnav == 1) {
        $listtext .= "<li class='job_list_title'>";
        $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'>" . $lang_Position . "</span>";
        if ($person == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_person'>" . $lang_PersonNumber . "</span>";
        if ($address == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_address'>" . $lang_WorkPlace . "</span>";
        if ($deal == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_deal'>" . $lang_Deal . "</span>";
        if ($time == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_AddDate . "</span>";
        if ($timelong == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_validity'>" . $lang_Validity . "</span>";
        if ($cvonline == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_cv'>" . $lang_cvtitle . "</span>";
        $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail'>" . $lang_Detail . "</span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($job_list as $key => $val) {
        if (intval($titlenum) != 0) {
            $val[position] = utf8substr($val[position], 0, $titlenum);
        if (intval($desnum) != 0) {
            $val[description] = utf8substr($val[description], 0, $desnum);
        $listtext .= "<li>";
        $listtext .= "<span  class='info_title'>";
        if ($listnav != 1) {
            $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_Position . "</b>:";
        $listtext .= "<a href=" . $val[url];
        if ($newwindow == 1) {
            $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
        if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
            $listtext .= " style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
        $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[position] . "' >" . $val[position] . "</a></span>";
        if ($filesize == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_filesize'>";
        if ($person == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_person'>";
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_PersonNumber . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= $val[count] . "</span>";
        if ($address == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_address'>";
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_WorkPlace . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= $val[place] . "</span>";
        if ($deal == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_deal'>";
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_Deal . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= $val[deal] . "</span>";
        if ($time == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>";
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_AddDate . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= $val[addtime] . "</span>";
        if ($timelong == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_validity''>";
            if ($listnav != 1) {
                $listtext .= "<b>" . $lang_Validity . "</b>:";
            $listtext .= $val[useful_life] . "</span>";
        if ($cvonline == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_cv''><a href=" . $val[cv] . " target='_blank'>" . $lang_cvtitle . "</a></span>";
        $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail'><a href=" . $val[url];
        if ($newwindow == 1) {
            $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
        $listtext .= " >" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
        if ($top == 1) {
            $listtext .= $val[top];
        if ($news == 1) {
            $listtext .= $val[news];
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
        if ($max && $i >= $max) {
    $listtext .= "</ul>";
    return $listtext;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: message.php Proyecto: nanfs/lt
 $from = $met_fd_usename;
 $fromname = $met_fd_fromname;
 $to = $met_fd_to;
 $usename = $met_fd_usename;
 $usepassword = $met_fd_password;
 $smtp = $met_fd_smtp;
 require_once '../include/jmail.php';
 if ($met_fd_back == 1 and $email != "") {
     jmailsend($from, $fromname, $email, $met_fd_title, $met_fd_content, $usename, $usepassword, $smtp);
 if ($met_nurse_massge) {
     require_once ROOTPATH . 'include/export.func.php';
     if (maxnurse() < $met_nurse_max) {
         $domain = strdomain($met_weburl);
         $message = "您网站[{$domain}]收到了新的留言[{$title}]:" . utf8substr($info, 0, 9) . ",请尽快登录网站后台查看";
         sendsms($met_nurse_massge_tel, $message, 4);
 if ($tel && $met_fd_sms_back) {
     require_once ROOTPATH . 'include/export.func.php';
     sendsms($tel, $met_fd_sms_content, 1);
 $customerid = $metinfo_member_name != '' ? $metinfo_member_name : 0;
 $query = "INSERT INTO {$met_message} SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  ip                 = '{$ip}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  addtime            = '{$addtime}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  lang               = '{$lang}', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t  customerid \t\t = '{$customerid}'";
 $news_id = $db->insert_id();
 $fname = $db->get_one("select * from {$met_column} where module='7' and lang='{$lang}'");
 $news_type = "message-" . $class1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: news.php Proyecto: nanfs/lt
$i = 0;
foreach ($tem_news as $key => $val) {
    $none = $i > 1 ? 'met_none' : '';
    echo <<<EOT
\t\t<li class="tem_index_news_list {$none}">
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($val['list'] as $key => $val2) {
        $val2[imgurl] = "{$thumb_src}dir=../{$val2[imgurl]}&x=90&y=90";
        $to = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'class="tem_even"' : '';
        $val2['description'] = utf8substr($val2['description'], 0, 40);
        echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t<a href="{$val2[url]}" title="{$val2[title]}" {$metblank}>
    echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t<h4 class="tem_index_more"><a href="{$val[url]}" title="{$lang_news_more}" {$metblank}>{$lang_news_more}</a></h4>
Ejemplo n.º 9
function metlabel_news($time = 1, $desc = 0, $dlen, $dt = 1, $n = 0)
    global $news_list, $metblank, $id, $metinfover, $thumb_src, $met_newsimg_x, $met_newsimg_y;
    $metinfo .= "<ul class='list-none metlist'>";
    $i = 0;
    $style = 2;
    //样式展示列表   1/文章列表(默认)   2/图文列表
    if ($metinfover == "v1") {
        if ($style == 2) {
            foreach ($news_list as $key => $val) {
                if ($id != $val[id]) {
                    $top = '';
                    if ($dlen) {
                        $val['description'] = utf8substr($val['description'], 0, $dlen);
                    if ($i == 1) {
                        $top = 'top';
                    $marLeft = $met_newsimg_x + 10;
                    $metinfo .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<li class='list {$top}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='{$val[url]}' class='aimg' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src='{$thumb_src}dir={$val[imgurl]}&x={$met_newsimg_x}&y={$met_newsimg_y}' alt='{$val[title]}' class='img' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='divli' style='margin-left:{$marLeft}px;'>";
                    if ($dt) {
                        $a = '[';
                        $b = ']';
                    $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank} >{$val[title]}</a>{$val[hot]}{$val[news]}{$val[top]}";
                    if ($desc && $val['description'] != '') {
                        $metinfo .= "<p>{$val[description]}</p>";
                    if ($time) {
                        $metinfo .= "<span>{$a}{$val[updatetime]}{$b}</span>";
                    $metinfo .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='clear'></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>";
        } else {
            foreach ($news_list as $key => $val) {
                if (!$n || $id != $val[id]) {
                    $top = '';
                    if ($dlen) {
                        $val['description'] = utf8substr($val['description'], 0, $dlen);
                    if ($i == 1) {
                        $top = 'top';
                    $metinfo .= "<li class='listV1 {$top}'>";
                    if ($dt) {
                        $a = '[';
                        $b = ']';
                    if ($time) {
                        $metinfo .= "<span>{$a}{$val[updatetime]}{$b}</span>";
                    $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>{$val[title]}</a>{$val[hot]}{$val[news]}{$val[top]}";
                    if ($desc && $val['description'] != '') {
                        $metinfo .= "<p>{$val[description]}</p>";
                    $metinfo .= "</li>";
    } else {
        foreach ($news_list as $key => $val) {
            if (!$n || $id != $val[id]) {
                $top = '';
                if ($dlen) {
                    $val['description'] = utf8substr($val['description'], 0, $dlen);
                if ($i == 1) {
                    $top = 'top';
                $metinfo .= "<li class='list {$top}'>";
                if ($dt) {
                    $a = '[';
                    $b = ']';
                if ($time) {
                    $metinfo .= "<span>{$a}{$val[updatetime]}{$b}</span>";
                $metinfo .= "<a href='{$val[url]}' title='{$val[title]}' {$metblank}>{$val[title]}</a>{$val[hot]}{$val[news]}{$val[top]}";
                if ($desc && $val['description'] != '') {
                    $metinfo .= "<p>{$val[description]}</p>";
                $metinfo .= "</li>";
    $metinfo .= "</ul>";
    return $metinfo;
Ejemplo n.º 10
function methtml_news($listtype, $type, $topcolor, $titlenum, $desnum, $newwindow = 1, $classname = 1, $time = 1, $news = 1, $hot = 1, $top = 1, $hits = 1, $listnav = 1, $max)
    global $news_list, $news_list_com, $news_list_img, $news_class, $lang_Colunm, $lang_Hits, $lang_UpdateTime, $lang_Title, $lang_Detail;
    global $met_img_x, $met_img_y;
    $listarray = $type == 'img' ? $news_list_img : ($type == 'com' ? $news_list_com : $news_list);
    $listtext .= "<ul>\n";
    if ($listtype == 'text' or $listtype == '') {
        if ($listnav == 1) {
            $listtext .= "<li class='news_list_title'>";
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'> [" . $lang_Colunm . "]</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'>" . $lang_Title . "</span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . "</span>";
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . "</span>";
            $listtext .= "</li>\n";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) {
        if (intval($titlenum) != 0) {
            $val[title] = utf8substr($val[title], 0, $titlenum);
        if (intval($desnum) != 0) {
            $val[description] = utf8substr($val[description], 0, $desnum);
        $listtext .= "<li>";
        if ($listtype == 'img') {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_img' ><a href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= " ><img src=" . $val[imgurls] . " alt=" . $val[title] . " width=" . $met_img_x . " height=" . $met_img_y . " /></a></span>";
            if ($classname == 2) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class' ><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "' title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
                $listtext .= "style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
            $listtext .= ">" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_description' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= ">" . $val[description] . "</a></span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . ":<font>" . $val[hits] . "</font></span>";
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . ":" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= ">" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
        } elseif ($listtype == 'description') {
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class' ><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "' title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title' ><a href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            $listtext .= "<a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
                $listtext .= "style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
            $listtext .= ">" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_description' ><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= ">" . $val[description] . "</a></span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>" . $lang_Hits . ":<font>" . $val[hits] . "</font></span>";
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $lang_UpdateTime . ":" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_detail'><a title='" . $val[title] . "' href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= ">" . $lang_Detail . "</a></span>";
        } else {
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'><a href='" . $val[classurl] . "'  title='" . $val[classname] . "' >[" . $val[classname] . "]</a></span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'><a href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($val[top_ok] == 1) {
                $listtext .= " style='color:" . $topcolor . ";'";
            $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'><font>" . $val[hits] . "</font></span>";
            if ($top == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[top];
            if ($news == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[news];
            if ($hot == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[hot];
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
        if ($max && $i >= $max) {
    $listtext .= "</ul>";
    return $listtext;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: img.php Proyecto: nanfs/lt
echo <<<EOT

if ($lang_met_module5_type == 2) {
    echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t<ul class="list_{$lang_met_module5_type}">
    foreach ($img_list as $key => $val) {
        $val['description'] = utf8substr($val['description'], 0, 200);
        echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="{$val[url]}" title="{$val[title]}" {$metblank}>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="{$thumb_src}dir={$val[imgurl]}&x={$met_imgs_x}&y={$met_imgs_y}"
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twidth ="{$met_imgs_x}" height="{$met_imgs_y}"
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="met_listbox">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h2><a href="{$val[url]}" title="{$val[title]}" {$metblank}>{$val['title']}</a></h2>
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: return.php Proyecto: nanfs/lt

# MetInfo Enterprise Content Management System
# Copyright (C) MetInfo Co.,Ltd (http://www.metinfo.cn). All rights reserved.
require_once '../login/login_check.php';
if ($type == 'lang') {
    $metinfo .= '<ol>';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($met_langok as $key => $val) {
        $cls = '';
        $c2 = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'class="c2"' : '';
        if ($langadminok == "metinfo" or strstr($langadminok, "-" . $val[mark] . "-")) {
            $val[name_r] = utf8substr($val[name], 0, 4);
            $val[flag] = $val[flag] ? $val[flag] : $val[mark] . '.gif';
            $metinfo .= "<li lang='{$val[mark]}' title='{$lang_langtips2}{$val[name]}' {$c2} flag='{$val[flag]}' lname='{$val[name_r]}' ldname='{$val[name]}'><span><img src='../public/images/flag/{$val[flag]}' />{$val[name]}</span></li>";
    $metinfo .= "<li title='{$lang_langadd}' id='addlang'>{$lang_langadd}</li>";
    $metinfo .= '</ol>';
    echo 'SUC|';
    echo $metinfo;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function methtml_list($listtype, $mark, $type, $order, $module, $titlenum, $color, $max, $newwindow = 1, $classname = 1, $time = 1, $news = 1, $hot = 1, $top = 1, $hits = 0, $description, $deslen)
    global $class_index, $index;
    global $met_img_x, $met_img_y;
    $maxmodule = $module == '' ? methtml_module($class_index[$mark][module]) : $module;
    $maxmodule = $maxmodule ? $maxmodule : 'news';
    $maxmodule = $maxmodule . "_no";
    if (intval($max) == 0) {
        $max = $index[$maxmodule];
    $listarray = methtml_getarray($mark, $type, $order, $module, $max);
    $i = 0;
    $listtext .= "<ul>\n";
    foreach ($listarray as $key => $val) {
        if (intval($titlenum) != 0) {
            $val[title] = utf8substr($val[title], 0, $titlenum);
        if ($i == 1) {
            $firsttitle = $color;
        $listtext .= "<li>";
        if ($listtype == 'img') {
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_img'><a href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            $listtext .= " ><img src=" . $val[imgurls] . " alt='" . $val[title] . "' width=" . $met_img_x . " height=" . $met_img_y . " /></a></span>";
            if ($classname == 2) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'>[<a href='" . $val[class3_url] . "' title='" . $val[class3_name] . "' >" . $val[class3_name] . "</a>]</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'><a href='" . $val[url] . "'";
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($i == 1) {
                $listtext .= "style='color:" . $firsttitle . ";'";
            $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            if ($description == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_discription'><a href=" . $val[url];
                if ($newwindow == 1) {
                    $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
                if (intval($deslen)) {
                    $val[description] = utf8substr($val[title], 0, $deslen);
                $listtext .= "  title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[description] . "</a></span>";
        } else {
            if ($classname == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_class'>[<a href='" . $val[class3_url] . "' title='" . $val[class3_name] . "' >" . $val[class3_name] . "</a>]</span>";
            $listtext .= "<span class='info_title'><a  href=" . $val[url];
            if ($newwindow == 1) {
                $listtext .= " target='_blank' ";
            if ($i == 1) {
                $listtext .= " style='color:" . $firsttitle . ";'";
            $listtext .= " title='" . $val[title] . "' >" . $val[title] . "</a></span>";
            if ($hits == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_hits'>[<font>" . $val[hits] . "</font>]</span>";
            if ($top == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[top];
            if ($news == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[news];
            if ($hot == 1) {
                $listtext .= $val[hot];
            if ($time == 1) {
                $listtext .= "<span class='info_updatetime'>" . $val[updatetime] . "</span>";
        $listtext .= "</li>\n";
    $listtext .= "</ul>";
    return $listtext;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: news.php Proyecto: nanfs/lt
require_once template('head');
require_once template('sidebar');
echo <<<EOT
        <div class="met_module2_list">
foreach ($news_list as $key => $val) {
    $val['imghtml'] = $lang_met_module2_type == 3 ? "<img src=\"{$thumb_src}dir={$val[imgurl]}&x=90&y=90\" />" : '';
    $val['i'] = $lang_met_module2_type == 1 ? '<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>' : '';
    $val['description'] = $lang_met_module2_type > 1 ? '<p>' . utf8substr($val['description'], 0, 200) . '</p>' : '';
    echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t<li class="list_{$lang_met_module2_type}">
\t\t\t\t\t<h2><a href="{$val[url]}" title="{$val[title]}" {$metblank}>{$val['i']}{$val['title']}</a></h2>
\t\t\t\t\t<span class='time'>{$val['updatetime']}</span>
echo <<<EOT