public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['memberreader'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // logic for this is done in HeimrichHannot\Memberplus\Hooks::getPageIdFromUrlHook if (\Input::get('article_reader')) { \Input::setGet('items', \Input::get('article_reader')); } else { if (!isset($_GET['items']) && \Config::get('useAutoItem') && isset($_GET['auto_item'])) { \Input::setGet('items', \Input::get('auto_item')); } } if (!\Input::get('items')) { return ''; } $this->mlGroups = deserialize($this->mlGroups); if (!is_array($this->mlGroups) || empty($this->mlGroups)) { return ''; } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Generate the module */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['mod_airquality_full'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Set the item from the auto_item parameter if (!isset($_GET['items']) && $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && isset($_GET['auto_item'])) { \Input::setGet('items', \Input::get('auto_item')); } // Return if there are no items if (!\Input::get('items')) { return ''; } if (TL_MODE == 'FE') { $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'system/modules/airquality/assets/js/Chart.min.js|static'; $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'system/modules/airquality/assets/styles/style.css'; } return parent::generate(); }
public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['acquisto_category_nav'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { $this->Import('FrontendUser', 'Member'); } $this->generateTrail(\Input::get('category')); $pid = 0; if ($this->acquisto_levelOffset != 0) { $pid = $this->trail[$this->acquisto_levelOffset - 1]; } elseif ($this->acquisto_referenceCategory) { $pid = $this->acquisto_referenceCategory; } $this->items = $this->getCategory($pid, $this->acquisto_levelOffset, 0, $this->acquisto_hardlimit); if (!is_array($this->items)) { return ''; } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['listing'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Return if the table or the fields have not been set if ($this->list_table == '' || $this->list_fields == '') { return ''; } // Disable the details page if (\Input::get('show') && $this->list_info == '') { return ''; } // Fallback to the default template if ($this->list_layout == '') { $this->list_layout = 'list_default'; } $this->strTemplate = $this->list_layout; $this->list_where = $this->replaceInsertTags($this->list_where, false); $this->list_info_where = $this->replaceInsertTags($this->list_info_where, false); return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['rss_reader'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = '' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['backendPath'] . '/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->objFeed = new \SimplePie(); $arrUrls = trimsplit('[\\n\\t ]', trim($this->rss_feed)); if (count($arrUrls) > 1) { $this->objFeed->set_feed_url($arrUrls); } else { $this->objFeed->set_feed_url($arrUrls[0]); } $this->objFeed->set_output_encoding(\Config::get('characterSet')); $this->objFeed->set_cache_location(TL_ROOT . '/system/tmp'); $this->objFeed->enable_cache(false); if ($this->rss_cache > 0) { $this->objFeed->enable_cache(true); $this->objFeed->set_cache_duration($this->rss_cache); } if (!$this->objFeed->init()) { $this->log('Error importing RSS feed "' . $this->rss_feed . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR); return ''; } $this->objFeed->handle_content_type(); return parent::generate(); }
/** * Do not display the module if there are no articles * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['articlenav'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } global $objPage; $this->objArticles = \ArticleModel::findPublishedWithTeaserByPidAndColumn($objPage->id, $this->strColumn); // Return if there are no articles if ($this->objArticles === null) { return ''; } // Redirect to the first article if no article is selected if (!\Input::get('articles')) { if (!$this->loadFirst) { return ''; } $strAlias = $this->objArticles->alias != '' && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? $this->objArticles->alias : $this->objArticles->id; $this->redirect($this->addToUrl('articles=' . $strAlias)); } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Logout the current user and redirect * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['logout'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Set last page visited if ($this->redirectBack) { $_SESSION['LAST_PAGE_VISITED'] = $this->getReferer(); } $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User'); $strRedirect = \Environment::get('base'); // Redirect to last page visited if ($this->redirectBack && !empty($_SESSION['LAST_PAGE_VISITED'])) { $strRedirect = $_SESSION['LAST_PAGE_VISITED']; } elseif ($this->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) { /** @var \PageModel $objTarget */ $strRedirect = $objTarget->getFrontendUrl(); } // Log out and redirect if ($this->User->logout()) { $this->redirect($strRedirect); } return ''; }
/** * Do not show the module if no calendar has been selected * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['calendar'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->cal_calendar = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->cal_calendar, true)); // Return if there are no calendars if (!is_array($this->cal_calendar) || empty($this->cal_calendar)) { return ''; } $this->strUrl = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', \Environment::get('request')); $this->strLink = $this->strUrl; if ($this->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) { /** @var \PageModel $objTarget */ $this->strLink = $objTarget->getFrontendUrl(); } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['eventlist_plus'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->cal_calendar = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->cal_calendar, true)); // Return if there are no calendars if (!is_array($this->cal_calendar) || empty($this->cal_calendar)) { return ''; } parent::generate(); // needs to be overwritten in model, otherwise datacontainer argument in options_callback contains protected calendars $this->objModel->cal_calendar = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->cal_calendar, true)); $objForm = new EventFilterForm($this->objModel); if (($strForm = $objForm->generate()) === null) { return ''; } $this->Template->form = $objForm->generate(); return $this->Template->parse(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['carpet_list'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->carpet_categories = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->carpet_categories)); // No carpaets categries available if (!is_array($this->carpet_categories) || empty($this->carpet_categories)) { return ''; } // Show the catalog detail if an item has been selected if ($this->carpet_detailModule > 0 && (isset($_GET['items']) || $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && isset($_GET['auto_item']))) { return $this->getFrontendModule($this->carpet_detailModule, $this->strColumn); } if (TL_MODE == 'FE') { $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'system/modules/carpet/assets/jquery.raty.min.js|static'; } return parent::generate(); }
public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['modulealias'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $arrModules = deserialize($this->aliasModules); if (is_array($arrModules) && count($arrModules)) { global $objPage; $objModules = $this->Database->execute("SELECT id, aliasPages FROM tl_module WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $arrModules) . ") ORDER BY " . $this->Database->findInSet('id', $arrModules)); while ($objModules->next()) { $arrPages = deserialize($objModules->aliasPages); if (is_array($arrPages) && count($arrPages)) { foreach ($arrPages as $intPage) { $arrPages = array_merge($arrPages, $this->getChildRecords($intPage, 'tl_page', false)); } if (in_array($objPage->id, $arrPages)) { return $this->getFrontendModule($objModules->id, $this->inColumn); } } } } return ''; }
function pagefromtemplate(&$event, $param) { if (strlen(trim($_REQUEST['newpagetemplate'])) > 0) { global $conf; global $INFO; global $ID; $tpl = io_readFile(wikiFN($_REQUEST['newpagetemplate'])); if ($this->getConf('userreplace')) { $stringvars = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return explode(",",$v,2);'), explode(';', $_REQUEST['newpagevars'])); foreach ($stringvars as $value) { $tpl = str_replace(trim($value[0]), trim($value[1]), $tpl); } } if ($this->getConf('standardreplace')) { // replace placeholders $file = noNS($ID); $page = strtr($file, '_', ' '); $tpl = str_replace(array('@ID@', '@NS@', '@FILE@', '@!FILE@', '@!FILE!@', '@PAGE@', '@!PAGE@', '@!!PAGE@', '@!PAGE!@', '@USER@', '@NAME@', '@MAIL@', '@DATE@'), array($ID, getNS($ID), $file, utf8_ucfirst($file), utf8_strtoupper($file), $page, utf8_ucfirst($page), utf8_ucwords($page), utf8_strtoupper($page), $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $INFO['userinfo']['name'], $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], $conf['dformat']), $tpl); // we need the callback to work around strftime's char limit $tpl = preg_replace_callback('/%./', create_function('$m', 'return strftime($m[0]);'), $tpl); } $event->result = $tpl; $event->preventDefault(); } }
/** * Callback function for preg_replace_callback call in utf8_ucwords * You don't need to call this yourself * @param array of matches corresponding to a single word * @return string with first char of the word in uppercase * @see utf8_ucwords * @see utf8_strtoupper * @package utf8 * @subpackage strings */ function utf8_ucwords_callback($matches) { $leadingws = $matches[2]; $ucfirst = utf8_strtoupper($matches[3]); $ucword = utf8_substr_replace(ltrim($matches[0]), $ucfirst, 0, 1); return $leadingws . $ucword; }
public function index() { $this->load->language('product/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('catalog/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('tool/image'); $this->document->setTitle($this->language->get('heading_title')); $data['heading_title'] = $this->language->get('heading_title'); $data['text_index'] = $this->language->get('text_index'); $data['text_empty'] = $this->language->get('text_empty'); $data['button_continue'] = $this->language->get('button_continue'); $data['breadcrumbs'] = array(); $data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_home'), 'href' => $this->url->link('common/home')); $data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_brand'), 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer')); $data['categories'] = array(); $results = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturers(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (is_numeric(utf8_substr($result['name'], 0, 1))) { $key = '0 - 9'; } else { $key = utf8_substr(utf8_strtoupper($result['name']), 0, 1); } if (!isset($data['categories'][$key])) { $data['categories'][$key]['name'] = $key; } $data['categories'][$key]['manufacturer'][] = array('name' => $result['name'], 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer/info', 'manufacturer_id=' . $result['manufacturer_id'])); } $data['continue'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); $data['column_left'] = $this->load->controller('common/column_left'); $data['column_right'] = $this->load->controller('common/column_right'); $data['content_top'] = $this->load->controller('common/content_top'); $data['content_bottom'] = $this->load->controller('common/content_bottom'); $data['footer'] = $this->load->controller('common/footer'); $data['header'] = $this->load->controller('common/header'); $this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('product/manufacturer_list', $data)); }
/** * @return string */ public function generate() { // Backend if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['member_rating'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Set the item from the auto_item parameter if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && isset($_GET['auto_item'])) { \Input::setGet('member', \Input::get('auto_item')); } // activate comment by token via url if (strlen(\Input::get('activation_token'))) { $this->activateOrDelete(); exit; } // set the ratedUser var $this->ratedUser = \MemberModel::findByPk(\Input::get('member')); if ($this->ratedUser === null) { return ''; } // overwrite default template if ($this->memberRatingDetailTemplate != '') { $this->strTemplate = $this->memberRatingDetailTemplate; } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Generate module */ protected function compile() { $objTerm = $this->Database->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_glossary_term WHERE pid IN(" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $this->glossaries)) . ")" . " ORDER BY sortTerm"); if ($objTerm->numRows < 1) { $this->Template->terms = array(); return; } global $objPage; $this->import('String'); $arrTerms = array(); while ($objTerm->next()) { $objTemp = new stdClass(); $key = utf8_strtoupper(utf8_substr($objTerm->sortTerm, 0, 1)); $objTemp->term = $objTerm->term; $objTemp->anchor = 'gl' . utf8_romanize($key); $objTemp->id = standardize($objTerm->term); $objTemp->isParent = false; $objTemp->isReference = false; if ($objTerm->addReference) { if ($objTerm->referenceType == 'parent') { $objTemp->hasParent = true; } elseif ($objTerm->referenceType == 'reference') { $objTemp->isReference = true; $objTemp->referenceTerm = false; $objReference = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT `id`,`term` FROM `tl_glossary_term` WHERE `id`=?")->execute($objTerm->referenceTerm); if ($objReference->next()) { $objTemp->referenceTerm = $objReference->term; $objTemp->referenceAnchor = standardize($objReference->term); } } } // Clean the RTE output if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') { $objTerm->definition = $this->String->toXhtml($objTerm->definition); } else { $objTerm->definition = $this->String->toHtml5($objTerm->definition); } $objTemp->definition = $this->String->encodeEmail($objTerm->definition); if ($objTerm->addExample) { $objTemp->addExample = true; $objTemp->example = $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml' ? $this->String->toXhtml($objTerm->example) : $this->String->toHtml5($objTerm->example); } else { $objTemp->addExample = false; } $objTemp->addImage = false; // Add image if ($objTerm->addImage && is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objTerm->singleSRC)) { $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemp, $objTerm->row()); } $objTemp->enclosures = array(); // Add enclosures if ($objTerm->addEnclosure) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemp, $objTerm->row()); } $arrTerms[$key][] = $objTemp; } $this->Template->terms = $arrTerms; $this->Template->request = ampersand($this->Environment->request, true); $this->Template->topLink = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['backToTop']; }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['newslist_plus'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->news_archives = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->news_archives)); // Return if there are no archives if (!is_array($this->news_archives) || empty($this->news_archives)) { return ''; } $this->news_featured = 'featured'; // unset search string for highlighted section \Input::setGet('searchKeywords', null); $this->objArticles = NewsPlusModel::findPublishedByPids($this->news_archives, array(), array(), $this->news_featured == 'featured', $this->numberOfItems, 0); if ($this->objArticles === null) { return ''; } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['newsreader'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Set the item from the auto_item parameter if (!isset($_GET['items']) && \Config::get('useAutoItem') && isset($_GET['auto_item'])) { \Input::setGet('items', \Input::get('auto_item')); } // Do not index or cache the page if no news item has been specified if (!\Input::get('items')) { /** @var \PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; $objPage->noSearch = 1; $objPage->cache = 0; return ''; } $this->news_archives = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->news_archives)); // Do not index or cache the page if there are no archives if (!is_array($this->news_archives) || empty($this->news_archives)) { /** @var \PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; $objPage->noSearch = 1; $objPage->cache = 0; return ''; } return parent::generate(); }
public function index() { $this->language->load('product/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('catalog/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('tool/image'); $this->document->setTitle($this->language->get('heading_title')); $this->data['heading_title'] = $this->language->get('heading_title'); $this->data['text_index'] = $this->language->get('text_index'); $this->data['text_empty'] = $this->language->get('text_empty'); $this->data['button_continue'] = $this->language->get('button_continue'); $this->data['breadcrumbs'] = array(); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_home'), 'href' => $this->url->link('common/home'), 'separator' => false); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_brand'), 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer'), 'separator' => $this->language->get('text_separator')); $this->data['categories'] = array(); $results = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturers(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (is_numeric(utf8_substr($result['name'], 0, 1))) { $key = '0 - 9'; } else { $key = utf8_substr(utf8_strtoupper($result['name']), 0, 1); } if (!isset($this->data['manufacturers'][$key])) { $this->data['categories'][$key]['name'] = $key; } $this->data['categories'][$key]['manufacturer'][] = array('name' => $result['name'], 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer/info', 'manufacturer_id=' . $result['manufacturer_id'])); } $this->data['continue'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl')) { $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl'; } else { $this->template = 'default/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl'; } $this->children = array('common/column_left', 'common/column_right', 'common/content_top', 'common/content_bottom', 'common/footer', 'common/header'); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['newsreader'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } global $objPage; if ($this->news_template_modal) { $this->strTemplate = 'mod_news_modal'; $this->news_template = $this->news_template_modal; // list config $this->news_showInModal = true; $this->news_readerModule = $this->id; // set modal css ID for generateModal() and parent::generate() $arrCss = deserialize($this->cssID, true); $arrCss[0] = NewsPlusHelper::getCSSModalID($this->id); $this->cssID = $arrCss; $this->base = \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($objPage->row()); if ($this->Environment->isAjaxRequest && !$this->isSearchIndexer()) { $this->strTemplate = 'mod_news_modal_ajax'; $this->generateAjax(); } if (!$this->checkConditions()) { return $this->generateModal(); } } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { /** @var \BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['newsarchive'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->news_archives = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->news_archives)); // No news archives available if (!is_array($this->news_archives) || empty($this->news_archives)) { return ''; } // Show the news reader if an item has been selected if ($this->news_readerModule > 0 && (isset($_GET['items']) || \Config::get('useAutoItem') && isset($_GET['auto_item']))) { return $this->getFrontendModule($this->news_readerModule, $this->strColumn); } // Hide the module if no period has been selected if ($this->news_jumpToCurrent == 'hide_module' && !isset($_GET['year']) && !isset($_GET['month']) && !isset($_GET['day'])) { return ''; } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['facebook_login'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } // Return if a front end user is logged in if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { return ''; } // Execute the login if (\Input::get('fblogin')) { if ($this->loginWithFacebook()) { $this->jumpToOrReload($this->jumpTo); } else { $_SESSION['FACEBOOK_LOGIN'] = \Message::generate(); $this->redirect(preg_replace('/(\\?|&)fblogin=1/', '', \Environment::get('request'))); } } return parent::generate(); }
public function index() { $this->language->load('product/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('catalog/manufacturer'); $this->load->model('tool/image'); $this->document->setTitle($this->language->get('text_brand')); $this->data['heading_title'] = $this->language->get('heading_title'); $this->data['text_index'] = $this->language->get('text_index'); $this->data['text_empty'] = $this->language->get('text_empty'); $this->data['button_continue'] = $this->language->get('button_continue'); //add----------------------- $this->data['text_manufinf_vuvod'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_vuvod'); $this->data['text_manufinf_otzuv'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_otzuv'); $this->data['text_manufinf_kilk'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_kilk'); $this->data['text_manufinf_buy'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_buy'); $this->data['text_manufinf_addtocomp'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_addtocomp'); $this->data['text_manufinf_absent'] = $this->language->get('text_manufinf_absent'); $this->data['text_manuflist_news'] = $this->language->get('text_manuflist_news'); $this->data['text_manuflist_brends'] = $this->language->get('text_manuflist_brends'); $this->data['text_manuflist_contact'] = $this->language->get('text_manuflist_contact'); $this->data['text_manuflist_brendsabs'] = $this->language->get('text_manuflist_brendsabs'); $this->data[''] = $this->language->get(''); $this->data['pref_lang'] = $this->language->get('pref_lang'); //add----------------------- $this->data['breadcrumbs'] = array(); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_home'), 'href' => $this->url->link('common/home'), 'separator' => false); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array('text' => $this->language->get('text_brand'), 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer'), 'separator' => $this->language->get('text_separator')); $this->load->model('catalog/information'); $this->data['informations'] = array(); foreach ($this->model_catalog_information->getInformations() as $result) { $this->data['informations'][] = array('title' => $result['title'], 'href' => $this->url->link('information/information', 'information_id=' . $result['information_id'])); } $this->data['categories'] = array(); $results = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturers(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (is_numeric(utf8_substr($result['name'], 0, 1))) { $key = '0 - 9'; } else { $key = utf8_substr(utf8_strtoupper($result['name']), 0, 1); } if ($result['image']) { $image = $this->model_tool_image->resize($result['image'], $this->config->get('config_image_product_width'), $this->config->get('config_image_product_height')); } else { $image = $this->model_tool_image->resize('no_image.jpg', $this->config->get('config_image_product_width'), $this->config->get('config_image_product_height')); } if (!isset($this->data['manufacturers'][$key])) { $this->data['categories'][$key]['name'] = $key; } $this->data['categories'][$key]['manufacturer'][] = array('thumb' => $image, 'name' => $result['name'], 'href' => $this->url->link('product/manufacturer/info', 'manufacturer_id=' . $result['manufacturer_id'])); } $this->data['continue'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl')) { $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl'; } else { $this->template = 'default/template/product/manufacturer_list.tpl'; } $this->children = array('common/column_left', 'common/column_right', 'common/content_top', 'common/content_bottom', 'common/footer', 'common/header'); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CTE']['book_gallery'][1]) . ' ###'; return $objTemplate->parse(); } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Return if the file does not exist * @return string */ public function generate() { $this->arrDownloadarchives = unserialize($this->downloadarchive); if ($this->downloadarchive != null && !is_array($this->arrDownloadarchives)) { $this->arrDownloadarchives = array($this->downloadarchive); } // Return if there are no categories if (count($this->arrDownloadarchives) < 1) { return ''; } if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $title = array(); foreach ($this->arrDownloadarchives as $archive) { $objDownloadarchivee = \FelixPfeiffer\Downloadarchive\DownloadarchiveModel::findByPk($archive); $title[] = $objDownloadarchivee->title; } $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['downloadarchive'][0]) . ' - ' . implode(", ", $title) . ' ###'; return $objTemplate->parse(); } $this->checkForPublishedArchives(); $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User'); foreach ($this->arrDownloadarchives as $archive) { $objFiles = \FelixPfeiffer\Downloadarchive\DownloadarchiveitemsModel::findPublishedByPid($archive); if ($objFiles === null) { continue; } while ($objFiles->next()) { $objFile = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objFiles->singleSRC); if (!file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->path) || $objFiles->guests && FE_USER_LOGGED_IN || $objFiles->protected == 1 && !FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { continue; } $arrGroups = deserialize($objFiles->groups); if ($objFiles->protected == 1 && is_array($arrGroups) && count(array_intersect($this->User->groups, $arrGroups)) < 1 && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { continue; } $allowedDownload = trimsplit(',', strtolower($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['allowedDownload'])); if (!in_array($objFile->extension, $allowedDownload)) { continue; } $arrFile = $objFiles->row(); $filename = $objFile->path; $arrFile['filename'] = $filename; $this->arrDownloadfiles[$archive][$filename] = $arrFile; } } $file = \Input::get('file', true); // Send the file to the browser and do not send a 404 header (see #4632) if ($file != '' && !preg_match('/^meta(_[a-z]{2})?\\.txt$/', basename($file))) { foreach ($this->arrDownloadfiles as $k => $archive) { if (array_key_exists($file, $archive)) { \Controller::sendFileToBrowser($file); } } } return parent::generate(); }
public static function strtoupper($string) { global $sourcedir; if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) { return mb_strtoupper($string, 'UTF-8'); } require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Charset.php'; return utf8_strtoupper($string); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['comments'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; return $objTemplate->parse(); } return parent::generate(); }
function prepareInputDataForProcess($input, $computers_id) { global $DBocs; $tables = $this->getTablesForQuery(); $fields = $this->getFieldsForQuery(); $rule_parameters = array(); $select_sql = ""; //Build the select request foreach ($fields as $field) { switch (utf8_strtoupper($field)) { //OCS server ID is provided by extra_params -> get the configuration associated with the ocs server case "OCS_SERVER": $rule_parameters["OCS_SERVER"] = $this->ocsservers_id; break; //TAG and DOMAIN should come from the OCS DB //TAG and DOMAIN should come from the OCS DB default: $select_sql .= ($select_sql != "" ? " , " : "") . $field; } } //Build the FROM part of the request //Remove all the non duplicated table names $from_sql = "FROM `hardware` "; foreach ($tables as $table => $linkfield) { if ($table != 'hardware' && !empty($linkfield)) { $from_sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$table}` ON (`{$table}`.`{$linkfield}` = `hardware`.`ID`)"; } } if ($select_sql != "") { //Build the all request $sql = "SELECT {$select_sql}\n {$from_sql}\n WHERE `hardware`.`ID` = '{$computers_id}'"; OcsServer::checkOCSconnection($this->ocsservers_id); $result = $DBocs->query($sql); $ocs_datas = array(); $fields = $this->getFieldsForQuery(1); //May have more than one line : for example in case of multiple network cards if ($DBocs->numrows($result) > 0) { while ($datas = $DBocs->fetch_array($result)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field != "OCS_SERVER" && isset($datas[$field])) { $ocs_datas[$field][] = $datas[$field]; } } } } //This cas should never happend but... //Sometimes OCS can't find network ports but fill the right ip in hardware table... //So let's use the ip to proceed rules (if IP is a criteria of course) if (in_array("IPADDRESS", $fields) && !isset($ocs_datas['IPADDRESS'])) { $ocs_datas['IPADDRESS'] = OcsServer::getGeneralIpAddress($this->ocsservers_id, $computers_id); } return array_merge($rule_parameters, $ocs_datas); } return $rule_parameters; }
/** * Modify the default module and render parent generate. * * @return string * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals) */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $template = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $template->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['list'][0]) . ' ###'; $template->title = $this->headline; $template->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $template->parse(); } return parent::generate(); }
/** * Display a wildcard in the back end * * @return string */ public function generate() { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard'); $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['eventreader_plus'][0]) . ' ###'; $objTemplate->title = $this->headline; $objTemplate->id = $this->id; $objTemplate->link = $this->name; $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id; return $objTemplate->parse(); } global $objPage; // add registration before generating event details, otherwise formhybrid ajax requests wont get triggered if (in_array('event_registration', \ModuleLoader::getActive()) && $this->addRegistration && $this->checkConditions() && $this->objEvent->addRegistration) { if (!$this->objEvent->codes && !\Input::get('step') || \Input::get('step') == EventRegistration::STEP_REGISTRATION) { if ($this->registrationFormModule > 0) { $this->registration = \Controller::getFrontendModule($this->registrationFormModule); } } else { if (\Input::get('step') == EventRegistration::STEP_SUMMARY) { if ($this->summaryModule > 0) { $this->registration = \Controller::getFrontendModule($this->summaryModule); } } else { if ($this->codeCheckModule > 0) { $this->registration = \Controller::getFrontendModule($this->codeCheckModule); } } } } if ($this->cal_template_modal) { $this->strTemplate = $this->customTpl ?: 'mod_event_modal'; $this->cal_template = $this->cal_template_modal; // list config $this->cal_showInModal = true; $this->cal_readerModule = $this->id; // set modal css ID for generateModal() and parent::generate() $arrCss = deserialize($this->cssID, true); $arrCss[0] = EventsPlusHelper::getCSSModalID($this->id); $this->cssID = $arrCss; $this->base = \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($objPage->row()); if ($this->Environment->isAjaxRequest && !$this->isSearchIndexer()) { $this->strTemplate = 'mod_event_modal_ajax'; if (!$this->generateAjax()) { return ''; } } if (!$this->checkConditions()) { return $this->generateModal(); } } return parent::generate(); }