global $form_action; /** * @var instance of User class */ global $current_User; if ($display_mode != 'js') { // ------------------- PREV/NEXT USER LINKS ------------------- user_prevnext_links(array('block_start' => '<table class="prevnext_user"><tr>', 'prev_start' => '<td width="33%">', 'prev_end' => '</td>', 'prev_no_user' => '<td width="33%"> </td>', 'back_start' => '<td width="33%" class="back_users_list">', 'back_end' => '</td>', 'next_start' => '<td width="33%" class="right">', 'next_end' => '</td>', 'next_no_user' => '<td width="33%"> </td>', 'block_end' => '</tr></table>', 'user_tab' => 'report')); // ------------- END OF PREV/NEXT USER LINKS ------------------- } $Form = new Form($form_action, 'user_checkchanges'); $form_title = ''; $form_class = 'fform'; $Form->title_fmt = '<span style="float:right">$global_icons$</span><div>$title$</div>' . "\n"; if ($display_mode != 'js') { if (!$user_profile_only) { echo_user_actions($Form, $edited_User, $action); } $form_title = get_usertab_header($edited_User, '', T_('Report User')); } $Form->begin_form($form_class, $form_title); $Form->hidden_ctrl(); $Form->hidden('user_tab', $user_tab); $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Report User'), array('class' => 'fieldset clear')); user_report_form(array('Form' => $Form, 'user_ID' => $edited_User->ID, 'crumb_name' => 'user', 'cancel_url' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=user&user_tab=' . $user_tab . '&action=remove_report&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'))); if ($display_mode == 'js') { // Display a close link for popup window echo '<div class="center" style="margin-top:32px">' . action_icon(T_('Close this window'), 'close', '', ' ' . T_('Close this window'), 3, 4, array('id' => 'close_button', 'class' => 'small')) . '</div>'; } $Form->end_fieldset(); $Form->end_form();
$form_title = ''; $form_class = 'fform user_report_form'; $Form->title_fmt = '<span style="float:right">$global_icons$</span><div>$title$</div>' . "\n"; if ($display_mode != 'js') { if (!$user_profile_only) { echo_user_actions($Form, $edited_User, $action); } $form_text_title = T_('Report User'); // used for js confirmation message on leave the changed form $form_title = get_usertab_header($edited_User, '', $form_text_title); } $Form->begin_form($form_class, $form_title, array('title' => isset($form_text_title) ? $form_text_title : $form_title)); $Form->hidden_ctrl(); if (is_admin_page()) { // Params for backoffice $Form->hidden('user_tab', $user_tab); $Form->hidden('is_backoffice', 1); } else { // Params for frontoffice global $Blog; $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID); } $close_icon = ''; if ($display_mode == 'js') { // Display a close link for popup window $close_icon = action_icon(T_('Close this window'), 'close', '', '', 0, 0, array('id' => 'close_button', 'class' => 'floatright')); } $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Report User') . $close_icon, array('class' => 'fieldset clear')); user_report_form(array('Form' => $Form, 'user_ID' => $edited_User->ID, 'crumb_name' => 'user', 'cancel_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?' . (is_admin_page() ? 'is_backoffice=1&' : '') . 'action=remove_report&' . 'user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&' . (empty($Blog) || is_admin_page() ? '' : 'blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&') . url_crumb('user'))); $Form->end_fieldset(); $Form->end_form();
if (!empty($contacts_groups)) { // Display contacts groups for current User $ProfileForm->custom_content('<p><strong>' . T_('You can organize your contacts into groups. You can decide in which groups to put this user here:') . '</strong></p>'); $ProfileForm->info(sprintf(T_('%s is'), $User->login), $contacts_groups); // Form to create a new group $ProfileForm->hidden('group_ID', 'new'); $ProfileForm->text_input('group_ID_combo', param('group_ID_combo', 'string', ''), 18, T_('Create a new group'), '', array('field_suffix' => $button_add_group, 'maxlength' => 50)); } else { if ($User->ID != $current_User->ID) { // Form to add this user into the group $ProfileForm->combo_box('group_ID', param('group_ID_combo', 'string', ''), get_contacts_groups_options(param('group', 'string', '-1'), false), T_('Add this user to a group'), array('new_field_size' => '8', 'field_suffix' => $button_add_group)); } } } // Display Report User part user_report_form(array('Form' => $ProfileForm, 'user_ID' => $User->ID, 'crumb_name' => 'messaging_contacts', 'cancel_url' => url_add_param($Blog->get('url'), 'disp=contacts&user_ID=' . $User->ID . '&action=remove_report&' . url_crumb('messaging_contacts')))); $ProfileForm->end_fieldset(); // Load the user fields: $User->userfields_load(); // fp> TODO: have some clean iteration support $group_ID = 0; foreach ($User->userfields as $userfield) { if ($group_ID != $userfield->ufgp_ID) { // Start new group if ($group_ID > 0) { // End previous group $ProfileForm->end_fieldset(); } $ProfileForm->begin_fieldset(T_($userfield->ufgp_name)); } if ($userfield->ufdf_type == 'text') {