  * Sets an error if supplied username has been blocked.
 public function validateName(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('name') && user_is_blocked($form_state->getValue('name'))) {
         // Blocked in user administration.
         $form_state->setErrorByName('name', $this->t('The username %name has not been activated or is blocked.', array('%name' => $form_state->getValue('name'))));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Attempt to log in using the given username and password.
  * On a successful login, this function should return the users attributes. On failure,
  * it should throw an exception. If the error was caused by the user entering the wrong
  * username or password, a SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS') should be thrown.
  * Note that both the username and the password are UTF-8 encoded.
  * @param string $username  The username the user wrote.
  * @param string $password  The password the user wrote.
  * @return array  Associative array with the users attributes.
 protected function login($username, $password)
     // accomodating email logins here
     if ($result = db_query('SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER(:name)', array(':name' => $username))) {
         if ($record = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
             $username = $record['name'];
     // authenticate the user
     // check if user is not blocked first
     if (!user_is_blocked($username)) {
         $drupaluid = user_authenticate($username, $password);
         if (0 == $drupaluid) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     } else {
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('USERBLOCKED');
     // load the user object from Drupal
     $drupaluser = user_load($drupaluid);
     // get all the attributes out of the user object
     $userAttrs = get_object_vars($drupaluser);
     // define some variables to use as arrays
     $userAttrNames = null;
     $attributes = null;
     // figure out which attributes to include
     if (NULL == $this->attributes) {
         $userKeys = array_keys($userAttrs);
         // populate the attribute naming array
         foreach ($userKeys as $userKey) {
             $userAttrNames[$userKey] = $userKey;
     } else {
         // populate the array of attribute keys
         // populate the attribute naming array
         foreach ($this->attributes as $confAttr) {
             $userKeys[] = $confAttr['drupaluservar'];
             $userAttrNames[$confAttr['drupaluservar']] = $confAttr['callit'];
     // an array of the keys that should never be included
     // (e.g., pass)
     $skipKeys = array('pass', 'field_address');
     // package up the user attributes
     foreach ($userKeys as $userKey) {
         // skip any keys that should never be included
         if (!in_array($userKey, $skipKeys)) {
             if (is_string($userAttrs[$userKey]) || is_numeric($userAttrs[$userKey]) || is_bool($userAttrs[$userKey])) {
                 $attributes[$userAttrNames[$userKey]] = array($userAttrs[$userKey]);
             } elseif (is_array($userAttrs[$userKey])) {
                 // if the field is a field module field, special handling is required
                 if (substr($userKey, 0, 6) == 'field_') {
                     if ($userAttrs[$userKey]['und'][0]['safe_value']) {
                         $attributes[$userAttrNames[$userKey]] = array($userAttrs[$userKey]['und'][0]['safe_value']);
                     } else {
                         if ($userAttrs[$userKey]['und'][0]['value']) {
                             $attributes[$userAttrNames[$userKey]] = array($userAttrs[$userKey]['und'][0]['value']);
                         } else {
                             // accomodate taxonomy term reference fields
                             foreach ($userAttrs[$userKey]['und'] as $key => $value) {
                                 if ($value['tid']) {
                                     $term_object = taxonomy_term_load($value['tid']);
                                     $attributes[$userAttrNames[$userKey]][$key] = $term_object->name;
                 } else {
                     // otherwise treat it like a normal array
                     $attributes[$userAttrNames[$userKey]] = $userAttrs[$userKey];
     return $attributes;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function output_build_reader_toolbar_desktop($content)
    if ($_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][1] == 'read' || $_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][1] == 'send' && $_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][2]) {
        // build a bio link if appropriate (and the bio isn't currently the content)
        if ((file_exists("{$_SERVER['PWUSERS_DIR']}/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}/bio.txt") || (strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'], 'diaryland') || strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'], 'livejournal'))) && !($_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][3] == 'bio')) {
            $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}/bio'>bio</a>\n";
        if ((strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'], 'planworld.net') || strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'], 'amherst.edu') || plan_is_local($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'])) && $_SERVER['PLANOWNER'] != $_SERVER['USER'] && $_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][1] != 'send') {
            if (IS_JOSH) {
                $send_files = files_list("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends", files_encode_safe_name("{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}") . "*");
                if (is_array($send_files)) {
                    $lastsend = formattime(filemtime("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends/" . end($send_files)));
                    if (strstr(end($send_files), '.new')) {
                        $lastsend .= " <b>NEW</b>";
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/send/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}/'>send <span style='opacity: 0.5'>{$lastsend}</span></a>";
            } else {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/send/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}/'>send</a>\n";
        // build a plan link instead if the reader is reading the bio or send
        if ($_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][3] == 'bio' || $_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'][1] == 'send') {
            $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}' >plan</a>\n";
        // build an archive link, if appropriate
        if (plan_has_archives($_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'])) {
            if (!in_array('archives', $_SERVER['URL_ARRAY'])) {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}/archives' >archives</a>\n";
            } else {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' >plan</a>\n";
        // If the reader isn't watching the writer, offer the option
        if (!stristr($testwatchlist, $_SERVER['PLANOWNER']) && !stristr($testwatchlist, $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION'])) {
            $readertoolbar[] = "<span id='watch_link'><a class='action' href=\"javascript:loadXMLDoc('{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add_ajax/watched/!{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}:{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']}!',null,'planwatch');void(null);\" title='add {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} to your watched list' >watch</a></span>\n";
        } else {
            $readertoolbar[] = "<span id='watch_link'><a class='action' href=\"javascript:loadXMLDoc('{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/remove_ajax/watched/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_REAL_LOCATION']}',null,'planwatch');void(null);\" title='remove {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} from your watched list' >unwatch</a></span>\n";
        // if writer isn't a blog or the same as reader, offer the option of
        // blocking, unblocking, allowing, or disallowing access to reader's plan
        if ($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'] != $_SERVER['USER'] && !strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'], '://')) {
            if (!user_is_blocked($_SERVER['USER'], $_SERVER[PLANOWNER])) {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/blocked/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' title='block {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} from reading your plan altogether' >block</a>\n";
            } else {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/remove/blocked/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' title='unblock {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} so they can read your public plan again' >unblock</a>\n";
            if (!user_is_authorized($_SERVER['USER'], $_SERVER[PLANOWNER])) {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/allowed/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' title='allow {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} to read your private plan' >allow</a>\n";
            } else {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/remove/allowed/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' title='disallow {$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']} from reading your private plan'>disallow</a>\n";
            // offer administrators a link to masquerade as writer
            // this is so it's easy to follow up on plan-reported bugs
            if (user_is_administrator() && file_exists("{$_SERVER['PWUSERS_DIR']}/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}/userinfo.dat")) {
                $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/masq/on/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}'>masq</a>";
            $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='/lists/unread/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}'>unread</a>";
        if ($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'] && $_SERVER['PLANOWNER'] == $_SERVER['USER'] && !strpos($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'], '@') && browser_is_modern()) {
            $readertoolbar[] = "<a class='action' href='/write'>new entry</a>";
        // make the links into a string for output.
        foreach ($readertoolbar as $tool) {
            if (strstr($tool, 'action')) {
                $class = " class='action' ";
            } else {
                $class = '';
            $readertoolbar_html .= "<li {$class}>{$tool}</li>";
        $readertoolbar = "\n<li class='listheader'>{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_DISPLAY_NAME']}</li>" . $readertoolbar_html;
        if (IS_JOSH) {
            if ($lasttime = plan_get_last_update($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'])) {
                $readertoolbar .= "<li class='action'  style='font-size: 80%; float: right;'>updated " . formattime($lasttime) . "</li>";
            if ($lastlogin = plan_get_last_login($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'])) {
                if (trim($lastlogin) && $lastlogin > 0) {
                    $readertoolbar .= "<li class='action' style='font-size: 80%; float: right;'>active " . formattime($lastlogin) . "</li>";
        } else {
            if ($lasttime = plan_get_last_update($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'])) {
                $readertoolbar .= "<li class='plan_data_block'>Last Update: " . formattime($lasttime) . "</li>";
            if ($lastlogin = plan_get_last_login($_SERVER['PLANOWNER'])) {
                if (trim($lastlogin) && $lastlogin > 0) {
                    $readertoolbar .= "<li class='plan_data_block' id='lastaction'>Last Action: " . formattime($lastlogin) . "</li>";
    return $readertoolbar;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Sets an error if supplied username has been blocked.
 public function validateName(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     if (!empty($form_state['values']['name']) && user_is_blocked($form_state['values']['name'])) {
         // Blocked in user administration.
         $this->setFormError('name', $form_state, $this->t('The username %name has not been activated or is blocked.', array('%name' => $form_state['values']['name'])));
function plan_test_privacy($reader, $planwriter, $remotesnitch = FALSE)
    $valid = FALSE;
    // if the reader is blocked, give up now
    if (!user_is_blocked($planwriter, $reader)) {
        $whitelist = file_get_contents("{$_SERVER['FILE_ROOT']}/resources/whitelist.txt");
        if (!strstr($reader, '@planworld.net') || user_is_authorized($planwriter, $reader) || strstr($whitelist, $reader)) {
            $_SERVER['whitelist_passed'] = TRUE;
        } else {
            $_SERVER['whitelist_passed'] = FALSE;
        // if the writer is registered only, there are a few considerations:
        // 1. the reader is registered here
        // 2. OR the reader is registered elsewhere in planworld
        // 3. if the reader is offsite, they must have snitch on
        // 4. if the reader is from planworld.net, they must be on the whitelist
        // 5. if the reader is registered here, they must have confirmed their email address
        // 6. EXCEPT the writer can personally allow any reader, regardless of snitch status
        if (plan_is_registered_only($planwriter) && $reader != 'guest' && $reader != 'rss reader' && trim($reader) && !plan_is_private($planwriter) && !file_exists("{$_SERVER['PWUSERS_DIR']}/{$reader}/unconfirmed") && ($_SERVER['USERINFO_ARRAY']['snitchlevel'] >= 1 || user_is_authorized($planwriter, $reader) || $reader == 'cacheuser') && $_SERVER['whitelist_passed'] && !(strstr(strtolower($reader), 'anonymous') && $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO_ARRAY']['snitchlevel'] > 2)) {
            $valid = 1;
        // if the plan is public or advertised, we're clear
        if (!plan_is_registered_only($planwriter) && !plan_is_private($planwriter)) {
            $valid = 1;
        // if plan is private, only personally allowed users may read
        if (plan_is_private($planwriter) && user_is_authorized($planwriter, $reader)) {
            $valid = 1;
    // provides limited secret feeds for private plans. user must enable.
        $valid = 1;
    // if the writer isn't local, we let the other end handle privacy
    if (!file_exists("{$_SERVER['PWUSERS_DIR']}/{$planwriter}")) {
        $valid = TRUE;
    return $valid;
  * Verifies if the user is blocked.
  * @param string $name
  *   The username.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the user is blocked, otherwise FALSE.
 protected function userIsBlocked($name)
     return user_is_blocked($name);
Ejemplo n.º 7
	 * This is the callback handler (referenced by routing.yml).
	public function callback_handler() {

		// Read Settings.
		$settings = \social_login_get_settings();

		// No need to do anything if we haven't received these arguments.
		if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST['connection_token']) && !empty($_POST['oa_action']) && in_array($_POST['oa_action'], array('social_login', 'social_link'))) {

			// Clear session.
			// API Connection Credentials.
			$api_subdomain = (!empty($settings['api_subdomain']) ? $settings['api_subdomain'] : '');
			$api_key = (!empty($settings['api_key']) ? $settings['api_key'] : '');
			$api_secret = (!empty($settings['api_secret']) ? $settings['api_secret'] : '');

			// API Connection Handler.
			$handler = (!empty($settings['http_handler']) ? $settings['http_handler'] : 'curl');
			$handler = ($handler == 'fsockopen' ? 'fsockopen' : 'curl');

			// API Connection Protocol.
			$protocol = (!empty($settings['http_protocol']) ? $settings['http_protocol'] : 'https');
			$protocol = ($protocol == 'http' ? 'http' : 'https');

			// Automatic or manual registration?
			$registration_method = (!empty($settings['registration_method']) ? $settings['registration_method'] : '');
			$registration_method = (in_array($registration_method, array(
			)) ? $registration_method : 'manual');

			// Require approval?
			$registration_approval = (!empty($settings['registration_approval']) ? $settings['registration_approval'] : '');
			$registration_approval = (in_array($registration_approval, array(
			)) ? $registration_approval : 'inherit');

			// Retrieved connection_token.
			$token = trim($_POST['connection_token']);

			// Settings missing.
			if (empty($api_subdomain) || empty($api_key) || empty($api_secret)) {
				drupal_set_message(t('OneAll Social Login is not setup correctly, please request the administrator to verify the API Settings'), 'error');
				\Drupal::logger('social_login')->notice('The API Settings are not filled out correctly', array());
			// Settings filled out.
			else {

				// Request identity details API.
				$data = \social_login_do_api_request($handler, $protocol . '://' . $api_subdomain . '.api.oneall.com/connections/' . $token . '.json', array(
						'api_key' => $api_key,
						'api_secret' => $api_secret,

				if (is_array($data) && !empty($data['http_data'])) {
					$social_data = @\Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json::decode($data['http_data']);

					// Everything seems to be ok.
					if (is_array($social_data) && isset($social_data['response']) && isset($social_data['response']['request']['status']['code']) && $social_data['response']['request']['status']['code'] == 200) {

						// The plugin that has been uses social_login/social_link.
						$data = $social_data['response']['result']['data'];

						// Save the social network data in a session.
						$_SESSION['social_login_session_open'] = 1;
						$_SESSION['social_login_session_time'] = time();
						$_SESSION['social_login_social_data'] = serialize($social_data);
						$_SESSION['social_login_origin'] = (!empty($_GET['origin']) ? $_GET['origin'] : '');

						// Unique user_token.
						$user_token = $data['user']['user_token'];

						// Extract identity.
						$identity = $data['user']['identity'];

						// Unique identity_token.
						$identity_token = $identity['identity_token'];

						// Social Network that has been used to connect.
						$provider_name = (!empty($identity['source']['name']) ? $identity['source']['name'] : t('Unkown'));

						// Try restoring the user for the token.
						$user_for_token = \social_login_get_user_for_user_token($user_token);
						// Existing user.
						if (is_object($user_for_token) && !empty($user_for_token->id())) {
							// Social Login Plugin used?
							if ($data['plugin']['key'] == 'social_login') {
								// Make sure that the user has not been blocked.
								$name = $user_for_token->get('name')->value;
								// $user_for_token->getAccountName();
								if (!user_is_blocked($name)) {
								else {
									drupal_set_message(t('Your account is blocked.'), 'error');
									// Clear session.
							// Social Link Plugin used?
							elseif ($data['plugin']['key'] == 'social_link') {

								// The user should be logged in.
								$user = \Drupal::currentUser();

								// User is logged in.
								if (is_object($user) && $user->isAuthenticated()) {

									// The existing token does not match the current user!
									if ($user_for_token->id() <> $user->id()) {
										drupal_set_message(t('This @social_network account is already linked to another user.', array(
												'@social_network' => $provider_name,
										)), 'error');
									// The existing token matches the current user!
									else {
										// Link identity.
										if ($data['plugin']['data']['action'] == 'link_identity') {
											\social_login_map_identity_token_to_user_token($user, $identity_token, $user_token, $provider_name);
											drupal_set_message(t('The @social_network account has been linked to your account.', array(
													'@social_network' => $provider_name,
											)), 'status');
										// Unlink identity.
										else {
											drupal_set_message(t('The social network account has been unlinked from your account.'), 'status');

										// Clear session.

										// Redirect to profile.
										\Drupal::logger('social_login')->notice('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' redirecting to '. \Drupal::url('user.page'));
										return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('user.page'));
								// User is not logged in.
								else {
									drupal_set_message(t('You must be logged in to perform this action.'), 'error');

									// Clear session.

									// Redirect to home.
									return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('<front>'));
						// New user.
						else {
							\Drupal::logger('social_login')->notice('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' new user');
							// New users may register.
							if (\Drupal::config('user.settings')->get('register') != USER_REGISTER_ADMINISTRATORS_ONLY) {
								// Extract the user's email address.
								$user_email = '';
								$user_email_is_verified = NULL;
								$user_email_is_random = NULL;

								if (isset($identity['emails']) && is_array($identity['emails'])) {
									while (!$user_email_is_verified && (list(, $email) = each($identity['emails']))) {
										$user_email = $email['value'];
										$user_email_is_verified = (!empty($email['is_verified']));

								// The admin has chosen the automatic registration.
								if ($registration_method <> 'manual') {

									// No email address / Email address already exists.
									if (empty($user_email) || \social_login_get_uid_for_email($user_email) !== FALSE) {

										// The admin wants users to fill out their email manually.
										if ($registration_method == 'auto_manual_email') {

											// We have to fall back to the default registration.
											$registration_method = 'manual';
										// The admin has enabled the usage of random email addresses.
										else {

											// Create a bogus email.
											$user_email = \social_login_create_random_email();

											// Flag - is used further down.
											$user_email_is_random = TRUE;

								// Automatic registration is still enabled.
								if ($registration_method <> 'manual') {

									// If something goes wrong fall back to manual registration.
									$registration_method = 'manual';

									// Extract User Firstname.
									$user_first_name = (!empty($identity['name']['givenName']) ? $identity['name']['givenName'] : '');

									// Extract User Lastname.
									$user_last_name = (!empty($identity['name']['familyName']) ? $identity['name']['familyName'] : '');

									// Forge User Login.
									$user_login = '';
									if (!empty($identity['preferredUsername'])) {
										$user_login = $identity['preferredUsername'];
									elseif (!empty($identity['displayName'])) {
										$user_login = $identity['displayName'];
									elseif (!empty($identity['name']['formatted'])) {
										$user_login = $identity['name']['formatted'];
									else {
										$user_login = trim($user_first_name . ' ' . $user_last_name);

									// We absolutely need a unique username.
									if (strlen(trim($user_login)) == 0 || \social_login_get_uid_for_name(trim($user_login)) !== FALSE) {
										$i = 1;
										$user_login = $provider_name . t('User');
										while (\social_login_get_uid_for_name($user_login) !== FALSE) {
											$user_login = $provider_name . t('User') . $i++;

									// We also need a password.
									$user_password = user_password(8);

									// Check the approval setting.
									switch ($registration_approval) {
										// No approval required.
										case 'disable':
											$user_status = 1;

											// Manual approval required.
										case 'enable':
											$user_status = 0;

											// Use the system-wide setting.
											$user_status = \Drupal::config('user.settings')->get('register') == USER_REGISTER_VISITORS ? 1 : 0;

									$user_roles = array();  // real user accounts get the authenticated user role.
									// Make sure at least one module implements our hook.
									if (count(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->getImplementations('social_login_default_user_roles')) > 0) {
										// Call modules that implements the hook.
										$user_roles = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('social_login_default_user_roles', $user_roles);

									// Setup the user fields.
									$user_fields = array(
											'name' => $user_login,
											'mail' => $user_email,
											'pass' => $user_password,
											'status' => $user_status,
											'init' => $user_email,
											'roles' => $user_roles,

									// Create a new user.
									$account = User::create($user_fields);

									// The new account has been created correctly.
									if ($account !== FALSE) {

										// Disable Drupal legacy registration.
										$registration_method = 'auto';

										// Log the new user in.
										if (($uid = \Drupal::service("user.auth")->authenticate($user_login, $user_password)) !== FALSE) {

											// Loads a user object.
											$user = User::load($uid);


											// Send email if it's not a random email.
											if ($user_email_is_random !== TRUE) {
												// No approval required.
												if ($user_status == 1) {
													_user_mail_notify('register_no_approval_required', $user);
													drupal_set_message(t('You have succesfully created an account and linked it with your @social_network account.', array(
															'@social_network' => $provider_name,
													)), 'status');
												// Approval required.
												else {
													$a = _user_mail_notify('register_pending_approval', $user);
													drupal_set_message(t('Thank you for applying for an account. Your account is currently pending approval by the site administrator.<br />You will receive an email once your account has been approved and you can then login with your @social_network account.', array(
															'@social_network' => $provider_name,
													)), 'status');
											// Random email used.
											else {
												drupal_set_message(t('You have succesfully created an account and linked it with your @social_network account.', array(
														'@social_network' => $provider_name,
												)), 'status');
										// For some reason we could not log the user in.
										else {
											// Redirect to login page (login manually).
											drupal_set_message(t('Error while logging you in, please try to login manually.'), 'error');
											\Drupal::logger('social_login')->error('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' auto login, redirecting to '. \Drupal::url('user.login'));
											return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('user.login'));
									// An error occured during user->save().
									else {
										// Redirect to registration page (register manually).
										drupal_set_message(t('Error while creating your user account, please try to register manually.'), 'error');
										\Drupal::logger('social_login')->error('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' auto register, redirecting to '. \Drupal::url('user.register'));
										return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('user.register'));

								// Use the legacy registration form?
								if ($registration_method == 'manual') {
									// Redirect to the registration page (+ prepopulate form with SESSION data).
									\Drupal::logger('social_login')->notice('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' manual register, redirecting to '. \Drupal::url('user.register'));
									return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('user.register'));
							// Registration disabled.
							else {
								drupal_set_message(t('Only site administrators can create new user accounts.'), 'error');
								return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('<front>'));
				else {
					\Drupal::logger('social_login')->error('- '. __FUNCTION__ .'@'. __LINE__ .' invalid JSON received from resource');

		// Return to the front page.
		return new RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('<front>'));
 public function username_check_mail_callback()
     $output = [];
     $mail = $_GET['mail'];
     $ret = valid_email_address($mail);
     if (!$ret) {
         $output['msg'] = $ret;
     } else {
         $ret = user_is_blocked($mail);
         $output['allowed'] = FALSE;
         if ($ret) {
             $output['allowed'] = FALSE;
             $output['msg'] = t('The e-mail address %mail is not allowed.', ['%mail' => $mail]);
         } else {
             $mail = String::checkPlain($mail);
             $ret = $this->_username_check_is_mail_exists($mail);
             if ($ret) {
                 $url = Url::fromRoute("user.page");
                 $login_link = \Drupal::l(t('login'), $url);
                 $forgot_link = \Drupal::l(t(' password'), $url);
                 $output['allowed'] = FALSE;
                 $output['msg'] = t('The e-mail address %mail is already in the system, you have an account here. Please ' . $login_link . ' or if you\'ve forgotten your password, ' . $forgot_link . '.', ['%mail' => $mail]);
             } else {
                 $output['allowed'] = TRUE;
     return new JsonResponse($output);